51 research outputs found

    Bitstreams Repository Hierarchy for FPGA Partially Reconfigurable Systems

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    In this paper we present a hierarchy of bitstreams repositories for FPGA-based networked and partially reconfigurable systems. These systems target embedded systems with very scarce hardware resources taking advantage of dynamic, specific and optimized architectures. Based on FPGA integrated circuits, they require a single FPGA with a network controller and less external memories to store reconfiguration software, bitstreams and buffer pools used by today's standard communication protocols. Our measures, based on a real implementation, show that our repository hierarchy is functional and can download bitstreams with a reconfiguration speed ten times faster than known solutions

    Design abstraction for autonomous adaptive hardware systems on FPGAs

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    Adaptive hardware is gaining importance with the emergence of more autonomous systems that must process large volumes of sensor data and react within tight deadlines. To support such computation within the constraints of embedded deployments, a blend of high throughput hardware processing and adaptive control is required. FPGAs offer an ideal platform for implementing such systems by virtue of their hardware flexibility and sensor interfacing capabilities. FPGA SoCs are specifically well suited offering capable embedded processors that are tightly coupled with a flexible high performance FPGA fabric. This paper explores existing work on adaptive hardware systems before proposing a general model and implementation approach tailored towards these modern FPGA architectures, concluding with pointers for research in this emerging field

    Just In Time Assembly (JITA) - A Run Time Interpretation Approach for Achieving Productivity of Creating Custom Accelerators in FPGAs

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    The reconfigurable computing community has yet to be successful in allowing programmers to access FPGAs through traditional software development flows. Existing barriers that prevent programmers from using FPGAs include: 1) knowledge of hardware programming models, 2) the need to work within the vendor specific CAD tools and hardware synthesis. This thesis presents a series of published papers that explore different aspects of a new approach being developed to remove the barriers and enable programmers to compile accelerators on next generation reconfigurable manycore architectures. The approach is entitled Just In Time Assembly (JITA) of hardware accelerators. The approach has been defined to allow hardware accelerators to be built and run through software compilation and run time interpretation outside of CAD tools and without requiring each new accelerator to be synthesized. The approach advocates the use of libraries of pre-synthesized components that can be referenced through symbolic links in a similar fashion to dynamically linked software libraries. Synthesis still must occur but is moved out of the application programmers software flow and into the initial coding process that occurs when programming patterns that define a Domain Specific Language (DSL) are first coded. Programmers see no difference between creating software or hardware functionality when using the DSL. A new run time interpreter is introduced to assemble the individual pre-synthesized hardware accelerators that comprise the accelerator functionality within a configurable tile array of partially reconfigurable slots at run time. Quantitative results are presented that compares utilization, performance, and productivity of the approach to what would be achieved by full custom accelerators created through traditional CAD flows using hardware programming models and passing through synthesis

    Design Modifications and Platform Implementation Procedures for Supporting Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration of FPGA Applications

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    Dynamic partial reconfiguration of FPGAs allows systems to autonomously alter sections of their design during runtime based on the state of the system. This functionality provides size, weight, and power benefits that are useful in extreme environments such as space. Therefore, NASA has requested research into the feasibility of using a commercial off-the-shelf software flow to convert a static HDL design to support partial reconfiguration. This project presents an analysis of this conversion process using the Xilinx Partial Reconfiguration Flow to convert the static design for the ITU G.729 Voice Decoder. This paper explores the design modifications that must be made to allow for partial reconfiguration. Furthermore, an in-depth description of how to set up the hardware platform to support the HDL application is provided. Finally, timing and size data are presented and analyzed to empirically show the benefits and limitations of using dynamic partial reconfiguration

    FPGA dynamic and partial reconfiguration : a survey of architectures, methods, and applications

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    Dynamic and partial reconfiguration are key differentiating capabilities of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). While they have been studied extensively in academic literature, they find limited use in deployed systems. We review FPGA reconfiguration, looking at architectures built for the purpose, and the properties of modern commercial architectures. We then investigate design flows, and identify the key challenges in making reconfigurable FPGA systems easier to design. Finally, we look at applications where reconfiguration has found use, as well as proposing new areas where this capability places FPGAs in a unique position for adoption

    High-speed dynamic partial reconfiguration for field programmable gate arrays

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    With dynamically and partially reconfigurable designs, it is necessary that the speed of the reconfiguration be accomplished in a time that is sufficiently small such that the operation of reconfiguration is not the limiting factor in the process. Therefore, the communication between the source of configuration and the configurable unit must be made as fast as possible. The aim of this work is to use an embedded controller internal to the FPGA to control the reconfiguration process and obtain the maximum speed at which reconfiguration can occur, with current FPGA technology. The use of Direct Memory Access (DMA) driven operations instead of the current arbitrated bus architectures yielded a 30% increase in the speed of reconfiguration compared to other methods such as OPB_HWICAP and PLB_HWICAP [1]. The use of interrupt driven partial reconfiguration was also introduced, allowing the processor to switch to other tasks during the reconfiguration operation. All of these contributions lead to significant performance improvements over current partial reconfiguration subsystems. The configuration controller was tested using four partially reconfigurable system implementations: (i) one targeting the Hard IP PowerPC405 on Virtex-4, (ii) a second targeting the Soft IP MicroBlaze on Virtex-5, (iii) a third targeting the Hard IP PowerPC440 on Virtex-5, and (iv) a fourth system targets the Hard IP PowerPC440 on Virtex-5 capable of adaptive feedback. The adaptive feedback Virtex-5 system can use internal voltage and temperature measurements from the Xilinx System Monitor IP to dynamically increase or decrease the speed of reconfiguration and/or change other reconfigurable aspects of the system to better match the environment

    Using Relocatable Bitstreams for Fault Tolerance

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    This research develops a method for relocating reconfigurable modules on the Virtex-II (Pro) family of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). A bitstream translation program is developed which correctly changes the location of a partial bitstream that implements a module on the FPGA. To take advantage of relocatable modules, three fault-tolerance circuit designs are developed and tested. This circuit can operate through a fault by efficiently removing the faulty module and replacing it with a relocated module without faults. The FPGA can recover from faults at a known location, without the need for external intervention using an embedded fault recovery system. The recovery system uses an internal PowerPC to relocate the modules and reprogram the FPGA. Due to the limited architecture of the target FPGA and Xilinx tool errors, an FPGA with automatic fault recovery could not be demonstrated. However, the various components needed to do this type of recovery have been implemented and demonstrated individually

    RTRLIB : a high-level modeling tool for dynamically partially reconfigurable systems

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2020.Reconfiguração dinâmica parcial é considerada uma interessante técnica a ser aplicada para o aumento da flexibilidade de sistemas implementados em FPGA, em função da implementação dinâmica de módulos de hardware enquanto o restante do circuito permanece em operação. Trata- se de uma técnica utilizada em sistemas com requisitos muito restritos, como adaptabilidade, robustez, consumo de potência, custo e tolerância à falhas. Entretanto, a complexidade de desen- volvimento de sistemas com reconfiguração dinâmica parcial é consideravelmente alta quando comparada à de sistemas com lógica totalmente estática. Nesse sentido, novas metodologias e ferramentas de desenvolvimento são necessárias para reduzir a complexidade de implementação desse tipo de sistema. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho apresenta o RTRLib, uma ferramenta de modelagem em alto nível para o desenvolvimento de sistemas com reconfiguração dinâmica parcial em dispositivos Xilinx Zynq a partir da especificação e parametrização de alguns blocos. Sob condições específi- cas, o RTRLib automaticamante produz os scripts de hardware e software para implementação da solução utilizando o Vivado Design Suite e o SDK. Tais scripts são compostos pelos comandos necessários para a implementação do sistema desde a criação do projeto de hardware até a criação do arquivo de boot. Uma vez que o RTRLib é composto por IP-Cores previamente caracterizados, a ferramenta também pode ser utilizada para a análise, em fase de modelagem, do sistema a ser implementado, por meio da estimação de características importantes do sistema, como o consumo de recursos e latência. O presente trabalho também inclui novas funcionalidades implementadas no RTRLib no con- texto do design de hardware e de software, como: generalização do script de hardware, mapea- mento de IO, floorplanning por meio de uma GUI, criação de um gerador de script de software, gerador de template de aplicação standalone que faz uso do partial reconfiguration controller (PRC) e implementação de uma biblioteca para aplicações FreeRTOS. Por fim, quatro estudos de casos foram implementados para demonstrar as funcionalidades da ferramenta: um sistema de classificação de terrenos baseado em redes neurais, um sistema com regressores lineares utilizado para controle de uma prótese miocinética de mão e, por último, uma aplicação hipotética de um sistema com requisitos de tempo real.Partial dynamic reconfiguration is considered an interesting technique to increase flexibility in FPGA designs due to the dynamic replacement of hardware modules while the remainder of the circuit remains in operation. It is used in systems with hard requirements such as adaptability, robustness, power consumption, cost, and fault-tolerance. However, the complexity to develop dynamically partially reconfigurable systems in considerably higher comparing with static de- signs. Therefore, new design methodologies and tools have been required to reduce the design complexity of such systems. In this context, this work presents the RTRLib, a high-level modeling tool for the development of dynamically reconfigurable systems on Xilinx Zynq devices by a simple system specification and parametrization of some blocks. Under specific conditions, RTRLib automatically generates the hardware and software scripts to implement the solution using Vivado and SDK. These scripts are composed by the sequential design steps from hardware project creation to the boot image elaboration. Since RTRLib is composed of pre-characterized IP-Cores, the tool also can be used to analyze the system behavior during the design process by the early estimation of essential characteristics of the system such as resource consumption and latency. The present work also includes the new functionalities implemented on RTRLib in the context of the hardware and the software design, such as: hardware script generalization, IO mapping, floorplanning by a GUI, software script creation, generator of a standalone template application that uses PRC, and implementation of a FreeRTOS library application. Finally, four case studies were implemented to demonstrate the tool capability: a system for terrain classification based on neuron networks, a linear regressor system used to control a myokinetic-based prosthetic hand, and a hypothetical real-time application

    A Dynamically Reconfigurable Parallel Processing Framework with Application to High-Performance Video Processing

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    Digital video processing demands have and will continue to grow at unprecedented rates. Growth comes from ever increasing volume of data, demand for higher resolution, higher frame rates, and the need for high capacity communications. Moreover, economic realities force continued reductions in size, weight and power requirements. The ever-changing needs and complexities associated with effective video processing systems leads to the consideration of dynamically reconfigurable systems. The goal of this dissertation research was to develop and demonstrate the viability of integrated parallel processing system that effectively and efficiently apply pre-optimized hardware cores for processing video streamed data. Digital video is decomposed into packets which are then distributed over a group of parallel video processing cores. Real time processing requires an effective task scheduler that distributes video packets efficiently to any of the reconfigurable distributed processing nodes across the framework, with the nodes running on FPGA reconfigurable logic in an inherently Virtual\u27 mode. The developed framework, coupled with the use of hardware techniques for dynamic processing optimization achieves an optimal cost/power/performance realization for video processing applications. The system is evaluated by testing processor utilization relative to I/O bandwidth and algorithm latency using a separable 2-D FIR filtering system, and a dynamic pixel processor. For these applications, the system can achieve performance of hundreds of 640x480 video frames per second across an eight lane Gen I PCIe bus. Overall, optimal performance is achieved in the sense that video data is processed at the maximum possible rate that can be streamed through the processing cores. This performance, coupled with inherent ability to dynamically add new algorithms to the described dynamically reconfigurable distributed processing framework, creates new opportunities for realizable and economic hardware virtualization.\u2

    Achieving a better balance between productivity and performance on FPGAs through Heterogeneous Extensible Multiprocessor Systems

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    Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) were first introduced circa 1980, and they held the promise of delivering performance levels associated with customized circuits, but with productivity levels more closely associated with software development. Achieving both performance and productivity objectives has been a long standing challenge problem for the reconfigurable computing community and remains unsolved today. On one hand, Vendor supplied design flows have tended towards achieving the high levels of performance through gate level customization, but at the cost of very low productivity. On the other hand, FPGA densities are following Moore\u27s law and and can now support complete multiprocessor system architectures. Thus FPGAs can be turned into an architecture with programmable processors which brings productivity but sacrifices the peak performance advantages of custom circuits. In this thesis we explore how the two use cases can be combined to achieve the best from both. The flexibility of the FPGAs to host a heterogeneous multiprocessor system with different types of programmable processors and custom accelerators allows the software developers to design a platform that matches the unique performance needs of their application. However, currently no automated approaches are publicly available to create such heterogeneous architectures as well as the software support for these platforms. Creating base architectures, configuring multiple tool chains, and repetitive engineering design efforts can and should be automated. This thesis introduces Heterogeneous Extensible Multiprocessor System (HEMPS) template approach which allows an FPGA to be programmed with productivity levels close to those associated with parallel processing, and with performance levels close to those associated with customized circuits. The work in this thesis introduces an ArchGen script to automate the generation of HEMPS systems as well as a library of portable and self tuning polymorphic functions. These tools will abstract away the HW/SW co-design details and provide a transparent programming language to capture different levels of parallelisms, without sacrificing productivity or portability