5 research outputs found

    Novel Classes of Bipolar Soft Generalized Topological Structures: Compactness and Homeomorphisms

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    The purpose of this paper is to define bipolar soft generalized compact sets and bipolar soft generalized compact spaces. The structures of g~~-centralized bipolar soft generalized closed sets collection in a bipolar soft generalized compact space are given. Moreover, some main properties of bipolar soft generalized compactness are discussed and their relationships are studied. The concept of a bipolar soft generalized compactness is introduced and it investigates under what condition a bipolar soft generalized topological space forms a bipolar soft generalized compact space. The relation between bipolar soft generalized compact space and soft generalized compact space is proposed. Furthermore, some further properties of bipolar soft mappings, such as bipolar soft composite mappings, are presented and some of their characteristics are explained. Additionally, novel classes of bipolar soft mapping such as bipolar soft generalized continuous, bipolar soft generalized open, and bipolar soft generalized closed mappings are defined. Finally, some results and counterexamples are obtained

    Security Risks to Petroleum Industry: An Innovative Modeling Technique Based on Novel Concepts of Complex Bipolar Fuzzy Information

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    In today’s world, the countries that have easy access to energy resources are economically strong, and thus, maintaining a better geopolitical position is important. Petroleum products such as gas and oil are currently the leading energy resources. Due to their excessive worth, the petroleum industries face many risks and security threats. Observing the nature of such problems, it is asserted that the complex bipolar fuzzy information is a better choice for modeling them. Keeping the said problem in mind, this article introduces the novel structure of complex bipolar fuzzy relation (CBFR), which is basically used to find out the relationships between complex bipolar fuzzy sets (CBFSs). Similarly, the types of CBFRs are also defined, which is helpful during the process of analyzing and interpreting the problem. Moreover, some useful results and interesting properties of the proposed structures are deliberated. Further, a new modeling technique based on the proposed structures is initiated, which is used to investigate the security risks to petroleum industries. Furthermore, a detailed comparative analysis proves the advantages and supremacy of CBFRs over other structures. Therefore, the results achieved by the proposed methods are substantially reliable, practical and complete

    Bipolar fuzzy soft sets and its applications in decision making problem

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