64,647 research outputs found

    Publicaciones & Actividades de Bioética y Derecho

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    Bioética y laicismo, tema central de la última sesión de la Asociación de Bioética y Derecho UB. Bioética y animales. Proyecto “Género y Bioética: autonomía de las mujeres en salud”. Libro “La medida de lo humano. Ensayos de Bioética y cine”. Breve presentación de la Revista Redbioética/UNESCO

    Formación en Bioética: el Máster en Bioética y Derecho del Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho, Universitat de Barcelona

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    Este artículo es una reseña del trabajo del Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho de la U. de Barcelona para promover la educación y formación en Bioética dentro del contexto hispanoamericano.Este artículo es una reseña del trabajo del Observatorio de Bioética y Derecho de la U. de Barcelona para promover la educación y formación en Bioética dentro del contexto hispanoamericano

    Informe del Comité de Bioética de España sobre los aspectos bioéticos de la priorización de recursos sanitarios en el contexto de la crisis del coronavirus

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    Informe sobre los aspectos bioéticos de la priorización de recursos sanitarios en el contexto de la crisis del coronaviru

    The political dimension of animal ethics in the context of bioethics: problems of integration and future challenges

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    Animal ethics has reached a new phase with the development of animal ethical thinking. Topics and problems previously discussed in terms of moral theories and ethical concepts are now being reformulated in terms of political theory and political action. This constitutes a paradigm shift for Animal Ethics. It indicates the transition from a field focused on relations between individuals (humans and animals) to a new viewpoint that incorporates the political dimensions of the relationships between human communities and non-human animals. Animals are no longer seen as a heterogeneous group of sentient beings or simply as species, but as part of a common good that is simultaneously human and animal. In order to participate in this new phase, bioethics will have to face a series of challenges that have hindered the integration of animal ethics within its field. It will also need the development of a new theoretical framework based on relations between communities of individuals. This framework will be able to highlight the ethical and political dimensions that arise from interactions between human communities, non-human animals and the ecosystem

    "Pelas lentes do cinema. Bioética e ética em pesquisa". Dirce Guilhem, Debora Diniz, Fabio Zicker (Eds. ) . Letras Livres, Universidade de Brasí l i a , Brasília 2007, 216 páginas.

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    Comentario de un libro que está directamente relacionado con el binomio Bioética y Cine. Bajo el título "Pelas lentes do Cinema. Bioética e Ética em Pesquisa" subyace una interesante e innovadora propuesta pedagógica, sobre todo, desde el punto de vista metodológico, para la enseñanza de la Bioética a través de las películas y los documentales

    Ethics and/or aesthetics? reflections on cosmetic surgery for adolescents

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    Cosmetic surgery entails various ethical issues, even more so in cases involving adolescent patients. Cosmetic surgeons need to take into account how modern societies consider physical appearance an essential component of everyday life, as well as the vulnerability of youths and adolescents. For that reason, it is imperative to thoroughly assess the psychological and emotional states, in addition to the motivations, of minor patients. That goal can be achieved through the use of the DAS-59, (the Derriford Appearance Scale)1 , an effective and dependable tool devised to evaluate the psychological difficulties and distress experienced by people living with problems of appearance. Prior to undergoing cosmetic surgery procedures, adolescents should be required to go through adequate counseling, over multiple sessions and extended to their family members as well, on account of the complex issues inherent in evaluating the risk-benefit ratio and a prospective patient's decision-making capability. A concerted effort on the part of surgeons, psychiatrists or psychologists is key in determining the real motivations behind a minor's decision to opt for cosmetic surgery in the first place. Possible psychiatric conditions may in fact prevent a minor from making a free, informed decision. From an ethical standpoint, cosmetic surgery procedures should be geared to serve the best interest of the minor patient, who may experience distress over his or her body image, from a health and psychological balance perspective and improve his or her social, affective and working life. Besides, cosmetic surgery should not be overly invasive compared to its potential benefits. Those procedures aimed at achieving ″ideal beauty″ are not desirable and ought to be banned. By virtue of such criteria, the authors have set out to evaluate the ethical admissibility of some aesthetic treatments. Thus, doctors should not consent to any request coming from their patients, but rather, intervene only in presence of an objective physical flaw or deformity, e.g. protruding ears, which have a potential to negatively affect social life and interactions

    Ética na prescrición

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    Por una bioética transdisciplinaria tendiente a la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria

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    Las exigencias actuales obligan ver a la bioética de una forma que pueda dar respuesta a su objeto de estudio pero también a la evolución que han sufrido las interacciones humanas. Por lo que una herramienta que nos proporciona- rá una nueva visión de la bioética será la Trandisciplinariedad.Se realiza tal afirmación ya que en cualquier ciencia puede volverse transdisciplinaria y realizar su camino por los grados de la transdiscplinariedad a través de la relación entre los tres principios; rigor apertura y tolerancia, y los tres pila- res metodológicos que son: complejidad, niveles de Realidad y tercero excluido.Esta nueva visión de la bioética desencadenará inherentemente una nueva actitud que tenga impresa en su queha- cer cotidiano a la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria -RSU- y así entre estos tres elementos: Bioética, Trandisciplinariedad y RSU se formará un bucle recursivo potenciador de lo mejor de lo humano.Palabras claves: Bioética, Transdiscplinariedad, Responsabilidad Social Universitari