2,251 research outputs found

    Methodological Flaws in Cognitive Animat Research

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    In the field of convergence between research in autonomous machine construction and biological systems understanding it is usually argued that building robots for research on auton- omy by replicating extant animals is a valuable strategy for engineering autonomous intelligent systems. In this paper we will address the very issue of animat construction, the ratio- nale behind this, their current implementations and the value they are producing. It will be shown that current activity, as it is done today, is deeply flawed and useless as research in the science and engineering of autonomy

    The Future of Humanoid Robots

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    This book provides state of the art scientific and engineering research findings and developments in the field of humanoid robotics and its applications. It is expected that humanoids will change the way we interact with machines, and will have the ability to blend perfectly into an environment already designed for humans. The book contains chapters that aim to discover the future abilities of humanoid robots by presenting a variety of integrated research in various scientific and engineering fields, such as locomotion, perception, adaptive behavior, human-robot interaction, neuroscience and machine learning. The book is designed to be accessible and practical, with an emphasis on useful information to those working in the fields of robotics, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, computational methods and other fields of science directly or indirectly related to the development and usage of future humanoid robots. The editor of the book has extensive R&D experience, patents, and publications in the area of humanoid robotics, and his experience is reflected in editing the content of the book

    Extended Skin: Designing Interactive Content for Ubiquitous Computing Materials

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    Current research is inspired by the impact of digital media on disciplinary division. Sim- ultaneously, recognizes the difficulty of engineering (applied science) to consider the humani- ties as fundamental contributors in the process of making. Steaming from a design perspective, the intersection between art (design) and science, questions if these relations can open per- spectives on the matter of designing within a U.C. context, and fundamentally, introduces the question on how this can be done Furthermore, the motivation for this research arises from considering that innovation in technology is happening in the fields typically identified as engineering. And, despite this, the in-corporation of these inventions in life, considering some discussed exceptions, has not typ- ically been present in the concerns of design action and methods. Therefore, the challenge of current research is to contribute to the realm of ubiquitous computing, routed by design, to some degree aiming to contribute to the field. A deeper analysis into the subject of U.C., there is the realization that there is minority presence of the humanities in the discussion of U.C. (Dourish and Bell, 2011). Technological disruption offers continuous inspiration for design innovation within U.C. Furthermore, the inquiry labeled as “material turn” contextualizes a dialogue between nano- technology and traditional materials. Nanotechnology is applied to project development, while considering a human centred design approach. This focus is present throughout this disserta- tion. The research proposal describes SuberSkin, as a responsive surface that works as a screen. The exploration of aesthetical effects is focused on visual properties – using high con- trast between natural cork colors, dark and light brown. The proposal is highly experimental, and ultimately, aims to explore potential routes on cork research, linked to that of U.C. Thus, recreating and transforming this material into an intelligent surface. In sum, this thesis discusses displacement of disciplines suggested as having a positive impact in interdisciplinary thought and for future design. Therefore a methodology, "research through techne" is presented that illustrates this intention.A presente pesquisa é inspirada pelo impacto exercido pelos media digitais na divisão disciplinar. Simultaneamente, reconhece a dificuldade da engenharia (ciência aplicada) em considerar as humanidades como contribuintes fundamentais no processo de fazer. Partindo de uma perspectiva de design e da interseção entre arte (design) e ciência, questiona-se se essas relações poderão abrir perspectivas na criação no âmbito da Computação Ubíqua. Fun- damentalmente, introduz a questão de como poderá ser feito. A motivação para esta pesquisa decorre de considerar que a inovação tecnológica acontece nas áreas normalmente identificadas como engenharia. E, apesar disso, a incor- poração dessas invenções na vida, considerando as exceções discutidas, normalmente não está presente nas preocupações, ação e métodos de design. Portanto, o desafio da pesquisa é con- tribuir para o domínio da Computação Ubíqua, orientada pelo design. Uma análise mais pro- funda sobre o tema da Computação Ubiqua, constata que há na sua discussão uma presença minoritária das humanidades (Dourish e Bell, 2011). A disrupção tecnológica oferece inspiração contínua para inovação de design, e o mesmo se aplica no âmbito da Computação Ubíqua. Além disso, a pesquisa intitulada como “material turn” contextualiza um diálogo entre a nanotecnologia e os materiais tradicionais. A nanotecnologia é aplicada ao desenvolvimento de projetos, considerando uma abordagem de design centrada no ser humano. Este foco está presente ao longo desta dissertação. O projecto de pesquisa descreve SuberSkin, uma superfície responsiva. A exploração centra-se nos efeitos estéticos da cortiça, recorrendo a um contraste entre as suas cores natu- rais: castanho escuro e claro. A proposta é experimental e, em última análise, visa explorar potenciais linhas de investigação ligando a cortiça à Computação Ubíqua. E assim, recriar e transformar este material numa superfície inteligente. Em suma, esta tese discute o deslocamento disciplinar como tendo um impacto posi- tivo no pensamento interdisciplinar e no futuro da prática do design. Consequentemente, apresenta uma metodologia, "investigação através da techne" que a exemplifica

    A future of living machines? International trends and prospects in biomimetic and biohybrid systems

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    Research in the fields of biomimetic and biohybrid systems is developing at an accelerating rate. Biomimetics can be understood as the development of new technologies using principles abstracted from the study of biological systems, however, biomimetics can also be viewed from an alternate perspective as an important methodology for improving our understanding of the world we live in and of ourselves as biological organisms. A biohybrid entity comprises at least one artificial (engineered) component combined with a biological one. With technologies such as microscale mobile computing, prosthetics and implants, humankind is moving towards a more biohybrid future in which biomimetics helps us to engineer biocompatible technologies. This paper reviews recent progress in the development of biomimetic and biohybrid systems focusing particularly on technologies that emulate living organisms—living machines. Based on our recent bibliographic analysis [1] we examine how biomimetics is already creating life-like robots and identify some key unresolved challenges that constitute bottlenecks for the field. Drawing on our recent research in biomimetic mammalian robots, including humanoids, we review the future prospects for such machines and consider some of their likely impacts on society, including the existential risk of creating artifacts with significant autonomy that could come to match or exceed humankind in intelligence. We conclude that living machines are more likely to be a benefit than a threat but that we should also ensure that progress in biomimetics and biohybrid systems is made with broad societal consent. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only