13 research outputs found

    Predict collagen hydroxyproline sites using support vector machines.

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    addresses: School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom. [email protected]: Journal ArticleThis is a copy of an article published in the Journal of Computational Biology © 2009 copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; Journal of Computational Biology is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.com.Collagen hydroxyproline is an important posttranslational modification activity because of its close relationship with various diseases and signaling activities. However, there is no study to date for constructing models for predicting collagen hydroxyproline sites. Support vector machines with two kernel functions (the identity kernel function and the bio-kernel function) have been used for constructing models for predicting collagen hydroxyproline sites in this study. The models are constructed based on 37 sequences collected from NCBI. Peptide data are generated using a sliding window with various sizes to scan the sequences. Fivefold cross-validation is used for model evaluation. The best model has specificity of 70% and sensitivity of 90%

    Bioinformatics Tools for Data Processing and Prediction of Protein Function

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    Bioinformatika semakin populer karena kemampuannya untuk menganalisis dan memproses data biologis dengan cepat dan efektif. Bagian penting dari bioinformatika adalah untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi dan karakteristik protein dengan membangun metode prediksi menggunakan algoritma pembelajaran mesin. Ini termasuk bagaimana pembelajaran mesin dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis dan mengklasifikasikan fungsi protein yang cocok untuk digunakan sebagai deteksi penyakit, merancang perawatan medis yang tepat untuk pasien, dan mengembangkan obat untuk beberapa penyakit. Permintaan untuk pembuatan predictive tools dalam menentukan model protein-ligand dan fungsi protein meningkat untuk mempromosikan penelitian biologi dalam lingkungan desain obat yang inovatif. Namun, dibutuhkan banyak waktu dan upaya untuk mengembangkan alat prediksi yang dapat diterapkan pada protein. Dalam penelitian ini kami mengembangkan tools bioinformatika yang dapat secara otomatis mengembalikan data protein dalam bentuk komposisi asam amino (AAC), komposisi pasangan dipeptida (DPC), dan matriks penentuan spesifikasi posisi (PSSM). Data protein, telah kita ambil dari database uniprot yang berisi file fasta. Penelitian ini, kami membuat alat untuk memfasilitasi ilmuwan dalam memproses atau menganalisis data protein dan juga dapat memprediksi fungsi protein menggunakan algoritma pembelajaran mesin seperti Neural Network dan Random Forest.   Kata Kunci—Bionformatika, AAC, DPC, PSS

    Incorporating Distant Sequence Features and Radial Basis Function Networks to Identify Ubiquitin Conjugation Sites

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    Ubiquitin (Ub) is a small protein that consists of 76 amino acids about 8.5 kDa. In ubiquitin conjugation, the ubiquitin is majorly conjugated on the lysine residue of protein by Ub-ligating (E3) enzymes. Three major enzymes participate in ubiquitin conjugation. They are – E1, E2 and E3 which are responsible for activating, conjugating and ligating ubiquitin, respectively. Ubiquitin conjugation in eukaryotes is an important mechanism of the proteasome-mediated degradation of a protein and regulating the activity of transcription factors. Motivated by the importance of ubiquitin conjugation in biological processes, this investigation develops a method, UbSite, which uses utilizes an efficient radial basis function (RBF) network to identify protein ubiquitin conjugation (ubiquitylation) sites. This work not only investigates the amino acid composition but also the structural characteristics, physicochemical properties, and evolutionary information of amino acids around ubiquitylation (Ub) sites. With reference to the pathway of ubiquitin conjugation, the substrate sites for E3 recognition, which are distant from ubiquitylation sites, are investigated. The measurement of F-score in a large window size (−20∼+20) revealed a statistically significant amino acid composition and position-specific scoring matrix (evolutionary information), which are mainly located distant from Ub sites. The distant information can be used effectively to differentiate Ub sites from non-Ub sites. As determined by five-fold cross-validation, the model that was trained using the combination of amino acid composition and evolutionary information performs best in identifying ubiquitin conjugation sites. The prediction sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy are 65.5%, 74.8%, and 74.5%, respectively. Although the amino acid sequences around the ubiquitin conjugation sites do not contain conserved motifs, the cross-validation result indicates that the integration of distant sequence features of Ub sites can improve predictive performance. Additionally, the independent test demonstrates that the proposed method can outperform other ubiquitylation prediction tools

    An efficient visualization tool for the analysis of protein mutation matrices

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is useful to develop a tool that would effectively describe protein mutation matrices specifically geared towards the identification of mutations that produce either wanted or unwanted effects, such as an increase or decrease in affinity, or a predisposition towards misfolding. Here, we describe a tool where such mutations are efficiently identified, categorized and visualized. To categorize the mutations, amino acids in a mutation matrix are arrang according to one of three sets of physicochemical characteristics, namely hydrophilicity, size and polarizability, and charge and polarity. The magnitude and frequences of mutations for an alignment are subsequently described using color information and scaling factors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To illustrate the capabilities of our approach, the technique is used to visualize and to compare mutation patterns in evolving sequences with diametrically opposite characteristics. Results show the emergence of distinct patterns not immediately discernible from the raw matrices.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our technique enables effective categorization and visualization of mutations by using specifically-arranged mutation matrices. This tool has a number of possible applications in protein engineering, notably in simplifying the identification of mutations and/or mutation trends that are associated with specific engineered protein characteristics and behavior.</p

    Incorporating significant amino acid pairs to identify O-linked glycosylation sites on transmembrane proteins and non-transmembrane proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While occurring enzymatically in biological systems, O-linked glycosylation affects protein folding, localization and trafficking, protein solubility, antigenicity, biological activity, as well as cell-cell interactions on membrane proteins. Catalytic enzymes involve glycotransferases, sugar-transferring enzymes and glycosidases which trim specific monosaccharides from precursors to form intermediate structures. Due to the difficulty of experimental identification, several works have used computational methods to identify glycosylation sites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By investigating glycosylated sites that contain various motifs between Transmembrane (TM) and non-Transmembrane (non-TM) proteins, this work presents a novel method, GlycoRBF, that implements radial basis function (RBF) networks with significant amino acid pairs (SAAPs) for identifying O-linked glycosylated serine and threonine on TM proteins and non-TM proteins. Additionally, a membrane topology is considered for reducing the false positives on glycosylated TM proteins. Based on an evaluation using five-fold cross-validation, the consideration of a membrane topology can reduce 31.4% of the false positives when identifying O-linked glycosylation sites on TM proteins. Via an independent test, GlycoRBF outperforms previous O-linked glycosylation site prediction schemes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A case study of Cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factor ATF-6 alpha was presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of GlycoRBF. Web-based GlycoRBF, which can be accessed at <url>http://GlycoRBF.bioinfo.tw</url>, can identify O-linked glycosylated serine and threonine effectively and efficiently. Moreover, the structural topology of Transmembrane (TM) proteins with glycosylation sites is provided to users. The stand-alone version of GlycoRBF is also available for high throughput data analysis.</p

    An Empirical Study of Different Approaches for Protein Classification

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    Many domains would benefit from reliable and efficient systems for automatic protein classification. An area of particular interest in recent studies on automatic protein classification is the exploration of new methods for extracting features from a protein that work well for specific problems. These methods, however, are not generalizable and have proven useful in only a few domains. Our goal is to evaluate several feature extraction approaches for representing proteins by testing them across multiple datasets. Different types of protein representations are evaluated: those starting from the position specific scoring matrix of the proteins (PSSM), those derived from the amino-acid sequence, two matrix representations, and features taken from the 3D tertiary structure of the protein. We also test new variants of proteins descriptors. We develop our system experimentally by comparing and combining different descriptors taken from the protein representations. Each descriptor is used to train a separate support vector machine (SVM), and the results are combined by sum rule. Some stand-alone descriptors work well on some datasets but not on others. Through fusion, the different descriptors provide a performance that works well across all tested datasets, in some cases performing better than the state-of-the-art