1,759 research outputs found

    Efficient binary cutting packet classification

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    Packet classification is the process of distributing packets into ‘flows’ in an internet router. Router processes all packets which belong to predefined rule sets in similar manner& classify them to decide upon what all services packet should receive. It plays an important role in both edge and core routers to provideadvanced network service such as quality of service, firewalls and intrusion detection. These services require the ability to categorize & isolate packet traffic in different flows for proper processing. Packet classification remains a classical problem, even though lots of researcher working on the problem. Existing algorithms such asHyperCuts,boundary cutting and HiCuts have achieved an efficient performance by representing rules in geometrical method in a classifier and searching for a geometric subspace to which each inputpacket belongs. Some fixed interval-based cutting not relating to the actual space that eachrule covers is ineffective and results in a huge storage requirement. However, the memoryconsumption of these algorithms remains quite high when high throughput is required.Hence in this paper we are proposing a new efficient splitting criterion which is memory andtime efficient as compared to other mentioned techniques. Our proposed approach known as (ABC) Adaptive Binary Cuttingproducesa set of different-sized cuts at each decision step, with the goal to balance the distribution offilters and to reduce the filter duplication effect. The proposed algorithmuses stronger andmore straightforward criteria for decision treeconstruction. Experimental results will showthe effectiveness of proposed algorithm as compared to existing algorithm using differentparameters such as time & memory. In this paper, no symmetrical size cut at each decision node, with aim to make a distribution of filters balanced and also to reduce redundancy in filter

    Feature Study on a Programmable Network Traffic Classifier

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    High performance modified bit-vector based packet classification module on low-cost FPGA

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    The packet classification plays a significant role in many network systems, which requires the incoming packets to be categorized into different flows and must take specific actions as per functional and application requirements. The network system speed is continuously increasing, so the demand for the packet classifier also increased. Also, the packet classifier's complexity is increased further due to multiple fields should match against a large number of rules. In this manuscript, an efficient and high performance modified bitvector (MBV) based packet classification (PC) is designed and implemented on low-cost Artix-7 FPGA. The proposed MBV based PC employs pipelined architecture, which offers low latency and high throughput for PC. The MBV based PC utilizes <2% slices, operating at 493.102 MHz, and consumes 0.1 W total power on Artix-7 FPGA. The proposed PC considers only 4 clock cycles to classify the incoming packets and provides 74.95 Gbps throughput. The comparative results in terms of hardware utilization and performance efficiency of proposed work with existing similar PC approaches are analyzed with better constraints improvement

    System-on-Chip Packet Processor for an Experimental Network Services Platform

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    As the focus of networking research shifts from raw performance to the delivery of advanced network services, there is a growing need for open-platform systems for extensible networking research. The Applied Research Laboratory at Washington University in Saint Louis has developed a flexible Network Services Platform (NSP) to meet this need. The NSP provides an extensible platform for prototyping next-generation network services and applications. This paper describes the design of a system-on-chip Packet Processor for the NSP which performs all core packet processing functions including segmentation and reassembly, packet classification, route lookup, and queue management. Targeted to a commercial configurable logic device, the system is designed to support gigabit links and switch fabrics with a 2:1 speed advantage. We provide resource consumption results for each component of the Packet Processor design

    On the Exploration of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis Capabilities on Multi-Gigabit-per-Second Networks

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Departamento de Tecnología Electrónica y de las Comunicaciones. Fecha de lectura: 24-01-2020Traffic on computer networks has faced an exponential grown in recent years. Both links and communication equipment had to adapt in order to provide a minimum quality of service required for current needs. However, in recent years, a few factors have prevented commercial off-the-shelf hardware from being able to keep pace with this growth rate, consequently, some software tools are struggling to fulfill their tasks, especially at speeds higher than 10 Gbit/s. For this reason, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have arisen as an alternative to address the most demanding tasks without the need to design an application specific integrated circuit, this is in part to their flexibility and programmability in the field. Needless to say, developing for FPGAs is well-known to be complex. Therefore, in this thesis we tackle the use of FPGAs and High-Level Synthesis (HLS) languages in the context of computer networks. We focus on the use of FPGA both in computer network monitoring application and reliable data transmission at very high-speed. On the other hand, we intend to shed light on the use of high level synthesis languages and boost FPGA applicability in the context of computer networks so as to reduce development time and design complexity. In the first part of the thesis, devoted to computer network monitoring. We take advantage of the FPGA determinism in order to implement active monitoring probes, which consist on sending a train of packets which is later used to obtain network parameters. In this case, the determinism is key to reduce the uncertainty of the measurements. The results of our experiments show that the FPGA implementations are much more accurate and more precise than the software counterpart. At the same time, the FPGA implementation is scalable in terms of network speed — 1, 10 and 100 Gbit/s. In the context of passive monitoring, we leverage the FPGA architecture to implement algorithms able to thin cyphered traffic as well as removing duplicate packets. These two algorithms straightforward in principle, but very useful to help traditional network analysis tools to cope with their task at higher network speeds. On one hand, processing cyphered traffic bring little benefits, on the other hand, processing duplicate traffic impacts negatively in the performance of the software tools. In the second part of the thesis, devoted to the TCP/IP stack. We explore the current limitations of reliable data transmission using standard software at very high-speed. Nowadays, the network is becoming an important bottleneck to fulfill current needs, in particular in data centers. What is more, in recent years the deployment of 100 Gbit/s network links has started. Consequently, there has been an increase scrutiny of how networking functionality is deployed, furthermore, a wide range of approaches are currently being explored to increase the efficiency of networks and tailor its functionality to the actual needs of the application at hand. FPGAs arise as the perfect alternative to deal with this problem. For this reason, in this thesis we develop Limago an FPGA-based open-source implementation of a TCP/IP stack operating at 100 Gbit/s for Xilinx’s FPGAs. Limago not only provides an unprecedented throughput, but also, provides a tiny latency when compared to the software implementations, at least fifteen times. Limago is a key contribution in some of the hottest topic at the moment, for instance, network-attached FPGA and in-network data processing

    HyPaFilter+: Enhanced Hybrid Packet Filtering using Hardware Assisted Classification and Header Space Analysis

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    Firewalls, key components for secured network in- frastructures, are faced with two different kinds of challenges: first, they must be fast enough to classify network packets at line speed, second, their packet processing capabilities should be versatile in order to support complex filtering policies. Unfortu- nately, most existing classification systems do not qualify equally well for both requirements: systems built on special-purpose hardware are fast, but limited in their filtering functionality. In contrast, software filters provide powerful matching semantics, but struggle to meet line speed. This motivates the combination of parallel, yet complexity-limited specialized circuitry with a slower, but versatile software firewall. The key challenge in such a design arises from the dependencies between classification rules due to their relative priorities within the rule set: complex rules requiring software-based processing may be interleaved at arbitrary positions between those where hardware processing is feasible. We therefore discuss approaches for partitioning and transforming rule sets for hybrid packet processing. As a result we propose HyPaFilter+, a hybrid classification system consisting of an FPGA-based hardware matcher and a Linux netfilter firewall, which provides a simple, yet effective hardware/software packet shunting algorithm. Our evaluation shows up to 30-fold throughput gains over software packet processing.We would like to acknowledge the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This work was, in part, supported by the EU Horizon 2020 SSICLOPS project (grant agreement 644866)