5,252 research outputs found

    Modeling Bill-of-material with Tree Data Structure: Case Study in Furniture Manufacturer

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    This paper presents a modeling of Bill-of-Material with tree data structure. The BOM represents wooden furniture products. The management of BOM is incorporated into an MRP software which is specially built for a furniture manufacturer. The tree data structure is approached with an object oriented programming to provide the creation and modification of the data. The tree object is designed so that a downstream programmer can create an application with high productivity, using the BOM object of course. Legality of the development is ensured by adapting open source resources, i.e. MySQL database engine, PHP server script, and client-side Javascript. The BOM object is used extensively in the MRP software that is being developed. A couple of screenshots are presented to demonstrate the ease of creation and manipulation of Bill-of-Material. The proper approach of modeling BOM with tree structure allows the programmer to reach high productivity during the development of the aforementioned MRP customized software

    Production RAW Material Inventory Control Information System at PT. SIIX EMS Indonesia

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    Application of web-based raw material inventory control information system with a bill of materials (BOM) using the PHP and MySQL programming language as a database, and using the SDLC livestock device engineering method with stages of planning, design, implementation, and testing. I create a recording application that provides information about the availability of raw material reducing the error in calculating the amount of raw material based on the bill of material. With this application, it can help to purchase in determining the number of raw materials needed for production based on the master bill of material data

    Production RAW Material Inventory Control Information System at PT. SIIX EMS Indonesia

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    Application of web-based raw material inventory control information system with a bill of materials (BOM) using the PHP and MySQL programming language as a database, and using the SDLC livestock device engineering method with stages of planning, design, implementation, and testing. I create a recording application that provides information about the availability of raw material reducing the error in calculating the amount of raw material based on the bill of material. With this application, it can help to purchase in determining the number of raw materials needed for production based on the master bill of material data

    Introduction to life modeling of thermal barrier coatings

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    Thermal barrier coatings may be applied to air-cooled turbine section airfoils to insulate such components from hot gases in the engine. The coatings, which typically consist of about 0.01 to 0.04 cm of zirconia-yttria ceramic over about 0.01 cm of NiCrAlY or NiCrAlZr alloy bond coat, allow increased gas temperatures or reduced cooling air flows. This, in turn, leads to marked improvements in engine efficiency and performance. However, certain risks are associated with designing for maximum benefits, and eventually a point is reached where coating loss would immediately jeopardize the underlying component. Therefore, designers must be able to accurately predict the life of a given bill-of-material coating in any particular design. The results of an in-house aeronautics, base research and technology program which is designed to provide the first steps towards developing mission-capable life-prediction models are outlined

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi Aplikasi Penghitungan Harga Pokok Produksi Pada PT. Surya Intan Mandiri

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    Saat ini, perhitungan harga pokok produksi oleh PT Surya Intan Mandiri masih dilakukan secara global. Pada perhitungan harga pokok produksi hanya dihitung berdasarkan penggunaan bahan baku, untuk overhead dan tenaga kerja langsung masih belum dilakukan perhitungan secara mendetail. Sehingga tidak adanya perhitungan jelas dan akurat untuk harga pokok produksi tiap barang.Berdasarkan latar belakang permasalahan itu, penulis merancang sebuah aplikasi perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi untuk mengatasinya. Pembuatan aplikasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan PGSQL sebagai database.Dari aplikasi yang dibuat, diperoleh sebuah sistem yang dapat menyimpan Bill of Material dari tiap produk yang di produksi, berupa bahan baku, tenaga kerja langsung, mesin serta overhead. Selain itu sistem juga memasukkan pemakaian aktual pada tiap penggunaan bahan baku, sehingga dapat dibandingkan dengan Bill of Material masing-masing. Dengan adanya pencatatan pemakaian aktual maka perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi untuk suatu proses produksi dapat diketahui secara terperinci

    JT8D high pressure compressor performance improvement

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    An improved performance high pressure compressor with potential application to all models of the JT8D engine was designed. The concept consisted of a trenched abradable rubstrip which mates with the blade tips for each of the even rotor stages. This feature allows tip clearances to be set so blade tips run at or near the optimum radius relative to the flowpath wall, without the danger of damaging the blades during transients and maneuvers. The improved compressor demonstrated thrust specific fuel consumption and exhaust gas temperature improvements of 1.0 percent and at least 10 C over the takeoff and climb power range at sea level static conditions, compared to a bill-of-material high pressure compressor. Surge margin also improved 4 percentage points over the high power operating range. A thrust specific fuel consumption improvement of 0.7 percent at typical cruise conditions was calculated based on the sea level test results

    Engine component improvement: Performance improvement, JT9D-7 3.8 AR fan

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    A redesigned, fuel efficient fan for the JT9D-7 engine was tested. Tests were conducted to determine the effect of the 3.8 AR fan on performance, stability, operational characteristics, and noise of the JT9D-7 engine relative to the current 4.6 AR Bill-of-Material fan. The 3.8 AR fan provides increased fan efficiency due to a more advanced blade airfoil with increased chord, eliminating one part span shroud and reducing the number of fan blades and fan exit guide vanes. Engine testing at simulated cruise conditions demonstrated the predicted 1.3 percent improvement in specific fuel consumption with the redesigned 3.8 AR fan. Flight testing and sea level stand engine testing demonstrated exhaust gas temperature margins, fan and low pressure compressor stability, operational suitability, and noise levels comparable to the Bill-of-Material fan