69,403 research outputs found

    Framework for the implementation of urban big screens in the public space

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    In the last decade, big urban screens have appeared in town squares and on building facades across the UK. The use of these screens brings new potentials and challenges for city regulators, artists, architects, urban designers, producers, broadcasters and advertisers. Dynamic moving images form new architectural material, affecting our perception and the experience of the space around us. A new form of urban space is emerging that is fundamentally different from what we have known, and it seems that we are ill-equipped to deal with and analyse it. We are just beginning to understand the opportunities for public information, art and community engagement. Most of screens at present serve mainly commercial purposes, they do not broadcast information aimed at sharing community content nor do they support public social interactions. We need to see more negotiation between commercial, public and cultural interests. The SCREAM project addresses these new challenges by looking at the physical urban spaces and the potential spaces created by the new technologies

    Kompiuterinių žaidimų integracija į mokymo(si) procesą mokykloje: naudoti, analizuoti, kurti

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    This article aims to reveal different ways of integrating video games, and emerging challenges in Lithuanian schools. The integration of computer games is exposed by selecting the project Big Small Screens. Media Literacy in Schools of Lithuania and analyzing the experience of teachers who participated in this project. The research showed that the project activities invite teachers and pupils to change the perspective of their view and become critics or creators. However, while the integration of video games can bring many positive results, this process also contains a number of challenges. Therefore, after the end of the project, the possibilities for further integration of video games into formal education remain limited.Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti skirtingus kompiuterinių žaidimų integracijos būdus ir kylančius iššūkius Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose. Kompiuterinių žaidimų integracijai nagrinėti pasirinktas projektas „Dideli maži ekranai. Medijų raštingumas Lietuvos mokyklose“ ir analizuojamos jame dalyvavusių skirtingų dalykų mokytojų patirtys. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad šio projekto veiklos kviečia mokytoją ir mokinį pereiti iš kompiuterinių žaidimų vartotojo į kritiko ar kūrėjo poziciją. Vis dėlto, nors kompiuterinių žaidimų integravimas mokymo(si) procese paskatina ne vieną teigiamą rezultatą, šiame procese mokytojai susiduria su ne vienu iššūkiu. Dėl to projektui pasibaigus tolesnės kompiuterinių žaidimų integravimo į bendrojo ugdymo mokyklas taikymo galimybės lieka ribotos

    An Investigation into Game Based Learning Using High Level Programming Languages

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    Game-related education within mobile learning spheres is a matter of great debate for university students across the globe. It is the case that programming languages often pose a sizeable challenge for university students. This research paper aims to develop a game based learning platform “iPlayCode”, designed to offer a new and exciting method of learning programming language. Xcode 5.0.2 was used to develop the game by using the cocos2d-x development tool and the Adobe Photoshop graphic design tool. In addition, iOS 7.0.3 (11B508) Simulator was used to test the application and the application was deployed in different models of mobile devices such as the iPhone and iPad. The application outcomes are presented by a mobile game that teaches programming languages in an easy, attractive and effective way

    Design an engaging interactive experience for people with dementia

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    The population of the world is increasing resulting in a higher number of people dealing with dementia–whether being diagnosed with it or taking care of someone that is diagnosed with it. This master thesis aims to investigate which types of multi-media technology-based experiences can improve the quality of life for people with dementia. To reach the goal of the thesis–investigation will be done through different iterations of a design method; divergence, transformation and convergence. These iterations will include observations, interviews and using personas as a tool to design. The results from the methods were used to create a high fidelity prototype which was evaluated by an expert in the field of dementia

    Remotely hosted services and 'cloud computing'

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    Emerging technologies for learning report - Article exploring potential of cloud computing to address educational issue

    Public ubiquitous computing systems:lessons from the e-campus display deployments

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    In this paper we reflect on our experiences of deploying ubiquitous computing systems in public spaces and present a series of lessons that we feel will be of benefit to researchers planning similar public deployments. We focus on experiences gained from building and deploying three experimental public display systems as part of the e-campus pro ject. However, we believe the lessons are likely to be generally applicable to many different types of public ubicomp deployment

    Paving the way to e-services: Innovation through online games

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    The transformative power of organizational and service innovations on value or supply chains has been the object of several studies. The question identified in this paper is how disruptive trends in the videogames world can have spill-over effects in the broader realm of e-services. Section 1 opens with a brief review of literature. Section 2 proposes a description of the on-line games industrial ecosystem, the characteristics of the production process and the value chain in the online video games industry. The main techno-economic models for the production and distribution of online games are described in a third section with an emphasis on service creation, and illustrated by some case studies. The last part highlights the trend of innovative paths towards an economy of e-Services which are driven by the evolution of online games in a converged environment. --Online value creation,virtual world,virtual good,value chain,digital content convergence,new business models,services

    UCI and Entrepreneurship, Blog 1

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    Student blog posts from the Great VCU Bike Race Book

    Emerging technologies for learning (volume 1)

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    Collection of 5 articles on emerging technologies and trend

    Parent Resource Packet - A Guide for New Parents

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    PDF pages: 8