98 research outputs found

    Effective construction of Poincaré-Bendixson regions

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    This paper deals with the problem of location and existence of limit cycles for real planar polynomial differential systems. We provide a method to construct Poincaré--Bendixson regions by using transversal curves, that enables us to prove the existence of a limit cycle that has been numerically detected. We apply our results to several known systems, like the Brusselator one or some Liénard systems, to prove the existence of the limit cycles and to locate them very precisely in the phase space. Our method, combined with some other classical tools can be applied to obtain sharp bounds for the bifurcation values of a saddle-node bifurcation of limit cycles, as we do for the Rychkov system

    Localizing limit cycles : from numeric to analytical results

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    Presentation given by participants of the joint international multidisciplinary workshop MURPHYS-HSFS-2016 (MUltiRate Processes and HYSteresis; Hysteresis and Slow-Fast Systems), which was dedicated to the mathematical theory and applications of multiple scale systems and systems with hysteresis, and held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) in Barcelona from June 13th to 17th, 2016This note presents the results of [4]. It deals with the problem of location and existence of limit cycles for real planar polynomial differential systems. We provide a method to construct Poincaré-Bendixson regions by using transversal curves, that enables us to prove the existence of a limit cycle that has been numerically detected. We apply our results to several known systems, like the Brusselator one or some Liénard systems, to prove the existence of the limit cycles and to locate them very precisely in the phase space. Our method, combined with some other classical tools can be applied to obtain sharp bounds for the bifurcation values of a saddle-node bifurcation of limit cycles, as we do for the Rychkov syste

    Coexistence of stable limit cycles in a generalized Curie-Weiss model with dissipation

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    In this paper, we modify the Langevin dynamics associated to the generalized Curie-Weiss model by introducing noisy and dissipative evolution in the interaction potential. We show that, when a zero-mean Gaussian is taken as single-site distribution, the dynamics in the thermodynamic limit can be described by a finite set of ODEs. Depending on the form of the interaction function, the system can have several phase transitions at different critical temperatures. Because of the dissipation effect, not only the magnetization of the systems displays a self-sustained periodic behavior at sufficiently low temperature, but, in certain regimes, any (finite) number of stable limit cycles can exist. We explore some of these peculiarities with explicit examples

    A Bendixson-Dulac theorem for some piecewise systems

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    The Bendixson-Dulac Theorem provides a criterion to find upper bounds for the number of limit cycles in analytic differential systems. We extend this classical result to some classes of piecewise differential systems. We apply it to three different Liénard piecewise differential systems ¨ x+f±(x)˙ x+x = 0. The first is linear, the second is rational and the last corresponds to a particular extension of the cubic van der Pol oscillator. In all cases, the systems present regions in the parameter space with no limit cycles and others having at most one

    Simultaneous Bifurcation of Limit Cycles and Critical Periods

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThe present work introduces the problem of simultaneous bifurcation of limit cycles and critical periods for a system of polynomial differential equations in the plane. The simultaneity concept is defined, as well as the idea of bi-weakness in the return map and the period function. Together with the classical methods, we present an approach which uses the Lie bracket to address the simultaneity in some cases. This approach is used to find the bi-weakness of cubic and quartic Liénard systems, the general quadratic family, and the linear plus cubic homogeneous family. We finish with an illustrative example by solving the problem of simultaneous bifurcation of limit cycles and critical periods for the cubic Liénard family

    Complex oscillations with multiple timescales - Application to neuronal dynamics

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    The results gathered in this thesis deal with multiple time scale dynamical systems near non-hyperbolic points, giving rise to canard-type solutions, in systems of dimension 2, 3 and 4. Bifurcation theory and numerical continuation methods adapted for such systems are used to analyse canard cycles as well as canard-induced complex oscillations in three-dimensional systems. Two families of such complex oscillations are considered: mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs) in systems with two slow variables, and bursting oscillations in systems with two fast variables. In the last chapter, we present recent results on systems with two slow and two fast variables, where both MMO-type dynamics and bursting-type dynamics can arise and where complex oscillations are also organised by canard solutions. The main application area that we consider here is that of neuroscience, more precisely low-dimensional point models of neurons displaying both sub-threshold and spiking behaviour. We focus on analysing how canard objects allow to control the oscillatory patterns observed in these neuron models, in particular the crossings of excitability thresholds

    A hyperbolic Lindstedt-poincaré method for homoclinic motion of a kind of strongly nonlinear autonomous oscillators

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    A hyperbolic Lindstedt-Poincaré method is presented to determine the homoclinic solutions of a kind of nonlinear oscillators, in which critical value of the homoclinic bifurcation parameter can be determined. The generalized Liénard oscillator is studied in detail, and the present method's predictions are compared with those of Runge- Kutta method to illustrate its accuracy. © 2009 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics and Springer-verlag GmbH.postprin

    Coexistence of Stable Limit Cycles in a Generalized Curie–Weiss Model with Dissipation

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    In this paper, we modify the Langevin dynamics associated to the generalized Curie–Weiss model by introducing noisy and dissipative evolution in the interaction potential. We show that, when a zero-mean Gaussian is taken as single-site distribution, the dynamics in the thermodynamic limit can be described by a finite set of ODEs. Depending on the form of the interaction function, the system can have several phase transitions at different critical temperatures. Because of the dissipation effect, not only the magnetization of the systems displays a self-sustained periodic behavior at sufficiently low temperature, but, in certain regimes, any (finite) number of stable limit cycles can exist. We explore some of these peculiarities with explicit examples
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