369 research outputs found

    High-performance long NoC link using delay-insensitive current-mode signaling

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    High-performance long-range NoC link enables efficient implementation of network-on-chip topologies which inherently require high-performance long-distance point-to-point communication such as torus and fat-tree structures. In addition, the performance of other topologies, such as mesh, can be improved by using high-performance link between few selected remote nodes.We presented novel implementation of high-performance long-range NoC link based onmultilevel current-mode signaling and delayinsensitive two-phase 1-of-4 encoding. Current-mode signaling reduces the communication latency of long wires significantlycompared to voltage-mode signaling, making it possible to achieve high throughput without pipelining and/or using repeaters. The performance of the proposed multilevel current-mode interconnect is analyzed and compared with two reference voltage mode interconnects. These two reference interconnects are designed using two-phase 1-of-4 encoded voltage-mode signaling, one with pipeline stages and the other using optimal repeater insertion. The proposed multilevel current-mode interconnect achieves higher throughput and lower latency than the two reference interconnects. Its throughput at 8mm wire length is 1.222GWord/swhich is 1.58 and 1.89 times higher than the pipelined and optimal repeater insertion interconnects, respectively. Furthermore, its power consumption is less than the optimal repeater insertion voltage-mode interconnect, at 10mm wire length its power consumption is 0.75mW while the reference repeater insertion interconnect is 1.066 mW. The effect of crosstalk is analyzed using four-bit parallel data transfer with the best-case and worst-case switching patterns and a transmission line model which has both capacitive coupling and inductive coupling.</p

    Algorithms and VLSI architectures for parametric additive synthesis

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    A parametric additive synthesis approach to sound synthesis is advantageous as it can model sounds in a large scale manner, unlike the classical sinusoidal additive based synthesis paradigms. It is known that a large body of naturally occurring sounds are resonant in character and thus fit the concept well. This thesis is concerned with the computational optimisation of a super class of form ant synthesis which extends the sinusoidal parameters with a spread parameter known as band width. Here a modified formant algorithm is introduced which can be traced back to work done at IRCAM, Paris. When impulse driven, a filter based approach to modelling a formant limits the computational work-load. It is assumed that the filter's coefficients are fixed at initialisation, thus avoiding interpolation which can cause the filter to become chaotic. A filter which is more complex than a second order section is required. Temporal resolution of an impulse generator is achieved by using a two stage polyphase decimator which drives many filterbanks. Each filterbank describes one formant and is composed of sub-elements which allow variation of the formant’s parameters. A resource manager is discussed to overcome the possibility of all sub- banks operating in unison. All filterbanks for one voice are connected in series to the impulse generator and their outputs are summed and scaled accordingly. An explorative study of number systems for DSP algorithms and their architectures is investigated. I invented a new theoretical mechanism for multi-level logic based DSP. Its aims are to reduce the number of transistors and to increase their functionality. A review of synthesis algorithms and VLSI architectures are discussed in a case study between a filter based bit-serial and a CORDIC based sinusoidal generator. They are both of similar size, but the latter is always guaranteed to be stable

    The 1991 3rd NASA Symposium on VLSI Design

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    Papers from the symposium are presented from the following sessions: (1) featured presentations 1; (2) very large scale integration (VLSI) circuit design; (3) VLSI architecture 1; (4) featured presentations 2; (5) neural networks; (6) VLSI architectures 2; (7) featured presentations 3; (8) verification 1; (9) analog design; (10) verification 2; (11) design innovations 1; (12) asynchronous design; and (13) design innovations 2

    Specification and validation of control intensive ICs in hopCP

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    technical reportControl intensive ICs pose a significant challenge to the users of formal methods in designing hardware. These ICs have to support a wide variety of requirements including synchronous and asynchronous operations polling and interrupt driven modes of operation multiple concurrent threads of execution non-trivial computational requirements and programmability. In this paper we illustrate the use of formal methods in the design of a control intensive IC called the "Intel 8251" Universal Synchronous / Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART), using our hardware description language 'hopCP'. A feature of hopCP is that it supports communication via synchronous ports in addition to synchronous message passing Asynchronous ports are distributed shared variables writable by exactly one process We show the usefulness of this combination of communication constructs We outline algorithms to determine safe usages of asynchronous ports and also to discover other static properties of the specification We discuss a compiled code concurrent functional simulator called CFSIM, as well as the use of concurrent testers for driving CFSIM. The use of a semantically well specified and simple language and the associated analysis/simulation tools helps conquer the complexity of specifying and validating control intensive ICs

    Exploration and Design of High Performance Variation Tolerant On-Chip Interconnects

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Sciences

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    This report summarizes the research done during 1991/92 under the Center for Aeronautics and Space Information Science (CASIS) program. The topics covered are computer architecture, networking, and neural nets

    2-wire time independent asynchronous communications

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    Communications both to and between low end microprocessors represents a real cost in a number of industrial and consumer products. This thesis starts by examining the properties of protocols that help to minimize these expenses and comes to the conclusion that the derived set of properties define a new category of communications protocol : Time Independent Asynchronous ( TIA) communications. To show the utility of the TIA category we develop a novel TIA protocol that uses only 2-wires and general IO pins on each host. The protocol is analyzed using the Petri net based STG ( Signal Transition Graph) which is widely use to model asynchronous logic. It is shown that STGs do not accurately model the behavior of software driven systems and so a modified form called STG-FT ( STG For Threads) is developed to better model software systems. A simulator is created to take an STG-FT model and perform a full reachability tree analysis to prove correctness and analyze livelock and deadlock properties. The simulator can also examine the full reachability tree for every possible system state ( the cross product of all sub-system states), and analyze deadlock and livelock issues related to unexpected inputs and unusual situations. Reachability pruning algorithms are developed which decrease the search tree by a factor of approximately 250 million. The 2-wire protocol is implemented between a PC and an Atmel Tiny26 microprocessor, there is also a variant that works between microprocessors. Testing verifies the simulation results including an avoidable livelock condition with data throughput peaking at a useful 50 kilobits/second in both directions. The first practical application of 2-wire TIA is part of a novel debugger for the Atmel Tiny26 microprocessor. The approach can be extended to any microprocessor with general IO pins. TIA communications, developed in this thesis, is a serious contender whenever low end microprocessors must communicate with other processors. Consumer and industrial products may be able to achieve cost saving by using this new protocol

    Providing Bi-Directional, Analog, and Differential Signal Transmission Capability to an Electronic Prototyping Platform

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    RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux d’interconnexions programmables (FPIN) se retrouvent largement utilisés dans plusieurs structures bien connues telles que les FPGA, les plateformes de prototypages ainsi que dans plusieurs architectures de réseaux intégrés. Le but de la présente thèse est d’améliorer la structure actuelle des FPIN ainsi que les plateformes de prototypages se basant sur cette technologie afin d’y intégrer d’autres fonctionnalités telles que des interfaces pour les signaux bidirectionnels de type drain-ouvert, les signaux analogiques ou bien les signaux différentiels. Cette thèse présente trois différents circuits qui ont été implémentés dans cette optique. Les interconnexions de ces trois circuits peuvent être reconfigurées pour supporter une interface de type bidirectionnelle drain-ouvert, de type analogique ou différentielle, le tout au travers un réseau d’interconnexions configurable numérique unidirectionnel, ou FPIN. Le besoin d’une telle interface fut tout d’abord envisagé dans le contexte du WaferBoard, qui consiste en une plateforme reconfigurable de prototypage pour les systèmes électroniques. Le cœur de ce WaferBoard consiste en un circuit intégré à l’échelle d’une tranche entière de silicium, qui est constitué d’une matrice bidimensionnelle de cellules. Une large partie de la surface disponible s’en retrouve déjà utilisée par des plots configurables (CIO), l’aiguillage des multiplexeurs du FPIN, des registres dédiés à la chaine JTAG et d’autres circuiteries de contrôle. De ce fait, il en devient primordial que les interfaces bidirectionnelle drain-ouvert, analogique et différentielle soit les plus compactes possibles. Puisque ces circuits d’interfaces seront dédiés pour une plateforme utilisant une tranche de silicium (wafer-scale), l’architecture de ces derniers doit être robuste en regard des variations de procédé, de la température ainsi que de l’alimentation. La première contribution de cette thèse est l’élaboration et la conception d’une interface de type drain-ouvert ainsi que de son support d’interconnexion bidirectionnel utilisant un réseau numérique unidirectionnel à signalisation asymétrique (à l’opposé de la signalisation différentielle) FPIN. L’interface proposée peut interconnecter plusieurs nœuds d’un FPIN. À l’aide de cette interface, le réseau d’interconnexions peut imiter le comportement et le fonctionnement d’un bus de type drain-ouvert (ou collecteur-ouvert) (tel qu’utilisé par le protocole I2C). De ce fait, plusieurs plots de type drain-ouvert provenant d’une multitude de circuits-intégrés (ICs) différents peuvent y être connectés au travers le FPIN à l’aide de l’interface proposée.----------ABSTRACT Field programmable interconnection networks (FPINs) are ubiquitously found embedded in field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), in prototyping platforms, and in many Network-on-Chip architectures. The aim of this research was to augment the application domains of current FPIN-based prototyping and emulation platforms by supporting open-drain bi-directional signals, analog signals or differential signals. Three interface circuits have been elaborated and developed to that end in this thesis. These three interface circuits can support reconfigurable routing of open-drain bi-directional, analog and differential signals through an uni-directional digital FPIN. The need for such interface circuits were originally conceived in the context of the WaferBoard, a system prototyping platform. The core of the WaferBoard is a wafer-scale IC that is composed of a two dimensional array of unit cells. Available area was already over-utilized by the configurable I/O (CIO) buffers, crossbar multiplexers of the FPIN, registers of the JTAG chain, and other control circuits. Thus, the interface circuits for open-drain bi-directional, analog and differential signaling had to be made very compact. As the implementation of these interface circuits target “wafer-scale” integration, these interface circuits had to be very robust to parametric variations (process, temperature, power supply). The first contribution of this thesis is the elaboration and development of an open-drain interface circuit and a corresponding interconnect topology to support bi-directional communication through the uni-directional digital FPIN of prototyping platforms. The proposed interface can interconnect multiple nodes in a FPIN. With that interface, the interconnection network imitates the behavior of open-drain (or open-collector) buses (e.g., those following the I2C protocol). Thus, multiple open-drain I/Os from external integrated circuits (ICs) can be connected together through the FPIN by the proposed interface circuit. The interface that has been fabricated in a 0.13 µm CMOS technology takes 65 µm × 22 µm per pin. Test results show that several instances of this interface can be interconnected through the proposed interconnect topology