92 research outputs found

    Bidimensionality of Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    Let B be a finite collection of geometric (not necessarily convex) bodies in the plane. Clearly, this class of geometric objects naturally generalizes the class of disks, lines, ellipsoids, and even convex polygons. We consider geometric intersection graphs GB where each body of the collection B is represented by a vertex, and two vertices of GB are adjacent if the intersection of the corresponding bodies is non-empty. For such graph classes and under natural restrictions on their maximum degree or subgraph exclusion, we prove that the relation between their treewidth and the maximum size of a grid minor is linear. These combinatorial results vastly extend the applicability of all the meta-algorithmic results of the bidimensionality theory to geometrically defined graph classes

    Contraction-Bidimensionality of Geometric Intersection Graphs

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    Given a graph G, we define bcg(G) as the minimum k for which G can be contracted to the uniformly triangulated grid Gamma_k. A graph class G has the SQGC property if every graph G in G has treewidth O(bcg(G)c) for some 1 <= c < 2. The SQGC property is important for algorithm design as it defines the applicability horizon of a series of meta-algorithmic results, in the framework of bidimensionality theory, related to fast parameterized algorithms, kernelization, and approximation schemes. These results apply to a wide family of problems, namely problems that are contraction-bidimensional. Our main combinatorial result reveals a general family of graph classes that satisfy the SQGC property and includes bounded-degree string graphs. This considerably extends the applicability of bidimensionality theory for several intersection graph classes of 2-dimensional geometrical objects

    Bidimensionality and Geometric Graphs

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    In this paper we use several of the key ideas from Bidimensionality to give a new generic approach to design EPTASs and subexponential time parameterized algorithms for problems on classes of graphs which are not minor closed, but instead exhibit a geometric structure. In particular we present EPTASs and subexponential time parameterized algorithms for Feedback Vertex Set, Vertex Cover, Connected Vertex Cover, Diamond Hitting Set, on map graphs and unit disk graphs, and for Cycle Packing and Minimum-Vertex Feedback Edge Set on unit disk graphs. Our results are based on the recent decomposition theorems proved by Fomin et al [SODA 2011], and our algorithms work directly on the input graph. Thus it is not necessary to compute the geometric representations of the input graph. To the best of our knowledge, these results are previously unknown, with the exception of the EPTAS and a subexponential time parameterized algorithm on unit disk graphs for Vertex Cover, which were obtained by Marx [ESA 2005] and Alber and Fiala [J. Algorithms 2004], respectively. We proceed to show that our approach can not be extended in its full generality to more general classes of geometric graphs, such as intersection graphs of unit balls in R^d, d >= 3. Specifically we prove that Feedback Vertex Set on unit-ball graphs in R^3 neither admits PTASs unless P=NP, nor subexponential time algorithms unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails. Additionally, we show that the decomposition theorems which our approach is based on fail for disk graphs and that therefore any extension of our results to disk graphs would require new algorithmic ideas. On the other hand, we prove that our EPTASs and subexponential time algorithms for Vertex Cover and Connected Vertex Cover carry over both to disk graphs and to unit-ball graphs in R^d for every fixed d

    Optimality program in segment and string graphs

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    Planar graphs are known to allow subexponential algorithms running in time 2O(n)2^{O(\sqrt n)} or 2O(nlogn)2^{O(\sqrt n \log n)} for most of the paradigmatic problems, while the brute-force time 2Θ(n)2^{\Theta(n)} is very likely to be asymptotically best on general graphs. Intrigued by an algorithm packing curves in 2O(n2/3logn)2^{O(n^{2/3}\log n)} by Fox and Pach [SODA'11], we investigate which problems have subexponential algorithms on the intersection graphs of curves (string graphs) or segments (segment intersection graphs) and which problems have no such algorithms under the ETH (Exponential Time Hypothesis). Among our results, we show that, quite surprisingly, 3-Coloring can also be solved in time 2O(n2/3logO(1)n)2^{O(n^{2/3}\log^{O(1)}n)} on string graphs while an algorithm running in time 2o(n)2^{o(n)} for 4-Coloring even on axis-parallel segments (of unbounded length) would disprove the ETH. For 4-Coloring of unit segments, we show a weaker ETH lower bound of 2o(n2/3)2^{o(n^{2/3})} which exploits the celebrated Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres theorem. The subexponential running time also carries over to Min Feedback Vertex Set but not to Min Dominating Set and Min Independent Dominating Set.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Finding, Hitting and Packing Cycles in Subexponential Time on Unit Disk Graphs

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    We give algorithms with running time 2^{O({sqrt{k}log{k}})} n^{O(1)} for the following problems. Given an n-vertex unit disk graph G and an integer k, decide whether G contains (i) a path on exactly/at least k vertices, (ii) a cycle on exactly k vertices, (iii) a cycle on at least k vertices, (iv) a feedback vertex set of size at most k, and (v) a set of k pairwise vertex disjoint cycles. For the first three problems, no subexponential time parameterized algorithms were previously known. For the remaining two problems, our algorithms significantly outperform the previously best known parameterized algorithms that run in time 2^{O(k^{0.75}log{k})} n^{O(1)}. Our algorithms are based on a new kind of tree decompositions of unit disk graphs where the separators can have size up to k^{O(1)} and there exists a solution that crosses every separator at most O(sqrt{k}) times. The running times of our algorithms are optimal up to the log{k} factor in the exponent, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis

    Simple PTAS's for families of graphs excluding a minor

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    We show that very simple algorithms based on local search are polynomial-time approximation schemes for Maximum Independent Set, Minimum Vertex Cover and Minimum Dominating Set, when the input graphs have a fixed forbidden minor.Comment: To appear in Discrete Applied Mathematic

    Fine-grained complexity of coloring unit disks and balls

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    On planar graphs, many classic algorithmic problems enjoy a certain "square root phenomenon" and can be solved significantly faster than what is known to be possible on general graphs: for example, Independent Set, 3-Coloring, Hamiltonian Cycle, Dominating Set can be solved in time 2^O(sqrt{n}) on an n-vertex planar graph, while no 2^o(n) algorithms exist for general graphs, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH). The square root in the exponent seems to be best possible for planar graphs: assuming the ETH, the running time for these problems cannot be improved to 2^o(sqrt{n}). In some cases, a similar speedup can be obtained for 2-dimensional geometric problems, for example, there are 2^O(sqrt{n}log n) time algorithms for Independent Set on unit disk graphs or for TSP on 2-dimensional point sets. In this paper, we explore whether such a speedup is possible for geometric coloring problems. On the one hand, geometric objects can behave similarly to planar graphs: 3-Coloring can be solved in time 2^O(sqrt{n}) on the intersection graph of n unit disks in the plane and, assuming the ETH, there is no such algorithm with running time 2^o(sqrt{n}). On the other hand, if the number L of colors is part of the input, then no such speedup is possible: Coloring the intersection graph of n unit disks with L colors cannot be solved in time 2^o(n), assuming the ETH. More precisely, we exhibit a smooth increase of complexity as the number L of colors increases: If we restrict the number of colors to L=Theta(n^alpha) for some 0<=alpha<=1, then the problem of coloring the intersection graph of n unit disks with L colors * can be solved in time exp(O(n^{{1+alpha}/2}log n))=exp( O(sqrt{nL}log n)), and * cannot be solved in time exp(o(n^{{1+alpha}/2}))=exp(o(sqrt{nL})), unless the ETH fails. More generally, we consider the problem of coloring d-dimensional unit balls in the Euclidean space and obtain analogous results showing that the problem * can be solved in time exp(O(n^{{d-1+alpha}/d}log n))=exp(O(n^{1-1/d}L^{1/d}log n)), and * cannot be solved in time exp(n^{{d-1+alpha}/d-epsilon})= exp (O(n^{1-1/d-epsilon}L^{1/d})) for any epsilon>0, unless the ETH fails

    A Framework for Approximation Schemes on Disk Graphs

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    We initiate a systematic study of approximation schemes for fundamental optimization problems on disk graphs, a common generalization of both planar graphs and unit-disk graphs. Our main contribution is a general framework for designing efficient polynomial-time approximation schemes (EPTASes) for vertex-deletion problems on disk graphs, which results in EPTASes for many problems including Vertex Cover, Feedback Vertex Set, Small Cycle Hitting (in particular, Triangle Hitting), PkP_k-Hitting for k{3,4,5}k\in\{3,4,5\}, Path Deletion, Pathwidth 11-Deletion, Component Order Connectivity, Bounded Degree Deletion, Pseudoforest Deletion, Finite-Type Component Deletion, etc. All EPTASes obtained using our framework are robust in the sense that they do not require a realization of the input graph. To the best of our knowledge, prior to this work, the only problems known to admit (E)PTASes on disk graphs are Maximum Clique, Independent Set, Dominating set, and Vertex Cover, among which the existing PTAS [Erlebach et al., SICOMP'05] and EPTAS [Leeuwen, SWAT'06] for Vertex Cover require a realization of the input disk graph (while ours does not). The core of our framework is a reduction for a broad class of (approximation) vertex-deletion problems from (general) disk graphs to disk graphs of bounded local radius, which is a new invariant of disk graphs introduced in this work. Disk graphs of bounded local radius can be viewed as a mild generalization of planar graphs, which preserves certain nice properties of planar graphs. Specifically, we prove that disk graphs of bounded local radius admit the Excluded Grid Minor property and have locally bounded treewidth. This allows existing techniques for designing approximation schemes on planar graphs (e.g., bidimensionality and Baker's technique) to be directly applied to disk graphs of bounded local radius

    Bidimensionality and Kernels

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    Bidimensionality theory was introduced by [E. D. Demaine et al., J. ACM, 52 (2005), pp. 866--893] as a tool to obtain subexponential time parameterized algorithms on H-minor-free graphs. In [E. D. Demaine and M. Hajiaghayi, Bidimensionality: New connections between FPT algorithms and PTASs, in Proceedings of the 16th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), SIAM, Philadelphia, 2005, pp. 590--601] this theory was extended in order to obtain polynomial time approximation schemes (PTASs) for bidimensional problems. In this work, we establish a third meta-algorithmic direction for bidimensionality theory by relating it to the existence of linear kernels for parameterized problems. In particular, we prove that every minor (resp., contraction) bidimensional problem that satisfies a separation property and is expressible in Countable Monadic Second Order Logic (CMSO) admits a linear kernel for classes of graphs that exclude a fixed graph (resp., an apex graph) H as a minor. Our results imply that a multitude of bidimensional problems admit linear kernels on the corresponding graph classes. For most of these problems no polynomial kernels on H-minor-free graphs were known prior to our work.publishedVersio

    Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms for Graphs of Polynomial Growth

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    We show that for a number of parameterized problems for which only 2^{O(k)} n^{O(1)} time algorithms are known on general graphs, subexponential parameterized algorithms with running time 2^{O(k^{1-1/(1+d)} log^2 k)} n^{O(1)} are possible for graphs of polynomial growth with growth rate (degree) d, that is, if we assume that every ball of radius r contains only O(r^d) vertices. The algorithms use the technique of low-treewidth pattern covering, introduced by Fomin et al. [FOCS 2016] for planar graphs; here we show how this strategy can be made to work for graphs of polynomial growth. Formally, we prove that, given a graph G of polynomial growth with growth rate d and an integer k, one can in randomized polynomial time find a subset A of V(G) such that on one hand the treewidth of G[A] is O(k^{1-1/(1+d)} log k), and on the other hand for every set X of vertices of size at most k, the probability that X is a subset of A is 2^{-O(k^{1-1/(1+d)} log^2 k)}. Together with standard dynamic programming techniques on graphs of bounded treewidth, this statement gives subexponential parameterized algorithms for a number of subgraph search problems, such as Long Path or Steiner Tree, in graphs of polynomial growth. We complement the algorithm with an almost tight lower bound for Long Path: unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails, no parameterized algorithm with running time 2^{k^{1-1/d-epsilon}}n^{O(1)} is possible for any positive epsilon and any integer d >= 3