27 research outputs found

    Bicriteria Rectilinear Shortest Paths among Rectilinear Obstacles in the Plane

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    Given a rectilinear domain P of h pairwise-disjoint rectilinear obstacles with a total of n vertices in the plane, we study the problem of computing bicriteria rectilinear shortest paths between two points s and t in P. Three types of bicriteria rectilinear paths are considered: minimum-link shortest paths, shortest minimum-link paths, and minimum-cost paths where the cost of a path is a non-decreasing function of both the number of edges and the length of the path. The one-point and two-point path queries are also considered. Algorithms for these problems have been given previously. Our contributions are threefold. First, we find a critical error in all previous algorithms. Second, we correct the error in a not-so-trivial way. Third, we further improve the algorithms so that they are even faster than the previous (incorrect) algorithms when h is relatively small. For example, for computing a minimum-link shortest s-t path, the previous algorithm runs in O(n log^{3/2} n) time while the time of our new algorithm is O(n + h log^{3/2} h)

    Computing Shortest Paths in the Plane with Removable Obstacles

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    We consider the problem of computing a Euclidean shortest path in the presence of removable obstacles in the plane. In particular, we have a collection of pairwise-disjoint polygonal obstacles, each of which may be removed at some cost c_i > 0. Given a cost budget C > 0, and a pair of points s, t, which obstacles should be removed to minimize the path length from s to t in the remaining workspace? We show that this problem is NP-hard even if the obstacles are vertical line segments. Our main result is a fully-polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for the case of convex polygons. Specifically, we compute an (1 + epsilon)-approximate shortest path in time O({nh}/{epsilon^2} log n log n/epsilon) with removal cost at most (1+epsilon)C, where h is the number of obstacles, n is the total number of obstacle vertices, and epsilon in (0, 1) is a user-specified parameter. Our approximation scheme also solves a shortest path problem for a stochastic model of obstacles, where each obstacle\u27s presence is an independent event with a known probability. Finally, we also present a data structure that can answer s-t path queries in polylogarithmic time, for any pair of points s, t in the plane

    Timing-Constrained Global Routing with Buffered Steiner Trees

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    This dissertation deals with the combination of two key problems that arise in the physical design of computer chips: global routing and buffering. The task of buffering is the insertion of buffers and inverters into the chip's netlist to speed-up signal delays and to improve electrical properties of the chip. Insertion of buffers and inverters goes alongside with construction of Steiner trees that connect logical sources with possibly many logical sinks and have buffers and inverters as parts of these connections. Classical global routing focuses on packing Steiner trees within the limited routing space. Buffering and global routing have been solved separately in the past. In this thesis we overcome the limitations of the classical approaches by considering the buffering problem as a global, multi-objective problem. We study its theoretical aspects and propose algorithms which we implement in the tool BonnRouteBuffer for timing-constrained global routing with buffered Steiner trees. At its core, we propose a new theoretically founded framework to model timing constraints inherently within global routing. As most important sub-task we have to compute a buffered Steiner tree for a single net minimizing the sum of prices for delays, routing congestion, placement congestion, power consumption, and net length. For this sub-task we present a fully polynomial time approximation scheme to compute an almost-cheapest Steiner tree with a given routing topology and prove that an exact algorithm cannot exist unless P=NP. For topology computation we present a bicriteria approximation algorithm that bounds both the geometric length and the worst slack of the topology. To improve the practical results we present many heuristic modifications, speed-up- and post-optimization techniques for buffered Steiner trees. We conduct experiments on challenging real-world test cases provided by our cooperation partner IBM to demonstrate the quality of our tool. Our new algorithm could produce better solutions with respect to both timing and routability. After post-processing with gate sizing and Vt-assignment, we can even reduce the power consumption on most instances. Overall, our results show that our tool BonnRouteBuffer for timing-constrained global routing is superior to industrial state-of-the-art tools

    Heterogeneous Self-Reconfiguring Robotics

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    Self-reconfiguring (SR) robots are modular systems that can autonomously change shape, or reconfigure, for increased versatility and adaptability in unknown environments. In this thesis, we investigate planning and control for systems of non-identical modules, known as heterogeneous SR robots. Although previous approaches rely on module homogeneity as a critical property, we show that the planning complexity of fundamental algorithmic problems in the heterogeneous case is equivalent to that of systems with identical modules. Primarily, we study the problem of how to plan shape changes while considering the placement of specific modules within the structure. We characterize this key challenge in terms of the amount of free space available to the robot and develop a series of decentralized reconfiguration planning algorithms that assume progressively more severe free space constraints and support reconfiguration among obstacles. In addition, we compose our basic planning techniques in different ways to address problems in the related task domains of positioning modules according to function, locomotion among obstacles, self-repair, and recognizing the achievement of distributed goal-states. We also describe the design of a novel simulation environment, implementation results using this simulator, and experimental results in hardware using a planar SR system called the Crystal Robot. These results encourage development of heterogeneous systems. Our algorithms enhance the versatility and adaptability of SR robots by enabling them to use functionally specialized components to match capability, in addition to shape, to the task at hand

    16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2018, June 18-20, 2018, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden

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    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    Covering Problems via Structural Approaches

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    The minimum set cover problem is, without question, among the most ubiquitous and well-studied problems in computer science. Its theoretical hardness has been fully characterized--logarithmic approximability has been established, and no sublogarithmic approximation exists unless P=NP. However, the gap between real-world instances and the theoretical worst case is often immense--many covering problems of practical relevance admit much better approximations, or even solvability in polynomial time. Simple combinatorial or geometric structure can often be exploited to obtain improved algorithms on a problem-by-problem basis, but there is no general method of determining the extent to which this is possible. In this thesis, we aim to shed light on the relationship between the structure and the hardness of covering problems. We discuss several measures of structural complexity of set cover instances and prove new algorithmic and hardness results linking the approximability of a set cover problem to its underlying structure. In particular, we provide: - An APX-hardness proof for a wide family of problems that encode a simple covering problem known as Special-3SC. - A class of polynomial dynamic programming algorithms for a group of weighted geometric set cover problems having simple structure. - A simplified quasi-uniform sampling algorithm that yields improved approximations for weighted covering problems having low cell complexity or geometric union complexity. - Applications of the above to various capacitated covering problems via linear programming strengthening and rounding. In total, we obtain new results for dozens of covering problems exhibiting geometric or combinatorial structure. We tabulate these problems and classify them according to their approximability

    Combinatorial and Geometric Aspects of Computational Network Construction - Algorithms and Complexity

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    Constrained Shortest Paths in Terrains and Graphs

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    Finding a shortest path is one of the most well-studied optimization problems. In this thesis we focus on shortest paths in geometric and graph theoretic settings subject to different feasibility constraints that arise in practical applications of such paths. One of the most fundamental problems in computational geometry is finding shortest paths in terrains, which has many applications in robotics, computer graphics and Geographic Information Systems (GISs). There are many variants of the problem in which the feasibility of a path is determined by some geometric property of the terrain. One such variant is the shortest descending path (SDP) problem, where the feasible paths are those that always go downhill. We need to compute an SDP, for example, for laying a canal of minimum length from the source of water at the top of a mountain to fields for irrigation purpose, and for skiing down a mountain along a shortest route. The complexity of finding SDPs is open. We give a full characterization of the bend angles of an SDP, showing that they follow a generalized form of Snell's law of refraction of light. We also reduce the SDP problem to the problem of finding an SDP through a given sequence of faces, by adapting the sequence tree approach of Chen and Han for our problem. Our results have two implications. First, we isolate the difficult aspect of SDPs. The difficulty is not in deciding which face sequence to use, but in finding the SDP through a given face sequence. Secondly, our results help us identify some classes of terrains for which the SDP problem is solvable in polynomial time. We give algorithms for two such classes. The difficulty of finding an exact SDP motivates the study of approximation algorithms for the problem. We devise two approximation algorithms for SDPs in general terrains---these are the first two algorithms to handle the SDP problem in such terrains. The algorithms are robust and easy-to-implement. We also give two approximation algorithms for the case when a face sequence is given. The first one solves the problem by formulating it as a convex optimization problem. The second one uses binary search together with our characterization of the bend angles of an SDP to locate an approximate path. We introduce a generalization of the SDP problem, called the shortest gently descending path (SGDP) problem, where a path descends but not too steeply. The additional constraint to disallow a very steep descent makes the paths more realistic in practice. For example, a vehicle cannot follow a too steep descent---this is why a mountain road has hairpin bends. We give two easy-to-implement approximation algorithms for SGDPs, both using the Steiner point approach. Between a pair of points there can be many SGDPs with different number of bends. In practice an SGDP with fewer bends or smaller total turn-angle is preferred. We show using a reduction from 3-SAT that finding an SGDP with a limited number of bends or a limited total turn-angle is hard. The hardness result applies to a generalization of the SGDP problem called the shortest anisotropic path problem, which is a well-studied computational geometry problem with many practical applications (e.g., robot motion planning), yet of unknown complexity. Besides geometric shortest paths, we also study a variant of the shortest path problem in graphs: given a weighted graph G and vertices s and t, and given a set X of forbidden paths in G, find a shortest s-t path P such that no path in X is a subpath of P. Path P is allowed to repeat vertices and edges. We call each path in X an exception, and our desired path a shortest exception avoiding path. We formulate a new version of the problem where the algorithm has no a priori knowledge of X, and finds out about an exception x in X only when a path containing x fails. This situation arises in computing shortest paths in optical networks. We give an easy-to-implement algorithm that finds a shortest exception avoiding path in time polynomial in |G| and |X|. The algorithm handles a forbidden path using vertex replication, i.e., replicating vertices and judiciously deleting edges so as to remove the forbidden path but keep all of its subpaths. The main challenge is that vertex replication can result in an exponential number of copies of any forbidden path that overlaps the current one. The algorithm couples vertex replication with the "growth" of a shortest path tree in such a way that the extra copies of forbidden paths produced during vertex replication are immaterial