4,120 research outputs found

    The Omnichannel phenomenon: unveiling the role of Channel Integration for consumers and retailers

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    This thesis work is aimed at deepening the knowledge of the phenomenon called "Omnichannel", as the main challenge of modern retailing. Omnichannel is a new retailing configuration, which envisages drastic changes compared to the Multi- and Cross-channel models. Although the Omnichannel phenomenon has been extensively studied in recent years, it is also missing a comprehensive framework. This is also shown by the variety of alternative definitions of "Omnichannel" existing in literature. The three studies presented in this thesis start from this assumption, and come to identify and investigate an element that clearly emerges as the core of Omnichannel: Channel Integration. The first study, an extensive literature review conducted with bibliometric techniques, allowed us to frame the extent of Omnichannel in terms of papers, topics and issues addressed. Furthermore, through the use of co-citation analysis, a clustering technique based on the triangulation of citations, the theoretical foundations of Omnichannel have been identified. 4 research clusters were traced back to: Consumer Behavior, Strategic Management, Channel Management, and Channel Integration. Results also show that Channel Integration is the main element of Omnichannel, capable of creating synergies with other clusters and capturing the perspectives of the consumer and retailer at the same time. The second study qualifies as an extension of these results to the future of Omnichannel, through qualitative research. It was in fact decided to proceed by discussing the topic with a panel of 18 international experts, with proven academic and managerial background. The participants commented on the results emerging from our previous study and expressed themselves on: areas, topics, methodologies and settings of priority development; generation of new theories or application of pre-existing theories; challenges, issues and retailers’ needs in Omnichannel. The results were then coded and analyzed to create a research agenda divided into 5 macro-themes of interest: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) Omnichannel transition issues, d) the human factor in Omnichannel, and e) augmented and intelligent Omnichannel environments. The experts also validated the model in 4 research clusters proposed by our first study and confirmed the central role of Channel Integration. For the third and final study, we therefore decided to investigate the role of Channel Integration in Omnichannel contexts, from the perspective of customer journeys (theme a) emerging from Study 2). We employed quantitative methodologies (MCA, CFA, SEM) to test the effect of touchpoints - which constitute the various steps of customer journeys - on consumers’ perception of Channel Integration, and the effect of the latter on patronage intention towards the retailer. Through the Categorization Theory, we proposed that the touchpoints capable of activating a Channel Integration perception are different depending on the sector and on the type of consumer (first-time and repeat customer). The research, conducted on two panels of Italian consumers in the grocery and fashion sectors – 1.031 and 759 participants, respectively –, led to the identification of substantial differences related to context and target, and confirmed a positive effect of Channel Integration perception on customer loyalty through patronage intention. The work therefore has, overall, both theoretical and managerial implications.Il presente lavoro di tesi è volto ad approfondire la conoscenza del fenomeno denominato Omnicanalità, quale principale sfida del retailing moderno. Si tratta di una nuova configurazione di retailing, che prevede cambiamenti drastici rispetto ai modelli di Multi- e Cross-canalità che l’hanno preceduta. Nonostante si tratti di un fenomeno ampiamente studiato negli ultimi anni, abbiamo rilevato una sostanziale difficoltà nel suo inquadramento, che si evince anche dalla molteplicità di definizioni alternative di “Omnicanalità” esistenti in letteratura. I tre studi che costituiscono questa tesi partono da questo presupposto, arrivando ad individuare e investigare l’elemento che emerge chiaramente come il fulcro dell’Omnicanalità. Il primo studio, una estesa literature review condotta con tecniche bibliometriche, ci ha permesso di inquadrare l’Omnicanalità in termini di studi condotti in letteratura e tematiche affrontate. Inoltre, mediante la co-citation analysis, una tecnica di clustering basata sulla triangolazione delle citazioni, sono state ricostruite le basi teoriche dell’Omnicanalità. Attraverso l’interpretazione dei contributi fondamentali così individuati, sono stati identificati 4 cluster di ricerca: Consumer Behavior, Management Strategico, Channel Management, e Channel Integration. Dall’analisi emerge anche come la Channel Integration sia l’elemento centrale dell’Omnicanalità, in grado sia di creare sinergie con gli altri cluster sia di catturare al contempo le prospettive del consumatore e del retailer. Il secondo studio si qualifica come un’estensione di tali risultati al futuro dell’Omnicanalità, attraverso un’analisi di tipo qualitativo. Si è infatti deciso di procedere discutendo il tema con un panel di 18 esperti internazionali, dalla comprovata esperienza sia accademica che professionale. I partecipanti hanno commentato i risultati emergenti dallo studio precedente e si sono espressi in merito a: aree, temi, metodologie e contesti prioritari per lo studio dell’Omnicanalità; sfide, problematiche e necessità di ricerca in tale ambito. I risultati sono stati codificati e analizzati per produrre una research agenda articolata in 5 macro-tematiche di interesse: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) problematiche di transizione verso l’Omnicanalità, d) il fattore umano nell’Omnicanalità, ed e) la gestione di ambienti Omnicanale tecnologicamente avanzati ed intelligenti. Gli esperti hanno inoltre validato il modello in 4 research clusters da noi proposto e confermato la centralità della Channel Integration. Per il terzo ed ultimo studio, si è pertanto deciso di investigare ulteriormente il tema della Channel Integration in contesti Omnicanale, secondo la prospettiva delle customer journeys (punto a) emerso dal secondo studio). Attraverso metodologie quantitative (MCA, CFA, SEM), si testa l’effetto dei touchpoints – che costituiscono i vari step delle customer journeys – sulla percezione di Channel Integration maturata dal consumatore, e l’effetto di questa sulla patronage intention verso il retailer. Attraverso la Categorization Theory, si propone che i touchpoint in grado di attivare una percezione di Channel Integration siano diversi a seconda del contesto settoriale – sulla base di differenti categorie di prodotto – e della tipologia di consumatore (first-time e repeat customer). La ricerca, condotta su due panel di consumatori italiani nei settori grocery e fashion – con 1.031 e 759 partecipanti, rispettivamente –, ha portato all’individuazione ed alla discussione di tali touchpoint, evidenziando differenze sostanziali tra i touchpoint che determinano la channel integration tra settori e tra target, e ha confermato un effetto positivo della percezione di Channel Integration sulla customer loyalty attraverso la patronage intention. Il lavoro presenta pertanto implicazioni sia teoriche che manageriali

    Model and management indicators in industrial omnichannel (B2B)

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has driven increases in the provision of services through digital channels, even by more traditional companies. An Omnichannel model of service provision poses new management challenges for companies. This research reviews the literature on Omnichannel Management by companies whose clients are other companies (B2B) and classifies the different areas of research to date. The principal finding is that, despite considerable academic interest in Omnichannel management, there have been few studies of Omnichannel in the B2B field. This emphasizes a significant research gap to address. We have also outlined the Research Agenda to highlight future lines of research

    Exploring the challenges and opportunities of big data in SMEs: A bibliometric analysis

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    The aim of this thesis is to investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with the implementation of big data in small and medium-sized enterprises. The main findings of this study, based on a bibliometric analysis using Elsevier Scopus as a search engine and Vos viewer to analyze the results, demonstrates that big data analytics enables SMEs to improve financial performance and operational efficiency, become more innovative and able to make more informed decisions. Thus, enabling SMEs to achieve stable growth and gain competitiveness in the market. This study results from the synthesis of existing literature, which provides useful information and practical recommendations for SMEs, policy makers and researchers. The results help to understand the decisive factors of big data adoption in SMEs and paves the way for future research in this area.O objetivo desta tese é investigar os desafios e as oportunidades associados à implementação de big data nas pequenas e médias empresas. As principais conclusões deste estudo, baseadas numa análise bibliométrica, que utiliza o Elsevier Scopus como motor de pesquisa e o Vos viewer para analisar os resultados, demonstram que o big data analytics permite às PMEs melhorar o desempenho financeiro e a eficiência operacional, tornar-se mais inovadoras e capazes de tomar decisões mais informadas. Capacitando assim as PMEs de alcançar um crescimento estável e ganhar competitividade no mercado. Este estudo resulta da síntese da literatura existente, que fornece informações úteis e recomendações práticas para as PMEs, os decisores políticos e os investigadores. Os resultados ajudam a compreender os fatores decisivos da adoção de big data nas PMEs e prepara o caminho para futuras pesquisas nesta área

    Consumer brand relationships: the determinants of brand loyalty in the context of football clubs

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    The present research resides within the field of consumer brand relationships and is grounded in the Service dominant logic (S-D logic) marketing stance as framework. Following the realisation of a lack of works in this novel marketing approach addressing the area of emotions with service brands, the present research aims to fill this gap by achieving a more comprehensive knowledge of the underlying components responsible for the occurrence of brand loyalty with emotion-laden brands, and for the emotional consequences and attitudes the supporters of the brand are faced with. This was addressed by following an exploratory approach on a single industry (i.e. football) in the European context. Where, the primary unit of analysis of this research is the individual as a resource integrator/beneficiary as part of a wider social network engaged with the brand. Integrating the emerging view on consumer brand relationship theory where brands are dynamic and actively co-created entities that evolve with consumers and cultures in kind (Allen et al., 2008) and in line with theoretical framework of this research, S-D logic. Therefore, a bibliometric study was initially carried out on the S-D logic literature, followed by a critical review of the research areas that underpinned this research, which collectively defined the implementation of the subsequent research stages. Resulting in a mix methods approach, comprising of a qualitative study with 46 interviews on three Portuguese football clubs and a quantitative study with 842 respondents across six European countries. A service brand model is proposed where brand loyalty is built from the interaction of the five constructs identified (brand associations, involvement, satisfaction, emotional attachment, and trust), with emotional attachment representing a crucial construct. Providing brand managers, the knowledge on how to improve the level of relationship between the organisation and its consumers. Moreover, this research brings to the forefront of S-D logic research the consumer brand relationship realm, more specifically the concept of emotions with service brands.O presente estudo integra-se na teoria dos relacionamentos do consumidor com a marca, tendo a lógica dominante de serviço (lógica D-S) como enquadramento. Dado que existe uma escassez de estudos relativamente às emoções para com as marcas de serviço nesta singular abordagem do marketing, o presente estudo pretende reduzir esta lacuna através da aquisição de um conhecimento mais abrangente dos componentes responsáveis pelo surgimento da lealdade para com marcas de cariz emocional, e que contribuem para níveis emocionais mais elevados em termos das atitudes e consequências dai resultantes para os apoiantes da marca. Estes aspetos foram considerados seguindo uma abordagem exploratória numa única industria, a do futebol num contexto europeu. Onde a principal unidade de analise desta pesquisa é o individuo como integrador/beneficiário envolvido com a marca, fazendo parte de uma network social mais abrangente. Incorporando a perspetiva emergente na teoria de relacionamento do consumidor com a marca onde as marcas são dinâmicas e são entidades cocriadas que evolvem com os consumidores e suas culturas (Allen et al., 2008) em linha com o enquadramento teórico desta pesquisa, lógica D-S. Consequentemente, um estudo bibliométrico da literatura referente à lógica dominante de serviço foi conduzido numa primeira fase, seguido de uma revisão critica das áreas de pesquisas que integram esta pesquisa, definindo a implementação das etapas de pesquisa subsequentes. Resultando numa abordagem de métodos mistos, correspondente a um estudo qualitativo com 46 entrevistas referentes a três clubes Portugueses de futebol e um estudo quantitativo com 842 inquiridos em seis países Europeus. Um modelo de marca de serviço é proposto onde a lealdade à marca é construída com base na interação de cinco construtos identificados (associações à marca, envolvimento, satisfação, ligação emocional, e confiança), de onde a ligação emocional se evidencia como um construto crucial. Permitindo aos gestores de marcas o conhecimento de como incrementar o nível de relacionamento entre a organização e os seus consumidores. Acresce o facto de que esta pesquisa salienta a relevância empírica da área de relacionamento do consumidor com a marca, em particular o conceito das emoções com marcas de serviço, na literatura referente à logica dominante de serviço

    The Ebb and Flow of Brand Loyalty: A 28-Year Bibliometric and Content Analysis

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    Business research is facing the challenge of scattered knowledge, particularly in the realm of brand loyalty (BL). Although literature reviews on BL exist, they predominantly concentrate on the pre-sent state, neglecting future trends. Therefore, a comprehensive review is imperative to ascertain emerging trends in BL This study employs a bibliometric approach, analyzing 1,468 papers from the Scopus database. Various tools including R software, VOS viewer software, and Publish or Perish are utilized. The aim is to portray the knowledge map, explore the publication years, identify the top authors and their co-occurrence, reliable documents, institutions, subjects, research hotspots, and pioneering countries and universities in the study of BL. The qualitative section of this research identifies gaps and emerging trends in BL through Word Cloud charts, word growth analysis, and a review of highly cited articles from the past four years. Results showed that highly cited articles mention topics such as brand love, consumer-brand identification, and social networks and the U.S. had the most productions in this field. Besides, most citations were related to Keller with 1,173 citations. Furthermore, in the qualitative section, social networks and brand experiences were found to be of interest to researchers in the field. Finally, by introducing the antecedents and consequences of BL, the gaps and emerging trends in BL were identified, so as to present the di-rection of future research in this area.Comment: 29 pages, 7 tables, 9 figure

    Journal Productivity in Fishery Science an informetric analysis

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    Knowledge is a human resource which has the ability to consolidate the valuable results of human thinking and civilization through different times. It is the totality of understanding of nature and its features for improved quality of life of human society. Because of this, knowledge has been increasing in volume, dimension and directions. The term ‘information’ and 'knowledge' are often used as if they are interchangeable. Information is ‘potential knowledge‘ which is converted into knowledge by the integration of memory of human beings. In modern times there is a confusion on knowledge usage. Therefore an understanding of the concept ‘knowledge’ is needed for formulation of strategies in information science


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    This dissertation study aims to analyze the role of data-driven decision-making in sharing economy during the COVID-19 pandemic as a crisis management tool. In the twenty-first century, when applying analytical tools has become an essential component of business decision-making, including operations on crisis management, data analytics is an emerging field. To carry out corporate strategies, data-driven decision-making is seen as a crucial component of business operations. Data analytics can be applied to benefit-cost evaluations, strategy planning, client engagement, and service quality. Data forecasting can also be used to keep an eye on business operations and foresee potential risks. Risk Management and planning are essential for allocating the necessary resources with minimal cost and time and to be ready for a crisis. Hidden market trends and customer preferences can help companies make knowledgeable business decisions during crises and recessions. Each company should manage operations and response during emergencies, a path to recovery, and prepare for future similar events with appropriate data management tools. Sharing economy is part of social commerce, that brings together individuals who have underused assets and who want to rent those assets short-term. COVID-19 has emphasized the need for digital transformation. Since the pandemic began, the sharing economy has been facing challenges, while market demand dropped significantly. Shelter-in-Place and Stay-at-Home orders changed the way of offering such sharing services. Stricter safety procedures and the need for a strong balance sheet are the key take points to surviving during this difficult health crisis. Predictive analytics and peer-reviewed articles are used to assess the pandemic\u27s effects. The approaches chosen to assess the research objectives and the research questions are the predictive financial performance of Uber & Airbnb, bibliographic coupling, and keyword occurrence analyses of peer-reviewed works about the influence of data analytics on the sharing economy. The VOSViewer Bibliometric software program is utilized for computing bibliometric analysis, RapidMiner Predictive Data Analytics for computing data analytics, and LucidChart for visualizing data

    A bibliometric review of the technology transfer literature

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    This study explores academic research on technology transfer (TT) and the related themes. The TT field has attracted considerable scholarly attention in recent years and has grown rapidly, resulting in a large body of knowledge. Using a bibliometric approach, this study reviews related research issues as well as their influence and connections and provides directions for future research. It uses Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science database that includes 3,218 bibliographic references. Several bibliometric analysis techniques and a subsequent review of the content of the most relevant documents are adopted. The performance analysis provided an updated overview of the evolution of the TT literature from 1969 to 2018 and quantitatively identified the most active and influential journals, articles, authors, and organizations. The co-authorship network analysis allowed us to identify and visualize the structure of relations between authors as well as determine the collaboration patterns among them. On the basis of the information supplied by the co-authorship network, the main literature was reviewed to identify the current status and research trends related to TT, identifying five main research streams and related topics. The implications of the study’s findings and directions for future TT research are finally discussed to enhance our understanding of TT agents and issues and support further research in this field.Funding for this research was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation & Universities (MCIU/AEI/FEDER-UE) under the Grant Number RTI2018-097579-B-100, by UPV/EHU under the Grant Number GIU16/46, and by FESIDE