10 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Malaysian highly cited papers

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    Highly cited papers serve as a proxy for excellence. In this paper, we identify Malaysia's highly-cited papers and explore the characteristics of these papers. The research question posed is "What characterizes Malaysian highly cited papers?" This study adopts the definition by Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicator, i.e. the highly cited papers are papers that received enough citations to be placed in the top 1 percent of the academic field of each 22 subject areas based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year. As a small scientific nation, Malaysia has a rather limited number of papers being highly cited, and we observed nine characteristics of highly cited papers based on 708 datasets obtained from the Web of Science. Malaysian highly cited papers are largely represented by articles, but reviews have higher impact. Typically, these papers have a low self-cited index and they are published in the First Quartile of the science discipline publications. The papers are mainly the outcome of national funded research; involve multiple co-authorship and international collaboration; affiliated to Malaysian research universities and Malaysian authors often play a dominant role as first or reprint authors. Partnership with scientists from Iran, Australia and UK may increase markedly the possibility of a Malaysian paper becoming highly cited. This investigation has shown that these are the characteristics of Malaysian highly cited papers, but to what extent can these be used as indicators need further investigation and discussions among the scientific community

    Bibliometric analysis of Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine from 2008 to 2019

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    The purpose of the study is to assess the scientific research productions in Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine (APJTM) from its first issue up to Dec 2019. We used the Web of Science Core Collection (SCI-EXPANDED, SSCI) to extract the relevant documents. Additionally, the data analysis using ORIGIN PRO 2018, HistCite, bibliometrix R-package, and VOSviewer. Var1.6.6. A total of 2,137 publications of APJTM. A total of 2,136 documents were retrieved, with received 13956 citations, with an average mean 6.63 citations per article, an h-index of 38. The most frequently occurring keywords in this analysis were Malaria, dengue, apoptosis, antioxidant, rate, invasion and anopheles stephesi and inflammation. The study provided the comprehensive and general overview for APJTM journal over its history from the first issue up-to-date. Moreover, the findings provide an insight into the frequency of citations for top-cited articles published in APJTM as well as the quality of the works, journals, trends of publications steering in APJTM

    Highly Cited Papers in Library and Information Science Field in the Web of Science from 1983 to 2018: A Bibliometric Study

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    Abstract This bibliometric study set out to evaluate and analyze highly cited papers in Library and Information Science field (LIS) in the Web of Science database from 1983 to 2018. In this bibliometric study, the required data were extracted from the Web of Science database. First, all documents under the rubric of LIS subject area, including 366,756 documents, were retrieved. The search was then limited to the highly cited papers. Of these papers, 433 ones were in the top-1% percentile rank. Finally, after the bibliometric data of the highly cited papers were extracted in plain text format, Excel and VOSviewer software were run to analyze the obtained data. The results showed that the Highly cited papers in LIS (433 ones) were published in the period 2009 to 2018. The highest number of highly cited papers belonged to 2014 (57 articles) and the subject area was Computer Science Information Systems (239 papers). Moreover, Thelwall, the University of Maryland, the United States, and Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association were the top authors, universities, countries, and journals for publishing LIS highly cited articles, respectively. The co-authorship map revealed that Thelwall, M, ranked first with eight co-authorships. In addition, Haustein, S with 6 co-authorships and Lariviere, V with 5 co-authorships were in second and third places, respectively. In addition, the co-authorship map of the countries publishing the Highly cited papers in LIS showed that the most papers were co-authored by the United States and China (link strength = 24). The results of most frequent keyword visualization indicated that in the last five years, concepts such as bibliometrics, altmetrics, social media, information systems, meta-analysis, electronic health record, social networking sites, and big data have been the most important keywords in Highly cited papers in LIS

    Factors Influencing Cities' Publishing Efficiency

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    Recently, a vast number of scientific publications have been produced in cities in emerging countries. It has long been observed that the publication output of Beijing has exceeded that of any other city in the world, including such leading centres of science as Boston, New York, London, Paris, and Tokyo. Researchers have suggested that, instead of focusing on cities' total publication output, the quality of the output in terms of the number of highly cited papers should be examined. However, in the period from 2014 to 2016, Beijing produced as many highly cited papers as Boston, London, or New York. In this paper, I propose another method to measure cities' publishing performance; I focus on cities' publishing efficiency (i.e., the ratio of highly cited articles to all articles produced in that city). First, I rank 554 cities based on their publishing efficiency, then I reveal some general factors influencing cities' publishing efficiency. The general factors examined in this paper are as follows: the linguistic environment, cities' economic development level, the location of excellent organisations, cities' international collaboration patterns, and the productivity of scientific disciplines

    Analysis of the 100 most-cited papers in one of the leading Library and Information Science journals “Scientometrics”

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    Scientometrics is one of the leading peer-reviewed journals in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). The present study is aimed to evaluate the salient characteristics of the 100 most-cited papers of Scientometrics. The bibliographic data of most cited papers were extracted from the Scopus database. The attributes of selected papers were analyzed by using Microsoft Excel, VOSviewer, and Biblioshiny software. These papers were published between 1979 and 2017. All papers gained citations with a mean ratio of 332.86 citations per paper and the range of citations varies from 155 to 3,222. These papers were contributed by 221authors, with an average of 2.21 authors per paper. Thirty-two papers were contributed by a single author pattern and these papers gained a higher proportion of citations as compared to multi-author papers. Likewise, the open accessed papers gained more citations as compared to subscription-based papers. Glänzel W. emerged as the most prolific author while the United States contributed the highest number of papers. This paper also highlighted the frequently used keywords and the analysis of cited references. Scientometrics is an important journal that has been providing a platform to LIS researchers, focusing on research evaluation, altmetrics, bibliometrics, and citation analysis, etc. The findings of the current study assist to recognize the publication trends and research markers in the area of scientometrics

    Highly Cited Papers in Sport Sciences: Identification and Conceptual Analysis

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    Highly cited papers reflect the top 1% of field and publication year papers. Highly cited papers are important in terms of the number of citations they receive in their subject area and often attract the attention of most researchers in terms of their high quality. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze highly cited papers in the field of sport sciences from a bibliometric perspective and to identify subject areas that have the potential to be highly cited. This research analyzed highly cited papers in the field of sport sciences published during 2010-2020, indexed in the Web of Science of the Clarivate Analytics. The results show that most of the highly cited papers in sport sciences are in sport medicine and published by prominent and renowned researchers. Moreover, most of these papers were contributed by researchers from the European and American continents. The results also show that the United States of America (USA), McMaster University of Canada, and Professor Lars Engebretsen led in publishing highly cited papers in sport sciences. It can be concluded that five thematic clusters were formed by highly cited papers in sport sciences, most of which were in the subject area of sport injuries and exercise physiology. Only highly cited papers in the field of sport sciences were analyzed, and a thorough analysis of all papers in this field is needed for a definite conclusion. This study identifies that the subject area has a great impact on a paper to be highly cited, and only some subject areas in the discipline of Sport Sciences have the potential to be highly cited

    Highly-cited papers in software engineering: The top 100

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    Context: According to the search reported in this paper, as of this writing (May 2015), a very large number of papers (more than 70,000) have been published in the area of Software Engineering (SE) since its inception in 1968. Citations are crucial in any research area to position the work and to build on the work of others. Identification and characterization of highly-cited papers are common and are regularly reported in various disciplines. Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the papers in the area of SE that have influenced others the most as measured by citation count. Studying highly-cited SE papers helps researchers to see the type of approaches and research methods presented and applied in such papers, so as to be able to learn from them to write higher quality papers which will likely receive high citations. Method: To achieve the above objective, we conducted a study, comprised of five research questions, to identify and classify the top-100 highly-cited SE papers in terms of two metrics: total number of citations and average annual number of citations. Results: By total number of citations, the top paper is "A metrics suite for object-oriented design", cited 1,817 times and published in 1994. By average annual number of citations, the top paper is "QoS-aware middleware for Web services composition", cited 154.2 times on average annually and published in 2004. Conclusion: It is concluded that it is important to identify the highly-cited SE papers and also to characterize the overall citation landscape in the SE field. We hope that this paper will encourage further discussions in the SE community towards further analysis and formal characterization of the highly-cited SE papers.Vahid Garousi was partially supported by several internal grants provided by the Hacettepe University. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments

    Quantity versus impact of software engineering papers: a quantitative study

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    According to the data from the Scopus publication database, as analyzed in several recent studies, more than 70,000 papers have been published in the area of Software Engineering (SE) since late 1960’s. According to our recent work, 43% of those papers have received no citations at all. Since citations are the most commonly used metric for measuring research (academic) impact, these figures raise questions (doubts) about the (non-existing) impact of such a large set of papers. It is a reality that typical academic reward systems encourage researchers to publish more papers and do not place a major emphasis on research impact. To shed light on the issue of volume (quantity) versus citation-based impact of SE research papers, we conduct and report in this paper a quantitative bibliometrics assessment in four aspects: (1) quantity versus impact of different paper types (e.g., conference versus journal papers), (2) ratios of uncited (non-impactful) papers, (3) quantity versus impact of papers originating from different countries, and (4) quantity versus impact of papers by each of the top-10 authors (in terms of number of papers). To achieve the above objective, we conducted a quantitative exploratory bibliometrics assessment, comprised of four research questions, to assess quantity versus impact of SE papers with respect to the aspects discussed above. We extracted the data through a systematic, automated and repeatable process from the Scopus paper database, which we also used in two previous papers. Our results show that the distribution of SE publications has a major inequality in terms of impact overall, and also when categorized in terms of the above four aspects. The situation in the SE literature is similar to the other areas of science as studied by previous bibliometrics studies. Also, among our results is the fact that journal articles and conference papers have been cited 12.6 and 3.6 times on average, confirming the expectation that journal articles have more impact, in general, than conference papers. Also, papers originated from English-speaking countries have in general more visibility and impact (and consequently citations) when compared to papers originated from non-English-speaking countries. Our results have implications for improvement of academic reward systems, which nowadays mainly encourage researchers to publish more papers and usually neglect research impact. Also, our results can help researchers in non-English-speaking countries to consider improvements to increase their research impact of their upcoming papers.Vahid Garousi was partially supported by several internal grants provided by the Hacettepe University and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). Joao M. Fernandes was supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia within the Project Scope UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute