54 research outputs found

    6G White Paper on Machine Learning in Wireless Communication Networks

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    The focus of this white paper is on machine learning (ML) in wireless communications. 6G wireless communication networks will be the backbone of the digital transformation of societies by providing ubiquitous, reliable, and near-instant wireless connectivity for humans and machines. Recent advances in ML research has led enable a wide range of novel technologies such as self-driving vehicles and voice assistants. Such innovation is possible as a result of the availability of advanced ML models, large datasets, and high computational power. On the other hand, the ever-increasing demand for connectivity will require a lot of innovation in 6G wireless networks, and ML tools will play a major role in solving problems in the wireless domain. In this paper, we provide an overview of the vision of how ML will impact the wireless communication systems. We first give an overview of the ML methods that have the highest potential to be used in wireless networks. Then, we discuss the problems that can be solved by using ML in various layers of the network such as the physical layer, medium access layer, and application layer. Zero-touch optimization of wireless networks using ML is another interesting aspect that is discussed in this paper. Finally, at the end of each section, important research questions that the section aims to answer are presented

    Distributed Real-time Systems - Deterministic Protocols for Wireless Networks and Model-Driven Development with SDL

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    In a networked system, the communication system is indispensable but often the weakest link w.r.t. performance and reliability. This, particularly, holds for wireless communication systems, where the error- and interference-prone medium and the character of network topologies implicate special challenges. However, there are many scenarios of wireless networks, in which a certain quality-of-service has to be provided despite these conditions. In this regard, distributed real-time systems, whose realization by wireless multi-hop networks becomes increasingly popular, are a particular challenge. For such systems, it is of crucial importance that communication protocols are deterministic and come with the required amount of efficiency and predictability, while additionally considering scarce hardware resources that are a major limiting factor of wireless sensor nodes. This, in turn, does not only place demands on the behavior of a protocol but also on its implementation, which has to comply with timing and resource constraints. The first part of this thesis presents a deterministic protocol for wireless multi-hop networks with time-critical behavior. The protocol is referred to as Arbitrating and Cooperative Transfer Protocol (ACTP), and is an instance of a binary countdown protocol. It enables the reliable transfer of bit sequences of adjustable length and deterministically resolves contest among nodes based on a flexible priority assignment, with constant delays, and within configurable arbitration radii. The protocol's key requirement is the collision-resistant encoding of bits, which is achieved by the incorporation of black bursts. Besides revisiting black bursts and proposing measures to optimize their detection, robustness, and implementation on wireless sensor nodes, the first part of this thesis presents the mode of operation and time behavior of ACTP. In addition, possible applications of ACTP are illustrated, presenting solutions to well-known problems of distributed systems like leader election and data dissemination. Furthermore, results of experimental evaluations with customary wireless transceivers are outlined to provide evidence of the protocol's implementability and benefits. In the second part of this thesis, the focus is shifted from concrete deterministic protocols to their model-driven development with the Specification and Description Language (SDL). Though SDL is well-established in the domain of telecommunication and distributed systems, the predictability of its implementations is often insufficient as previous projects have shown. To increase this predictability and to improve SDL's applicability to time-critical systems, real-time tasks, an approved concept in the design of real-time systems, are transferred to SDL and extended to cover node-spanning system tasks. In this regard, a priority-based execution and suspension model is introduced in SDL, which enables task-specific priority assignments in the SDL specification that are orthogonal to the static structure of SDL systems and control transition execution orders on design as well as on implementation level. Both the formal incorporation of real-time tasks into SDL and their implementation in a novel scheduling strategy are discussed in this context. By means of evaluations on wireless sensor nodes, evidence is provided that these extensions reduce worst-case execution times substantially, and improve the predictability of SDL implementations and the language's applicability to real-time systems

    Framework for a business interoperability quotient measurement model

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova da Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial (MEGI)Over the last decade the context of Interoperability has been changing rapidly. It has been expanding from the largely technically focused area of Information Systems towards Business Processes and Business Semantics. However, there exists a need for more comprehensive ways to define business interoperability and enable its performance measurement as a first step towards improvement of interoperability conditions between collaborating entities. Through extensive literature reviews and analysis of European Research initiatives in this area, this dissertation presents the State of the Art in Business Interoperability. The objective of this dissertation is to develop a model that closely captures the factors that are responsible for Business Interoperability in the context of Collaborative Business Processes. This Business Interoperability Quotient Measurement Model (BIQMM), developed in this dissertation uses an interdisciplinary approach to capture the key elements responsible for collaboration performance. Through the quantification of the relevance of each element to the particular collaboration scenario in question, this model enables a quantitative analysis of Business Interoperability, so that an overall interoperability score can be arrived at for enhanced performance measurements.Finally, the BIQMM is applied to a business case involving Innovayt and LM Glassfiber to demonstrate its applicability to different collaboration scenarios

    Feasibility of LoRa for Smart Home Indoor Localization

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    With the advancement of low-power and low-cost wireless technologies in the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been growing rapidly in numerous areas of Industry 4.0 and smart homes. With the development of many applications for the IoT, indoor localization, i.e., the capability to determine the physical location of people or devices, has become an important component of smart homes. Various wireless technologies have been used for indoor localization includingWiFi, ultra-wideband (UWB), Bluetooth low energy (BLE), radio-frequency identification (RFID), and LoRa. The ability of low-cost long range (LoRa) radios for low-power and long-range communication has made this radio technology a suitable candidate for many indoor and outdoor IoT applications. Additionally, research studies have shown the feasibility of localization with LoRa radios. However, indoor localization with LoRa is not adequately explored at the home level, where the localization area is relatively smaller than offices and corporate buildings. In this study, we first explore the feasibility of ranging with LoRa. Then, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the capability of LoRa for accurate and precise indoor localization in a typical apartment setting. Our experimental results show that LoRa-based indoor localization has an accuracy better than 1.6 m in line-of-sight scenario and 3.2 m in extreme non-line-of-sight scenario with a precision better than 25 cm in all cases, without using any data filtering on the location estimates

    Information Leakage Attacks and Countermeasures

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    The scientific community has been consistently working on the pervasive problem of information leakage, uncovering numerous attack vectors, and proposing various countermeasures. Despite these efforts, leakage incidents remain prevalent, as the complexity of systems and protocols increases, and sophisticated modeling methods become more accessible to adversaries. This work studies how information leakages manifest in and impact interconnected systems and their users. We first focus on online communications and investigate leakages in the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS). Using modern machine learning models, we show that an eavesdropping adversary can efficiently exploit meta-information (e.g., packet size) not protected by the TLS’ encryption to launch fingerprinting attacks at an unprecedented scale even under non-optimal conditions. We then turn our attention to ultrasonic communications, and discuss their security shortcomings and how adversaries could exploit them to compromise anonymity network users (even though they aim to offer a greater level of privacy compared to TLS). Following up on these, we delve into physical layer leakages that concern a wide array of (networked) systems such as servers, embedded nodes, Tor relays, and hardware cryptocurrency wallets. We revisit location-based side-channel attacks and develop an exploitation neural network. Our model demonstrates the capabilities of a modern adversary but also presents an inexpensive tool to be used by auditors for detecting such leakages early on during the development cycle. Subsequently, we investigate techniques that further minimize the impact of leakages found in production components. Our proposed system design distributes both the custody of secrets and the cryptographic operation execution across several components, thus making the exploitation of leaks difficult

    Evaluation of Efficiency of Cybersecurity

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    Uurimistöö eesmärgiks on uurida, kuidas tõhus küberjulgeolek on olnud edukas. Uurimistöö kasutab parima võimaliku tulemuse saamiseks mitmesuguseid uurimismeetodeid ja kirjanduse ülevaade on süstemaatiline. Kuid uurimistöö järeldus on see, et uuring ei suuda kinnitada või tagasi lükata peamist töö hüpoteesi. Uuring ei õnnestunud, sest puuduvad korralikud teooriad, mis näitavad ohutuse ja küberjulgeoleku nähtusi ning puuduvad head näitajad, mis annaksid küberohutuse tõhususe kohta kehtivaid ja ratsionaalseid tulemusi, kui hästi on küberkuritegevuse abil õnnestunud küberkuritegevuse tõhusaks võitmiseks ja küberkuritegude tõhusaks vähendamiseks. Seepärast on küberjulgeoleku teadusteooria ja julgeoleku teadusteooria vähearenenud 2018. aastal. Uuringud on teinud küberjulgeoleku ja turvalisuse arendamise põhilisi avastusi. Edasiste põhiuuringute suund on luua üldine turbeteooria, mis kirjeldab ohtlike muutujate ohtlike muutujate kavatsust, ressursse, pädevust ja edusamme ohtlike muutujate ja aksioomide puhul, kus ohtlike muutujate mõõtmisel saab teha selle sisse loodetavas ja teooria kirjeldab, millised on tõhusad meetmed, et vältida ja leevendada ning millised ei ole ja lõpuks kehtestada nõuetekohased mõõdikud, et mõõta turvalisuse ja küberjulgeoleku tõhusust loodetavus ja kehtivusega.The purpose of the thesis is to research how effectively cybersecurity has succeeded on its mission. The thesis used multiple research methods to get best possible answer and the literature review has been systematic. However, the conclusion of the research was that the study is unable to either confirm or reject the main working hypothesis. The study is unable to do it because of the lack of proper theories to describe what are the phenomena in secu-rity and cybersecurity and the lack of proper metrics to give valid and sound conclusion about the effective of cybersecurity and how well have cybersecurity succeed on its mis-sion to effectively prevent and mitigate cybercrime. Therefore, the science of security and science of cybersecurity are underdeveloped in 2018. The research has made basic discov-eries of development of cybersecurity and security. A direction of further basic research is to establish a general theory of security which describes threat variables, threat variables intention, resources, competence and progress of the threat variables and axioms where measurement of threat variables can be made with reliability and the theory would describe which are effective measures to prevent and mitigate and which are not and finally, estab-lish proper metrics to measure efficiency of security and cybersecurity with reliability and validity

    Conception et réalisation d'un nouveau transpondeur DSRC à faible consommation

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    To increase the efficiency and safety of the road traffic, new concepts and technologies have been developed in Europe since 1992 for RTTT applications (Road Traffic & Transport Telematics). These applications use the Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) devices at 5.8 GHz (ISM band). In view of the reliability and success of this technology, the use of such equipment is thus extended to the EFC (Electronic Fee Collection) or e-toll and also in many other application areas such as fleet management, public transport and parking management. Due to the broad applications, these equipments are subject to various standards CEN/TC 278, CEN ENV (EN) 12253, ETSI, etc.... The DSRC system consists in a transceiver (reader) and transponders (tags). Industrial approaches are oriented to semi-passive transponder technology, which uses the same signal sent by the reader to retransmit, performing a frequency shift and encoding data to be transmitted. This design avoids the use of the local oscillators to generate the RF wave, as in active transponders, and save electrical energy of batteries. This allows the development of relatively low cost and small size transponders. Despite advances in integrated low-power circuits technology, this concept still requires a lithium battery to operate the transponder for a period of 4-6 years. However, with the expansion of these facilities, it appears that over the years the amount of lithium to destroy has become a crucial problem for the environment. Nowadays designing a completely autonomous DSRC transponder is not feasible, since the amount of energy required is still high (8 mA/3.6 V active mode). Nevertheless, reducing the transponder electrical power consumption, as a solution to at least double the battery life, could be a good start point to improve environment protection.In this thesis we propose a new DSRC transponder with an original statechart that considerably reduces the power consumption. After validation of the new low-power consumption mode, we studied the possibility to recharge the battery of the transponder by means of Wireless Energy Harvesting. The DSRC Toll Collection RF link budget was carried out in order to estimate the amount of energy available when a car with a transponder passes through a toll system. However, RF link budget at 5.8 GHz presents a low power density, since the car does not stay enough on the DSRC antenna's field to proceed to energy harvesting. Therefore we explored another ISM frequency, the 2.45 GHz. Thus the Wireless Energy Harvesting chapter aims to further the state of the art through the design and optimization of a novel RF harvesting board design. We demonstrated that an optimum RF-DC load is required in order to achieve high RF-DC conversion efficiency. Several rectifiers and rectennas were prototyped in order to validate the numerical studies. Finally, the results obtained in this thesis are in the forefront of the State-of-the-Art of Wireless Energy Harvesting for very low available power density.Afin d'augmenter l'efficacité et la sécurité du trafic routier, de nouveaux concepts et technologies ont été développés depuis 1992 en Europe pour les applications RTTT (Road Traffic & Transport Telematics). Ces applications utilisent les équipements DSRC qui supportent les transmissions à courte distance à 5.8GHz. Vues la fiabilité et le succès de cette technologie, l'utilisation de ces équipements est ensuite étendue aux ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) ou Télépéage et aussi dans une multitude d'autres domaines d'application comme la gestion des flottes, le transport public et la gestion des parkings. Le système DSRC se compose d'un émetteur/récepteur (lecteur) et des transpondeurs (badges). En toute logique, l'approche industrielle oriente les développements vers la technologie de transpondeur semi passif qui, pour réémettre un signal utilise le signal transmis par l'émetteur–récepteur, effectue une modulation de phase d'une sous porteuse fréquentielle encodant ainsi les données à transmettre. Cette conception évite l'utilisation des oscillateurs locaux, comme dans les transpondeurs actifs, pour générer l'onde Radio Fréquence (RF). Ceci permet de produire des transpondeurs relativement à faible coût et de petite taille. Cependant ce concept nécessite quand même une batterie au Lithium pour assurer le fonctionnement du transpondeur pour une durée de 4 à 6 ans et ce malgré les progrès des technologies de circuits intégrés à faible consommation. Au fur et à mesure de l'expansion de ces équipements, il s'avère qu'avec les années la quantité des batteries au lithium à détruire deviendrait un problème crucial pour l'environnement. Aujourd'hui, la conception d'un transpondeur DSRC complètement autonome n'est pas faisable, car la quantité d'énergie nécessaire s'avère encore élevée (mode actif 8 mA/3.6 V). Néanmoins, la réduction de la consommation électrique du transpondeur, permet au moins doubler la durée de vie de la batterie et pourrait être un bon point de départ pour améliorer la protection de l'environnement.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un nouveau transpondeur DSRC avec un diagramme d'état original qui réduit considérablement la consommation énergétique. Après validation d'un nouvel état de fonctionnement en mode très faible consommation d'énergie, nous avons étudié la possibilité de recharger la batterie du transpondeur à travers de la récupération d'énergie sans fil. Le bilan de liaison énergétique DSRC a été réalisé afin d'estimer la quantité d'énergie disponible quand une voiture avec un transpondeur passe à sous un système de péage. Toutefois, le bilan énergétique à 5.8 GHz présente une faible densité d'énergie RF, puisque la voiture ne reste pas assez sur le lobe de l'antenne DSRC afin de procéder à la récupération d'énergie. Par conséquent, nous avons alors exploré une autre fréquence ISM, le 2.45 GHz dans laquelle la présence d'émetteurs est bien plus grande. Dans le chapitre de récupération d'énergie sans fil nous présentons la conception et l'optimisation d'un nouveau récupérateur d'énergie RF. Après avoir démontré qu'une charge RF-DC optimale est nécessaire afin d'atteindre une haute efficacité de conversion RF-DC. Plusieurs redresseurs et rectennas ont été conçus pour valider les études numériques. Parmi, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse les rendement de conversion obtenus sont à l'état de l'art de la récupération d'énergie sans fil pour une très faible densité de puissance disponible

    Synchronization of data in heterogeneous decentralized systems

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    Data synchronization is the problem of reconciling the differences between large data stores that differ in a small number of records. It is a common thread among disparate distributed systems ranging from fleets of Internet of Things (IoT) devices to clusters of distributed databases in the cloud. Most recently, data synchronization has arisen in globally distributed public blockchains that build the basis for the envisioned decentralized Internet of the future. Moreover, the parallel development of edge computing has significantly increased the heterogeneity of networks and computing devices. The merger of highly heterogeneous system resources and the decentralized nature of future Internet applications calls for a new approach to data synchronization. In this dissertation, we look at the problem of data synchronization through the prism of set reconciliation and introduce novel tools and protocols that improve the performance of data synchronization in heterogeneous decentralized systems. First, we compare the analytical properties of the state-of-the-art set reconciliation protocols, and investigate the impact of theoretical assumptions and implementation decisions on the synchronization performance. Second, we introduce GenSync, the first unified set reconciliation middleware. Using GenSync's distinctive benchmarking layer, we find that the best protocol choice is highly sensitive to the system conditions, and a bad protocol choice causes a severe hit in performance. We showcase the evaluative power of GenSync in one of the world's largest wireless network emulators, and demonstrate choosing the best GenSync protocol under a high and low user mobility in an emulated cellular network. Finally, we introduce SREP (Set Reconciliation-Enhanced Propagation), a novel blockchain transaction pool synchronization protocol with quantifiable guarantees. Through simulations, we show that SREP incurs significantly smaller bandwidth overhead than a similar approach from the literature, especially in the networks of realistic sizes (tens of thousands of participants)

    Innovative Technologies and Services for Smart Cities

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    A smart city is a modern technology-driven urban area which uses sensing devices, information, and communication technology connected to the internet of things (IoTs) for the optimum and efficient utilization of infrastructures and services with the goal of improving the living conditions of citizens. Increasing populations, lower budgets, limited resources, and compatibility of the upgraded technologies are some of the few problems affecting the implementation of smart cities. Hence, there is continuous advancement regarding technologies for the implementation of smart cities. The aim of this Special Issue is to report on the design and development of integrated/smart sensors, a universal interfacing platform, along with the IoT framework, extending it to next-generation communication networks for monitoring parameters of interest with the goal of achieving smart cities. The proposed universal interfacing platform with the IoT framework will solve many challenging issues and significantly boost the growth of IoT-related applications, not just in the environmental monitoring domain but in the other key areas, such as smart home, assistive technology for the elderly care, smart city with smart waste management, smart E-metering, smart water supply, intelligent traffic control, smart grid, remote healthcare applications, etc., signifying benefits for all countries