5 research outputs found

    Partitioning loops with variable dependence distances

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    A new technique to parallelize loops,vith variable distance vectors is presented The method extends previous methods in two ways. First, the present method makes it possible for array subscripts to be any linear combination of all loop indices. The solutions to the linear dependence equations established from such army subscripts are characterized by a pseudo distance matrix(PDM). Second, it allows us to exploit loop parallelism from the PDM by applying unimodular and partitioning transformations that preserve the lexicographical order of the dependent iterations. The algorithms to derive the PDM, to find a suitable loop transformation and to generate parallel code are described showing that it is possible to parallelize a wider range of loops automatically

    Some advances in the polyhedral model

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    Department Head: L. Darrell Whitley.2010 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.The polyhedral model is a mathematical formalism and a framework for the analysis and transformation of regular computations. It provides a unified approach to the optimization of computations from different application domains. It is now gaining wide use in optimizing compilers and automatic parallelization. In its purest form, it is based on a declarative model where computations are specified as equations over domains defined by "polyhedral sets". This dissertation presents two results. First is an analysis and optimization technique that enables us to simplify---reduce the asymptotic complexity---of such equations. The second is an extension of the model to richer domains called Ƶ-Polyhedra. Many equational specifications in the polyhedral model have reductions---application of an associative and commutative operator to collections of values to produce a collection of answers. Moreover, expressions in such equations may also exhibit reuse where intermediate values that are computed or used at different index points are identical. We develop various compiler transformations to automatically exploit this reuse and simplify the computational complexity of the specification. In general, there is an infinite set of applicable simplification transformations. Unfortunately, different choices may result in equivalent specifications with different asymptotic complexity. We present an algorithm for the optimal application of simplification transformations resulting in a final specification with minimum complexity. This dissertation also presents the Ƶ-Polyhedral model, an extension to the polyhedral model to more general sets, thereby providing a transformation framework for a larger set of regular computations. For this, we present a novel representation and interpretation of Ƶ-Polyhedra and prove a number of properties of the family of unions of Ƶ-Polyhedra that are required to extend the polyhedral model. Finally, we present value based dependence analysis and scheduling analysis for specifications in the Ƶ-Polyhedral model. These are direct extensions of the corresponding analyses of specifications in the polyhedral model. One of the benefits of our results in the Ƶ-Polyhedral model is that our abstraction allows the reuse of previously developed tools in the polyhedral model with straightforward pre- and post-processing

    Multilevel tiling for non-rectangular interation spaces

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    La motivación principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de compilación dirigidas a conseguir mayor rendimiento encódigos numéricos complejos que definen es pacios de iteraciones no rectangulares. En particular, nos centramos en la trasformación de "loop tiling" (también conocida como "blocking") y nuestro propósito es mejorar la transformación de loop tiling cuando se aplica a códigos numéricos complejos. Nuestro objetivo es conseguir, a través de la transformación de loop tiling, los mismos o mejores rendimientos que las librerías numéricas proporcionadas por el fabricante que están optimizadas manualmente.En la tesis se muestra que la razón principal por la que los compiladores comerciales actuales consiguen bajos rendimiento en este tipo de aplicaciones es que no son capaces de aplicar loop tiling a nivel de registros. En su lugar, para mejorar la localidad de los datos y el ILP, los compiladores actuales usan y combinan otras transformaciones que no explotan el nivel de registros tan bien como loop tiling. Previamente no se ha considerado aplicar loop tiling a nivel de registro porque en códigos numéricos complejos no es trivial debido a la naturaleza irregular de los espacios de iteraciones. La primera contribución de esta tesis es un algoritmo general de loop tiling a nivel de registros que es aplicable a cualquier tipo de espacio de iteraciones y no sólo a los espacios rectangulares. Nuestro método incluye una heurística muy sencilla para decidir los parámetros de los cortes a nivel de registros. A primera vista parece que loop tiling a nivel de registros (a partir de ahora, register tiling) se tiene que aplicar de tal manera que el bucle que ofrece más reuso temporal de los datos no debe de ser partido. De esta manera maximizamos la reutilización de los registros y minimizamos el número total de load/stores ejecutados. Sin embargo, mostraremos que en espacios de iteraciones no rectangulares, si solamente tenemos en cuenta las direcciones del reuso y no la forma del espacio de iteraciones, los códigos pueden sufrir una degradación en rendimiento. Nuestra segunda contribución es la propuesta de una heurística muy sencilla que determina los parámetros del tiling a nivel de registros considerando no sólo el reuso temporal sino también la forma del espacio de iteraciones. Además, la heurística es suficientemente sencilla para que pueda ser implementada en un compilador comercial.Sin embargo, para conseguir rendimientos similares que códigos optimizados a mano, no es suficiente con aplicar loop tiling a nivel de registros. Con las arquitecturas de hoy en día que disponen de jerarquías de memoria complejas y múltiples procesadores, es necesario que el compilador aplique loop tiling en cuatro o más niveles (paralelismo, cache L2, cache L1 y registros) para conseguir altos rendimientos. Por lo tanto, en las arquitecturas actuales es crucial tener un algoritmo eficiente para aplicar loop tiling en varios niveles de la jerarquía de memoria (tiling multinivel). Además, como mostramos en esta tesis, la transformación de tiling multinivel siempre tendrá que incluir el nivel de registro porque este es el nivel de la jerarquía de memoria que ofrece mayor rendimiento cuando es tratado correctamente.Cuando tiling multinivel incluye el nivel de registros, es necesario que los límites de los bucles sean exactos y que no haya límites redundantes. La razón es que la complejidad y la cantidad de código que se genera con nuestra técnica de register tiling depende polinómicamente del número de límites de los bucles.Sin embargo, hasta ahora, el problema de calcular límites exactos y eliminar límites redundantes es que todas las técnicas conocidas son muy caras en términos de tiempo de compilación y, por ello, difícil de integrar en un compilador comercial. La tercera contribución de esta tesis es una nueva implementación de tiling multinivel que calcula límites exactos y es mucho menos costosa que técnicas tradicionales. Mostraremos que la complejidad de nuestra implementación es proporcional a la complejidad de aplicar una permutación de bucles en el código original (antes de aplicar loop tiling), mientras que las técnicas tradicionales tienen complejidades más altas. Además, nuestra implementación genera menos límites redundantes y permite eliminar los límites redundantes que quedan a menor coste. En conjunto, la eficiencia de nuestra implementación hace posible que pueda ser implementada dentro de un compilador comercial sin tener que preocuparse por los tiempos de compilación.La última parte de esta tesis está dedicada al estudio del rendimiento de tiling multinivel. Se muestran los efectos de tiling en los diferentes niveles de memoria y presentamos datos que comparan los beneficios de tiling a nivel de registros, tiling a nivel de cache y tiling a los dos niveles, cache y registros, simultáneamente. Finalmente, comparamos el rendimiento de códigos optimizados automáticamente con códigos optimizados manualmente (librerías numéricas que ofrecen los fabricantes) sobre dos arquitecturas diferentes (ALPHA 21164 and MIPS R10000) para concluir que actualmente la tecnología de los compiladores hace posible que códigos numéricos complejos consigan el mismo rendimiento que códigos optimizados manualmente.The main motivation of this thesis is to develop new compilation techniques that address the lack of performance of complex numerical codes consisting of loop nests defining non-rectangular iteration spaces. Specifically, we focus on the loop tiling transformation (also known as blocking) and our purpose is the improvement of the loop tiling transformation when dealing with complex numerical codes. Our goal is to achieve via the loop tiling transformation the same or better performance as hand-optimized vendor-supplied numerical libraries. We will observe that the main reason why current commercial compilers perform poorly when dealing with this type of codes is that they do not apply tiling for the register level. Instead, to enhance locality at this level and to improve ILP, they use/combine other transformations that do not exploit the register level as well as loop tiling. Tiling for the register level has not generally been considered because, in complex numerical codes, it is far from being trivial due to the irregular nature of the iteration space. Our first contribution in this thesis will be a general compiler algorithm to perform tiling at the register level that handles arbitrary iteration space shapes and not only simple rectangular shapes.Our method includes a very simple heuristic to make the tile decisions for the register level. At first sight, register tiling should be performed so that whichever loop carries the most temporal reuse is not tiled. This way, register reuse is maximized and the number of load/store instructions executed is minimized. However, we will show that, for complex loop nests, if we only consider reuse directions and do not take into account the iteration space shape, the tiled loop nest can suffer performance degradation. Our second contribution will be a proposal of a very simple heuristic to determine the tiling parameters for the register level, that considers not only temporal reuse, but also the iteration space shape. Moreover, the heuristic is simple enough to be suitable for automatic implementation by compilers.However, to be able to achieve similar performance to hand-optimized codes, it is not enough by tiling only for the register level. With today's architectures having complex memory hierarchies and multiple processors, it is quite common that the compiler has to perform tiling at four or more levels (parallelism, L2-cache, L1-cache and registers) in order to achieve high performance. Therefore, in today's architectures it is crucial to have an efficient algorithm that can perform multilevel tiling at multiple levels of the memory hierarchy. Moreover, as we will see in this thesis, multilevel tiling should always include the register level, as this is the memory hierarchy level that yields most performance when properly tiled.When multilevel tiling includes the register level, it is critical to compute exact loop bounds and to avoid the generation of redundant bounds. The reason is that the complexity and the amount of code generated by our register tiling technique both depend polynomially on the number of loop bounds. However, to date, the drawback of generating exact loop bounds and eliminating redundant bounds has been that all techniques known were extremely expensive in terms of compilation time and, thus, difficult to integrate in a production compiler. Our third contribution in this thesis will be a new implementation of multilevel tiling that computes exact loop bounds at a much lower complexity than traditional techniques. In fact, we will show that the complexity of our implementation is proportional to the complexity of performing a loop permutation in the original loop nest (before tiling), while traditional techniques have much larger complexities. Moreover, our implementation generates less redundant bounds in the multilevel tiled code and allows removing the remaining redundant bounds at a lower cost. Overall, the efficiency of our implementation makes it possible to integrate multilevel tiling including the register level in a production compiler without having to worry about compilation time.The last part of this thesis is dedicated to studying the performance of multilevel tiling. We will discuss the effects of tiling for different memory levels and present quantitative data comparing the benefits of tiling only for the register level, tiling only for the cache level and tiling for both levels simultaneously. Finally, we will compare automatically-optimized codes against hand-optimized vendor-supplied numerical libraries, on two different architectures (ALPHA 21164 and MIPS R10000), to conclude that compiler technology can make it possible for complex numerical codes to achieve the same performance as hand-optimized codes on modern microprocessors

    Structured parallelism discovery with hybrid static-dynamic analysis and evaluation technique

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    Parallel computer architectures have dominated the computing landscape for the past two decades; a trend that is only expected to continue and intensify, with increasing specialization and heterogeneity. This creates huge pressure across the software stack to produce programming languages, libraries, frameworks and tools which will efficiently exploit the capabilities of parallel computers, not only for new software, but also revitalizing existing sequential code. Automatic parallelization, despite decades of research, has had limited success in transforming sequential software to take advantage of efficient parallel execution. This thesis investigates three approaches that use commutativity analysis as the enabler for parallelization. This has the potential to overcome limitations of traditional techniques. We introduce the concept of liveness-based commutativity for sequential loops. We examine the use of a practical analysis utilizing liveness-based commutativity in a symbolic execution framework. Symbolic execution represents input values as groups of constraints, consequently deriving the output as a function of the input and enabling the identification of further program properties. We employ this feature to develop an analysis and discern commutativity properties between loop iterations. We study the application of this approach on loops taken from real-world programs in the OLDEN and NAS Parallel Benchmark (NPB) suites, and identify its limitations and related overheads. Informed by these findings, we develop Dynamic Commutativity Analysis (DCA), a new technique that leverages profiling information from program execution with specific input sets. Using profiling information, we track liveness information and detect loop commutativity by examining the code’s live-out values. We evaluate DCA against almost 1400 loops of the NPB suite, discovering 86% of them as parallelizable. Comparing our results against dependence-based methods, we match the detection efficacy of two dynamic and outperform three static approaches, respectively. Additionally, DCA is able to automatically detect parallelism in loops which iterate over Pointer-Linked Data Structures (PLDSs), taken from wide range of benchmarks used in the literature, where all other techniques we considered failed. Parallelizing the discovered loops, our methodology achieves an average speedup of 3.6× across NPB (and up to 55×) and up to 36.9× for the PLDS-based loops on a 72-core host. We also demonstrate that our methodology, despite relying on specific input values for profiling each program, is able to correctly identify parallelism that is valid for all potential input sets. Lastly, we develop a methodology to utilize liveness-based commutativity, as implemented in DCA, to detect latent loop parallelism in the shape of patterns. Our approach applies a series of transformations which subsequently enable multiple applications of DCA over the generated multi-loop code section and match its loop commutativity outcomes against the expected criteria for each pattern. Applying our methodology on sets of sequential loops, we are able to identify well-known parallel patterns (i.e., maps, reduction and scans). This extends the scope of parallelism detection to loops, such as those performing scan operations, which cannot be determined as parallelizable by simply evaluating liveness-based commutativity conditions on their original form

    Beyond Unimodular Transformations

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    This paper presents an approach to modeling loop transformations using linear algebra. Compound transformations are modeled as integer matrices. Non-singular linear transformations presented here subsumes the class of unimodular transformations. The loop transformations included are the unimodular transformations -- reversal, skewing, permutation -- and a new transformation, namely stretching. Non-unimodular transformations (with determinant >=1) create "holes" in the transformed iteration space, rendering code generation difficult. We solve this problem by suitably changing the step size of loops in order to "skip" these holes when traversing the transformed iteration space. For the class of non-unimodular loop transformations, we present algorithms for deriving the loop bounds, the array access expressions and step sizes of loops in the nest. To derive the step sizes, we compute the Hermite Normal Form of the transformation matrix; the step sizes are the entries on the diagonal of thi..