433 research outputs found

    Meta-Design: A Conceptual Framework for End-User Software Engineering

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    In a world that is not predictable, improvisation, evolution, and innovation are more than a luxury: they are a necessity. The challenge of design is not a matter of getting rid of the emergent, but rather of including it and making it an opportunity for more creative and more adequate solutions to problems. Meta-design is an emerging conceptual framework aimed at defining and creating social and technical infrastructures in which new forms of collaborative design can take place. It extends the traditional notion of system design beyond the original development of a system. It is grounded in the basic assumption that future uses and problems cannot be completely anticipated at design time, when a system is developed. Users, at use time, will discover mismatches between their needs and the support that an existing system can provide for them. These mismatches will lead to breakdowns that serve as potential sources of new insights, new knowledge, and new understanding

    Decoded: Exploring user involvement in the early stages of software development

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    This research aims to explore how user involvement in software development can contribute to innovation in interfaces and system functionality as well as create supporting literature for human-centered design in the software development process. To achieve this, a mixed-methodology approach is used to validate users as co-creators in the early stages of development. This is done through direct engagement with users, the adaption of the GOMS framework to develop human-centered methods for engagement, and the use of evaluative surveys. By combining GOMS and human-centered design, researchers could frame engagement methods for the elicitation of system functionality and interface design requirements. Researchers then synthesized requirements from user generated data, developed a prototype, and compared it to a prototype developed without user involvement. Early results show that user-generated prototyping provides key insights into the development of software features, user flow, and information architecture

    An Extra Life: Living and Learning in Virtual Worlds

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    Four themes in the literature on virtual worlds are identified and discussed: situated learning in virtual spaces and places; composing a (second) life; virtual worlds, real people; and fostering ecologies of learning

    Lifelong Learning: What does it Mean?

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    AbstractThis review article seeks to prepare the ground of lifelong leaning (LLL) realization, enabling one to understand its concept and plan processes in learning lifetime. It is made by a survey among scientific works on the topic. LLL comprises all phases of learning, from pre-school to post-retirement, and covers the whole spectrum of formal, non-formal and informal learning. It means that learning is a process occurs at all times in all places. It should be a process of continuous learning that directed towards not only providing the individual needs, also that of the relevant community

    For Those Playing along at Home: Four Perspectives on Shared Intellectual Property in Television Production

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    Television audiences and fans are increasingly enrolled in the co-production of the television experience. Return-path communication enabled by digital media allows show producers to gather real-time market data about audiences, as well as to solicit creative input from audience members individually and in aggregate. This transformation is not without its challenges: audiences and producers must negotiate shared ownership of the televisual product. The intellectual property implications of interactive TV are therefore considerable: who owns the intellectual property in shows with substantial audience engagement? How can we locate and ascertain the value of intellectual property added by viewer contributions? The authors propose four definitions of intellectual property through which to examine the status of viewer creativity: legal/regulatory, entrepreneurial, accounting and communitarian. The authors conclude that each definition on its own is insufficient to aid strategic planning, so a new model of programme-as-platform is proposed for TV companies working with interactive IP

    What will designers do when everyone can be a designer?

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    This book presents taxonomy of personalisation, and its potential consequences for the design profession as well as its ethical and political dimensions through a collection of essays from a range of academic perspectives

    Encouraging contributions in Learning Networks using incentive mechanisms

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    Please refer to the original Article: Hummel, H., Burgos, D., Tattersall, C., Brouns, F., Kurvers, H., Koper, R. (2005). Encouraging constributions in learning networks using incentive mechanisms. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,21, 355-365. Submitted (April 8,2005)We investigate incentive mechanisms to increase active participation in Learning Networks. The Learning Network under study is LN4LD, a Learning Network for the exchange of information about the IMS Learning Design specification. We examine how to encourage learners in LN4LD to contribute their knowledge, and whether incentive mechanisms can increase the level of active participation. We describe an incentive mechanism based on constructivist principles and Social Exchange Theory, and experimentation using the mechanism designed to increase the level of active participation. The incentive mechanism allows individual learners to gain personal access to additional information through the accumulation of points earned by making contributions. Repeated measurements according to a simple interrupted time series with removal design show that the level of participation was indeed increased by the introduction of the reward system. It can therefore be considered worthwhile to use incentive mechanisms in Learning Networks

    TPCK in in-service education: Assisting experienced teachers\u27 planned improvisations

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    This Handbook addresses the concept and implementation of technological pedagogical content knowledge -- the knowledge and skills that teachers need in order to integrate technology meaningfully into instruction in specific content areas. Recognizing, for example, that effective uses of technology in mathematics are quite different from effective uses of technology in social studies, teachers need specific preparation in using technology in each content area they will be teaching. Offering a series of chapters by scholars in different content areas who apply the technological pedagogical content knowledge framework to their individual content areas, the volume is structured around three themes: What is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge? Integrating Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge into Specific Subject Areas Integrating Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge into Teacher Education and Professional Development The Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Educators is simultaneously a mandate and a manifesto on the engagement of technology in classrooms based on consensus standards and rubrics for effectiveness. As the title of the concluding chapter declares, It’s about time! The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) is a national, voluntary association of higher education institutions and related organizations. Our mission is to promote the learning of all PK-12 students through high-quality, evidence-based preparation and continuing education for all school personnel. For more information on our publications, visit our website at: www.aacte.org.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/educationbookchapters/1044/thumbnail.jp
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