339,724 research outputs found

    The Radiation Structure of PSR B2016++28 Observed with FAST

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    With the largest dish Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), both the mean and single pulses of PSR B2016++28, especially including the single-pulse structure, are investigated in detail in this study. The mean pulse profiles at different frequencies can be well fitted in a conal model, and the peak separation of intensity-dependent pulse profiles increases with intensity. The integrated pulses are obviously frequency dependent (pulse width decreases by 20%\sim\,20\% as frequency increases from 300 MHz to 750 MHz), but the structure of single pulses changes slightly (the corresponding correlation scale decreases by only 1%\sim\,1\%). This disparity between mean and single pulses provides independent evidence for the existence of the RS-type vacuum inner gap, indicating a strong bond between particles on the pulsar surface. Diffused drifting sub-pulses are analyzed. The results show that the modulation period along pulse series (P3P_3) is positively correlated to the separation between two adjacent sub-pulses (P2P_2). This correlation may hint a rough surface on the pulsar, eventually resulting in the irregular drift of sparks. All the observational results may have significant implications in the dynamics of pulsar magnetosphere and are discussed extensively in this paper.Comment: Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 62, 959505 (2019

    A mathematical form of force-free magnetosphere equation around Kerr black holes and its application to Meissner effect

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    Based on the Lagrangian of the steady axisymmetric force-free magnetosphere (FFM) equation around Kerr black holes(KBHs), we find that the FFM equation can be rewritten in a new form as f,rr/(1μ2)+f,μμ/Δ+K(f(r,μ),r,μ)=0f_{,rr} / (1-\mu^{2}) + f_{,\mu\mu} / \Delta + K(f(r,\mu),r,\mu) = 0, where μ=cosθ\mu = -\cos\theta. By coordinate transformation, the form of the above equation can be given by s,yy+s,zz+D(s(y,z),y,z)=0s_{,yy} + s_{,zz} + D(s(y,z),y,z) = 0. Based on the form, we prove finally that the Meissner effect is not possessed by a KBH-FFM with the condition where dω/dAϕ0d\omega/d A_{\phi} \leqslant 0 and Hϕ(dHϕ/dAϕ)0H_{\phi}(dH_{\phi}/dA_{\phi}) \geqslant 0, here AϕA_{\phi} is the ϕ\phi component of the vector potential A\vec{A}, ω\omega is the angular velocity of magnetic fields and Hϕ{H_{\phi}} corresponds to twice the poloidal electric current

    Phase transitions in a holographic s+p model with backreaction

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    In a previous paper (arXiv:1309.2204, JHEP 1311 (2013) 087), we present a holographic s+p superconductor model with a scalar triplet charged under an SU(2) gauge field in the bulk. We also study the competition and coexistence of the s-wave and p-wave orders in the probe limit. In this work we continue to study the model by considering the full back-reaction The model shows a rich phase structure and various condensate behaviors such as the "n-type" and "u-type" ones, which are also known as reentrant phase transitions in condensed matter physics. The phase transitions to the p-wave phase or s+p coexisting phase become first order in strong back-reaction cases. In these first order phase transitions, the free energy curve always forms a swallow tail shape, in which the unstable s+p solution can also play an important role. The phase diagrams of this model are given in terms of the dimension of the scalar order and the temperature in the cases of eight different values of the back reaction parameter, which show that the region for the s+p coexisting phase is enlarged with a small or medium back reaction parameter, but is reduced in the strong back-reaction cases.Comment: 15 pages(two-column), 9 figure

    ELUCID IV: Galaxy Quenching and its Relation to Halo Mass, Environment, and Assembly Bias

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    We examine the quenched fraction of central and satellite galaxies as a function of galaxy stellar mass, halo mass, and the matter density of their large scale environment. Matter densities are inferred from our ELUCID simulation, a constrained simulation of local Universe sampled by SDSS, while halo masses and central/satellite classification are taken from the galaxy group catalog of Yang et al. The quenched fraction for the total population increases systematically with the three quantities. We find that the `environmental quenching efficiency', which quantifies the quenched fraction as function of halo mass, is independent of stellar mass. And this independence is the origin of the stellar mass-independence of density-based quenching efficiency, found in previous studies. Considering centrals and satellites separately, we find that the two populations follow similar correlations of quenching efficiency with halo mass and stellar mass, suggesting that they have experienced similar quenching processes in their host halo. We demonstrate that satellite quenching alone cannot account for the environmental quenching efficiency of the total galaxy population and the difference between the two populations found previously mainly arises from the fact that centrals and satellites of the same stellar mass reside, on average, in halos of different mass. After removing these halo-mass and stellar-mass effects, there remains a weak, but significant, residual dependence on environmental density, which is eliminated when halo assembly bias is taken into account. Our results therefore indicate that halo mass is the prime environmental parameter that regulates the quenching of both centrals and satellites.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Ap

    Newton-Hooke Limit of Beltrami-de Sitter Spacetime, Principles of Galilei-Hooke's Relativity and Postulate on Newton-Hooke Universal Time

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    Based on the Beltrami-de Sitter spacetime, we present the Newton-Hooke model under the Newton-Hooke contraction of the BdSBdS spacetime with respect to the transformation group, algebra and geometry. It is shown that in Newton-Hooke space-time, there are inertial-type coordinate systems and inertial-type observers, which move along straight lines with uniform velocity. And they are invariant under the Newton-Hooke group. In order to determine uniquely the Newton-Hooke limit, we propose the Galilei-Hooke's relativity principle as well as the postulate on Newton-Hooke universal time. All results are readily extended to the Newton-Hooke model as a contraction of Beltrami-anti-de Sitter spacetime with negative cosmological constant.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures; some misprints correcte

    A Uniformly Selected Sample of Low-mass Black Holes in Seyfert 1 Galaxies

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    We have conducted a systematic search of low-mass black holes (BHs) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with broad Halpha emission lines, aiming at building a homogeneous sample that is more complete than previous ones for fainter, less highly accreting sources. For this purpose, we developed a set of elaborate, automated selection procedures and applied it uniformly to the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Special attention is given to AGN--galaxy spectral decomposition and emission-line deblending. We define a sample of 309 type 1 AGNs with BH masses in the range 8×1048 \times 10^4--2×1062 \times 10^6 \msun (with a median of 1.2×1061.2 \times 10^6 solar mass), using the virial mass estimator based on the broad Halpha line. About half of our sample of low-mass BHs differs from that of Greene & Ho, with 61 of them discovered here for the first time. Our new sample picks up more AGNs with low accretion rates: the Eddington ratios of the present sample range from < 0.01<~0.01 to ~1, with 30% below 0.1. This suggests that a significant fraction of low-mass BHs in the local Universe are accreting at low rates. The host galaxies of the low-mass BHs have luminosities similar to those of LL^* field galaxies, optical colors of Sbc spirals, and stellar spectral features consistent with a continuous star formation history with a mean stellar age of less than 1 Gyr.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap