23 research outputs found

    Sozialpolitische Entscheidungen im Nachkriegsdeutschland

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    Produktinnovationen durch Kompetenzclusterbildung in kompetenzzellenbasierten Netzen

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    Die kompetenzzellenbasierte Vernetzung ist ein wissenschaftlicher Ansatz für die Kooperation elementarer Leistungseinheiten, der eine neue Perspektive für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen darstellt, wie diese im globalen Wettbewerb mit Konzernen bestehen können. Die Arbeit beschreibt die systematische Generierung von Produktinnovationen ohne Kundenauftrag aus Initiativen innerhalb des Netzes. Als Grundlage für den Aufbau von Wettbewerbsvorteilen durch die Kooperation wird ein Verfahren zur Clusterbildung eingeführt, das beschreibt, wie sich Kompetenzzellen anhand der Charakteristik ihrer Kompetenzen effektiv zu einem Cluster verbinden lassen. Der beschriebene Innovationsprozess umfasst dann sowohl die methodische Suche nach neuen, marktgerechten Produktkonzepten, die im Produktentwicklungsprozess konstruiert werden, als auch die Technologieentwicklung, bei der neues Wissen für die Definition zukünftiger Produkte generiert wird. Für Letztere wird ein Ansatz zur Auswahl der Beteiligten beschrieben, die anhand einer annähernd objektiven Bewertung der Innovationsfähigkeit erfolgt. Der Nachweis der Funktionsfähigkeit des Verfahrens wird am Beispiel eines Forschungsinstitutes erbracht.The competence-cell-based networking is a scientific approach to the cooperation of elementary performance units representing a new perspective for small and medium-sized enterprises of how they can stand in the global competition with large concerns. This thesis describes the systematic generation of product innovations without customer orders through initiatives within the network. As a basis for gaining competitive advantages through this cooperation, a clustering method is introduced. It explains how competence cells can be joined effectively to a cluster by means of their characteristics. The described innovation process comprises the methodical search for new, market-oriented product concepts which will be designed in the product development process. Furthermore, it comprehends also the technology development, with which new knowledge for the definition of future products is generated. For the latter, an approach for selecting the required participants is described, which is accomplished by a nearly objective evaluation of the innovative capability. The functionality of the method was verified by an example of a research institute.Las redes basadas en células de competencia son un planteamiento científico enfocado a la cooperación de unidades funcionales elementales que representan una nueva perspectiva para las pequeñas y medianas empresas para poder subsistir en la competencia global contra grandes consorcios. La tesis describe la generación sistemática de innovaciones de producto, sin órdenes de cliente, a partir de iniciativas dentro de la misma red. Como base para la creación de ventajas competitivas a través de la cooperación se introduce un nuevo procedimiento para formar agrupaciones, el cual describe como se pueden agrupar de forma efectiva células de competencia por medio de sus características. El proceso de innovación descrito comprende tanto la búsqueda metódica de nuevos conceptos de productos orientados al mercado, que se diseñaran en el proceso del desarrollo de productos; así como también el desarrollo de tecnología, con el que se genera nuevo conocimiento para la definición de futuros productos. Para este último, se describe un método para la selección de los participantes necesarios que se efectúa por medio de la valoración aproximadamente objetiva de su capacidad para innovar. La funcionalidad del modelo propuesto se comprobó por medio de un ejemplo de un instituto de investigación

    Saving Nature in Socialism: East Germany's Official and Independent Environmentalism, 1968-1990

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    This dissertation explores the social, political, and environmental implications at home and abroad of East Germany’s (German Democratic Republic, GDR) mounting pollution problem. Placing the rise of environmental consciousness in East Germany in conversation with developments in West Germany and Poland, my project examines how the communist dictatorship and the small but growing opposition each grappled with the mounting pollution problem. Specifically, the dissertation considers why the dictatorship embraced environmental protection—even codifying the right to a clean environment in its 1968 constitution—and how it implemented this mandate. Yet, as the new environmental regulation and social policies raised East Germans’ expectations for a cleaner environment and a higher quality of life, their failures became increasingly manifest. As a result, a protest movement formed in the only institution not controlled by the communist party, the Protestant Church. I argue that Christian activists formulated a critique that challenged not only official environmental practices, but ultimately, the system as a whole. Although this criticism figured prominently in the Round Table discussions leading to reunification in 1990, our understanding of the connections between the environment and communism as well as their legacies remain as yet understudied. This examination of pollution, policy, and protest challenges traditional narratives about environmentalism. First, within the GDR, studying the interactions between institutions, politics, and society illuminates the complex negotiations between state and society under communism. Because environmentalism was not strictly viewed as oppositional, actors engaged in a range of activities for a common cause. Second, I argue that environmental consciousness arose for a variety of domestic and international reasons under communism, neither simply borrowing from western, liberal democracies nor developing in isolation from them. In fact, environmentalism in the GDR drew on a multitude of outside influences, such as western green movements, Christian texts, Soviet rhetoric, and Eastern European dissidents, to respond to serious, local degradation. This broadens the accepted narratives of environmentalism as originating solely in western, liberal democracies and highlights how both Germanys engaged with the environment to support their claims to legitimacy. Environmentalism in the GDR bridged the Iron Curtain, demonstrating the limitations of bipolar understandings of Europe during the Cold War. Its largest success, perhaps, was how uncontentious environmental cleanup proved to be during the unification process in the 1990s. Both East and West Germans had accepted its importance.Doctor of Philosoph

    Berlin-Brandenburger Beitraege zur Bildungsforschung 2022

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    Die Reihe »Berlin-Brandenburger Beiträge zur Bildungsforschung« bietet ein Forum zur Veröffentlichung von Studien aus der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Der Fokus liegt auf Arbeiten mit besonderem Bezug zum Raum Berlin und Brandenburg. Dabei finden qualitative und quantitative Zugänge gleichermaßen Berücksichtigung