8 research outputs found

    HRA*: hybrid randomized path planning for complex 3D environments

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    We propose HRA*, a new randomized path planner for complex 3D environments. The method is a modified A* algorithm that uses a hybrid node expansion technique that combines a random exploration of the action space meeting vehicle kinematic constraints with a cost to goal metric that considers only kinematically feasible paths to the goal. The method includes also a series of heuristics to accelerate the search time. These include a cost penalty near obstacles, and a filter to prevent revisiting configurations. The performance of the method is compared against A*, RRT and RRT* in a series of challenging 3D outdoor datasets. HRA* is shown to outperform all of them in computation time, and delivering shorter paths than A* and RRPostprint (author's final draft

    3D mapping and path planning from range data

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    This thesis reports research on mapping, terrain classification and path planning. These are classical problems in robotics, typically studied independently, and here we link such problems by framing them within a common proprioceptive modality, that of three-dimensional laser range scanning. The ultimate goal is to deliver navigation paths for challenging mobile robotics scenarios. For this reason we also deliver safe traversable regions from a previously computed globally consistent map. We first examine the problem of registering dense point clouds acquired at different instances in time. We contribute with a novel range registration mechanism for pairs of 3D range scans using point-to-point and point-to-line correspondences in a hierarchical correspondence search strategy. For the minimization we adopt a metric that takes into account not only the distance between corresponding points, but also the orientation of their relative reference frames. We also propose FaMSA, a fast technique for multi-scan point cloud alignment that takes advantage of the asserted point correspondences during sequential scan matching, using the point match history to speed up the computation of new scan matches. To properly propagate the model of the sensor noise and the scan matching, we employ first order error propagation, and to correct the error accumulation from local data alignment, we consider the probabilistic alignment of 3D point clouds using a delayed-state Extended Information Filter (EIF). In this thesis we adapt the Pose SLAM algorithm to the case of 3D range mapping, Pose SLAM is the variant of SLAM where only the robot trajectory is estimated and where sensor data is solely used to produce relative constraints between robot poses. These dense mapping techniques are tested in several scenarios acquired with our 3D sensors, producing impressively rich 3D environment models. The computed maps are then processed to identify traversable regions and to plan navigation sequences. In this thesis we present a pair of methods to attain high-level off-line classification of traversable areas, in which training data is acquired automatically from navigation sequences. Traversable features came from the robot footprint samples during manual robot motion, allowing us to capture terrain constrains not easy to model. Using only some of the traversed areas as positive training samples, our algorithms are tested in real scenarios to find the rest of the traversable terrain, and are compared with a naive parametric and some variants of the Support Vector Machine. Later, we contribute with a path planner that guarantees reachability at a desired robot pose with significantly lower computation time than competing alternatives. To search for the best path, our planner incrementally builds a tree using the A* algorithm, it includes a hybrid cost policy to efficiently expand the search tree, combining random sampling from the continuous space of kinematically feasible motion commands with a cost to goal metric that also takes into account the vehicle nonholonomic constraints. The planer also allows for node rewiring, and to speed up node search, our method includes heuristics that penalize node expansion near obstacles, and that limit the number of explored nodes. The method book-keeps visited cells in the configuration space, and disallows node expansion at those configurations in the first full iteration of the algorithm. We validate the proposed methods with experiments in extensive real scenarios from different very complex 3D outdoors environments, and compare it with other techniques such as the A*, RRT and RRT* algorithms.Esta tesis reporta investigación sobre el mapeo, clasificación de terreno y planificación de trayectorias. Estos son problemas clásicos en robótica los cuales generalmente se estudian de forma independiente, aquí se vinculan enmarcandolos con una modalidad propioceptiva común: un láser de rango 3D. El objetivo final es ofrecer trayectorias de navegación para escenarios complejos en el marco de la robótica móvil. Por esta razón también entregamos regiones transitables en un mapa global consistente calculado previamente. Primero examinamos el problema de registro de nubes de puntos adquiridas en diferentes instancias de tiempo. Contribuimos con un novedoso mecanismo de registro de pares de imagenes de rango 3D usando correspondencias punto a punto y punto a línea, en una estrategia de búsqueda de correspondencias jerárquica. Para la minimización optamos por una metrica que considera no sólo la distancia entre puntos, sino también la orientación de los marcos de referencia relativos. También proponemos FAMSA, una técnica para el registro rápido simultaneo de multiples nubes de puntos, la cual aprovecha las correspondencias de puntos obtenidas durante el registro secuencial, usando inicialmente la historia de correspondencias para acelerar el cálculo de las correspondecias en los nuevos registros de imagenes. Para propagar adecuadamente el modelo del ruido del sensor y del registro de imagenes, empleamos la propagación de error de primer orden, y para corregir el error acumulado del registro local, consideramos la alineación probabilística de nubes de puntos 3D utilizando un Filtro Extendido de Información de estados retrasados. En esta tesis adaptamos el algóritmo Pose SLAM para el caso de mapas con imagenes de rango 3D, Pose SLAM es la variante de SLAM donde solamente se estima la trayectoria del robot, usando los datos del sensor como restricciones relativas entre las poses robot. Estas técnicas de mapeo se prueban en varios escenarios adquiridos con nuestros sensores 3D produciendo modelos 3D impresionantes. Los mapas obtenidos se procesan para identificar regiones navegables y para planificar secuencias de navegación. Presentamos un par de métodos para lograr la clasificación de zonas transitables fuera de línea. Los datos de entrenamiento se adquieren de forma automática usando secuencias de navegación obtenidas manualmente. Las características transitables se captan de las huella de la trayectoria del robot, lo cual permite capturar restricciones del terreno difíciles de modelar. Con sólo algunas de las zonas transitables como muestras de entrenamiento positivo, nuestros algoritmos se prueban en escenarios reales para encontrar el resto del terreno transitable. Los algoritmos se comparan con algunas variantes de la máquina de soporte de vectores (SVM) y una parametrizacion ingenua. También, contribuimos con un planificador de trayectorias que garantiza llegar a una posicion deseada del robot en significante menor tiempo de cálculo a otras alternativas. Para buscar el mejor camino, nuestro planificador emplea un arbol de busqueda incremental basado en el algoritmo A*. Incluimos una póliza de coste híbrido para crecer de manera eficiente el árbol, combinando el muestro aleatorio del espacio continuo de comandos cinemáticos del robot con una métrica de coste al objetivo que también concidera las cinemática del robot. El planificador además permite reconectado de nodos, y, para acelerar la búsqueda de nodos, se incluye una heurística que penaliza la expansión de nodos cerca de los obstáculos, que limita el número de nodos explorados. El método conoce las céldas que ha visitado del espacio de configuraciones, evitando la expansión de nodos en configuraciones que han sido vistadas en la primera iteración completa del algoritmo. Los métodos propuestos se validán con amplios experimentos con escenarios reales en diferentes entornos exteriores, asi como su comparación con otras técnicas como los algoritmos A*, RRT y RRT*.Postprint (published version

    A Review of Point Cloud Registration Algorithms for Mobile Robotics

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    International audienceThe topic of this review is geometric registration in robotics. Registration algorithms associate sets of data into a common coordinate system. They have been used extensively in object reconstruction, inspection, medical application, and localization of mobile robotics. We focus on mobile robotics applications in which point clouds are to be registered. While the underlying principle of those algorithms is simple, many variations have been proposed for many different applications. In this review, we give a historical perspective of the registration problem and show that the plethora of solutions can be organized and differentiated according to a few elements. Accordingly, we present a formalization of geometric registration and cast algorithms proposed in the literature into this framework. Finally, we review a few applications of this framework in mobile robotics that cover different kinds of platforms, environments, and tasks. These examples allow us to study the specific requirements of each use case and the necessary configuration choices leading to the registration implementation. Ultimately, the objective of this review is to provide guidelines for the choice of geometric registration configuration

    Calage robuste et accéléré de nuages de points en environnements naturels via l'apprentissage automatique

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    En robotique mobile, un élément crucial dans la réalisation de la navigation autonome est la localisation du robot. En utilisant des scanners laser, ceci peut être réalisé en calant les nuages de points consécutifs. Pour ce faire, l’utilisation de points de repères appelés descripteurs sont généralement efficaces, car ils permettent d’établir des correspondances entre les nuages de points. Cependant, nous démontrons que dans certains environnements naturels, une proportion importante d’entre eux peut ne pas être fiable, dégradant ainsi les performances de l’alignement. Par conséquent, nous proposons de filtrer les descripteurs au préalable afin d’éliminer les nuisibles. Notre approche consiste à utiliser un algorithme d’apprentissage rapide, entraîné à la volée sous le paradigme positive and unlabeled learning sans aucune intervention humaine nécessaire. Les résultats obtenus montrent que notre approche permet de réduire significativement le nombre de descripteurs utilisés tout en augmentant la proportion de descripteurs fiables, accélérant et augmentant ainsi la robustesse de l’alignement.Localization of a mobile robot is crucial for autonomous navigation. Using laser scanners, this can be facilitated by the pairwise alignment of consecutive scans. For this purpose, landmarks called descriptors are generally effective as they facilitate point matching. However, we show that in some natural environments, many of them are likely to be unreliable. The presence of these unreliable descriptors adversely affects the performances of the alignment process. Therefore, we propose to filter unreliable descriptors as a prior step to alignment. Our approach uses a fast machine learning algorithm, trained on-the-fly under the positive and unlabeled learning paradigm without the need for human intervention. Our results show that the number of descriptors can be significantly reduced, while increasing the proportion of reliable ones, thus speeding up and improving the robustness of the scan alignment process

    Autonomous navigation and mapping of mobile robots based on 2D/3D cameras combination

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    Aufgrund der tendenziell zunehmenden Nachfrage an Systemen zur Unterstützung des alltäglichen Lebens gibt es derzeit ein großes Interesse an autonomen Systemen. Autonome Systeme werden in Häusern, Büros, Museen sowie in Fabriken eingesetzt. Sie können verschiedene Aufgaben erledigen, beispielsweise beim Reinigen, als Helfer im Haushalt, im Bereich der Sicherheit und Bildung, im Supermarkt sowie im Empfang als Auskunft, weil sie dazu verwendet werden können, die Verarbeitungszeit zu kontrollieren und präzise, zuverlässige Ergebnisse zu liefern. Ein Forschungsgebiet autonomer Systeme ist die Navigation und Kartenerstellung. Das heißt, mobile Roboter sollen selbständig ihre Aufgaben erledigen und zugleich eine Karte der Umgebung erstellen, um navigieren zu können. Das Hauptproblem besteht darin, dass der mobile Roboter in einer unbekannten Umgebung, in der keine zusätzlichen Bezugsinformationen vorhanden sind, das Gelände erkunden und eine dreidimensionale Karte davon erstellen muss. Der Roboter muss seine Positionen innerhalb der Karte bestimmen. Es ist notwendig, ein unterscheidbares Objekt zu finden. Daher spielen die ausgewählten Sensoren und der Register-Algorithmus eine relevante Rolle. Die Sensoren, die sowohl Tiefen- als auch Bilddaten liefern können, sind noch unzureichend. Der neue 3D-Sensor, nämlich der "Photonic Mixer Device" (PMD), erzeugt mit hoher Bildwiederholfrequenz eine Echtzeitvolumenerfassung des umliegenden Szenarios und liefert Tiefen- und Graustufendaten. Allerdings erfordert die höhere Qualität der dreidimensionalen Erkundung der Umgebung Details und Strukturen der Oberflächen, die man nur mit einer hochauflösenden CCD-Kamera erhalten kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert somit eine Exploration eines mobilen Roboters mit Hilfe der Kombination einer CCD- und PMD-Kamera, um eine dreidimensionale Karte der Umgebung zu erstellen. Außerdem wird ein Hochleistungsalgorithmus zur Erstellung von 3D Karten und zur Poseschätzung in Echtzeit unter Verwendung des "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping" (SLAM) Verfahrens präsentiert. Der autonom arbeitende, mobile Roboter soll ferner Aufgaben übernehmen, wie z.B. die Erkennung von Objekten in ihrer Umgebung, um verschiedene praktische Aufgaben zu lösen. Die visuellen Daten der CCD-Kamera liefern nicht nur eine hohe Auflösung der Textur-Daten für die Tiefendaten, sondern werden auch für die Objekterkennung verwendet. Der "Iterative Closest Point" (ICP) Algorithmus benutzt zwei Punktwolken, um den Bewegungsvektor zu bestimmen. Schließlich sind die Auswertung der Korrespondenzen und die Rekonstruktion der Karte, um die reale Umgebung abzubilden, in dieser Arbeit enthalten.Presently, intelligent autonomous systems have to perform very interesting tasks due to trendy increases in support demands of human living. Autonomous systems have been used in various applications like houses, offices, museums as well as in factories. They are able to operate in several kinds of applications such as cleaning, household assistance, transportation, security, education and shop assistance because they can be used to control the processing time, and to provide precise and reliable output. One research field of autonomous systems is mobile robot navigation and map generation. That means the mobile robot should work autonomously while generating a map, which the robot follows. The main issue is that the mobile robot has to explore an unknown environment and to generate a three dimensional map of an unknown environment in case that there is not any further reference information. The mobile robot has to estimate its position and pose. It is required to find distinguishable objects. Therefore, the selected sensors and registered algorithms are significant. The sensors, which can provide both, depth as well as image data are still deficient. A new 3D sensor, namely the Photonic Mixer Device (PMD), generates a high rate output in real-time capturing the surrounding scenario as well as the depth and gray scale data. However, a higher quality of three dimension explorations requires details and textures of surfaces, which can be obtained from a high resolution CCD camera. This work hence presents the mobile robot exploration using the integration of CCD and PMD camera in order to create a three dimensional map. In addition, a high performance algorithm for 3D mapping and pose estimation of the locomotion in real time, using the "Simultaneous Localization and Mapping" (SLAM) technique is proposed. The flawlessly mobile robot should also handle the tasks, such as the recognition of objects in its environment, in order to achieve various practical missions. Visual input from the CCD camera not only delivers high resolution texture data on depth volume, but is also used for object recognition. The “Iterative Closest Point” (ICP) algorithm is using two sets of points to find out the translation and rotation vector between two scans. Finally, the evaluation of the correspondences and the reconstruction of the map to resemble the real environment are included in this thesis