23 research outputs found

    Maximum Likelihood-based Online Adaptation of Hyper-parameters in CMA-ES

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    The Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is widely accepted as a robust derivative-free continuous optimization algorithm for non-linear and non-convex optimization problems. CMA-ES is well known to be almost parameterless, meaning that only one hyper-parameter, the population size, is proposed to be tuned by the user. In this paper, we propose a principled approach called self-CMA-ES to achieve the online adaptation of CMA-ES hyper-parameters in order to improve its overall performance. Experimental results show that for larger-than-default population size, the default settings of hyper-parameters of CMA-ES are far from being optimal, and that self-CMA-ES allows for dynamically approaching optimal settings.Comment: 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2014) (2014

    A Generalized Markov-Chain Modelling Approach to (1,λ)(1,\lambda)-ES Linear Optimization: Technical Report

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    Several recent publications investigated Markov-chain modelling of linear optimization by a (1,λ)(1,\lambda)-ES, considering both unconstrained and linearly constrained optimization, and both constant and varying step size. All of them assume normality of the involved random steps, and while this is consistent with a black-box scenario, information on the function to be optimized (e.g. separability) may be exploited by the use of another distribution. The objective of our contribution is to complement previous studies realized with normal steps, and to give sufficient conditions on the distribution of the random steps for the success of a constant step-size (1,λ)(1,\lambda)-ES on the simple problem of a linear function with a linear constraint. The decomposition of a multidimensional distribution into its marginals and the copula combining them is applied to the new distributional assumptions, particular attention being paid to distributions with Archimedean copulas

    Automatic online algorithm selection for optimization in cyber-physical production systems

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    Shrinking product lifecycles, progressing market penetration of innovative product technologies, and increasing demand for product individualization lead to frequent adjustments of production processes and thus to an increasing demand for frequent optimization of production processes. Offline solutions are not always available, and even the optimization problem class itself may have changed in terms of the value landscape of the objective function: Parameters may have been added, the locations of optimal values and the values themselves may have changed. This thesis develops an automatic solution to the algorithm selection problem for continuous optimization. Furthermore, based on the evaluation of three different real-world use cases and a review of well-known architectures from the field of automation and cognitive science, a system architecture suitable for use in large data scenarios was developed. The developed architecture has been implemented and evaluated on two real-world problems: A Versatile Production System (VPS) and Injection Molding Optimization (IM). The developed solution for the VPS was able to automatically tune the feasible algorithms and select the most promising candidate, which significantly outperformed the competitors. This was evaluated by applying statistical tests based on the generated test instances using the process data and by performing benchmark experiments. This solution was extended to the area of multi-objective optimization for the IM use case by specifying an appropriate algorithm portfolio and selecting a suitable performance metric to automatically compare the algorithms. This allows the automatic optimization of three largely uncorrelated objectives: cycle time, average volume shrinkage, and maximum warpage of the parts to be produced. The extension to multi-objective handling for IM optimization showed a huge benefit in terms of manual implementation effort, as most of the work could be done by configuration. The implementation effort was reduced to selecting optimizers and hypervolume computation

    Learning to Control Differential Evolution Operators

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    Evolutionary algorithms are widely used for optimsation by researchers in academia and industry. These algorithms have parameters, which have proven to highly determine the performance of an algorithm. For many decades, researchers have focused on determining optimal parameter values for an algorithm. Each parameter configuration has a performance value attached to it that is used to determine a good configuration for an algorithm. Parameter values depend on the problem at hand and are known to be set in two ways, by means of offline and online selection. Offline tuning assumes that the performance value of a configuration remains same during all generations in a run whereas online tuning assumes that the performance value varies from one generation to another. This thesis presents various adaptive approaches each learning from a range of feedback received from the evolutionary algorithm. The contributions demonstrate the benefits of utilising online and offline learning together at different levels for a particular task. Offline selection has been utilised to tune the hyper-parameters of proposed adaptive methods that control the parameters of evolutionary algorithm on-the-fly. All the contributions have been presented to control the mutation strategies of the differential evolution. The first contribution demonstrates an adaptive method that is mapped as markov reward process. It aims to maximise the cumulative future reward. Next chapter unifies various adaptive methods from literature that can be utilised to replicate existing methods and test new ones. The hyper-parameters of methods in first two chapters are tuned by an offline configurator, irace. Last chapter proposes four methods utilising deep reinforcement learning model. To test the applicability of the adaptive approaches presented in the thesis, all methods are compared to various adaptive methods from literature, variants of differential evolution and other state-of-the-art algorithms on various single objective noiseless problems from benchmark set, BBOB

    An Investigation of Factors Influencing Algorithm Selection for High Dimensional Continuous Optimisation Problems

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    The problem of algorithm selection is of great importance to the optimisation community, with a number of publications present in the Body-of-Knowledge. This importance stems from the consequences of the No-Free-Lunch Theorem which states that there cannot exist a single algorithm capable of solving all possible problems. However, despite this importance, the algorithm selection problem has of yet failed to gain widespread attention . In particular, little to no work in this area has been carried out with a focus on large-scale optimisation; a field quickly gaining momentum in line with advancements and influence of big data processing. As such, it is not as yet clear as to what factors, if any, influence the selection of algorithms for very high-dimensional problems (> 1000) - and it is entirely possible that algorithms that may not work well in lower dimensions may in fact work well in much higher dimensional spaces and vice-versa. This work therefore aims to begin addressing this knowledge gap by investigating some of these influencing factors for some common metaheuristic variants. To this end, typical parameters native to several metaheuristic algorithms are firstly tuned using the state-of-the-art automatic parameter tuner, SMAC. Tuning produces separate parameter configurations of each metaheuristic for each of a set of continuous benchmark functions; specifically, for every algorithm-function pairing, configurations are found for each dimensionality of the function from a geometrically increasing scale (from 2 to 1500 dimensions). The nature of this tuning is therefore highly computationally expensive necessitating the use of SMAC. Using these sets of parameter configurations, a vast amount of performance data relating to the large-scale optimisation of our benchmark suite by each metaheuristic was subsequently generated. From the generated data and its analysis, several behaviours presented by the metaheuristics as applied to large-scale optimisation have been identified and discussed. Further, this thesis provides a concise review of the relevant literature for the consumption of other researchers looking to progress in this area in addition to the large volume of data produced, relevant to the large-scale optimisation of our benchmark suite by the applied set of common metaheuristics. All work presented in this thesis was funded by EPSRC grant: EP/J017515/1 through the DAASE project

    Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning for Engineering Design and Health Prognostics: A Tutorial

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    On top of machine learning models, uncertainty quantification (UQ) functions as an essential layer of safety assurance that could lead to more principled decision making by enabling sound risk assessment and management. The safety and reliability improvement of ML models empowered by UQ has the potential to significantly facilitate the broad adoption of ML solutions in high-stakes decision settings, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and aviation, to name a few. In this tutorial, we aim to provide a holistic lens on emerging UQ methods for ML models with a particular focus on neural networks and the applications of these UQ methods in tackling engineering design as well as prognostics and health management problems. Toward this goal, we start with a comprehensive classification of uncertainty types, sources, and causes pertaining to UQ of ML models. Next, we provide a tutorial-style description of several state-of-the-art UQ methods: Gaussian process regression, Bayesian neural network, neural network ensemble, and deterministic UQ methods focusing on spectral-normalized neural Gaussian process. Established upon the mathematical formulations, we subsequently examine the soundness of these UQ methods quantitatively and qualitatively (by a toy regression example) to examine their strengths and shortcomings from different dimensions. Then, we review quantitative metrics commonly used to assess the quality of predictive uncertainty in classification and regression problems. Afterward, we discuss the increasingly important role of UQ of ML models in solving challenging problems in engineering design and health prognostics. Two case studies with source codes available on GitHub are used to demonstrate these UQ methods and compare their performance in the life prediction of lithium-ion batteries at the early stage and the remaining useful life prediction of turbofan engines

    Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks: From Collection to Event-Triggered Applications

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are collections of sensing devices using wireless communication to exchange data. In the past decades, steep advancements in the areas of microelectronics and communication systems have driven an explosive growth in the deployment of WSNs. Novel WSN applications have penetrated multiple areas, from monitoring the structural stability of historic buildings, to tracking animals in order to understand their behavior, or monitoring humans' health. The need to convey data from increasingly complex applications in a reliable and cost-effective manner translates into stringent performance requirements for the underlying WSNs. In the frame of this thesis, we have focused on developing routing protocols for multi-hop WSNs, that significantly improve their reliability, energy consumption and latency. Acknowledging the need for application-specific trade-offs, we have split our contribution into two parts. Part 1 focuses on collection protocols, catering to applications with high reliability and energy efficiency constraints, while the protocols developed in part 2 are subject to an additional bounded latency constraint. The two mechanisms introduced in the first part, WiseNE and Rep, enable the use of composite metrics, and thus significantly improve the link estimation accuracy and transmission reliability, at an energy expense far lower than the one achieved in previous proposals. The novel beaconing scheme WiseNE enables the energy-efficient addition of the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) and LQI (Link Quality Indication) metrics to the link quality estimate by decoupling the sampling and exploration periods of each mote. This decoupling allows the use of the Trickle Algorithm, a key driver of protocols' energy efficiency, in conjunction with composite metrics. WiseNE has been applied to the Triangle Metric and validated in an online deployment. The section continues by introducing Rep, a novel sampling mechanism that leverages the packet repetitions already present in low-power preamble-sampling MAC protocols in order to improve the WSN energy consumption by one order of magnitude. WiseNE, Rep and the novel PRSSI (Penalized RSSI, a combination of PRR and RSSI) composite metric have been validated in a real smart city deployment. Part 2 introduces two mechanisms that were developed in the frame of the WiseSkin project (an initiative aimed at designing highly sensitive artificial skin for human limb prostheses), and are generally applicable to the domain of cyber-physical systems. It starts with Glossy-W, a protocol that leverages the superior energy-latency trade-off of flooding schemes based on concurrent transmissions. Glossy-W ensures the stringent synchronization requirements necessary for robust flooding, irrespective of the number of motes simultaneously reporting an event. Part 2 also introduces SCS (Synchronized Channel Sampling), a novel mechanism capable of reducing the power required for periodic polling, while maintaining the event detection reliability, and enhancing the network coexistence. The testbed experiments performed show that SCS manages to reduce the energy consumption of the state-of-the-art protocol Back-to-Back Robust Flooding by over one third, while maintaining an equivalent reliability, and remaining compatible with simultaneous event detection. SCS' benefits can be extended to the entire family of state-of-the-art protocols relying on concurrent transmissions

    Towards a more efficient use of computational budget in large-scale black-box optimization

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    Evolutionary algorithms are general purpose optimizers that have been shown effective in solving a variety of challenging optimization problems. In contrast to mathematical programming models, evolutionary algorithms do not require derivative information and are still effective when the algebraic formula of the given problem is unavailable. Nevertheless, the rapid advances in science and technology have witnessed the emergence of more complex optimization problems than ever, which pose significant challenges to traditional optimization methods. The dimensionality of the search space of an optimization problem when the available computational budget is limited is one of the main contributors to its difficulty and complexity. This so-called curse of dimensionality can significantly affect the efficiency and effectiveness of optimization methods including evolutionary algorithms. This research aims to study two topics related to a more efficient use of computational budget in evolutionary algorithms when solving large-scale black-box optimization problems. More specifically, we study the role of population initializers in saving the computational resource, and computational budget allocation in cooperative coevolutionary algorithms. Consequently, this dissertation consists of two major parts, each of which relates to one of these research directions. In the first part, we review several population initialization techniques that have been used in evolutionary algorithms. Then, we categorize them from different perspectives. The contribution of each category to improving evolutionary algorithms in solving large-scale problems is measured. We also study the mutual effect of population size and initialization technique on the performance of evolutionary techniques when dealing with large-scale problems. Finally, assuming uniformity of initial population as a key contributor in saving a significant part of the computational budget, we investigate whether achieving a high-level of uniformity in high-dimensional spaces is feasible given the practical restriction in computational resources. In the second part of the thesis, we study the large-scale imbalanced problems. In many real world applications, a large problem may consist of subproblems with different degrees of difficulty and importance. In addition, the solution to each subproblem may contribute differently to the overall objective value of the final solution. When the computational budget is restricted, which is the case in many practical problems, investing the same portion of resources in optimizing each of these imbalanced subproblems is not the most efficient strategy. Therefore, we examine several ways to learn the contribution of each subproblem, and then, dynamically allocate the limited computational resources in solving each of them according to its contribution to the overall objective value of the final solution. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we design a new set of 40 large-scale imbalanced problems and study the performance of some possible instances of the framework