20,005 research outputs found

    Reducing bullying amongst the worst affected

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    The role of the tourist guide : a theoretical perspective

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    One can view tourism as a socio-cultural subsystem implanted in a particular society and which according to Jafari (1982), promotes the interaction of three cultures: the local culture, the tourist culture and the imported culture. This paper discusses the role of tourist guides in social mediation and cultural brokerage. Examples from the local scene are also given by the author to show the manipulative power tourist guides can wield.peer-reviewe

    The Chinese and Crime in the Ommelanden of Batavia 1780-1793

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    Batavia dan wilayah Ommelanden pada era akhir abad ke-18 berada dalam krisis keamanan di mana angka kriminalitas terus meningkat. Kejahatan dalam berbagai bentuk, mulai dari perampokan, pembunuhan, pencurian, sampai perkelahian antar-etnis menjadi suatu pemandangan yang biasa di wilayah ini. Kondisi VOC yang mulai runtuh saat itu berdampak pada runtuhnya keamanan publik di daerah koloni. Lebih jauh, kondisi ini merefleksikan semakin melemahnya kontrol administrasi pemerintah kolonial terhadap Batavia dan Ommelanden. Meningkatnya angka kriminalitas di wilayah Ommelanden juga memengaruhi masyarakat Cina, baik sebagai pelaku maupun sebagai korban dari kejahatan tersebut. Kedudukan dan status mereka yang cenderung lebih tinggi dalam hal finansial dari masyarakat lokal menjadi sumber pemicu kebencian antaretnis di Ommelanden. Masyarakat Cina menjadi rentan terhadap tindak kejahatan. Paper ini mengeksplorasi berbagai kasus kriminal di Ommelanden Batavia yang terkait masyarakat Cina, baik sebagai korban maupun pelaku, yang terekam dalam arsip Schepenbank. Paper ini memberikan sebuah gambaran relasi masyarakat Cina dengan etnis lainnya di Ommelanden Batavia dalam kasus-kasus hukum, sifat dan kekhasan kriminalitas di Ommelanden Batavia, serta sistem yudisial VOC di Ommelanden Batavia

    Building Public Confidence: Ending Racial Profiling in Nebraska

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    The report reviewed data collected by the Nebraska Crime Commission. The ACLU's analysis of the data found that "profiling in Nebraska traffic stops disproportionately and negatively affects communities of colors." The ACLU report focuses on three findings: 1) People of color are more likely to be pulled over. 2) People of color are more likely to be arrested: a white driver has a 1 in 48 chance of being arrested compared to a 1 in 13 chance for drivers of color. The data showed that there was not a significant difference in the actual offenses committed by the drivers. 3) People of color are more likely to be subjected to searches

    Unmasking Hybridity in Popular Performance

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    This paper explores cultural hybridization in popular music and the eroticization of the exotic eastern aesthetic. Using musicology and anthropology as tools, the paper examines varying perspectives of the artists, audience and marginalized groups. Although cultural appropriation has been used recently as a blanket buzzword in mainstream dialogue, it does provide a platform to discuss complex issues on gender, race and sexuality that has been muddled by colonial mentalities

    Random, Suspicionless Searches of Students\u27 Belongings: A Legal, Empirical, and Normative Analysis

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    This Article provides a legal, empirical, and normative analysis of an intrusive search practice used by schools officials to prevent school crime: random, suspicionless searches of students’ belongings. First, it argues that these searches are not permitted under the Fourth Amendment unless schools have particularized evidence of a weapons or substance problem in their schools. Second, it provides normative considerations against implementing strict security measures in schools, especially when they are applied disproportionately on minority students. Third, drawing on recent restricted data from the U.S. Department of Education’s School Survey on Crime and Safety, it provides empirical findings that raise concerns that some public schools may be conducting unconstitutional searches of students’ belongings. In addition, it shows that these potentially unconstitutional searches are more likely to take place in schools with higher minority populations than in schools with lower minority populations. Finally, it argues that the Supreme Court should resolve any ambiguity in its jurisprudence by expressly requiring school officials to have particularized, objective evidence of a substance abuse or weapons problem before permitting these schools to perform these intrusive searches

    What and how: doing good research with young people, digital intimacies, and relationships and sex education

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    © 2020, © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. As part of a project funded by the Wellcome Trust, we held a one-day symposium, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, to discuss priorities for research on relationships and sex education (RSE) in a world where young people increasingly live, experience, and augment their relationships (whether sexual or not) within digital spaces. The introduction of statutory RSE in schools in England highlights the need to focus on improving understandings of young people and digital intimacies for its own sake, and to inform the development of learning resources. We call for more research that puts young people at its centre; foregrounds inclusivity; and allows a nuanced discussion of pleasures, harms, risks, and rewards, which can be used by those working with young people and those developing policy. Generating such research is likely to be facilitated by participation, collaboration, and communication with beneficiaries, between disciplines and across sectors. Taking such an approach, academic researchers, practitioners, and policymakers agree that we need a better understanding of RSE’s place in lifelong learning, which seeks to understand the needs of particular groups, is concerned with non-sexual relationships, and does not see digital intimacies as disconnected from offline everyday ‘reality’

    The protection of journalists's sources under fire? How developments in European human rights law have reinforced the right of journalists to have their sources protected

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    Analysis of developments in case law ECtHR protecting the right of journalists to protect their source

    Providing legal assistance to drug users in Eastern Europe

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