12 research outputs found

    The Bison, September 4, 2015

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    단행본 기획수서 현황 및 데이터 기반 기획수서 개선

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    University of Dayton Exponent, October 1953

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    Published monthly, usually October through May, in the interest of the students of the University of Dayton. Contents include essays, editorials, poems, plays, histories, and other creative works.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/exponent/1426/thumbnail.jp

    The Chronicle [April 9, 2012]

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    The Chronicle, April 9, 2012https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/chron/4853/thumbnail.jp

    A Case Study of Animal Welfare and the UK's Leading Restaurant Companies

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    Restaurants are intimately bound up with animal welfare, in that a food offer is their raison d’etre, but the issue of animal welfare in the restaurant industry has received little attention in the academic literature. This exploratory case study looks to add to this literature by reviewing how the leading UK restaurant companies have publicly addressed animal welfare. The case study identifies, and daws out, five themes, namely strategic corporate commitment, a focus on supply chains, policies on specific categories of animals and food products, auditing, and welfare performance, that illustrate/capture the approach the leading restaurant companies in the UK have taken to animal welfare. The authors also raise a number of wider issues about the restaurant companies approach to animal welfare, including the aspirational nature of their commitments, the emphasis on audits, the role of animal welfare pressure groups and campaigns, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

    Estrategias de crecimiento empresarial en Starbucks

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    En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se presentarán las diferentes estrategias a nivel competitivo y corporativo que ha seguido Starbucks para lograr el éxito dentro de la industria del café, realizando una distinción entre las direcciones y los métodos de desarrollo. En primer lugar, se ha llevado a cabo una breve descripción de la empresa junto con su historia e hitos más importantes para conocerla mejor. En segundo lugar, se ha realizado un análisis estratégico a través de herramientas necesarias como la cadena de valor para realizar un análisis interno de la compañía, así como las cinco fuerzas competitivas de Porter para analizar el entorno específico. También se ha realizado un estudio a través del análisis DAFO, donde hemos determinado que la empresa adoptó una estrategia ofensiva para aprovechar las oportunidades y fortalezas. En tercer lugar, se detallan las estrategias de negocio que ha seguido Starbucks hasta el momento, de las que hemos concluido que se ha basado en una estrategia de diferenciación de producto que le ha permitido mantener una ventaja competitiva frente a otros competidores desde sus inicios. En cuarto lugar, la empresa ha optado por crecer empleando un gran número de direcciones de desarrollo, destacando sobre todo el desarrollo de producto y mercado, la diversificación relacionada y la integración vertical hacia atrás. También se verán dos momentos en los que Starbucks tuvo que pasar por un proceso de reestructuración. Por su parte, el método de desarrollo más utilizado es el crecimiento externo a través de adquisiciones y acuerdos de cooperación o alianzas. En quinto lugar, analizaremos el proceso de internacionalización, así como las estrategias que ha utilizado para entrar en el mercado exterior y lograr estar presente en más de 80 países. Finalmente, se presentan las conclusiones generales del trabajo. En resumen, se puede concluir que Starbucks es una compañía que se adapta a la cultura y costumbres de los mercados locales en los que opera, sin perder su propia esencia y su estrategia de negocio

    Análisis estratégico de Red Bull GMBH y Coca Cola

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    En el siguiente documento se analizará a Coca Cola Company y a Red Bull GmbH por medio de diversas herramientas de análisis. En primer lugar, se realizará el modelo de las cinco fuerzas de Porter para conocer el entorno competitivo de los productos principales de las dos compañías. Posterior a este análisis, se procederá a realizar un DAFO de las empresas a fin de conocer los principales puntos fuertes y débiles de cada una. Una vez analizados los principales puntos a tener en cuenta de las casas, se detallarán las principales estrategias corporativas que han realizado para determinar los caminos que han llevado cada compañía. Para terminar, se compararán los resultados obtenidos para conocer como dos compañías que han seguido caminos diferentes han llegado a convertirse en imperios

    Social change performed through the practice of allotment gardening

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    This thesis asks what the practice of allotment gardening can tell us about social change.Through interviews and participant observation, it explores allotment gardening as a food provisioning practice, and interrogates how it fits with other food-provisioning practices. It also seeks to situate allotment gardening – in which the individual is both producer and consumer –within an alternative food network paradigm, and tease out whether this distinction makes a difference to how individuals approach issues of ethical consumption. I draw on Giddens’s structuration theory and contemporary practice theory to identify the elements of allotment gardening as a practice. Subsequently, I use the data collected from my fieldwork to reflect upon the strengths and limitations of practice theory as an analytical approach to social change.My findings indicate that allotment gardeners did not systematically share the motivations of ethical consumers but that allotment gardening nonetheless achieved some of the aims of ethical consumption. My research also makes a twofold contribution to contemporary practice theory. First, detailed data analysis demonstrates the multi-layered role that social geographic notions of place/space play in the performance of allotment practice; a dimension which could be more fully developed in further research. Second, in support of current thinking that practices must be analysed not in isolation but in combination if we are to account for social change, I argue that a shift in emphasis is necessary to realise the potential of Reckwitz’s notion of the individual as the ‘unique crossing point’ of practices. This involves situating the individual as the determining element within practice, rather than just one element among others. My data further demonstrates how focusing on the individual as a crossing point of social networks reveals the significant impact that relationships have upon practices

    Estudo sobre o impacto dos copos para bebidas "On the Go" em Portugal

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    Exame público realizado em 21 de junho de 2022, às 11H30Dissertação de mestrado em Design do ProdutoA economia enfrenta atualmente uma nova realidade urgente, que carece de abordagens sistémicas que beneficiem as empresas, a sociedade e o meio ambiente. O lixo consequente de produtos descartáveis que atende às necessidades de vida em movimento, tais como os copos e recipientes, e as respostas dos centros de gestão de resíduos perante tal situação, permanecem ainda um obstáculo no caminho da sustentabilidade, levando os sistemas políticos e organizacionais a agir. Diante disso, o mercado enfrenta a necessidade de se adaptarem às novas diretivas, que os obrigam a reestruturar a sua oferta e a manter a satisfação dos clientes. Este estudo aborda o design como protagonista na inovação para padrões de consumo e produção sustentáveis, económicos e socialmente responsáveis, procurando apoiar a transição de pequenos e grandes negócios e, criar condições para a recetividade dos clientes à mudança. Para isso, foram realizados uma análise de dados e um estudo de mercado sobre o ciclo de vida dos copos descartáveis e reutilizáveis e, ações para redução do seu uso em contextos on the go ou, take away. As resoluções que demandam a transição do atual modelo económico linear foram também reconhecidas, através de uma revisão teórica de conceitos circulares. Um questionário dirigido aos consumidores, foi elaborado para entender os benefícios e obstáculos no uso de copos ou serviços e o conhecimento face aos materiais bioplásticos descartáveis premeditando a hipótese final. Este estudo apresenta como solução, um serviço circular de copos e recipientes reutilizáveis e portáteis de depósito e retorno, a implementar-se em diferentes contextos nos quais, os descartáveis são disponibilizados. O sistema foi desenhado segundo os princípios de circularidade, tendo por base as ferramentas apresentadas pelo Circular Design Guide e, o design de serviços.The economy is currently facing an urgent new reality that lacks systemic approaches that benefit business, society, and the environment. The resulting waste of disposable products that meet the needs of the daily life on the move, such as cups and containers, and the responses of waste management centers to such a situation, remains an obstacle on the path to sustainability, leading to political and organizational systems to act. Therefore, the market faces the need to adapt to new directives, which force them to restructure their offer and maintain customer satisfaction. This study, approaches design as a protagonist in innovation towards sustainable patterns of consumption and production and, economically and socially responsible, seeking to support the transition of small and large businesses and create conditions for customer receptiveness to the change. For this, a data analysis and a market study were carried out on the life cycle of disposable and reusable cups, and actions to reduce their use in on the go or take-away contexts. The resolutions that demand the transition from the current linear economic model were also recognized, through a theoretical review of circular concepts. A questionnaire aimed for consumers was designed to understand the benefits and obstacles in the use of cups or services as well for the knowledge regarding disposable bioplastic materials, premeditating the final hypothesis. This study offers as a solution, a circular service of reusable and portable cups and containers for deposit and return, to be implemented in different contexts in which disposables are available. The system was designed according to the principles of circularity, based on the tools presented by the Circular Design Guide and the design of services

    Foraging for fruits: natural resource use and its conservation potential in urban environments

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    Wild edible fruits (WEFs) are a type of natural resource that humans across the world collect from diverse natural landscapes. They are among the most used non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and wild foods, and often serve more than a nutritional purpose for humans, in the form of fibre, fuel, medicine, and other products. The use of WEFs may augment household dietary diversity, food security, and income in some contexts. The prevalence of WEF species across the spectrum of natural to modified ecosystems presents the potential for integrated landscape-level conservation efforts centred on these species. The first half of this thesis investigates the state of knowledge about this versatile and ubiquitous resource in the wider context of other wild foods and NTFPs, and compares the patterns of use of WEFs with those of other wild foods and NTFPs. Through these studies, I find that WEFs are indeed a widely occurring, resilient, and useful resource along the rural-urban gradient. They are unique in that their use transcends the geographical and socio-economic criteria that influence the use of other wild foods and NTFPs. Based on these findings, in the second half of the thesis, I propose the use-based conservation of WEF species in urban landscapes through the practice of urban foraging. Through interviews with urban land managers and foragers, I describe the state of urban green space management and urban foraging, and identify synergies between the two. Green space management is increasingly devolved and well-defined in developed cities, and relatively diffused in smaller towns, but nevertheless supportive of use-based biodiversity conservation. Planting and foraging for WEFs in urban green spaces ties in with local and national objectives of urban land use management policy. However, the lack of information on species, spaces, and sustainability related to foraging are a hindrance to addressing this activity and harnessing its conservation potential. Foragers use a variety of WEF species collected from natural as well as highly used and urbanised areas in their cities. Although most foragers consider foraging as a cultural and recreational activity, many of them agreed with the prospect of commercialising or popularising it to protect and promote the biodiversity and culture associated with their foraging spaces. The synthesis of this study presents four possible pathways to conserve the diversity of WEF species, and to extend the benefits of WEF use to landscape stewardship. It identifies key stakeholders in implementing these pathways and possible collaborations between these stakeholders; the multiple conservation objectives and policies these pathways respond to; and context-specific considerations for policy and implementation related to planting and foraging of WEFs