148 research outputs found

    Discriminating Lambda-Terms Using Clocked Boehm Trees

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    As observed by Intrigila, there are hardly techniques available in the lambda-calculus to prove that two lambda-terms are not beta-convertible. Techniques employing the usual Boehm Trees are inadequate when we deal with terms having the same Boehm Tree (BT). This is the case in particular for fixed point combinators, as they all have the same BT. Another interesting equation, whose consideration was suggested by Scott, is BY = BYS, an equation valid in the classical model P-omega of lambda-calculus, and hence valid with respect to BT-equality but nevertheless the terms are beta-inconvertible. To prove such beta-inconvertibilities, we employ `clocked' BT's, with annotations that convey information of the tempo in which the data in the BT are produced. Boehm Trees are thus enriched with an intrinsic clock behaviour, leading to a refined discrimination method for lambda-terms. The corresponding equality is strictly intermediate between beta-convertibility and Boehm Tree equality, the equality in the model P-omega. An analogous approach pertains to Levy-Longo and Berarducci Trees. Our refined Boehm Trees find in particular an application in beta-discriminating fixed point combinators (fpc's). It turns out that Scott's equation BY = BYS is the key to unlocking a plethora of fpc's, generated by a variety of production schemes of which the simplest was found by Boehm, stating that new fpc's are obtained by postfixing the term SI, also known as Smullyan's Owl. We prove that all these newly generated fpc's are indeed new, by considering their clocked BT's. Even so, not all pairs of new fpc's can be discriminated this way. For that purpose we increase the discrimination power by a precision of the clock notion that we call `atomic clock'.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1002.257

    Behavioral Rewrite Systems and Behavioral Productivity

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    Abstract. This paper introduces behavioral rewrite systems, where rewriting is used to evaluate experiments, and behavioral productivity, which says that each experiment can be fully evaluated, and investigates some of their properties. First, it is shown that, in the case of (infinite) streams, behavioral productivity generalizes and may bring to a more basic rewriting setting the existing notion of stream productivity defined in the context of infinite rewriting and lazy strategies; some arguments are given that in some cases one may prefer the behavioral approach. Second, a behavioral productivity criterion is given, which reduces the problem to conventional term rewrite system termination, so that one can use off-the-shelf termination tools and techniques for checking behavioral productivity in general, not only for streams. Finally, behavioral productivity is shown to be equivalent to a proof-theoretic (rather than model-theoretic) notion of behavioral well-specifiedness, and its difficulty in the arithmetic hierarchy is shown to be Π 0 2 -complete. All new concepts are exemplified over streams, infinite binary trees, and processes

    Copatterns: programming infinite structures by observations

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    This article which will appear in the proceedings of POPL 2013 in January 2013, introduces the dual of pattern matching, as it is used in functional programming for defining functions, by copatterns. Whereas data types are eliminated by pattern matching, i.e. by giving giving a choice for each constructor, coalgebras are introduced by copatterns, namely by giving the result of each eliminator. Patterns and copatterns are entirely symmetrical. This article introduces a language which allows to define data types, coalgebras, and functions by nested pattern and copattern matching. An operational semantics is introduced, and type soundness and subject reduction is shown

    Well-definedness of Streams by Transformation and Termination

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    Streams are infinite sequences over a given data type. A stream specification is a set of equations intended to define a stream. We propose a transformation from such a stream specification to a term rewriting system (TRS) in such a way that termination of the resulting TRS implies that the stream specification is well-defined, that is, admits a unique solution. As a consequence, proving well-definedness of several interesting stream specifications can be done fully automatically using present powerful tools for proving TRS termination. In order to increase the power of this approach, we investigate transformations that preserve semantics and well-definedness. We give examples for which the above mentioned technique applies for the ransformed specification while it fails for the original one

    Behavioral equivalence of hidden k-logics: an abstract algebraic approach

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    This work advances a research agenda which has as its main aim the application of Abstract Algebraic Logic (AAL) methods and tools to the specification and verification of software systems. It uses a generalization of the notion of an abstract deductive system to handle multi-sorted deductive systems which differentiate visible and hidden sorts. Two main results of the paper are obtained by generalizing properties of the Leibniz congruence — the central notion in AAL. In this paper we discuss a question we posed in [1] about the relationship between the behavioral equivalences of equivalent hidden logics. We also present a necessary and sufficient intrinsic condition for two hidden logics to be equivalent

    Behavioural reasoning for conditional equations

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    Object-oriented (OO) programming techniques can be applied to equational specification logics by distinguishing visible data from hidden data (that is, by distinguishing the output of methods from the objects to which the methods apply), and then focusing on the behavioural equivalence of hidden data in the sense introduced by H. Reichel in 1984. Equational specification logics structured in this way are called hidden equational logics, HELs. The central problem is how to extend the specification of a given HEL to a specification of behavioural equivalence in a computationally effective way. S. Buss and G. Roşu showed in 2000 that this is not possible in general, but much work has been done on the partial specification of behavioural equivalence for a wide class of HELs. The OO connection suggests the use of coalgebraic methods, and J. Goguen and his collaborators have developed coinductive processes that depend on an appropriate choice of a cobasis, which is a special set of contexts that generates a subset of the behavioural equivalence relation. In this paper the theoretical aspects of coinduction are investigated, specifically its role as a supplement to standard equational logic for determining behavioural equivalence. Various forms of coinduction are explored. A simple characterisation is given of those HELs that are behaviourally specifiable. Those sets of conditional equations that constitute a complete, finite cobasis for a HEL are characterised in terms of the HEL's specification. Behavioural equivalence, in the form of logical equivalence, is also an important concept for single-sorted logics, for example, sentential logics such as the classical propositional logic. The paper is an application of the methods developed through the extensive work that has been done in this area on HELs, and to a broader class of logics that encompasses both sentential logics and HELs. © 2007 Cambridge University Press.FCT via UIM

    Formalizing Program Equivalences in Dependent Type Theory

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    This brief note summarizes our formalization in a dependently typed setting of the meta-theory of several notions of program equivalences in higher-order programming languages