3 research outputs found

    Behavioral Spherical Harmonics for Long-Range Agents’ Interaction

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    We introduce behavioral spherical harmonic (BSH), a novel approach to efficiently and compactly represent the directional-dependent behavior of agent. BSH is based on spherical harmonics to project the directional information of a group of multiple agents to a vector of few coefficients; thus, BSH drastically reduces the complexity of the directional evaluation, as it requires only few agent-group interactions instead of multiple agent-agent ones. We show how the BSH model can efficiently model intricate behaviors such as long-range collision avoidance, reaching interactive performance and avoiding agent congestion on challenging multi-groups scenarios. Furthermore, we demonstrate how both the innate parallelism and the compact coefficient representation of the BSH model are well suited for GPU architectures, showing performance analysis of our OpenCL implementation

    OpenABL: A domain-specific language for parallel and distributed agent-based simulations

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    Agent-based simulations are becoming widespread among scientists from different areas, who use them to model increasingly complex problems. To cope with the growing computational complexity, parallel and distributed implementations have been developed for a wide range of platforms. However, it is difficult to have simulations that are portable to different platforms while still achieving high performance. We present OpenABL, a domain-specific language for portable, high-performance, parallel agent modeling. It comprises an easy-to-program language that relies on high-level abstractions for programmability and explicitly exploits agent parallelism to deliver high performance. A source-to-source compiler translates the input code to a high-level intermediate representation exposing parallelism, locality and synchronization, and, thanks to an architecture based on pluggable backends, generates target code for multi-core CPUs, GPUs, large clusters and cloud systems. OpenABL has been evaluated on six applications from various fields such as ecology, animation, and social sciences. The generated code scales to large clusters and performs similarly to hand-written target-specific code, while requiring significantly fewer lines of codes

    Easy and efficient agent-based simulations with the OpenABL language and compiler

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    Agent-based simulations represent an effective scientific tool, with numerous applications from social sciences to biology, which aims to emulate or predict complex phenomena through a set of simple rules performed by multiple agents. To simulate a large number of agents with complex models, practitioners have developed high-performance parallel implementations, often specialized for particular scenarios and target hardware. It is, however, difficult to obtain portable simulations, which achieve high performance and at the same time are easy to write and to reproduce on different hardware. This article gives a complete presentation of OpenABL, a domain-specific language and a compiler for agent-based simulations that enable users to achieve high-performance parallel and distributed agent simulations with a simple and portable programming environment. OpenABL is comprised of (1) an easy-to-program language, which relies on domain abstractions and explicitly exposes agent parallelism, synchronization and locality, (2) a source-to-source compiler, and (3) a set of pluggable compiler backends, which generate target code for multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and cloud-based systems. We evaluate OpenABL on simulations from different fields. In particular, our analysis includes predator–prey and keratinocyte, two complex simulations with multiple step functions, heterogeneous agent types, and dynamic creation and removal of agents. The results show that OpenABL-generated codes are portable to different platforms, perform similarly to manual target-specific implementations, and require significantly fewer lines of codes