14 research outputs found

    Localisation of mobile nodes in wireless networks with correlated in time measurement noise.

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    Wireless sensor networks are an inherent part of decision making, object tracking and location awareness systems. This work is focused on simultaneous localisation of mobile nodes based on received signal strength indicators (RSSIs) with correlated in time measurement noises. Two approaches to deal with the correlated measurement noises are proposed in the framework of auxiliary particle filtering: with a noise augmented state vector and the second approach implements noise decorrelation. The performance of the two proposed multi model auxiliary particle filters (MM AUX-PFs) is validated over simulated and real RSSIs and high localisation accuracy is demonstrated

    Joint Estimation and Control for Multi-Target Passive Monitoring with an Autonomous UAV Agent

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    This work considers the problem of passively monitoring multiple moving targets with a single unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) agent equipped with a direction-finding radar. This is in general a challenging problem due to the unobservability of the target states, and the highly non-linear measurement process. In addition to these challenges, in this work we also consider: a) environments with multiple obstacles where the targets need to be tracked as they manoeuvre through the obstacles, and b) multiple false-alarm measurements caused by the cluttered environment. To address these challenges we first design a model predictive guidance controller which is used to plan hypothetical target trajectories over a rolling finite planning horizon. We then formulate a joint estimation and control problem where the trajectory of the UAV agent is optimized to achieve optimal multi-target monitoring

    Situation awareness for UAV operating in terminal areas using bearing-only observations and circuit flight rules

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    Situation awareness is required for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) when it makes an arrival at an uncontrolled airfield. Since no air traffic control service is available, the UAV needs to detect and track other traffic aircraft by using its onboard sensors. General aviation pilots obtain enough situation awareness to operate in these environments, only using their vision and radio messages heard from other traffic aircraft. To improve the target tracking performance of a UAV, the circuit flight rules and standard radio messages are incorporated to provide extra knowledge about the target behaviour. This is achieved by using the multiple models to describe the target motions in different flight phases and characterising the phase transition in a stochastic manner. Consequently, an interacting multiple model particle filter with state-dependent transition probabilities is developed to perform Bayesian filtering with bearing-only observations from a vision sensor

    Extension of the Sliced Gaussian Mixture Filter with Application to Cooperative Passive Target Tracking

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    This paper copes with the problem of nonlinear Bayesian state estimation. A nonlinear filter, the Sliced Gaussian Mixture Filter (SGMF), employs linear substructures in the nonlinear measurement and prediction model in order to simplify the estimation process. Here, a special density representation, the sliced Gaussian mixture density, is used to derive an exact solution of the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation. The sliced Gaussian mixture density is obtained by a systematic and deterministic approximation of a continuous density minimizing a certain distance measure. In contrast to previous work, improvements of the SGMF presented here include an extended system model and the processing of multi-dimensional nonlinear subspaces. As an application for the SGMF, cooperative passive target tracking, where sensors take angular measurements from a target, is considered in this paper. Finally, the performance of the proposed estimator is compared to the marginalized particle filter (MPF) in simulations

    Bearings-Only Tracking of Manoeuvring Targets Using Particle Filters

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    We investigate the problem of bearings-only tracking of manoeuvring targets using particle filters (PFs). Three different (PFs) are proposed for this problem which is formulated as a multiple model tracking problem in a jump Markov system (JMS) framework. The proposed filters are (i) multiple model PF (MMPF), (ii) auxiliary MMPF (AUX-MMPF), and (iii) jump Markov system PF (JMS-PF). The performance of these filters is compared with that of standard interacting multiple model (IMM)-based trackers such as IMM-EKF and IMM-UKF for three separate cases: (i) single-sensor case, (ii) multisensor case, and (iii) tracking with hard constraints. A conservative CRLB applicable for this problem is also derived and compared with the RMS error performance of the filters. The results confirm the superiority of the PFs for this difficult nonlinear tracking problem

    Bearings-Only Tracking of Manoeuvring Targets Using Particle Filters

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