430 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Antennas

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    In this new book, we present a collection of the advanced developments in reconfigurable antennas and metasurfaces. It begins with a review of reconfigurability technologies, and proceeds to the presentation of a series of reconfigurable antennas, UWB MIMO antennas and reconfigurable arrays. Then, reconfigurable metasurfaces are introduced and the latest advances are presented and discussed

    Reconfigurable Microwave Semiconductor Plasma Antenna

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    Reconfigurable antennas have been a subject of rapidly increased interest during the past decades. This has been prompted by the increased demand on new wireless communications technology in both civilian and military directions. Moreover, different types of reconfigurations have been identified and investigated to keep up with the demand for new technologies. In this research, the possibility of designing reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) have been explored with different types of reconfigurability directions, especially with the increased interest in the area of DRAs during the past three decades. These results have been satisfactory in general. The main aim of this research is to experiment with different reconfigurability designs, each purpose is to achieve one type of reconfigurability or more. This includes, polarisation reconfigurability in Chapter Three, frequency agility in Chapters Four and Five, beam steering and gain agility in Chapter Five. Furthermore, this research main aim has been to investigate new ways to exploit the advantages of the semiconductor plasma in reconfigurable antennas. However, research’s limited resources led to reduce the efforts in this area to only one experiment, which is presented in Chapter Six, based on a similar design presented in Chapter Four. Although the results have been conflicted for the last experiment, the results shown that the used reconfigurability medium (AlGaN/GaN HFETs) can be benefitted better from it in other application. Two models have been introduced for polarisation reconfigurability, a hemispherical DRA couple with reconfigurable annular slot excitation, and a notched rectangular DRA with reconfigurable parasitic strip(s). Both designs shown the possibility of achieving LP/CP radiations. In addition, rectangular DRAs that are excited with single, as well as multiple, slot have been studied. Prototypes have been built and measured with reasonable agreement between practical and simulated results. Furthermore, the work has been extended to study a reconfigurable DRA linear array where several designs have been investigated including single and dual-slot for two and four-element linear arrays. The single-slot model reconfiguration resulted in the expected beam steering alongside the array direction. On the other hand, both frequency tuning and beam steering have been achieved with the dual-slots models. Finally, the semiconductor plasma reconfigurable antennas have been considered with the investigation of AlGaN/GaN HFETs as a replacement for the well investigated and presented silicon SPIN diodes. The prototype has been measure and discrepancies between measurements and simulations have been discussed

    Mutual Coupling in Phased Arrays: A Review

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    The mutual coupling between antenna elements affects the antenna parameters like terminal impedances, reflection coefficients and hence the antenna array performance in terms of radiation characteristics, output signal-to-interference noise ratio (SINR), and radar cross section (RCS). This coupling effect is also known to directly or indirectly influence the steady state and transient response, the resolution capability, interference rejection, and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation competence of the array. Researchers have proposed several techniques and designs for optimal performance of phased array in a given signal environment, counteracting the coupling effect. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the methods that model and mitigate the mutual coupling effect for different types of arrays. The parameters that get affected due to the presence of coupling thereby degrading the array performance are discussed. The techniques for optimization of the antenna characteristics in the presence of coupling are also included

    Optical Yagi-Uda nanoantennas

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    Conventional antennas, which are widely employed to transmit radio and TV signals, can be used at optical frequencies as long as they are shrunk to nanometer-size dimensions. Optical nanoantennas made of metallic or high-permittivity dielectric nanoparticles allow for enhancing and manipulating light on the scale much smaller than wavelength of light. Based on this ability, optical nanoantennas offer unique opportunities regarding key applications such as optical communications, photovoltaics, non-classical light emission, and sensing. From a multitude of suggested nanoantenna concepts the Yagi-Uda nanoantenna, an optical analogue of the well-established radio-frequency Yagi-Uda antenna, stands out by its efficient unidirectional light emission and enhancement. Following a brief introduction to the emerging field of optical nanoantennas, here we review recent theoretical and experimental activities on optical Yagi-Uda nanoantennas, including their design, fabrication, and applications. We also discuss several extensions of the conventional Yagi-Uda antenna design for broadband and tunable operation, for applications in nanophotonic circuits and photovoltaic devices

    Reconfigurable and multi-functional antennas

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    This thesis describes a research into multi-frequency and filtering antennas. Several novel antennas are presented, each of which addresses a specific issue for future communication systems, in terms of multi-frequency operation, and filtering capability. These antennas seem to be good candidates for implementation in future multiband radios, cognitive radio (CR), and software defined radio (SDR). The filtering antenna provides an additional filtering action which greatly improves the noise performance and reduces the need for filtering circuitry in the RF front end. Two types of frequency reconfigurable antennas are presented. One is tunable left-handed loop over ground plane and the second is slot-fed reconfigurable patch. The operating frequency of the left handed loop is reconfigured by loading varactor diodes whilst the frequency agility in the patch is achieved by inserting switches in the coupling slot. The length of the slot is altered by activating the switches. Compact microstrip antennas with filtering capabilities are presented in this thesis. Two filtering antennas are presented. Whilst the first one consists of three edge-coupled patches, the second filtering antenna consists of rectangular patch coupled to two hairpin resonators. The proposed antennas combine radiating and filtering functions by providing good out of band gain suppression

    Recon gurable Antennas Based on Varactor-Loaded Stubs

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    The term “reconfigurable” is typically used for devices which exhibit some flexibility of functionalities and agility in their operation characteristics, with the aim of achieving high performance in various conditions. In antenna technology, the reconfiguration can be fulfilled through several techniques that provide an ability to modify the electrical current on the antenna’s structure, primarily to accomplish a physically realised new response. The main key to the reconfigurable antenna application is their potential to avoid the use of multiple antennas for multi-functionality, thus facilitating miniaturisation of the antenna system configuration. In this context, several novel reconfigurable antennas with a wide performance range are proposed in this thesis. Varactor-loaded stubs are used as tuning mechanism for these microwave antenna designs with improved performance throughout this thesis. Two types of electromagnetic structures are studied in this work, namely reconfigurable antennas and reconfigurable periodic structures, with these two main topics building the two main major parts of this thesis. In its first main part, the thesis proposes reconfigurable antenna designs with combined frequency and pattern reconfigurable characteristics. The main focus is first on the manipulation of near-resonant current distributions in a two-element array antenna as well as the optimisation of their feeding through T-junction power dividers. Each element has a controllable active component that allows the antenna to be tuned to different operating frequencies, while the concurrent adaption of the two elements is the basis of continuous beam scanning characteristics. Next, the thesis examines the exploitation of a single-element antenna structure based on the same operation principle. An optimisation procedure including a study of relevant design parameters is also presented. The core contribution for the two-element array and the single-element antenna is that they combine frequency-reconfigurability with effective beam scanning. The main difference between the two designs however is that they scan in the H-plane and the E-plane, respectively. In the second main part, the thesis focuses on a reconfigurable reflectarray antenna design. Potential applications of this advanced antenna design include the development of high gain antennas with various controllable reflection beam directions throughout a wide range of operation frequencies. The proposed reflectarray antenna unit cell is firstly proposed, together with an opimisation of the antenna characteristics in terms of reflection loss and phase range performance. It is further shown that the proposed antenna provides an excellent performance compared to the state-of-the-art. Performance measures include a near full phase tuning range of about 300 to 320 with a reflection loss of magnitude better than 3 dB within a fractional frequency range of operation of 18%. In contrast, most reflectarray antenna designs in the literature provide a limited phase range at a fixed operating frequency or within a narrower frequency tuning range. Experimental validation is provided with a 12-element linear reflectarray tested in twodimensional settings, for which the experimental challenges are also discussed in detail. The capability of reflected beam scanning is verified and successfully demonstrated.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 201

    Radiation pattern reconfigurable microfabricated planar millimeter-wave antennas

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    Els serveis de telecomunicacions i sistemes radar estan migrant a freqüències mil•limètriques (MMW), on es disposa d 'una major amplada de banda i conseqüentment d'una major velocitat de transmissió de dades. Aquesta migració requereix de l'ús de diferents tecnologies amb capacitat d'operar a la banda de freqüències mil•limètriques (30 a 300 Ghz), i més concretament en les bandes Ka (26,5 - 40GHz), V (50 – 75GHz) i W (75 – 110GHz). En moltes aplicacions i sobretot en aquelles on l'antena forma part d'un dispositiu mòbil, es cerca poder utilitzar antenes planes, caracteritzades per tenir unes dimensions reduïdes i un baix cost de fabricació. El conjunt de requeriments es pot resumir en obtenir una antena amb capacitat de reconfigurabilitat i amb un baix nivell de pèrdues en cada una de les bandes de freqüència. Per tal d'afrontar aquests reptes, les dimensions de les antenes mil•limètriques, juntament amb els tipus de materials, toleràncies de fabricació i la capacitat de reconfigurabilitat ens porten a l'ús de processos de microfabricació. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesis doctoral és l'anàlisi dels conceptes mencionats, tipus de materials, geometries de línia de transmissió i interruptors, en el context de les freqüències mil•limètriques, així com la seva aplicació final en dissenys d'antenes compatibles amb els processos de microfabricació. Finalment, com a demostració s'han presentat dissenys específics utilitzables en tres aplicacions a freqüències mil•limètriques: Sistemes de Comunicació per Satèl•lit (SCS) a la banda Ka, Xarxes d'àrea personal inalàmbriques (WPAN) a la banda V i sistemes radar per l'automoció a la banda W. La primera part d'aquesta tesis consisteix en l'anàlisi d'algunes tecnologies circuitals a freqüències mil•limètriques. S'han presentat els materials més utilitzats a altes freqüències (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon (PTFE), Quartz, Benzocyclobuten polymer (BCB) i Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC)) i s'han comparat en termes de permitivitat i tangent de pèrdues. També s'inclou un estudi de pèrdues a altes freqüències en les principals línies de transmissió (microstrip, stripline i CPW). Finalment, es presenta un resum dels interruptors RF-MEMS i es comparen amb els PIN diodes i els FET. En la segona part, es presenten diferents agrupacions d'antenes amb la capacitat de reconfigurar la polarització i la direcció d'apuntament. S'han dissenyat dos elements base reconfigurables en polarització: CPW Patch antena i 4-Qdime antena. La primera antena consisteix en un element singular amb interruptors RF-MEMS, dissenyada per operar a les bandes Ka i V. La segona antena consisteix en una arquitectura composta on la reconfigurabilitat en polarització s'obté mitjançant variant la fase d'alimentació de cada un dels quatre elements lineals. La fase és controlada mitjançant interruptors RF-MEMS ubicats en la xarxa de distribució. L'antena 4-Qdime s'ha dissenyat per operar en les bandes V i W. Ambdós elements base s'han utilitzat posteriorment pel disseny de dues agrupacions d'antenes amb capacitat de reconfigurar l'apuntament del feix principal. La reconfigurabilitat es dur a terme utilitzant desfasadors de fase d'1 bit. La part final de la tesis es centra en les toleràncies de fabricació i en els processo de microfabricació d'agrupacions d'antenes mil•limètriques. Les toleràncies de fabricació s'han estudiat en funció dels error d'amplitud i fase en cada element de l'agrupació, fixant-se en les pèrdues de guany, error d'apuntament, error en l'amplada de feix, errors en el nivell de lòbul secundari i en l'error en la relació axial. El procés de microfabricació de les diferents antenes dissenyades es presenta en detall. Els dissenys de l'antena CPW Patch reconfigurable en polarització i apuntament operant a les bandes Ka i V, s'han fabricat en la sala blanca del Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF). Posteriorment, s'han caracteritzat l'aïllament i el temps de resposta dels interruptors RF-MEMS, i finalment, el coeficient de reflexió, el diagrama de radiació i la relació axial s'han mesurat a les bandes Ka i V per les antenes configurades en polarització lineal (LP) i circular (CP).Telecommunication services and radar systems are migrating to Millimeter-wave (MMW) frequencies, where wider bandwidths are available. Such migration requires the use of different technologies with the capability to operate at the MMW frequency band (30 to 300GHz), and more specifically at Ka- (26.5 to 40GHz), V- (50 to 75GHz) and W-band (75 to 110GHz). For many applications and more concretely those where the antenna is part of a mobile device, it is targeted the use of planar antennas for their low profile and low fabrication cost. A wide variety of requirements is translated into a reconfiguration capability and low losses within each application frequency bandwidth. To deal with the mentioned challenges, the MMW antenna dimensions, together with the materials, fabrication tolerances and reconfigurability capability lead to microfabrication processes. The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the mentioned concepts, materials, transmission lines geometries and switches in the MMW frequencies context and their final application in antenna designs compatible with microfabrication. Finally, specific designs are presented as a demonstration for three MMW applications: Satellite Communication Systems (SCS) at Ka-band, Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) at V-band and Automotive Radar at W-band. The first part of this thesis consist to analyze some MMW circuit technologies. The four most used materials at MMW frequencies (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon (PTFE), Quartz, Benzocyclobuten polymer (BCB) and Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC)) have been presented and compared in terms of permittivity (εr) and loss tangent (tanδ). An study of the main transmission lines attenuation (microstrip, stripline and CPW) at high frequencies is included. Finally, an overview of the RF-MEMS switches is presented in comparison with PIN diodes and FETS switches. The second part presents different polarization and beam pointing reconfigurable array antennas. Two polarization-reconfigurable base-elements have been designed: CPW Patch antenna and 4-Qdime antenna. The first consists of a single reconfigurable element with integrated RF-MEMS switches, designed to operate at Ka- and V-band. The second antenna presented in this thesis has a composed architecture where the polarization reconfigurability is obtained by switching the phase feeding for each of the four linear polarized elements in the feed network with RF-MEMS switches. The 4-Qdime antenna has been designed to operate at V- and W-band. The two base-elements have been used to design two beam pointing reconfigurable antenna arrays. Using phased array techniques, beamsteering is computed and implemented with 1-bit discrete phase-shifter. The final part of the thesis is focused into the fabrication tolerances and microfabrication process of Millimeter-wave antenna arrays. The fabrication tolerances have been studied as a function of the amplitude and phase errors presented at each elements array, focusing on the gain loss, beam pointing error, Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) error, sidelobe level error and axial ratio error. The microfabrication process for the designed antennas is presented in detail. Polarization- and pointing- reconfigurable CPW Patch antenna operating at Ka- and V- band have been fabricated in a clean-room facility at Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF). The RF-MEMS switches isolation and time response have been characterized. Finally, the reflection coefficient, radiation pattern and axial ratio have been measured at Ka- and V-band for the fabricated antennas configured in Linear Polarization (LP) and Circular Polarization (CP)

    Reconfigurable pixel antennas for communications

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    The explosive growth of wireless communications has brought new requirements in terms of compactness, mobility and multi-functionality that pushes antenna research. In this context, recon gurable antennas have gained a lot of attention due to their ability to adjust dynamically their frequency and radiation properties, providing multiple functionalities and being able to adapt themselves to a changing environment. A pixel antenna is a particular type of recon gurable antenna composed of a grid of metallic patches interconnected by RF-switches which can dynamically reshape its active surface. This capability provides pixel antennas with a recon guration level much higher than in other recon gurable architectures. Despite the outstanding recon guration capabilities of pixel antennas, there are important practical issues related to the performance-complexity balance that must be addressed before they can be implemented in commercial systems. This doctoral work focuses on the minimization of the pixel antenna complexity while maximizing its recon guration capabilities, contributing to the development of pixel antennas from a conceptual structure towards a practical recon gurable antenna architecture. First, the conceptualization of novel pixel geometries is addressed. It is shown that antenna complexity can be signi cantly reduced by using multiple-sized pixels. This multi-size technique allows to design pixel antennas with a number of switches one order of magnitude lower than in common pixel structures, while preserving high multiparameter recon gurability. A new conceptual architecture where the pixel surface acts as a parasitic layer is also proposed. The parasitic nature of the pixel layer leads to important advantages regarding the switch biasing and integration possibilities. Secondly, new pixel recon guration technologies are explored. After investigating the capabilities of semiconductors and RF-MEMS switches, micro uidic technology is proposed as a new technology to create and remove liquid metal pixels rather than interconnecting them. Thirdly, the full multi-parameter recon guration capabilities of pixel antennas is explored, which contrasts with the partial explorations available in the literature. The maximum achievable recon guration ranges (frequency range, beam-steering angular range and polarization modes) as well as the linkage between the di erent parameter under recon guration are studied. Finally, the performance of recon gurable antennas in beam-steering applications is analyzed. Figures-of-merit are derived to quantify radiation pattern recon gurability, enabling the evaluation of the performance of recon gurable antennas, pixel antennas and recon guration algorithms

    Radiation-Pattern Reconfigurable Phased Array with p-i-n Diodes Controlled for 5G Mobile Terminals

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