392 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Texture Segmentation using Active Contours and Local Distributions of Gaussian Markov Random Field Parameters

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    In this paper, local distributions of low order Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) model parameters are proposed as texture features for unsupervised texture segmentation.Instead of using model parameters as texture features, we exploit the variations in parameter estimates found by model fitting in local region around the given pixel. Thespatially localized estimation process is carried out by maximum likelihood method employing a moderately small estimation window which leads to modeling of partial texturecharacteristics belonging to the local region. Hence significant fluctuations occur in the estimates which can be related to texture pattern complexity. The variations occurred in estimates are quantified by normalized local histograms. Selection of an accurate window size for histogram calculation is crucial and is achieved by a technique based on the entropy of textures. These texture features expand the possibility of using relativelylow order GMRF model parameters for segmenting fine to very large texture patterns and offer lower computational cost. Small estimation windows result in better boundarylocalization. Unsupervised segmentation is performed by integrated active contours, combining the region and boundary information. Experimental results on statistical and structural component textures show improved discriminative ability of the features compared to some recent algorithms in the literature

    Uncertainty-based image segmentation with unsupervised mixture models

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    In this thesis, a contribution to explainable artificial intelligence is made. More specifically, the aspect of artificial intelligence which focusses on recreating the human perception is tackled from a previously neglected direction. A variant of human perception is building a mental model of the extents of semantic objects which appear in the field of view. If this task is performed by an algorithm, it is termed image segmentation. Recent methods in this area are mostly trained in a supervised fashion by exploiting an as extensive as possible data set of ground truth segmentations. Further, semantic segmentation is almost exclusively tackled by Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Both trends pose several issues. First, the annotations have to be acquired somehow. This is especially inconvenient if, for instance, a new sensor becomes available, new domains are explored, or different quantities become of interest. In each case, the cumbersome and potentially costly labelling of the raw data has to be redone. While annotating keywords to an image can be achieved in a reasonable amount of time, annotating every pixel of an image with its respective ground truth class is an order of magnitudes more time-consuming. Unfortunately, the quality of the labels is an issue as well because fine-grained structures like hair, grass, or the boundaries of biological cells have to be outlined exactly in image segmentation in order to derive meaningful conclusions. Second, DNNs are discriminative models. They simply learn to separate the features of the respective classes. While this works exceptionally well if enough data is provided, quantifying the uncertainty with which a prediction is made is then not directly possible. In order to allow this, the models have to be designed differently. This is achieved through generatively modelling the distribution of the features instead of learning the boundaries between classes. Hence, image segmentation is tackled from a generative perspective in this thesis. By utilizing mixture models which belong to the set of generative models, the quantification of uncertainty is an implicit property. Additionally, the dire need of annotations can be reduced because mixture models are conveniently estimated in the unsupervised setting. Starting with the computation of the upper bounds of commonly used probability distributions, this knowledge is used to build a novel probability distribution. It is based on flexible marginal distributions and a copula which models the dependence structure of multiple features. This modular approach allows great flexibility and shows excellent performance at image segmentation. After deriving the upper bounds, different ways to reach them in an unsupervised fashion are presented. Including the probable locations of edges in the unsupervised model estimation greatly increases the performance. The proposed models surpass state-of-the-art accuracies in the generative and unsupervised setting and are on-par with many discriminative models. The analyses are conducted following the Bayesian paradigm which allows computing uncertainty estimates of the model parameters. Finally, a novel approach combining a discriminative DNN and a local appearance model in a weakly supervised setting is presented. This combination yields a generative semantic segmentation model with minimal annotation effort

    High-Level Facade Image Interpretation using Marked Point Processes

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    In this thesis, we address facade image interpretation as one essential ingredient for the generation of high-detailed, semantic meaningful, three-dimensional city-models. Given a single rectified facade image, we detect relevant facade objects such as windows, entrances, and balconies, which yield a description of the image in terms of accurate position and size of these objects. Urban digital three-dimensional reconstruction and documentation is an active area of research with several potential applications, e.g., in the area of digital mapping for navigation, urban planning, emergency management, disaster control or the entertainment industry. A detailed building model which is not just a geometric object enriched with texture, allows for semantic requests as the number of floors or the location of balconies and entrances. Facade image interpretation is one essential step in order to yield such models. In this thesis, we propose the interpretation of facade images by combining evidence for the occurrence of individual object classes which we derive from data, and prior knowledge which guides the image interpretation in its entirety. We present a three-step procedure which generates features that are suited to describe relevant objects, learns a representation that is suited for object detection, and that enables the image interpretation using the results of object detection while incorporating prior knowledge about typical configurations of facade objects, which we learn from training data. According to these three sub-tasks, our major achievements are: We propose a novel method for facade image interpretation based on a marked point process. Therefor, we develop a model for the description of typical configurations of facade objects and propose an image interpretation system which combines evidence derived from data and prior knowledge about typical configurations of facade objects. In order to generate evidence from data, we propose a feature type which we call shapelets. They are scale invariant and provide large distinctiveness for facade objects. Segments of lines, arcs, and ellipses serve as basic features for the generation of shapelets. Therefor, we propose a novel line simplification approach which approximates given pixel-chains by a sequence of lines, circular, and elliptical arcs. Among others, it is based on an adaption to Douglas-Peucker's algorithm, which is based on circles as basic geometric elements We evaluate each step separately. We show the effects of polyline segmentation and simplification on several images with comparable good or even better results, referring to a state-of-the-art algorithm, which proves their large distinctiveness for facade objects. Using shapelets we provide a reasonable classification performance on a challenging dataset, including intra-class variations, clutter, and scale changes. Finally, we show promising results for the facade interpretation system on several datasets and provide a qualitative evaluation which demonstrates the capability of complete and accurate detection of facade objectsHigh-Level Interpretation von Fassaden-Bildern unter Benutzung von Markierten PunktprozessenDas Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Interpretation von Fassadenbildern als wesentlicher Beitrag zur Erstellung hoch detaillierter, semantisch reichhaltiger dreidimensionaler Stadtmodelle. In rektifizierten Einzelaufnahmen von Fassaden detektieren wir relevante Objekte wie Fenster, Türen und Balkone, um daraus eine Bildinterpretation in Form von präzisen Positionen und Größen dieser Objekte abzuleiten. Die digitale dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion urbaner Regionen ist ein aktives Forschungsfeld mit zahlreichen Anwendungen, beispielsweise der Herstellung digitaler Kartenwerke für Navigation, Stadtplanung, Notfallmanagement, Katastrophenschutz oder die Unterhaltungsindustrie. Detaillierte Gebäudemodelle, die nicht nur als geometrische Objekte repräsentiert und durch eine geeignete Textur visuell ansprechend dargestellt werden, erlauben semantische Anfragen, wie beispielsweise nach der Anzahl der Geschosse oder der Position der Balkone oder Eingänge. Die semantische Interpretation von Fassadenbildern ist ein wesentlicher Schritt für die Erzeugung solcher Modelle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit lösen wir diese Aufgabe, indem wir aus Daten abgeleitete Evidenz für das Vorkommen einzelner Objekte mit Vorwissen kombinieren, das die Analyse der gesamten Bildinterpretation steuert. Wir präsentieren dafür ein dreistufiges Verfahren: Wir erzeugen Bildmerkmale, die für die Beschreibung der relevanten Objekte geeignet sind. Wir lernen, auf Basis abgeleiteter Merkmale, eine Repräsentation dieser Objekte. Schließlich realisieren wir die Bildinterpretation basierend auf der zuvor gelernten Repräsentation und dem Vorwissen über typische Konfigurationen von Fassadenobjekten, welches wir aus Trainingsdaten ableiten. Wir leisten dazu die folgenden wissenschaftlichen Beiträge: Wir schlagen eine neuartige Me-thode zur Interpretation von Fassadenbildern vor, die einen sogenannten markierten Punktprozess verwendet. Dafür entwickeln wir ein Modell zur Beschreibung typischer Konfigurationen von Fassadenobjekten und entwickeln ein Bildinterpretationssystem, welches aus Daten abgeleitete Evidenz und a priori Wissen über typische Fassadenkonfigurationen kombiniert. Für die Erzeugung der Evidenz stellen wir Merkmale vor, die wir Shapelets nennen und die skaleninvariant und durch eine ausgesprochene Distinktivität im Bezug auf Fassadenobjekte gekennzeichnet sind. Als Basismerkmale für die Erzeugung der Shapelets dienen Linien-, Kreis- und Ellipsensegmente. Dafür stellen wir eine neuartige Methode zur Vereinfachung von Liniensegmenten vor, die eine Pixelkette durch eine Sequenz von geraden Linienstücken und elliptischen Bogensegmenten approximiert. Diese basiert unter anderem auf einer Adaption des Douglas-Peucker Algorithmus, die anstelle gerader Linienstücke, Bogensegmente als geometrische Basiselemente verwendet. Wir evaluieren jeden dieser drei Teilschritte separat. Wir zeigen Ergebnisse der Liniensegmen-tierung anhand verschiedener Bilder und weisen dabei vergleichbare und teilweise verbesserte Ergebnisse im Vergleich zu bestehende Verfahren nach. Für die vorgeschlagenen Shapelets weisen wir in der Evaluation ihre diskriminativen Eigenschaften im Bezug auf Fassadenobjekte nach. Wir erzeugen auf einem anspruchsvollen Datensatz von skalenvariablen Fassadenobjekten, mit starker Variabilität der Erscheinung innerhalb der Klassen, vielversprechende Klassifikationsergebnisse, die die Verwendbarkeit der gelernten Shapelets für die weitere Interpretation belegen. Schließlich zeigen wir Ergebnisse der Interpretation der Fassadenstruktur anhand verschiedener Datensätze. Die qualitative Evaluation demonstriert die Fähigkeit des vorgeschlagenen Lösungsansatzes zur vollständigen und präzisen Detektion der genannten Fassadenobjekte

    Statistical Comparison of Classifiers Applied to the Interferential Tear Film Lipid Layer Automatic Classification

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    The tear film lipid layer is heterogeneous among the population. Its classification depends on its thickness and can be done using the interference pattern categories proposed by Guillon. The interference phenomena can be characterised as a colour texture pattern, which can be automatically classified into one of these categories. From a photography of the eye, a region of interest is detected and its low-level features are extracted, generating a feature vector that describes it, to be finally classified in one of the target categories. This paper presents an exhaustive study about the problem at hand using different texture analysis methods in three colour spaces and different machine learning algorithms. All these methods and classifiers have been tested on a dataset composed of 105 images from healthy subjects and the results have been statistically analysed. As a result, the manual process done by experts can be automated with the benefits of being faster and unaffected by subjective factors, with maximum accuracy over 95%

    Improving the convergence rate of seismic history matching with a proxy derived method to aid stochastic sampling

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    History matching is a very important activity during the continued development and management of petroleum reservoirs. Time-lapse (4D) seismic data provide information on the dynamics of fluids in reservoirs, relating variations of seismic signal to saturation and pressure changes. This information can be integrated with history matching to improve convergence towards a simulation model that predicts available data. The main aim of this thesis is to develop a method to speed up the convergence rate of assisted seismic history matching using proxy derived gradient method. Stochastic inversion algorithms often rely on simple assumptions for selecting new models by random processes. In this work, we improve the way that such approaches learn about the system they are searching and thus operate more efficiently. To this end, a new method has been developed called NA with Proxy derived Gradients (NAPG). To improve convergence, we use a proxy model to understand how parameters control the misfit and then use a global stochastic method with these sensitivities to optimise the search of the parameter space. This leads to an improved set of final reservoir models. These in turn can be used more effectively in reservoir management decisions. To validate the proposed approach, we applied the new approach on a number of analytical functions and synthetic cases. In addition, we demonstrate the proposed method by applying it to the UKCS Schiehallion field. The results show that the new method speeds up the rate of convergence by a factor of two to three generally. The performance of NAPG is much improved by updating the regression equation coefficients instead of keeping it fixed. In addition, we found that the initial number of models to start NAPG or NA could be reduced by using Experimental Design instead of using random initialization. Ultimately, with all of these approaches combined, the number of models required to find a good match reduced by an order of magnitude. We have investigated the criteria for stopping the SHM loop, particularly the use of a proxy model to help. More research is needed to complete this work but the approach is promising. Quantifying parameter uncertainty using NA and NAPG was studied using the NA-Bayes approach (NAB). We found that NAB is very sensitive to misfit magnitude but otherwise NA and NAPG produce similar uncertainty measures

    Sonar image interpretation for sub-sea operations

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    Mine Counter-Measure (MCM) missions are conducted to neutralise underwater explosives. Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) assists operators by increasing the speed and accuracy of data review. ATR embedded on vehicles enables adaptive missions which increase the speed of data acquisition. This thesis addresses three challenges; the speed of data processing, robustness of ATR to environmental conditions and the large quantities of data required to train an algorithm. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel ATR algorithm. The algorithm uses features derived from the projection of 3D boxes to produce a set of 2D templates. The template responses are independent of grazing angle, range and target orientation. Integer skewed integral images, are derived to accelerate the calculation of the template responses. The algorithm is compared to the Haar cascade algorithm. For a single model of sonar and cylindrical targets the algorithm reduces the Probability of False Alarm (PFA) by 80% at a Probability of Detection (PD) of 85%. The algorithm is trained on target data from another model of sonar. The PD is only 6% lower even though no representative target data was used for training. The second major contribution is an adaptive ATR algorithm that uses local sea-floor characteristics to address the problem of ATR robustness with respect to the local environment. A dual-tree wavelet decomposition of the sea-floor and an Markov Random Field (MRF) based graph-cut algorithm is used to segment the terrain. A Neural Network (NN) is then trained to filter ATR results based on the local sea-floor context. It is shown, for the Haar Cascade algorithm, that the PFA can be reduced by 70% at a PD of 85%. Speed of data processing is addressed using novel pre-processing techniques. The standard three class MRF, for sonar image segmentation, is formulated using graph-cuts. Consequently, a 1.2 million pixel image is segmented in 1.2 seconds. Additionally, local estimation of class models is introduced to remove range dependent segmentation quality. Finally, an A* graph search is developed to remove the surface return, a line of saturated pixels often detected as false alarms by ATR. The A* search identifies the surface return in 199 of 220 images tested with a runtime of 2.1 seconds. The algorithm is robust to the presence of ripples and rocks

    Feature Based Segmentation of Colour Textured Images using Markov Random Field Model

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    The problem of image segmentation has been investigated with a focus on colored textured image segmentation.Texture is a substantial feature for the analysis of different types of images. Texture segmentation has an assortment of important applications ranging from vision guided autonomous robotics and remote sensing to medical diagnosis and retrieval in large image databases. But the main problem with the textured images is that they contain texture elements of various sizes and in some cases each of which can itself be textured.Thus the texture image segmentation is widely discerned as a difficult and thought-provoking problem.In this thesis an attempt has been made to devise methodologies for automated color textured image segmentation scheme. This problem has been addressed in the literature, still many key open issues remain to be investigated. As an initial step in this direction, this thesis proposes two methods which address the problem of color texture image segmentation through feature extraction approach in partially supervised approach.The feature extraction approaches can be classified into feature based and model based techniques.In feature based technique features are assessed without any model in mind. But in case of model based approach an inherent mathematical model lets eatures to be measured by fitting the model to the texture.The inherent features of the texture are captured in a set of parameters in order to understand the properties generating the texture. Nevertheless, a clear distinction can not be made between the two approaches and hence a combination of approaches from different categories is frequently adopted. In textured image segmentation, image model assumes a significant role and is developed by capturing salient spatial properties of an image. Markov random field (MRF)theory provides a convenient and consistent way to model context dependent entities.In this context a new scheme is proposed using Gaussian MRF model where the segmentation problem is formulated as a pixel labeling problem.The a priori class labels are modeled as Markov random field model and the number of classes is known a priori in partially supervised framework.The image label estimation problem is cast in Bayesian framework using Maximum a Posteriori (MAP)criterion and the MAP estimates of the image labels are obtained using iterated conditional modes (ICM) algorithm. Though the MRF model takes into account the local spatial interactions, it has a limitation in modeling natural scenes of distinct regions. Hence in our formulation, the first scheme takes into account within and between color plane interactions to incorporate spectraland contextual features. Genetic algorithm is employed for the initialization of ICM algorithm to obtain MAP estimates of image labels. The faster convergence property of the ICM algorithm and global convergence property of genetic algorithm are hybridized to obtain segmentation with better accuracy as well as faster convergence