1,001 research outputs found

    Bayesian inference for Gibbs random fields using composite likelihoods

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    Gibbs random fields play an important role in statistics, for example the autologistic model is commonly used to model the spatial distribution of binary variables defined on a lattice. However they are complicated to work with due to an intractability of the likelihood function. It is therefore natural to consider tractable approximations to the likelihood function. Composite likelihoods offer a principled approach to constructing such approximation. The contribution of this paper is to examine the performance of a collection of composite likelihood approximations in the context of Bayesian inference.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conferenc

    Bayesian Inference from Composite Likelihoods, with an Application to Spatial Extremes

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    Composite likelihoods are increasingly used in applications where the full likelihood is analytically unknown or computationally prohibitive. Although the maximum composite likelihood estimator has frequentist properties akin to those of the usual maximum likelihood estimator, Bayesian inference based on composite likelihoods has yet to be explored. In this paper we investigate the use of the Metropolis--Hastings algorithm to compute a pseudo-posterior distribution based on the composite likelihood. Two methodologies for adjusting the algorithm are presented and their performance on approximating the true posterior distribution is investigated using simulated data sets and real data on spatial extremes of rainfall

    Calibration of conditional composite likelihood for Bayesian inference on Gibbs random fields

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    Gibbs random fields play an important role in statistics, however, the resulting likelihood is typically unavailable due to an intractable normalizing constant. Composite likelihoods offer a principled means to construct useful approximations. This paper provides a mean to calibrate the posterior distribution resulting from using a composite likelihood and illustrate its performance in several examples.Comment: JMLR Workshop and Conference Proceedings, 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), San Diego, California, USA, 9-12 May 2015 (Vol. 38, pp. 921-929). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1207.575

    Hidden Gibbs random fields model selection using Block Likelihood Information Criterion

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    Performing model selection between Gibbs random fields is a very challenging task. Indeed, due to the Markovian dependence structure, the normalizing constant of the fields cannot be computed using standard analytical or numerical methods. Furthermore, such unobserved fields cannot be integrated out and the likelihood evaluztion is a doubly intractable problem. This forms a central issue to pick the model that best fits an observed data. We introduce a new approximate version of the Bayesian Information Criterion. We partition the lattice into continuous rectangular blocks and we approximate the probability measure of the hidden Gibbs field by the product of some Gibbs distributions over the blocks. On that basis, we estimate the likelihood and derive the Block Likelihood Information Criterion (BLIC) that answers model choice questions such as the selection of the dependency structure or the number of latent states. We study the performances of BLIC for those questions. In addition, we present a comparison with ABC algorithms to point out that the novel criterion offers a better trade-off between time efficiency and reliable results

    Bayesian model selection for exponential random graph models via adjusted pseudolikelihoods

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    Models with intractable likelihood functions arise in areas including network analysis and spatial statistics, especially those involving Gibbs random fields. Posterior parameter es timation in these settings is termed a doubly-intractable problem because both the likelihood function and the posterior distribution are intractable. The comparison of Bayesian models is often based on the statistical evidence, the integral of the un-normalised posterior distribution over the model parameters which is rarely available in closed form. For doubly-intractable models, estimating the evidence adds another layer of difficulty. Consequently, the selection of the model that best describes an observed network among a collection of exponential random graph models for network analysis is a daunting task. Pseudolikelihoods offer a tractable approximation to the likelihood but should be treated with caution because they can lead to an unreasonable inference. This paper specifies a method to adjust pseudolikelihoods in order to obtain a reasonable, yet tractable, approximation to the likelihood. This allows implementation of widely used computational methods for evidence estimation and pursuit of Bayesian model selection of exponential random graph models for the analysis of social networks. Empirical comparisons to existing methods show that our procedure yields similar evidence estimates, but at a lower computational cost.Comment: Supplementary material attached. To view attachments, please download and extract the gzzipped source file listed under "Other formats
