9 research outputs found

    Data Reduction Algorithms in Machine Learning and Data Science

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    Raw data are usually required to be pre-processed for better representation or discrimination of classes. This pre-processing can be done by data reduction, i.e., either reduction in dimensionality or numerosity (cardinality). Dimensionality reduction can be used for feature extraction or data visualization. Numerosity reduction is useful for ranking data points or finding the most and least important data points. This thesis proposes several algorithms for data reduction, known as dimensionality and numerosity reduction, in machine learning and data science. Dimensionality reduction tackles feature extraction and feature selection methods while numerosity reduction includes prototype selection and prototype generation approaches. This thesis focuses on feature extraction and prototype selection for data reduction. Dimensionality reduction methods can be divided into three categories, i.e., spectral, probabilistic, and neural network-based methods. The spectral methods have a geometrical point of view and are mostly reduced to the generalized eigenvalue problem. Probabilistic and network-based methods have stochastic and information theoretic foundations, respectively. Numerosity reduction methods can be divided into methods based on variance, geometry, and isolation. For dimensionality reduction, under the spectral category, I propose weighted Fisher discriminant analysis, Roweis discriminant analysis, and image quality aware embedding. I also propose quantile-quantile embedding as a probabilistic method where the distribution of embedding is chosen by the user. Backprojection, Fisher losses, and dynamic triplet sampling using Bayesian updating are other proposed methods in the neural network-based category. Backprojection is for training shallow networks with a projection-based perspective in manifold learning. Two Fisher losses are proposed for training Siamese triplet networks for increasing and decreasing the inter- and intra-class variances, respectively. Two dynamic triplet mining methods, which are based on Bayesian updating to draw triplet samples stochastically, are proposed. For numerosity reduction, principal sample analysis and instance ranking by matrix decomposition are the proposed variance-based methods; these methods rank instances using inter-/intra-class variances and matrix factorization, respectively. Curvature anomaly detection, in which the points are assumed to be the vertices of polyhedron, and isolation Mondrian forest are the proposed methods based on geometry and isolation, respectively. To assess the proposed tools developed for data reduction, I apply them to some applications in medical image analysis, image processing, and computer vision. Data reduction, used as a pre-processing tool, has different applications because it provides various ways of feature extraction and prototype selection for applying to different types of data. Dimensionality reduction extracts informative features and prototype selection selects the most informative data instances. For example, for medical image analysis, I use Fisher losses and dynamic triplet sampling for embedding histopathology image patches and demonstrating how different the tumorous cancer tissue types are from the normal ones. I also propose offline/online triplet mining using extreme distances for this embedding. In image processing and computer vision application, I propose Roweisfaces and Roweisposes for face recognition and 3D action recognition, respectively, using my proposed Roweis discriminant analysis method. I also introduce the concepts of anomaly landscape and anomaly path using the proposed curvature anomaly detection and use them to denoise images and video frames. I report extensive experiments, on different datasets, to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. By experiments, I demonstrate that the proposed methods are useful for extracting informative features and instances for better accuracy, representation, prediction, class separation, data reduction, and embedding. I show that the proposed dimensionality reduction methods can extract informative features for better separation of classes. An example is obtaining an embedding space for separating cancer histopathology patches from the normal patches which helps hospitals diagnose cancers more easily in an automatic way. I also show that the proposed numerosity reduction methods are useful for ranking data instances based on their importance and reducing data volumes without a significant drop in performance of machine learning and data science algorithms

    Exploiting random projections and sparsity with random forests and gradient boosting methods - Application to multi-label and multi-output learning, random forest model compression and leveraging input sparsity

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    Within machine learning, the supervised learning field aims at modeling the input-output relationship of a system, from past observations of its behavior. Decision trees characterize the input-output relationship through a series of nested ``if-then-else'' questions, the testing nodes, leading to a set of predictions, the leaf nodes. Several of such trees are often combined together for state-of-the-art performance: random forest ensembles average the predictions of randomized decision trees trained independently in parallel, while tree boosting ensembles train decision trees sequentially to refine the predictions made by the previous ones. The emergence of new applications requires scalable supervised learning algorithms in terms of computational power and memory space with respect to the number of inputs, outputs, and observations without sacrificing accuracy. In this thesis, we identify three main areas where decision tree methods could be improved for which we provide and evaluate original algorithmic solutions: (i) learning over high dimensional output spaces, (ii) learning with large sample datasets and stringent memory constraints at prediction time and (iii) learning over high dimensional sparse input spaces. A first approach to solve learning tasks with a high dimensional output space, called binary relevance or single target, is to train one decision tree ensemble per output. However, it completely neglects the potential correlations existing between the outputs. An alternative approach called multi-output decision trees fits a single decision tree ensemble targeting simultaneously all the outputs, assuming that all outputs are correlated. Nevertheless, both approaches have (i) exactly the same computational complexity and (ii) target extreme output correlation structures. In our first contribution, we show how to combine random projection of the output space, a dimensionality reduction method, with the random forest algorithm decreasing the learning time complexity. The accuracy is preserved, and may even be improved by reaching a different bias-variance tradeoff. In our second contribution, we first formally adapt the gradient boosting ensemble method to multi-output supervised learning tasks such as multi-output regression and multi-label classification. We then propose to combine single random projections of the output space with gradient boosting on such tasks to adapt automatically to the output correlation structure. The random forest algorithm often generates large ensembles of complex models thanks to the availability of a large number of observations. However, the space complexity of such models, proportional to their total number of nodes, is often prohibitive, and therefore these modes are not well suited under stringent memory constraints at prediction time. In our third contribution, we propose to compress these ensembles by solving a L1-based regularization problem over the set of indicator functions defined by all their nodes. Some supervised learning tasks have a high dimensional but sparse input space, where each observation has only a few of the input variables that have non zero values. Standard decision tree implementations are not well adapted to treat sparse input spaces, unlike other supervised learning techniques such as support vector machines or linear models. In our fourth contribution, we show how to exploit algorithmically the input space sparsity within decision tree methods. Our implementation yields a significant speed up both on synthetic and real datasets, while leading to exactly the same model. It also reduces the required memory to grow such models by exploiting sparse instead of dense memory storage for the input matrix.Parmi les techniques d'apprentissage automatique, l'apprentissage supervisé vise à modéliser les relations entrée-sortie d'un système, à partir d'observations de son fonctionnement. Les arbres de décision caractérisent cette relation entrée-sortie à partir d'un ensemble hiérarchique de questions appelées les noeuds tests amenant à une prédiction, les noeuds feuilles. Plusieurs de ces arbres sont souvent combinés ensemble afin d'atteindre les performances de l'état de l'art: les ensembles de forêts aléatoires calculent la moyenne des prédictions d'arbres de décision randomisés, entraînés indépendamment et en parallèle alors que les ensembles d'arbres de boosting entraînent des arbres de décision séquentiellement, améliorant ainsi les prédictions faites par les précédents modèles de l'ensemble. L'apparition de nouvelles applications requiert des algorithmes d'apprentissage supervisé efficaces en terme de puissance de calcul et d'espace mémoire par rapport au nombre d'entrées, de sorties, et d'observations sans sacrifier la précision du modèle. Dans cette thèse, nous avons identifié trois domaines principaux où les méthodes d'arbres de décision peuvent être améliorées pour lequel nous fournissons et évaluons des solutions algorithmiques originales: (i) apprentissage sur des espaces de sortie de haute dimension, (ii) apprentissage avec de grands ensembles d'échantillons et des contraintes mémoires strictes au moment de la prédiction et (iii) apprentissage sur des espaces d'entrée creux de haute dimension. Une première approche pour résoudre des tâches d'apprentissage avec un espace de sortie de haute dimension, appelée "binary relevance" ou "single target", est l’apprentissage d’un ensemble d'arbres de décision par sortie. Toutefois, cette approche néglige complètement les corrélations potentiellement existantes entre les sorties. Une approche alternative, appelée "arbre de décision multi-sorties", est l’apprentissage d’un seul ensemble d'arbres de décision pour toutes les sorties, faisant l'hypothèse que toutes les sorties sont corrélées. Cependant, les deux approches ont (i) exactement la même complexité en temps de calcul et (ii) visent des structures de corrélation de sorties extrêmes. Dans notre première contribution, nous montrons comment combiner des projections aléatoires (une méthode de réduction de dimensionnalité) de l'espace de sortie avec l'algorithme des forêts aléatoires diminuant la complexité en temps de calcul de la phase d'apprentissage. La précision est préservée, et peut même être améliorée en atteignant un compromis biais-variance différent. Dans notre seconde contribution, nous adaptons d'abord formellement la méthode d'ensemble "gradient boosting" à la régression multi-sorties et à la classification multi-labels. Nous proposons ensuite de combiner une seule projection aléatoire de l'espace de sortie avec l’algorithme de "gradient boosting" sur de telles tâches afin de s'adapter automatiquement à la structure des corrélations existant entre les sorties. Les algorithmes de forêts aléatoires génèrent souvent de grands ensembles de modèles complexes grâce à la disponibilité d'un grand nombre d'observations. Toutefois, la complexité mémoire, proportionnelle au nombre total de noeuds, de tels modèles est souvent prohibitive, et donc ces modèles ne sont pas adaptés à des contraintes mémoires fortes lors de la phase de prédiction. Dans notre troisième contribution, nous proposons de compresser ces ensembles en résolvant un problème de régularisation basé sur la norme L1 sur l'ensemble des fonctions indicatrices défini par tous leurs noeuds. Certaines tâches d'apprentissage supervisé ont un espace d'entrée de haute dimension mais creux, où chaque observation possède seulement quelques variables d'entrée avec une valeur non-nulle. Les implémentations standards des arbres de décision ne sont pas adaptées pour traiter des espaces d'entrée creux, contrairement à d'autres techniques d'apprentissage supervisé telles que les machines à vecteurs de support ou les modèles linéaires. Dans notre quatrième contribution, nous montrons comment exploiter algorithmiquement le creux de l'espace d'entrée avec les méthodes d'arbres de décision. Notre implémentation diminue significativement le temps de calcul sur des ensembles de données synthétiques et réelles, tout en fournissant exactement le même modèle. Cela permet aussi de réduire la mémoire nécessaire pour apprendre de tels modèles en exploitant des méthodes de stockage appropriées pour la matrice des entrées

    Contributions to the cornerstones of interaction in visualization: strengthening the interaction of visualization

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    Visualization has become an accepted means for data exploration and analysis. Although interaction is an important component of visualization approaches, current visualization research pays less attention to interaction than to aspects of the graphical representation. Therefore, the goal of this work is to strengthen the interaction side of visualization. To this end, we establish a unified view on interaction in visualization. This unified view covers four cornerstones: the data, the tasks, the technology, and the human.Visualisierung hat sich zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für die Exploration und Analyse von Daten entwickelt. Obwohl Interaktion ein wichtiger Bestandteil solcher Werkzeuge ist, wird der Interaktion in der aktuellen Visualisierungsforschung weniger Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet als Aspekten der graphischen Repräsentation. Daher ist es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Interaktion im Bereich der Visualisierung zu stärken. Hierzu wird eine einheitliche Sicht auf Interaktion in der Visualisierung entwickelt

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Decision-making: creativity, judgment, and systems

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    (print) x, 276 p. : ill. : 24 cmThe essays assembled in this volume were prepared by the authors for presentation on the campus of the Ohio State University at the Thomas A. Boyd interdisciplinary conference on decision-making aids. Through the financial support of the College of Engineering, the Thomas A. Boyd Lecture Fund, and the School of Architecture, the conference was established as a means for bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scientists and scholars for a wide-ranging discussion of the many aspects of emerging decision-aid research and applications along with their implications for professional activities and professional education. Consonant with the excellence and achievement stimulated by Thomas A. Boyd's support for higher education, the conference and the papers presented in this volume are dedicated to the advancement of the use of scientific methods for decision-making within the several disciplines concerned with enhancing environment and the well-being of people.Preface. p.ix -- Introduction. p.3 -- PART 1: Decision-making strategies. -- Personalistic decision theory: exposition and critique. p.19 -- The Study of collective decisions. p.42 -- PART 2: Decision-making aids -- Information science as an aid to decision-making. p.69 -- Toward a working theory of automated design. p.85 -- The Generation of form by geometric methods. p.112 -- PART 3: Decision aid applications -- Decision aids for the planning and development of university facilities. p.127 -- Analytic approaches to facility layout and design. p.137 -- Development action sequencing under highly constrained conditions. p.147 -- Adaptive diagnosis of problems. p.157 -- PART 4: Human creativity and judgment -- Managing visual information. p.173 -- Matching decision aids with intuitive styles. p.190 -- Conceptual models in design. p.205 -- PART 5: Implications -- Who looks at the whole system? p.223 -- Decision aids: needs and prospects. p.247 -- Epilogue. p.261 -- Notes on the contribution. p.265 -- Index. p.26