7 research outputs found

    Bayesian optimization using sequential Monte Carlo

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    We consider the problem of optimizing a real-valued continuous function ff using a Bayesian approach, where the evaluations of ff are chosen sequentially by combining prior information about ff, which is described by a random process model, and past evaluation results. The main difficulty with this approach is to be able to compute the posterior distributions of quantities of interest which are used to choose evaluation points. In this article, we decide to use a Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) approach

    Calibration and improved prediction of computer models by universal Kriging

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    This paper addresses the use of experimental data for calibrating a computer model and improving its predictions of the underlying physical system. A global statistical approach is proposed in which the bias between the computer model and the physical system is modeled as a realization of a Gaussian process. The application of classical statistical inference to this statistical model yields a rigorous method for calibrating the computer model and for adding to its predictions a statistical correction based on experimental data. This statistical correction can substantially improve the calibrated computer model for predicting the physical system on new experimental conditions. Furthermore, a quantification of the uncertainty of this prediction is provided. Physical expertise on the calibration parameters can also be taken into account in a Bayesian framework. Finally, the method is applied to the thermal-hydraulic code FLICA 4, in a single phase friction model framework. It allows to improve the predictions of the thermal-hydraulic code FLICA 4 significantly

    A Bayesian approach to constrained single- and multi-objective optimization

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    This article addresses the problem of derivative-free (single- or multi-objective) optimization subject to multiple inequality constraints. Both the objective and constraint functions are assumed to be smooth, non-linear and expensive to evaluate. As a consequence, the number of evaluations that can be used to carry out the optimization is very limited, as in complex industrial design optimization problems. The method we propose to overcome this difficulty has its roots in both the Bayesian and the multi-objective optimization literatures. More specifically, an extended domination rule is used to handle objectives and constraints in a unified way, and a corresponding expected hyper-volume improvement sampling criterion is proposed. This new criterion is naturally adapted to the search of a feasible point when none is available, and reduces to existing Bayesian sampling criteria---the classical Expected Improvement (EI) criterion and some of its constrained/multi-objective extensions---as soon as at least one feasible point is available. The calculation and optimization of the criterion are performed using Sequential Monte Carlo techniques. In particular, an algorithm similar to the subset simulation method, which is well known in the field of structural reliability, is used to estimate the criterion. The method, which we call BMOO (for Bayesian Multi-Objective Optimization), is compared to state-of-the-art algorithms for single- and multi-objective constrained optimization

    Relaxed Gaussian process interpolation: a goal-oriented approach to Bayesian optimization

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    This work presents a new procedure for obtaining predictive distributions in the context of Gaussian process (GP) modeling, with a relaxation of the interpolation constraints outside some ranges of interest: the mean of the predictive distributions no longer necessarily interpolates the observed values when they are outside ranges of interest, but are simply constrained to remain outside. This method called relaxed Gaussian process (reGP) interpolation provides better predictive distributions in ranges of interest, especially in cases where a stationarity assumption for the GP model is not appropriate. It can be viewed as a goal-oriented method and becomes particularly interesting in Bayesian optimization, for example, for the minimization of an objective function, where good predictive distributions for low function values are important. When the expected improvement criterion and reGP are used for sequentially choosing evaluation points, the convergence of the resulting optimization algorithm is theoretically guaranteed (provided that the function to be optimized lies in the reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces attached to the known covariance of the underlying Gaussian process). Experiments indicate that using reGP instead of stationary GP models in Bayesian optimization is beneficial

    Sequential search strategies based on kriging

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    This manuscript has been written to obtain the French Habilitation Ă  Diriger des Recherches. It is not intended to provide new academic results nor should it be considered as a reference textbook. Instead, this manuscript is a brief (and incomplete) summary of my teaching and research activities. You will find in this manuscript a compilation of some articles in which I had a significant contribution, together with some introductory paragraphs about sequential search strategies based on kriging