913 research outputs found

    Bayesian compressive sensing framework for spectrum reconstruction in Rayleigh fading channels

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    Compressive sensing (CS) is a novel digital signal processing technique that has found great interest in many applications including communication theory and wireless communications. In wireless communications, CS is particularly suitable for its application in the area of spectrum sensing for cognitive radios, where the complete spectrum under observation, with many spectral holes, can be modeled as a sparse wide-band signal in the frequency domain. Considering the initial works performed to exploit the benefits of Bayesian CS in spectrum sensing, the fading characteristic of wireless communications has not been considered yet to a great extent, although it is an inherent feature for all sorts of wireless communications and it must be considered for the design of any practically viable wireless system. In this paper, we extend the Bayesian CS framework for the recovery of a sparse signal, whose nonzero coefficients follow a Rayleigh distribution. It is then demonstrated via simulations that mean square error significantly improves when appropriate prior distribution is used for the faded signal coefficients and thus, in turns, the spectrum reconstruction improves. Different parameters of the system model, e.g., sparsity level and number of measurements, are then varied to show the consistency of the results for different cases

    Dynamic Compressive Sensing of Time-Varying Signals via Approximate Message Passing

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    In this work the dynamic compressive sensing (CS) problem of recovering sparse, correlated, time-varying signals from sub-Nyquist, non-adaptive, linear measurements is explored from a Bayesian perspective. While there has been a handful of previously proposed Bayesian dynamic CS algorithms in the literature, the ability to perform inference on high-dimensional problems in a computationally efficient manner remains elusive. In response, we propose a probabilistic dynamic CS signal model that captures both amplitude and support correlation structure, and describe an approximate message passing algorithm that performs soft signal estimation and support detection with a computational complexity that is linear in all problem dimensions. The algorithm, DCS-AMP, can perform either causal filtering or non-causal smoothing, and is capable of learning model parameters adaptively from the data through an expectation-maximization learning procedure. We provide numerical evidence that DCS-AMP performs within 3 dB of oracle bounds on synthetic data under a variety of operating conditions. We further describe the result of applying DCS-AMP to two real dynamic CS datasets, as well as a frequency estimation task, to bolster our claim that DCS-AMP is capable of offering state-of-the-art performance and speed on real-world high-dimensional problems.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Bayesian Compressed Regression

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    As an alternative to variable selection or shrinkage in high dimensional regression, we propose to randomly compress the predictors prior to analysis. This dramatically reduces storage and computational bottlenecks, performing well when the predictors can be projected to a low dimensional linear subspace with minimal loss of information about the response. As opposed to existing Bayesian dimensionality reduction approaches, the exact posterior distribution conditional on the compressed data is available analytically, speeding up computation by many orders of magnitude while also bypassing robustness issues due to convergence and mixing problems with MCMC. Model averaging is used to reduce sensitivity to the random projection matrix, while accommodating uncertainty in the subspace dimension. Strong theoretical support is provided for the approach by showing near parametric convergence rates for the predictive density in the large p small n asymptotic paradigm. Practical performance relative to competitors is illustrated in simulations and real data applications.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Sparse Estimation using Bayesian Hierarchical Prior Modeling for Real and Complex Linear Models

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    In sparse Bayesian learning (SBL), Gaussian scale mixtures (GSMs) have been used to model sparsity-inducing priors that realize a class of concave penalty functions for the regression task in real-valued signal models. Motivated by the relative scarcity of formal tools for SBL in complex-valued models, this paper proposes a GSM model - the Bessel K model - that induces concave penalty functions for the estimation of complex sparse signals. The properties of the Bessel K model are analyzed when it is applied to Type I and Type II estimation. This analysis reveals that, by tuning the parameters of the mixing pdf different penalty functions are invoked depending on the estimation type used, the value of the noise variance, and whether real or complex signals are estimated. Using the Bessel K model, we derive a sparse estimator based on a modification of the expectation-maximization algorithm formulated for Type II estimation. The estimator includes as a special instance the algorithms proposed by Tipping and Faul [1] and by Babacan et al. [2]. Numerical results show the superiority of the proposed estimator over these state-of-the-art estimators in terms of convergence speed, sparseness, reconstruction error, and robustness in low and medium signal-to-noise ratio regimes.Comment: The paper provides a new comprehensive analysis of the theoretical foundations of the proposed estimators. Minor modification of the titl

    Fast Stochastic Hierarchical Bayesian MAP for Tomographic Imaging

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    Any image recovery algorithm attempts to achieve the highest quality reconstruction in a timely manner. The former can be achieved in several ways, among which are by incorporating Bayesian priors that exploit natural image tendencies to cue in on relevant phenomena. The Hierarchical Bayesian MAP (HB-MAP) is one such approach which is known to produce compelling results albeit at a substantial computational cost. We look to provide further analysis and insights into what makes the HB-MAP work. While retaining the proficient nature of HB-MAP's Type-I estimation, we propose a stochastic approximation-based approach to Type-II estimation. The resulting algorithm, fast stochastic HB-MAP (fsHBMAP), takes dramatically fewer operations while retaining high reconstruction quality. We employ our fsHBMAP scheme towards the problem of tomographic imaging and demonstrate that fsHBMAP furnishes promising results when compared to many competing methods.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figures, Conference (Accepted to Asilomar 2017

    Rectified Gaussian Scale Mixtures and the Sparse Non-Negative Least Squares Problem

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    In this paper, we develop a Bayesian evidence maximization framework to solve the sparse non-negative least squares (S-NNLS) problem. We introduce a family of probability densities referred to as the Rectified Gaussian Scale Mixture (R- GSM) to model the sparsity enforcing prior distribution for the solution. The R-GSM prior encompasses a variety of heavy-tailed densities such as the rectified Laplacian and rectified Student- t distributions with a proper choice of the mixing density. We utilize the hierarchical representation induced by the R-GSM prior and develop an evidence maximization framework based on the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Using the EM based method, we estimate the hyper-parameters and obtain a point estimate for the solution. We refer to the proposed method as rectified sparse Bayesian learning (R-SBL). We provide four R- SBL variants that offer a range of options for computational complexity and the quality of the E-step computation. These methods include the Markov chain Monte Carlo EM, linear minimum mean-square-error estimation, approximate message passing and a diagonal approximation. Using numerical experiments, we show that the proposed R-SBL method outperforms existing S-NNLS solvers in terms of both signal and support recovery performance, and is also very robust against the structure of the design matrix.Comment: Under Review by IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Compressed sensing reconstruction using Expectation Propagation

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    Many interesting problems in fields ranging from telecommunications to computational biology can be formalized in terms of large underdetermined systems of linear equations with additional constraints or regularizers. One of the most studied ones, the Compressed Sensing problem (CS), consists in finding the solution with the smallest number of non-zero components of a given system of linear equations y=Fw\boldsymbol y = \mathbf{F} \boldsymbol{w} for known measurement vector y\boldsymbol{y} and sensing matrix F\mathbf{F}. Here, we will address the compressed sensing problem within a Bayesian inference framework where the sparsity constraint is remapped into a singular prior distribution (called Spike-and-Slab or Bernoulli-Gauss). Solution to the problem is attempted through the computation of marginal distributions via Expectation Propagation (EP), an iterative computational scheme originally developed in Statistical Physics. We will show that this strategy is comparatively more accurate than the alternatives in solving instances of CS generated from statistically correlated measurement matrices. For computational strategies based on the Bayesian framework such as variants of Belief Propagation, this is to be expected, as they implicitly rely on the hypothesis of statistical independence among the entries of the sensing matrix. Perhaps surprisingly, the method outperforms uniformly also all the other state-of-the-art methods in our tests.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure