26,171 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pemodelan reliabilitas sistim dalam kaitan dengan istilah teori himpunan fuzzy adalah pada dasarnya memanfaatkan himpunan-himpunan fuzzy Type I, di mana keanggotaan fuzzy ini diasumsikan sebagai fungsi positif  menurut titik yang berkisar di [0,1]. Seperti itu adalah suatu praktek yang tidak  praktis karena sebuah keanggotaan interval-valued  boleh mencerminkan ketidakjelasan dari sistim lebih baik menurut pola pemikiran manusia. Dalam paper ini, kita akan mengeksplor dasar-dasar teori Interval-valued himpunan fuzzy dan menggambarkan aplikasinya dalam kaitan dengan  istilah sebuah contoh industri. Kata Kunci : Interval-Valued, Fuzzy Sets, reliabilitas sistem   Abstract System reliability modeling in relation to the term fuzzy set theory is basically utilizing fuzzy sets Type I, in which the fuzzy membership is assumed to be a positive function by point range in [0,1]. As it is a practice that is not practical because of an interval-valued membership should reflect the uncertainty of the system better by human thought patterns. In this paper, we will explore the basics of the theory of interval-valued fuzzy set and describe its application in relation to the terms of an industrial example.   Keywords: Interval-Valued, Fuzzy Sets, system reliabilit

    A Review of Digital Image Classification Based on Fuzzy Logic

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    Fuzzy logic has long been an important issue for in the field of computer science, computer vision, image processing, machine learning and control theory and mathematics. In this review paper, we also see that the basics of fuzzy logic as well as fuzzy logic system (Fuzzy Inference System) use as decision making technique under a linguistic view of fuzzy sets. In this study, we focused to review the fuzzy logic to classification of digital image. The aim of this study was to review the fuzzy logic algorithm for classification of image

    Fundamentos de los Conjuntos Difusos

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    Treball de Fi de Màster Universitari en Matemàtica Computacional (Pla de 2013). Codi: SIQ527. Curs 2021/2022 (A distància)Presentamos una introducción a los conjuntos difusos haciendo hincapié en los conceptos básicos. Presentaremos una descripción de los α-cortes y veremos su importancia para trabajar con conjuntos difusos. Damos una aplicación a la teoría de las ecuaciones difusas.We present an introduction to fuzzy sets with emphasis the basics concepts. We will present a description of the alpha-cuts and see their importance for working with fuzzy sets. We give an application to the theory of fuzzy equations

    Application of fuzzy set and Dempster-Shafer theory to organic geochemistry interpretation

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    An application of fuzzy sets and Dempster Shafter Theory (DST) in modeling the interpretational process of organic geochemistry data for predicting the level of maturities of oil and source rock samples is presented. This was accomplished by (1) representing linguistic imprecision and imprecision associated with experience by a fuzzy set theory, (2) capturing the probabilistic nature of imperfect evidences by a DST, and (3) combining multiple evidences by utilizing John Yen's generalized Dempster-Shafter Theory (GDST), which allows DST to deal with fuzzy information. The current prototype provides collective beliefs on the predicted levels of maturity by combining multiple evidences through GDST's rule of combination

    A hybrid and integrated approach to evaluate and prevent disasters

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