972,924 research outputs found

    Aspectos del mundo material de la Biblia en el judeoárabe medieval: La Flora y la Fauna en el glosario Šarḥ al-ʾAlfāẓ al-Ṣaʿba fī al-Miqra a Isaías de Abū al-Faraŷ Hārūn

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    This article examines how Abū al-Faraj Hārūn identified, translated, and interpreted the ancient biblical terms in the book of Isaiah in Arabic to learn about the material world of the Bible, as it was then perceived in the medieval Arab world and Persia. The article focuses on the topics of flora and fauna, providing a comparative analysis of Abū al-Faraj Hārūn’s definitions in the Šarḥ al-ʾAlfāẓ with the writings of other Karaite scholars from his circle and those of prior, contemporary, or later rabbinic exegetes. The study of these terms in scholars’ writings reveals that many of them were not understood in the same way by medieval exegetes; each interpreted the different terms and translated them into Arabic according to their understanding and the accepted interpretation in their times and places. Therefore, it is little wonder that conflicting opinions arose among different biblical commentators in different eras and different regions. Yet, it also occasionally happened that a biblical word was left untouched, without being translated into Arabic.Este artículo examina cómo Abū al-Faraŷ Hārūn identificó, tradujo e interpretó en árabe los antiguos términos bíblicos del libro de Isaías para conocer el mundo material de la Biblia, tal como se percibía entonces en el mundo árabe medieval y en Persia. El artículo se centra en los temas de la flora y la fauna, proporcionando un análisis comparativo de las definiciones de Abū al-Faraŷ Hārūn en el Šarḥ al-ʾAlfāẓ con los escritos de otros estudiosos caraítas de su círculo y los de exegetas rabínicos anteriores, contemporáneos o posteriores. El estudio de estos términos en dichos escritos revela que muchos de ellos no fueron entendidos de la misma manera por los exegetas medievales; cada uno interpretó los diferentes términos y los tradujo al árabe de acuerdo con su comprensión y la interpretación aceptada en su tiempo y lugar. Por lo tanto, no es de extrañar que surgieran opiniones contradictorias entre los diferentes comentaristas bíblicos en diferentes épocas y regiones. También ocurrió que una palabra bíblica se dejó como está, sin ser traducida al árabe


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    This study aims to investigate coping strategies that activate pessimism in the context of Covid 19.  To this end, two sub-studies were conducted. In the first study, an exploratory factor analysis of coping with pessimistic events scale was conducted on 209 university students. It was found that students use strategies such as self-control, coping with spirituality, problem solving, optimistic thinking, social support, denial, putting distance and protecting self-value while dealing with events that activate pessimism. In the second study, a limited subjective well-being model with coping with Covid 19 and striving for goals was tested on 201 teachers. Based on the results, it is found that it has been not enough for teachers to strive for goals to increase their subjective well-being, but it has been also necessary to use strategies to cope with Covid-19 that activates pessimism

    Az aszály és a foszfor kijuttatásának egyedüli és együttes hatása a szójababra

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    Phosphorus is one of the most important macronutrients for plant development, and although it might be present in relatively high concentrations in the soil, yet the readily-available amounts can be much lower because it presents in forms of soil complexes. P application can help plants tolerate drought stress, which is increasingly reported and predicted in soybean main cultivation areas. An experiment was carried out in 2018 and 2019 in Debrecen, Hungary to investigate the sole and combined effects of P fertilization and drought stress on two soybean cultivars. Results showed that leaf area, relative chlorophyll content and, to a higher extent, stomatal conductance and plant height of both cultivars were negatively affected by both P and water deficits. Pod number/plant and seed yield were also decreased as a result of drought and lack of P. Moreover, oil concentration in the produced seeds was measurably decreased under drought stress and significantly increased with P application, whereas protein concentration was not measurably affected by P application, but increased under drought stress conditions. It could be concluded that the high rate of P fertilizer is not recommended in the study area as it did not have noticeable effects compared to the lower rate.A foszfor az egyik legfontosabb makrotápanyag a növény fejlődésében, és bár a talajban viszonylag magas koncentrációban lehet jelen, mégis a rendelkezésre álló mennyiségek sokkal alacsonyabbak lehetnek, mivel talajkomplexek formájában jelenik meg. A P alkalmazás segíthet a növényeknek elviselni az aszálystresszt, amelyet a szójabab legfontosabb termesztési területein egyre inkább jelentenek és előrejelznek. 2018-ban és 2019-ben kísérletet végeztünk Debrecenben, Magyarországon a P-műtrágyázás és az aszálystressz egyedüli és kombinált hatásainak vizsgálatára két szójababfajtára. Az eredmények azt mutatták, hogy mindkét fajta levélterületét, a relatív klorofilltartalmat, és nagyobb mértékben a sztóma vezetőképességét és a növénymagasságot mind a P, mind a vízhiány negatívan befolyásolja. Az aszály és a P. hiánya miatt a növényenkénti hüvelyszám és a vetőmag hozamai szintén csökkentek. Ezen túlmenően az előállított vetőmagok olajkoncentrációja szárazsági stressz alatt mérhető módon csökkent, és a P alkalmazásával jelentősen megnőtt, míg a fehérjekoncentrációt a P nem befolyásolta alkalmazás, de szárazság-stressz körülmények között fokozódott. Megállapítható, hogy a magas P-műtrágyamennyiség nem javasolt a vizsgálati területen, mivel az alacsonyabb arányhoz képest nem volt észlelhető hatás

    Ameliorating Drought Stress Effects on Soybean Physiology and Yield by Hydrogen Peroxide

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    Soybean is considered as an important legume because of its high content of protein and oil. However, it is sensitive to drought stress that was increasingly recorded recently. Plants respond to drought by several changes on the physiological and molecular levels and by endogenously changing the concentrations of certain substances, sauch as reactive oxygen species (ROS). An experiment was conducted in 2018 and 2019 to investigate the effects of drought stress and the possible effects of exogenously sprayed hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at R1 stage on two soybean cultivars. Significant decreases in all studied traits were recorded as a result of drought stress. Noticeable enhancements in stomatal conductance, relative chlorophyll content, relative water content, leaf area index, plant height and the final seed yield of both cultivars when treated with H2O2 were also recorded. It could be concluded that H2O2 spraying can be a good strategy to alleviate presumable negative influence of drought

    The effects of N fertilization on soybean (Glycine max L. Merrill) yield and quality under different drought stress levels

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    As a result to continuous exploitation in agriculture, soil nutrients decrease, and one way of re-fertilizing is by mineral fertilization. However, applying mineral fertilizers should be controlled and pre-evaluated in terms of quantity to be added, as the excessive amounts could negatively affect both plants and soil. Fertilization is very important under abiotic stress conditions, like drought stress which has negative effects on both quantity (yield) and quality (seed content) of crops, especially drought-sensitive crops such as soybean; it is a very important legume with high content of both protein and oil. In order to study the influence of both nitrogen fertilization and drought stress on the yield and the seed quality of two soybean cultivars, an experiment was conducted in Debrecen, Hungary in 2017. Three N fertilization rates; 0, 35 and 105 kg ha-1 were applied under three irrigation regimes; severe drought (SD), moderate drought (MD) and no drought (ND). The results showed drought stress to negatively affect the yield of both cultivars by different extents; it also manipulated both protein and oil concentrations. (N) fertilization could enhance the yield of (MD) and (ND), but not (SD) treatment when applied in a relatively-low rate, whereas it negatively affected the yield when high rate was applied to (ND) treatment. The protein concentration increased as the (N) fertilization rate increased, whereas the oil concentration was not affected by (N) fertilization, but rather by drought. It was concluded that the high-rate application of nitrogen is not always recommended for soybean, especially when water is available for plants. (N) fertilization has a noticeable effect on the protein but not on the oil concentration. Further studies on the best N rate when drought stress is applied at certain growth-stage will help to better understand the combined effects of both traits on soybean yield and quality