658 research outputs found

    Efficient HDTV and 3DTV services over DVB-T2 using Multiple PLPs with Layered Media

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    [EN] The high bit rates of high-definition or 3D services require a huge share of the valuable terrestrial spectrum, especially when targeting wide coverage areas. This article describes how to provide future services with the state-of-the-art digital terrestrial TV technology DVB-T2 in a flexible and cost-efficient way. The combination of layered media such as the scalable and 3D extension of the H.264/AVC or emerging H.265/HEVC format with the physical layer pipes feature of DVB-T2 enables flexible broadcast of services with differentiated protection of the quality layers. This opens up new ways of service provisioning such as graceful degradation for mobile or fixed reception. This article shows how existing DVB-T2 and MPEG-2 transport stream mechanisms need to be configured for offering such services over DVB-T2. A detailed description of the setup of such services and the involved components is given.Hellge, C.; Wiegand, T.; Guinea Torre, E.; Gomez-Barquero, D.; Schierl, T. (2013). Efficient HDTV and 3DTV services over DVB-T2 using Multiple PLPs with Layered Media. IEEE Communications Magazine. 51(10):76-82. doi:10.1109/MCOM.2013.6619569S7682511

    HEVC based Stereo Video codec

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    Development of stereo video codecs in latest multi-view extension of HEVC (MV-HEVC) with higher compression efficiency has been an active area of research. In this paper, a frame interleaved stereo video coding scheme based on MVHEVC standard codec is proposed. The proposed codec applies a reduced layer approach to encode the frame interleaved stereo sequences. A frame interleaving algorithm is developed to reorder the stereo video frames into a monocular video, such that the proposed codec can gain advantage from inter-views and temporal correlations to improve its coding performance. To evaluate the performance of the proposed codec; three standard multi-view test video sequences, named “Poznan_Street”, “Kendo” and “Newspaper1”, were selected and coded using the proposed codec and the standard MV-HEVC codec at different QPs and bitrates. Experimental results show that the proposed codec gives a significantly higher coding performance to that of the standard MV-HEVC codec at all bitrates

    Instruction document on multimedia formats:optimal accessibility of audio, video and images

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    We increasingly express ourselves through multimedia. Internet traffic already consists for the most part of audio and video. A variety of formats are used for this purpose, often without due consideration. This document provides a background for choices that can be made for making video and audio available. In this context, open standards are (at present) less common than closed standards. Nevertheless, open standards are more useful in terms of sustainable access to multimedia content. This document provides an insight into the relevant considerations to help you make the right choice when selecting formats

    State of the art 3D technologies and MVV end to end system design

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    L’oggetto del presente lavoro di tesi è costituito dall’analisi e dalla recensione di tutte le tecnologie 3D: esistenti e in via di sviluppo per ambienti domestici; tenendo come punto di riferimento le tecnologie multiview video (MVV). Tutte le sezioni della catena dalla fase di cattura a quella di riproduzione sono analizzate. Lo scopo è di progettare una possibile architettura satellitare per un futuro sistema MVV televisivo, nell’ambito di due possibili scenari, broadcast o interattivo. L’analisi coprirà considerazioni tecniche, ma anche limitazioni commerciali

    Overview of 3D Video: Coding Algorithms, Implementations and Standardization

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb Linköping Institute of TechnologyEnglish: 3D technologies have aroused a great interest over the world in the last years. Television, cinema and videogames are introducing, little by little, 3D technologies into the mass market. This comes as a result of the research done in the 3D field, solving many of its limitations such as quality, contents creation or 3D displays. This thesis focus on 3D video, considering concepts that concerns the coding issues and the video formats. The aim is to provide an overview of the current state of 3D video, including the standardization and some interesting implementations and alternatives that exist. In the report necessary background information is presented in order to understand the concepts developed: compression techniques, the different video formats, their standardization and some advances or alternatives to the processes previously explained. Finally, a comparison between the different concepts is presented to complete the overview, ending with some conclusions and proposed ideas for future works.Castellano: Las tecnologías 3D han despertado un gran interés en todo el mundo en los últimos años. Televisión, cine y videojuegos están introduciendo, poco a poco, ésta tecnología en el mercado. Esto es resultado de la investigación realizada en el campo de las 3D, solucionando muchas de sus limitaciones, como la calidad, la creación de contenidos o las pantallas 3D. Este proyecto se centra en el video 3D, considerando los conceptos relacionados con la codificación y los formatos de vídeo. El objetivo es proporcionar una visión del estado actual del vídeo 3D, incluyendo los estándares y algunas de las implementaciones más interesantes que existen. En la memoria, se presenta información adicional para facilitar el seguimiento de los conceptos desarrollados: técnicas de compresión, formatos de vídeo, su estandarización y algunos avances o alternativas a los procesos explicados. Finalmente, se presentan diferentes comparaciones entre los conceptos tratados, acabando el documento con las conclusiones obtenidas e ideas propuestas para futuros trabajos.Català: Les tecnologies 3D han despertat un gran interès a tot el món en els últims anys. Televisió, cinema i videojocs estan introduint, lentament, aquesta tecnologia en el mercat. Això és resultat de la investigació portada a terme en el camp de les 3D, solucionant moltes de les seves limitacions, com la qualitat, la creació de continguts o les pantalles 3D. Aquest proyecte es centra en el video 3D, considerant els conceptes relacionats amb la codificació i els formats de video. L'objectiu és proporcionar una visió de l'estat actual del video 3D, incloent-hi els estandàrds i algunes de les implementacions més interessants que existeixen. A la memòria, es presenta informació adicional per facilitar el seguiment dels conceptes desenvolupats: tècniques de compressió, formats de video, la seva estandardització i alguns avenços o alternatives als procesos explicats. Finalment, es presenten diferents comparacions entre els conceptes tractats i les conclusions obtingudes, juntament amb propostes per a futurs treballs

    Study of encapsulation and transport of 3DTV by satellite

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    The project was developed in EADS ASTRIUM Toulouse in the framework of the MUSCADE project with the latest technologies in 3DTV. Currently most of the research in satellite broadcasting field is focused in 3DTV transmission as the following of HDTV. MUSCADE is a European project funded by the 7th Framework Program whose objective is to demonstrate a complete multiview 3DTV live chain over wireline, wireless and satellite networks. This project aims to set up a satellite testbed to validate the 3D content format defined by MUSCADE in an emulated satellite environment. The document’s first chapter describes the environment where the internship has taken place and a brief overview of the EADS Company. After, a short description of the whole MUSCADE project can be found in section 5. This allows the reader to achieve a global vision of all the technological concepts involved in the project even if this internship is focused in satellite transmission. Section 6 describes the internship development. By means of conclusion, the new skills achieved, the knowledge applied and a professional and personal balance could be found at the end of this report.Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónTelekomunikazio Ingeniaritz
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