30 research outputs found

    Adaptive call admission control for QoS provisioning in multimedia wireless networks

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    In this paper, we propose a new framework called adaptive quality of service (AdQoS) to guarantee the quality of service (QoS) of multimedia traffic generally classified as real-time and non-real-time. AdQos supports future generation wireless networks because it implements a traffic-based admission control, bandwidth reallocation and reservation schemes to support the different multimedia traffic. The objectives that AdQoS framework tries to accomplish are minimum new call blocking and handoff dropping rates. The key feature of this framework is the bandwidth reallocation scheme. This scheme is developed to control the bandwidth operation of ongoing connections when the system is overloaded. The performance of the system is evaluated through simulations of a realistic cellular environment. Simulation results show that our proposed scheme reduces the new call blocking probabilities, the handoff dropping probabilities and reduces significantly the probability of terminated calls while still maintaining efficient bandwidth utilization compared to conventional schemes proposed in the literature

    An optimum dynamic priority-based call admission control scheme for universal mobile telecommunications system

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    The dynamism associated with quality of service (QoS) requirement for traffic emanating from smarter end users devices founded on the internet of things (IoTs) drive, places a huge demand on modern telecommunication infrastructure. Most telecom networks, currently utilize robust call admission control (CAC) policies to ameliorate this challenge. However, the need for smarter CAC has becomes imperative owing to the sensitivity of traffic currently being supported. In this work, we developed a prioritized CAC algorithm for third Generation (3G) wireless cellular network. Based on the dynamic priority CAC (DP-CAC) model, we proposed an optimal dynamic priority CAC (ODP-CAC) scheme for Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS). We then carried out simulation under heavy traffic load while also exploiting renegotiation among different call traffic classes. Also, we introduced queuing techniques to enhance the new calls success probability while still maintaining a good handoff failure across the network. Results show that ODP-CAC provides an improved performance with regards to the probability of call drop for new calls, network load utilization and grade of service with average percentage value of 15.7%, 5.4% and 0.35% respectively

    Efficient resource allocation and call admission control in high capacity wireless networks

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    Resource Allocation (RA) and Call Admission Control (CAC) in wireless networks are processes that control the allocation of the limited radio resources to mobile stations (MS) in order to maximize the utilization efficiency of radio resources and guarantee the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of mobile users. In this dissertation, several distributed, adaptive and efficient RA/CAC schemes are proposed and analyzed, in order to improve the system utilization while maintaining the required QoS. Since the most salient feature of the mobile wireless network is that users are moving, a Mobility Based Channel Reservation (MBCR) scheme is proposed which takes the user mobility into consideration. The MBCR scheme is further developed into PMBBR scheme by using the user location information in the reservation making process. Through traffic composition analysis, the commonly used assumption is challenged in this dissertation, and a New Call Bounding (NCB) scheme, which uses the number of channels that are currently occupied by new calls as a decision variable for the CAC, is proposed. This dissertation also investigates the pricing as another dimension for RA/CAC. It is proven that for a given wireless network there exists a new call arrival rate which can maximize the total utility of users, while maintaining the required QoS. Based on this conclusion, an integrated pricing and CAC scheme is proposed to alleviate the system congestion

    Class-Based Interference Management in Wireless Networks

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    Technological advancement has brought revolutionary change in the converged wireless networks. Due to the existence of different types of traffic, provisioning of Quality of Service (QoS) becomes a challenge in the wireless networks. In case of a congested network, resource allocation has emerged as an effective way to provide the excessive users with desirable QoS. Since QoS for non-real-time traffic are not as strict as for real-time traffic, the unoccupied channels of the adjacent cells can be assigned to the non-real-time traffic to retain QoS for real-time traffic. This results in the intensified bandwidth utilization as well as less interference for the real-time traffic. In this paper, we propose an effective radio resource management scheme that relies on the dynamically assigned bandwidth allocation process. In case of interference management, we classify the traffic into real-time traffic and non-real-time traffic and give priority to the real-time traffic. According to our scheme, the real-time traffic among the excessive number of users are reassigned to the original channels which have been occupied by non-real-time traffic and the non-real-time traffic are allocated to the assigned channels of those real-time traffic. The architecture allows improved signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) for real-time traffic along with intensification in the bandwidth utilization of the network. Besides, the increased system capacity and lower outage probability of the network bear the significance of the proposed scheme

    An Integrated Bandwidth Adaptation Scheme for Multimedia Wireless Networks and its Connection-Level Performance Analysis

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    This paper presents an integrated bandwidth adaptation scheme for multimedia wireless networks using application utility functions. With the proposed scheme, each call in the network is assigned a utility function according to its adaptive characteristics. Depending on the network load the allocated bandwidth of ongoing calls are upgraded or degraded dynamically so that the achieved utility of the network is maximized. Appropriate call admission control and bandwidth reservation policies are also incorporated into the scheme to provide QoS guarantees to the new and handoff calls, respectively. Extensive simulation experiments have been conducted to evaluate the connection-level performance of the proposed scheme. Results show that our bandwidth adaptation scheme is effective in both increasing the utility and bandwidth utilization of wireless networks while keeping the call blocking and handoff dropping probabilities substantially low

    Improvement in the Priority Handoff Scheme for Multi-Service Wireless Mobile Networks

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    Abstract: In this study, a new handoff strategy to improve the performance of wireless mobile networks is presented. It has been found form this study that the dropping probability of handoff calls is drastically reduced compared to the existing method of channel reservation strategy of handoff calls and the performance of new calls can be improved. The strategy is that the new call should be delayed then it can use the last idle channel. The time that all the channels are holding has been shortened. Opportunities of the new call and handoff call occupancy channel are increased; the scheme also takes into account the priority of different data types and only when the highpriority data packets queue is empty, the data packets in low-priority data queue can be transmitted. Simulation results show that, to let the new voice call delay in the allowable range, can effectively reduce the dropping probability of handoff call and the blocking probability of high-priority data while improving the probability of new call to enter into the systems

    Impact of Mobility and Wireless Channel on the Performance of Wireless Networks

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    This thesis studies the impact of mobility and wireless channel characteristics, i. e. , variability and high bit-error-rate, on the performance of integrated voice and data wireless systems from network, transport protocol and application perspectives. From the network perspective, we study the impact of user mobility on radio resource allocation. The goal is to design resource allocation mechanisms that provide seamless mobility for voice calls while being fair to data calls. In particular, we develop a distributed admission control for a general integrated voice and data wireless system. We model the number of active calls in a cell of the network as a Gaussian process with time-dependent mean and variance. The Gaussian model is updated periodically using the information obtained from neighboring cells about their load conditions. We show that the proposed scheme guarantees a prespecified dropping probability for voice calls while being fair to data calls. Furthermore, the scheme is stable, insensitive to user mobility process and robust to load variations. From the transport protocol perspective, we study the impact of wireless channel variations and rate scheduling on the performance of elastic data traffic carried by TCP. We explore cross-layer optimization of the rate adaptation feature of cellular networks to optimize TCP throughput. We propose a TCP-aware scheduler that switches between two rates as a function of TCP sending rate. We develop a fluid model of the steady-state TCP behavior for such a system and derive analytical expressions for TCP throughput that explicitly account for rate variability as well as the dependency between the scheduler and TCP. The model is used to choose RF layer parameters that, in conjunction with the TCP-aware scheduler, improve long-term TCP throughput in wireless networks. A distinctive feature of our model is its ability to capture variability of round-trip-time, channel rate and packet error probability inherent to wireless communications. From the application perspective, we study the performance of wireless messaging systems. Two popular wireless applications, the short messaging service and multimedia messaging service are considered. We develop a mathematical model to evaluate the performance of these systems taking into consideration the fact that each message tolerates only a limited amount of waiting time in the system. Using the model, closed-form expressions for critical performance parameters such as message loss, message delay and expiry probability are derived. Furthermore, a simple algorithm is presented to find the optimal temporary storage size that minimizes message delay for a given set of system parameters