9 research outputs found

    The role of the IT-Project Manager in Organizations that Balance Agile and Traditional Software Development

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    Systems development practice is undergoing major transformation, as many companies try to improve their practice to become more flexible, adaptable and agile. However, research provides convincing evidence that it may be difficult to become agile or even just to integrate agile processes in existing companies that are dominated by traditional practice. A recent literature study concludes that most literature and practice advice to reconcile the traditional approaches with agility. The complexity added by having and combining two “worlds” thwarts the job of IT project managers and change their role. Understanding these changes and the new role is the focal point of this work. Through a focused literature review, types of balancing are found, and motives, opportunities and challenges of balancing are mapped. Based on this work a framework of IT project managers’ role in organizations that balance agile and traditional approaches is suggested

    Hybrid Project Management Method for managing ICT project’s scope: a case study in a Brazilian company Método híbrido de gestão do escopo de projetos de TIC: estudo de caso em uma empresa brasileira / Hybrid Project Management Method for managing ICT project's scope: a case study in a Brazilian company

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    Projetos impulsionam mudanças, por esse motivo, quando estão alinhados às estratégias organizacionais são uma competência estratégica. Por outro lado, para sustentar a operação das empresas a Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) fornece um conjunto de recursos, dentre eles os Sistemas de Informação (SI). A gestão de projetos, por sua vez, utiliza duas abordagens: tradicional e ágil e, há alguns anos, uma nova vem se apresentando: a híbrida, que se propõe a associar as duas anteriores. A questão é que os métodos tradicionais utilizam o ciclo de vida em cascata, que fecha o escopo dos projetos e os ágeis utilizam o ciclo incremental e iterativo, que abre. O escopo é muito importante devido ao impacto que causa em outras variáveis de sucesso dos projetos como custo e prazo, entre outras. Tendo em vista a relevância da disciplina ‘escopo’ na gestão de projetos, tornou-se imprescindível saber como esses métodos híbridos associam as práticas tradicionais e ágeis na gestão do escopo nos projetos de SI. Assim, o objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar um conjunto de práticas ágeis e tradicionais que, quando associadas, favoreçam o melhor aproveitamento dos benefícios de ambas as abordagens. Para tanto, foram estudados 13 métodos híbridos já propostos pela literatura. Com base no estudo, foi proposto um conjunto de práticas, que foi comparado com a prática aplicada em um estudo de caso único. As principais contribuições deste estudo são: uma matriz comparativa de práticas dos métodos híbridos estudados e a proposição de um conjunto de práticas híbridas para gestão de escopo, considerando a dualidade dos escopos aberto e fechado. A pesquisa é de natureza aplicada, com abordagem qualitativa e utiliza o método de estudo de caso

    Развитие обобщенного свода знаний по управлению проектами

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    An analysis of the literature on the creation and application of hybrid project management methodologies on the basis of fully plan-driven and Agile methodologies is made. It is shown that every year the volume of application of methodologies, which combines the advantages of fully plan-driven and Agile approaches is growing. To create a special methodology for a particular project, a generalized body of knowledge on project management can be used. The task is to complement the generalized body of knowledge on project management components of popular Agile methodologies DSDM and FDD. Currently, the generalized body of knowledge includes the components of PMBOK Guide, the ISO21500 standard, the PRINCE2 methodology, the SWEBOK Guide, agile methodologies Scrum, XP, and Kanban. The structure of the generalized body of knowledge on project management is given. DSDM principles and FDD values are added to it. The DSDM principles fall into three groups: values and principles relating to the interaction of team members, values and principles relating to the product of the project, and values and principles relating to the project team working technology. The values of FDD are only in the last group. The life cycles, roles, and responsibilities of these methodologies are described. The concept of a process for DSDM is proposed. The process in DSDM is actually the project life cycle. Other processes in DSDM are not provided. DSDM uses the concept of Products. The analysis showed that for this framework, the concepts of processes can be introduced. The creation of each DSDM product requires an appropriate process. As a result of the DSDM analysis, a set of processes was proposed. The proposed DSDM processes and FDD operations are inserted into the knowledge areas and process groups table of the generalized body of knowledge on project management. The DSDM and FDD practices have been added to the knowledge base.Сделан анализ литературы по вопросам создания и применения гибридных методологий управления проектами на основе плановых и Agile методологий. Поставлена задача дополнения обобщенного свода знаний по управлению проектами компонентами популярных Agile методологий DSDM и FDD. Приведена структура обобщенного свода знаний по управлению проектами. В него добавлены принципы DSDM и ценности FDD, жизненные циклы, роли и ответственности этих методологий. Принципы DSDM попали в три группы: ценности и принципы, касающиеся взаимодействия членов команды, ценности и принципы, относящиеся к продукту проекта, ценности и принципы, касающиеся технологии работы команды проекта. Ценности FDD попали только в последнюю группу. Процессы DSDM и операции FDD вставлены в таблицу областей знаний и групп процессов обобщенного свода знаний по управлению проектами. В свод знаний добавлены практики DSDM и FDD

    PRICM a A Framework for Project Management

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    In today2019;s world, project management is a rapidly developing area. The various models and frameworks available to implement a project vary according to the nature of the project. However, not all of them are applicable to all types of projects. This paper describes a project management framework, PRICM, which is a combination of CMMI, PRINCE2 and PMBOK. The framework integrates these three technologies. Key process areas of CMMI are aligned with PRINCE2 while tools and techniques are taken from PMBOK. The already available framework of PRINCE2 was used as a guide in developing a new one. Research was done to make a new framework for project management that can be used to handle projects of various nature and sizes

    Acceptance Testing of Web Applications with Test Description Language

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    Acceptance tests are usually created by a client after a part of a system is implemented. However, some methodologies propose the elaboration of test cases before implementing a system. This approach increases the probability of system implementation that fulfills requirements, but may be problematic for customers and testers. To allow acceptance testing in such conditions, we propose to define test cases by recording them on an interactive mockup (a low detailed user-interface prototype). The paper focuses on Test Description Language, a notation used to store test cases

    Meshing Agile and Documentation-Driven Methods in Practice

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    Disrupting Engineering Education

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    Traditional engineering education approaches are recognizable around the world – lectures, tutorials, laboratories, some projects. With the emergence of Industry 4.0, the world in which engineers practice is evolving at an ever-increasing rate, combining a greater focus on complex sociotechnical problems with new technologies and increasingly powerful design tools. In general, the engineering curricula have not adapted quickly to this change, but there is a shift in expectations of who and what engineering students should be. Engineering curricula are becoming more flexible, as are the learning environments in which they are implemented. This chapter draws upon the Doblin 10 types of innovation model as a framework to unpack the different kinds of innovation inherent in these emerging forms of disruption. It identifies that innovation is mostly clustered in the configuration and experience of our degrees, rather than the degrees themselves, and shows that effective disruption requires combining several types of innovation to be successful. The chapter further addresses the disruption process itself, highlighting the continuous improvement mindset that is necessary to commence, continue, and sustain disruptive innovation in engineering education. It identifies potential barriers and how these can be overcome, ending with a call to action

    The Sioux Falls Argus-Leader: January 1, 1982 - December 31, 1992 Annual Index: Volume 3

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    The purpose of this index is to provide a practical guide to South Dakota news. Included are biographical articles about South Dakotans; news by local writers; all editorials; reports of committees, conventions, meetings, etc.; articles on local history, arts, business, and musical performances; features on education employment, population trends, and parks and recreation, etc. National and international items which are indexed in the New York Times Index and Readers\u27 Guide, to Periodical Literature are omitted unless the subject matter is relevant to South Dakota. Also omitted are items in the following general categories: national columns; birth, engagement, wedding and obituary announcements; daily sports news; public notices minutes of city and county commission meetings; and hospital and police records