10,659 research outputs found

    Customer Churn Prediction

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    Churned customers identification plays an essential role for the functioning and growth of any business. Identification of churned customers can help the business to know the reasons for the churn and they can plan their market strategies accordingly to enhance the growth of a business. This research is aimed at developing a machine learning model that can precisely predict the churned customers from the total customers of a Credit Union financial institution. A quantitative and deductive research strategies are employed to build a supervised machine learning model that addresses the class imbalance problem handled feature selection and efficiently predict the customer churn. The overall accuracy of the model, Receiver Operating Characteristic curve and Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve is used as the evaluation metrics for this research to identify the best classifier. A comparative study on the most popular supervised machine learning methods – Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Neural Network were applied to customer churning prediction in a CU context. In the first phase of our experiments, the various feature selection techniques were studied. In the second phase of our study, all models were applied on the imbalance dataset and results were evaluated. SMOTE technique is used to balance the data and then the same models were applied on the balanced dataset and results were evaluated and compared. The best over-all classifier was Random Forest with accuracy almost 97%, precision 91% and recall as 98%

    Fusion of Unobtrusive Sensing Solutions for Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises Monitoring in Home Environments

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    The ability to monitor Sprained Ankle Rehabilitation Exercises (SPAREs) in home environments can help therapists ascertain if exercises have been performed as prescribed. Whilst wearable devices have been shown to provide advantages such as high accuracy and precision during monitoring activities, disadvantages such as limited battery life and users’ inability to remember to charge and wear the devices are often the challenges for their usage. In addition, video cameras, which are notable for high frame rates and granularity, are not privacy-friendly. Therefore, this paper proposes the use and fusion of privacy-friendly and Unobtrusive Sensing Solutions (USSs) for data collection and processing during SPAREs in home environments. The present work aims to monitor SPAREs such as dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, inversion, and eversion using radar and thermal sensors. The main contributions of this paper include (i) privacy-friendly monitoring of SPAREs in a home environment, (ii) fusion of SPAREs data from homogeneous and heterogeneous USSs, and (iii) analysis and comparison of results from single, homogeneous, and heterogeneous USSs. Experimental results indicated the advantages of using heterogeneous USSs and data fusion. Cluster-based analysis of data gleaned from the sensors indicated an average classification accuracy of 96.9% with Neural Network, AdaBoost, and Support Vector Machine, amongst others

    A decision support system to follow up and diagnose primary headache patients using semantically enriched data

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    Abstract Background Headache disorders are an important health burden, having a large health-economic impact worldwide. Current treatment & follow-up processes are often archaic, creating opportunities for computer-aided and decision support systems to increase their efficiency. Existing systems are mostly completely data-driven, and the underlying models are a black-box, deteriorating interpretability and transparency, which are key factors in order to be deployed in a clinical setting. Methods In this paper, a decision support system is proposed, composed of three components: (i) a cross-platform mobile application to capture the required data from patients to formulate a diagnosis, (ii) an automated diagnosis support module that generates an interpretable decision tree, based on data semantically annotated with expert knowledge, in order to support physicians in formulating the correct diagnosis and (iii) a web application such that the physician can efficiently interpret captured data and learned insights by means of visualizations. Results We show that decision tree induction techniques achieve competitive accuracy rates, compared to other black- and white-box techniques, on a publicly available dataset, referred to as migbase. Migbase contains aggregated information of headache attacks from 849 patients. Each sample is labeled with one of three possible primary headache disorders. We demonstrate that we are able to reduce the classification error, statistically significant (ρ≤0.05), with more than 10% by balancing the dataset using prior expert knowledge. Furthermore, we achieve high accuracy rates by using features extracted using the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel, which is completely unsupervised. This makes it an ideal approach to solve a potential cold start problem. Conclusion Decision trees are the perfect candidate for the automated diagnosis support module. They achieve predictive performances competitive to other techniques on the migbase dataset and are, foremost, completely interpretable. Moreover, the incorporation of prior knowledge increases both predictive performance as well as transparency of the resulting predictive model on the studied dataset

    Smart Cities: An In-Depth Study of AI Algorithms and Advanced Connectivity

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    The goal of smart city development is to improve the quality of life by incorporating technology into daily activities. Artificial intelligence (AI) is critical to the ongoing development of future smart cities. The Internet of Things (IoT) idea connects every internet-enabled device for improved access and control. AI in various domains has changed ordinary towns into highly equipped smart cities. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms have proven indispensable in a variety of industries, and they are now being implemented into smart city concepts to automate and improve urban activities and operations on a large scale. IoT and machine learning technology are frequently used in smart cities to collect data from various sources. This article delves deeply into the significance, scope, and developments of AI-based smart cities. It also addresses some of the difficulties and restrictions associated with smart cities powered by AI. The goal of the study is to inspire and encourage academics to create original smart city solutions based on AI technologies