199 research outputs found

    Fault aware task scheduling in cloud using min-min and DBSCAN

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    Cloud computing leverages computing resources by managing these resources globally in a more efficient manner as compared to individual resource services. It requires us to deliver the resources in a heterogeneous environment and also in a highly dynamic nature. Hence, there is always a risk of resource allocation failure that can maximize the delay in task execution. Such adverse impact in the cloud environment also raises questions on quality of service (QoS). Resource management for cloud application and service have bigger challenges and many researchers have proposed several solutions but there is room for improvement. Clustering the resources clustering and mapping them according to task can also be an option to deal with such task failure or mismanaged resource allocation. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a stochastic approach-based algorithm which has the capability to cluster the resources in a cloud environment. The proposed algorithm considers high execution enabled powerful data centers with least fault probability during resource allocation which reduces the probability of fault and increases the tolerance. The simulation is cone using CloudsSim 5.0 tool kit. The results show 25% average improve in execution time, 6.5% improvement in number of task completed and 3.48% improvement in count of task failed as compared to ACO, PSO, BB-BC (Bib = g bang Big Crunch) and WHO(Whale optimization algorithm)

    Smart Agents in Industrial Cyber–Physical Systems

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    Energy-aware routing techniques for software-defined networks

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    Achieving energy efficiency has recently become a key topic of networking research due to the ever-increasing power consumption and CO2 emissions generated by large data networks. This problem is becoming even more concerning and challenging given the drastic traffic increase expected over the next few years. However, the use of efficient energy-aware strategies could overturn this situation reducing the electricity consumption of Internet data transmission networks, as well as contributing to mitigate the environmental impact of other sectors. The existence of redundant network elements with high capacities is a common design practice in current network infrastructures in order to face suddenly failures or peak traffic flows. However, these additional resources remain either unused or barely used most of the time leading to an undesired energy waste. Therefore, putting into sleep mode (i.e. a low-power state) unused elements is an effective and widely-accepted strategy to decrease the consumption of data networks. In this context, SDN can be seen as an attractive solution to achieve the long-awaited energy efficiency in current communications systems, since they allow a flexible programmability suitable for this problem. This doctoral thesis tackles the problem of optimizing the power consumption in SDN through the design of energy-aware routing techniques that minimize the number of network elements required to satisfy an incoming traffic load. Different from existing related works, we focus on optimizing energy consumption in SDN with in-band control traffic in order to close this important gap in the literature and provide solutions compatible with operational backbone networks. Complementing the general aim of improving the energy efficiency in SDN, this research is also intended to cover important related features such as network performance, QoS requirements and real-time operation. Accordingly, this study gives a general perspective about the use of energy efficient routing techniques, which cover integrated routing considerations for the data and control plane traffic in SDN. By using realistic input data, significant values of switched-off links and nodes are reached, which demonstrates the great opportunity for saving energy given by our proposals. The obtained results have also validated the intrinsic trade-off between environmental and performance concerns, considering several performance indicators. These findings confirm that energy-aware routing schemes should be designed considering specific traffic requirements and performance metric bounds. Moreover, it is shown that jointly considering QoS requirements and energy awareness is an effective approach to improve, not only the power consumption, but the performance on critical parameters such as control traffic delay and blocking rate. Similarly, the proposed dynamic traffic allocation with congestion-aware rerouting is able to handle demanding traffic arrival without degrading the performance of higher priority traffic. In general, our proposals are fine-grained, easy to implement and quite balanced and effective in their results looking for a suitable and readily deployment in real-world SDN scenarios. Therefore, the conducted research and contributions reported through this document not only add to what is known about the potential of energy-aware routing techniques, but also stand as a valuable solution on the road to a sustainable networking.L'assoliment de l'eficiència energètica s'ha convertit recentment en un tema clau de recerca de xarxes a causa dels creixents nivells de consum d'energia i emissions de CO2 generats per les xarxes de dades. Aquest problema es torna cada vegada més preocupant i desafiant, donat el dràstic augment del trànsit esperat en els propers anys. No obstant això, l'ús d'estratègies energètiques eficients podria invertir aquesta situació, reduint el consum d'electricitat de les xarxes de dades d'Internet i contribuint a mitigar l'impacte ambiental d'altres sectors. L'existència d'elements de xarxa redundants i amb grans capacitats és una pràctica de disseny habitual en les infraestructures de xarxes actuals per afrontar fallades sobtades o fluxos de trànsit més elevats. Tanmateix, aquests recursos addicionals romanen poc o gens utilitzats la major part del temps, generant un desaprofitament d'energia no desitjat. Per tant, posar en mode de repòs (és a dir, un estat de baixa potència) elements no utilitzats és una estratègia efectiva i àmpliament acceptada per disminuir el consum en xarxes de dades. En aquest context, les xarxes definides per programari (SDN) es poden considerar una solució atractiva per aconseguir l'esperada eficiència energètica en els sistemes de comunicacions actuals, ja que permeten una flexible programabilitat idònia per a aquest problema. Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda el problema d'optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN a través del disseny de tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia que minimitzen la quantitat d'elements de xarxa necessaris per satisfer una càrrega de trànsit entrant. Diferent dels treballs existents, aquesta tesi es centra a optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN amb el control de tràfic dins de banda per tancar aquesta important bretxa en la literatura i proporcionar solucions compatibles amb xarxes troncals operatives. Complementant l'objectiu general de millorar l'eficiència energètica en SDN, aquesta recerca també pretén cobrir altres importants paràmetres relacionats, com ara el rendiment de la xarxa, els requisits de qualitat de servei (QoS) i el funcionament en temps real. En conseqüència, aquest estudi ofereix una perspectiva general sobre l'ús de tècniques d'encaminament eficients energèticament, que contempla consideracions integrades per al tràfic de dades i del pla de control en SDN. Prenent dades d'entrada realistes, es van aconseguir desconnectar significatives quantitats d'enllaços i nodes, la qual cosa demostra la gran oportunitat d'estalvi d'energia que ofereixen les nostres propostes. Els resultats obtinguts també validen el estret compromís entre les preocupacions ambientals i les qüestions de rendiment de la xarxa, considerant diversos indicadors de rendiment. Aquests resultats confirmen que els esquemes d'encaminament conscients de l'energia s'han de dissenyar tenint en compte els requisits de tràfic específics i els límits desitjats de les mètriques de rendiment. A més, es demostra que, considerant conjuntament els requisits de QoS i de l'energia necessària, és un enfocament eficaç per millorar, no només el consum d'energia, sinó també el rendiment en paràmetres crítics, com la latència del tràfic de control i la probabilitat de bloqueig. De manera semblant, l'assignació dinàmica de tràfic proposta, amb re-encaminament conscient de la congestió, permet gestionar grans volums de trànsit sense degradar el rendiment de les demandes de major prioritat. En general, les nostres propostes són precises, fàcils d'implementar i bastant equilibrades i efectives en els seus resultats, buscant un desplegament adequat i fàcil en escenaris pràctics de SDN. Per tant, la recerca realitzada i les contribucions contingudes en aquest document no només afegeixen el que es coneix sobre el potencial de les tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia, sinó que també representen una valuosa solució en el camí cap a una xarxa sostenibl

    Resource Allocation and Service Management in Next Generation 5G Wireless Networks

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    The accelerated evolution towards next generation networks is expected to dramatically increase mobile data traffic, posing challenging requirements for future radio cellular communications. User connections are multiplying, whilst data hungry content is dominating wireless services putting significant pressure on network's available spectrum. Ensuring energy-efficient and low latency transmissions, while maintaining advanced Quality of Service (QoS) and high standards of user experience are of profound importance in order to address diversifying user prerequisites and ensure superior and sustainable network performance. At the same time, the rise of 5G networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) evolution is transforming wireless infrastructure towards enhanced heterogeneity, multi-tier architectures and standards, as well as new disruptive telecommunication technologies. The above developments require a rethinking of how wireless networks are designed and operate, in conjunction with the need to understand more holistically how users interact with the network and with each other. In this dissertation, we tackle the problem of efficient resource allocation and service management in various network topologies under a user-centric approach. In the direction of ad-hoc and self-organizing networks where the decision making process lies at the user level, we develop a novel and generic enough framework capable of solving a wide array of problems with regards to resource distribution in an adaptable and multi-disciplinary manner. Aiming at maximizing user satisfaction and also achieve high performance - low power resource utilization, the theory of network utility maximization is adopted, with the examined problems being formulated as non-cooperative games. The considered games are solved via the principles of Game Theory and Optimization, while iterative and low complexity algorithms establish their convergence to steady operational outcomes, i.e., Nash Equilibrium points. This thesis consists a meaningful contribution to the current state of the art research in the field of wireless network optimization, by allowing users to control multiple degrees of freedom with regards to their transmission, considering mobile customers and their strategies as the key elements for the amelioration of network's performance, while also adopting novel technologies in the resource management problems. First, multi-variable resource allocation problems are studied for multi-tier architectures with the use of femtocells, addressing the topic of efficient power and/or rate control, while also the topic is examined in Visible Light Communication (VLC) networks under various access technologies. Next, the problem of customized resource pricing is considered as a separate and bounded resource to be optimized under distinct scenarios, which expresses users' willingness to pay instead of being commonly implemented by a central administrator in the form of penalties. The investigation is further expanded by examining the case of service provider selection in competitive telecommunication markets which aim to increase their market share by applying different pricing policies, while the users model the selection process by behaving as learning automata under a Machine Learning framework. Additionally, the problem of resource allocation is examined for heterogeneous services where users are enabled to dynamically pick the modules needed for their transmission based on their preferences, via the concept of Service Bundling. Moreover, in this thesis we examine the correlation of users' energy requirements with their transmission needs, by allowing the adaptive energy harvesting to reflect the consumed power in the subsequent information transmission in Wireless Powered Communication Networks (WPCNs). Furthermore, in this thesis a fresh perspective with respect to resource allocation is provided assuming real life conditions, by modeling user behavior under Prospect Theory. Subjectivity in decisions of users is introduced in situations of high uncertainty in a more pragmatic manner compared to the literature, where they behave as blind utility maximizers. In addition, network spectrum is considered as a fragile resource which might collapse if over-exploited under the principles of the Tragedy of the Commons, allowing hence users to sense risk and redefine their strategies accordingly. The above framework is applied in different cases where users have to select between a safe and a common pool of resources (CPR) i.e., licensed and unlicensed bands, different access technologies, etc., while also the impact of pricing in protecting resource fragility is studied. Additionally, the above resource allocation problems are expanded in Public Safety Networks (PSNs) assisted by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), while also aspects related to network security against malign user behaviors are examined. Finally, all the above problems are thoroughly evaluated and tested via a series of arithmetic simulations with regards to the main characteristics of their operation, as well as against other approaches from the literature. In each case, important performance gains are identified with respect to the overall energy savings and increased spectrum utilization, while also the advantages of the proposed framework are mirrored in the improvement of the satisfaction and the superior Quality of Service of each user within the network. Lastly, the flexibility and scalability of this work allow for interesting applications in other domains related to resource allocation in wireless networks and beyond

    Intelligent Circuits and Systems

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    ICICS-2020 is the third conference initiated by the School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering at Lovely Professional University that explored recent innovations of researchers working for the development of smart and green technologies in the fields of Energy, Electronics, Communications, Computers, and Control. ICICS provides innovators to identify new opportunities for the social and economic benefits of society.  This conference bridges the gap between academics and R&D institutions, social visionaries, and experts from all strata of society to present their ongoing research activities and foster research relations between them. It provides opportunities for the exchange of new ideas, applications, and experiences in the field of smart technologies and finding global partners for future collaboration. The ICICS-2020 was conducted in two broad categories, Intelligent Circuits & Intelligent Systems and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Engineering

    Energy-efficient electrical and silicon-photonic networks in many core systems

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityDuring the past decade, the very large scale integration (VLSI) community has migrated towards incorporating multiple cores on a single chip to sustain the historic performance improvement in computing systems. As the core count continuously increases, the performance of network-on-chip (NoC), which is responsible for the communication between cores, caches and memory controllers, is increasingly becoming critical for sustaining the performance improvement. In this dissertation, we propose several methods to improve the energy efficiency of both electrical and silicon-photonic NoCs. Firstly, for electrical NoC, we propose a flow control technique, Express Virtual Channel with Taps (EVC-T), to transmit both broadcast and data packets efficiently in a mesh network. A low-latency notification tree network is included to maintain t he order of broadcast packets. The EVC-T technique improves the NoC latency by 24% and the system energy efficiency in terms of energy-delay product (EDP) by 13%. In the near future, the silicon-photonic links are projected to replace the electrical links for global on-chip communication due to their lower data-dependent power and higher bandwidth density, but the high laser power can more than offset these advantages. Therefore, we propose a silicon-photonic multi-bus NoC architecture and a methodology that can reduce the laser power by 49% on average through bandwidth reconfiguration at runtime based on the variations in bandwidth requirements of applications. We also propose a technique to reduce the laser power by dynamically activating/deactivating the 12 cache banks and switching ON/ OFF the corresponding silicon-photonic links in a crossbar NoC. This cache-reconfiguration based technique can save laser power by 23.8% and improves system EDP by 5.52% on average. In addition, we propose a methodology for placing and sharing on-chip laser sources by jointly considering the bandwidth requirements, thermal constraints and physical layout constraints. Our proposed methodology for placing and sharing of on-chip laser sources reduces laser power. In addition to reducing the laser power to improve the energy efficiency of silicon-photonic NoCs, we propose to leverage the large bandwidth provided by silicon-photonic NoC to share computing resources. The global sharing of floating-point units can save system area by 13.75% and system power by 10%

    Energy-aware routing techniques for software-defined networks

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    Achieving energy efficiency has recently become a key topic of networking research due to the ever-increasing power consumption and CO2 emissions generated by large data networks. This problem is becoming even more concerning and challenging given the drastic traffic increase expected over the next few years. However, the use of efficient energy-aware strategies could overturn this situation reducing the electricity consumption of Internet data transmission networks, as well as contributing to mitigate the environmental impact of other sectors. The existence of redundant network elements with high capacities is a common design practice in current network infrastructures in order to face suddenly failures or peak traffic flows. However, these additional resources remain either unused or barely used most of the time leading to an undesired energy waste. Therefore, putting into sleep mode (i.e. a low-power state) unused elements is an effective and widely-accepted strategy to decrease the consumption of data networks. In this context, SDN can be seen as an attractive solution to achieve the long-awaited energy efficiency in current communications systems, since they allow a flexible programmability suitable for this problem. This doctoral thesis tackles the problem of optimizing the power consumption in SDN through the design of energy-aware routing techniques that minimize the number of network elements required to satisfy an incoming traffic load. Different from existing related works, we focus on optimizing energy consumption in SDN with in-band control traffic in order to close this important gap in the literature and provide solutions compatible with operational backbone networks. Complementing the general aim of improving the energy efficiency in SDN, this research is also intended to cover important related features such as network performance, QoS requirements and real-time operation. Accordingly, this study gives a general perspective about the use of energy efficient routing techniques, which cover integrated routing considerations for the data and control plane traffic in SDN. By using realistic input data, significant values of switched-off links and nodes are reached, which demonstrates the great opportunity for saving energy given by our proposals. The obtained results have also validated the intrinsic trade-off between environmental and performance concerns, considering several performance indicators. These findings confirm that energy-aware routing schemes should be designed considering specific traffic requirements and performance metric bounds. Moreover, it is shown that jointly considering QoS requirements and energy awareness is an effective approach to improve, not only the power consumption, but the performance on critical parameters such as control traffic delay and blocking rate. Similarly, the proposed dynamic traffic allocation with congestion-aware rerouting is able to handle demanding traffic arrival without degrading the performance of higher priority traffic. In general, our proposals are fine-grained, easy to implement and quite balanced and effective in their results looking for a suitable and readily deployment in real-world SDN scenarios. Therefore, the conducted research and contributions reported through this document not only add to what is known about the potential of energy-aware routing techniques, but also stand as a valuable solution on the road to a sustainable networking.L'assoliment de l'eficiència energètica s'ha convertit recentment en un tema clau de recerca de xarxes a causa dels creixents nivells de consum d'energia i emissions de CO2 generats per les xarxes de dades. Aquest problema es torna cada vegada més preocupant i desafiant, donat el dràstic augment del trànsit esperat en els propers anys. No obstant això, l'ús d'estratègies energètiques eficients podria invertir aquesta situació, reduint el consum d'electricitat de les xarxes de dades d'Internet i contribuint a mitigar l'impacte ambiental d'altres sectors. L'existència d'elements de xarxa redundants i amb grans capacitats és una pràctica de disseny habitual en les infraestructures de xarxes actuals per afrontar fallades sobtades o fluxos de trànsit més elevats. Tanmateix, aquests recursos addicionals romanen poc o gens utilitzats la major part del temps, generant un desaprofitament d'energia no desitjat. Per tant, posar en mode de repòs (és a dir, un estat de baixa potència) elements no utilitzats és una estratègia efectiva i àmpliament acceptada per disminuir el consum en xarxes de dades. En aquest context, les xarxes definides per programari (SDN) es poden considerar una solució atractiva per aconseguir l'esperada eficiència energètica en els sistemes de comunicacions actuals, ja que permeten una flexible programabilitat idònia per a aquest problema. Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda el problema d'optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN a través del disseny de tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia que minimitzen la quantitat d'elements de xarxa necessaris per satisfer una càrrega de trànsit entrant. Diferent dels treballs existents, aquesta tesi es centra a optimitzar el consum d'energia en SDN amb el control de tràfic dins de banda per tancar aquesta important bretxa en la literatura i proporcionar solucions compatibles amb xarxes troncals operatives. Complementant l'objectiu general de millorar l'eficiència energètica en SDN, aquesta recerca també pretén cobrir altres importants paràmetres relacionats, com ara el rendiment de la xarxa, els requisits de qualitat de servei (QoS) i el funcionament en temps real. En conseqüència, aquest estudi ofereix una perspectiva general sobre l'ús de tècniques d'encaminament eficients energèticament, que contempla consideracions integrades per al tràfic de dades i del pla de control en SDN. Prenent dades d'entrada realistes, es van aconseguir desconnectar significatives quantitats d'enllaços i nodes, la qual cosa demostra la gran oportunitat d'estalvi d'energia que ofereixen les nostres propostes. Els resultats obtinguts també validen el estret compromís entre les preocupacions ambientals i les qüestions de rendiment de la xarxa, considerant diversos indicadors de rendiment. Aquests resultats confirmen que els esquemes d'encaminament conscients de l'energia s'han de dissenyar tenint en compte els requisits de tràfic específics i els límits desitjats de les mètriques de rendiment. A més, es demostra que, considerant conjuntament els requisits de QoS i de l'energia necessària, és un enfocament eficaç per millorar, no només el consum d'energia, sinó també el rendiment en paràmetres crítics, com la latència del tràfic de control i la probabilitat de bloqueig. De manera semblant, l'assignació dinàmica de tràfic proposta, amb re-encaminament conscient de la congestió, permet gestionar grans volums de trànsit sense degradar el rendiment de les demandes de major prioritat. En general, les nostres propostes són precises, fàcils d'implementar i bastant equilibrades i efectives en els seus resultats, buscant un desplegament adequat i fàcil en escenaris pràctics de SDN. Per tant, la recerca realitzada i les contribucions contingudes en aquest document no només afegeixen el que es coneix sobre el potencial de les tècniques d'encaminament conscients de l'energia, sinó que també representen una valuosa solució en el camí cap a una xarxa sosteniblePostprint (published version

    100% Renewable Energy Transition: Pathways and Implementation

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    Energy markets are already undergoing considerable transitions to accommodate new (renewable) energy forms, new (decentral) energy players, and new system requirements, e.g. flexibility and resilience. Traditional energy markets for fossil fuels are therefore under pressure, while not-yet-mature (renewable) energy markets are emerging. As a consequence, investments in large-scale and capital intensive (traditional) energy production projects are surrounded by high uncertainty, and are difficult to hedge by private entities. Traditional energy production companies are transforming into energy service suppliers and companies aggregating numerous potential market players are emerging, while regulation and system management are playing an increasing role. To address these increasing uncertainties and complexities, economic analysis, forecasting, modeling and investment assessment require fresh approaches and views. Novel research is thus required to simulate multiple actor interplays and idiosyncratic behavior. The required approaches cannot deal only with energy supply, but need to include active demand and cover systemic aspects. Energy market transitions challenge policy-making. Market coordination failure, the removal of barriers hindering restructuring and the combination of market signals with command-and-control policy measures are some of the new aims of policies.The aim of this Special Issue is to collect research papers that address the above issues using novel methods from any adequate perspective, including economic analysis, modeling of systems, behavioral forecasting, and policy assessment.The issue will include, but is not be limited to: Local control schemes and algorithms for distributed generation systems; Centralized and decentralized sustainable energy management strategies; Communication architectures, protocols and properties of practical applications; Topologies of distributed generation systems improving flexibility, efficiency and power quality; Practical issues in the control design and implementation of distributed generation systems; Energy transition studies for optimized pathway options aiming for high levels of sustainabilit

    Micro Cooling, Heating, and Power (Micro-CHP) and Bio-Fuel Center, Mississippi State University

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