95 research outputs found

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    Foundations of Rule-Based Query Answering

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    This survey article introduces into the essential concepts and methods underlying rule-based query languages. It covers four complementary areas: declarative semantics based on adaptations of mathematical logic, operational semantics, complexity and expressive power, and optimisation of query evaluation. The treatment of these areas is foundation-oriented, the foundations having resulted from over four decades of research in the logic programming and database communities on combinations of query languages and rules. These results have later formed the basis for conceiving, improving, and implementing several Web and Semantic Web technologies, in particular query languages such as XQuery or SPARQL for querying relational, XML, and RDF data, and rule languages like the “Rule Interchange Framework (RIF)” currently being developed in a working group of the W3C. Coverage of the article is deliberately limited to declarative languages in a classical setting: issues such as query answering in F-Logic or in description logics, or the relationship of query answering to reactive rules and events, are not addressed

    Every normal logic program has a 2-valued semantics: theory, extensions, applications, implementations

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    Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Doutoramento em Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em InformáticaAfter a very brief introduction to the general subject of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning with Logic Programs we analyse the syntactic structure of a logic program and how it can influence the semantics. We outline the important properties of a 2-valued semantics for Normal Logic Programs, proceed to define the new Minimal Hypotheses semantics with those properties and explore how it can be used to benefit some knowledge representation and reasoning mechanisms. The main original contributions of this work, whose connections will be detailed in the sequel, are: • The Layering for generic graphs which we then apply to NLPs yielding the Rule Layering and Atom Layering — a generalization of the stratification notion; • The Full shifting transformation of Disjunctive Logic Programs into (highly nonstratified)NLPs; • The Layer Support — a generalization of the classical notion of support; • The Brave Relevance and Brave Cautious Monotony properties of a 2-valued semantics; • The notions of Relevant Partial Knowledge Answer to a Query and Locally Consistent Relevant Partial Knowledge Answer to a Query; • The Layer-Decomposable Semantics family — the family of semantics that reflect the above mentioned Layerings; • The Approved Models argumentation approach to semantics; • The Minimal Hypotheses 2-valued semantics for NLP — a member of the Layer-Decomposable Semantics family rooted on a minimization of positive hypotheses assumption approach; • The definition and implementation of the Answer Completion mechanism in XSB Prolog — an essential component to ensure XSB’s WAM full compliance with the Well-Founded Semantics; • The definition of the Inspection Points mechanism for Abductive Logic Programs;• An implementation of the Inspection Points workings within the Abdual system [21] We recommend reading the chapters in this thesis in the sequence they appear. However, if the reader is not interested in all the subjects, or is more keen on some topics rather than others, we provide alternative reading paths as shown below. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-12 Definition of the Layer-Decomposable Semantics family and the Minimal Hypotheses semantics (1 and 2 are optional) 3-6-7-8-10-11-12 All main contributions – assumes the reader is familiarized with logic programming topics 3-4-5-10-11-12 Focus on abductive reasoning and applications.FCT-MCTES (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia do Ministério da Ciência,Tecnologia e Ensino Superior)- (no. SFRH/BD/28761/2006

    Xcerpt: A Rule-Based Query and Transformation Language for the Web

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    This thesis investigates querying the Web and the Semantic Web. It proposes a new rulebased query language called Xcerpt. Xcerpt differs from other query languages in that it uses patterns instead of paths for the selection of data, and in that it supports both rule chaining and recursion. Rule chaining serves for structuring large queries, as well as for designing complex query programs (e.g. involving queries to the Semantic Web), and for modelling inference rules. Query patterns may contain special constructs like partial subqueries, optional subqueries, or negated subqueries that account for the particularly flexible structure of data on the Web. Furthermore, this thesis introduces the syntax of the language Xcerpt, which is illustrated on a large collection of use cases both from the conventional Web and the Semantic Web. In addition, a declarative semantics in form of a Tarski-style model theory is described, and an algorithm is proposed that performs a backward chaining evaluation of Xcerpt programs. This algorithm has also been implemented (partly) in a prototypical runtime system. A salient aspect of this algorithm is the specification of a non-standard unification algorithm called simulation unification that supports the new query constructs described above. This unification is symmetric in the sense that variables in both terms can be bound. On the other hand it is in contrast to standard unification assymmetric in the sense that the unification determines that the one term is a subterm of the other term.Diese Arbeit untersucht das Anfragen des Webs und des Semantischen Webs. Sie stellt eine neue regel-basierte Anfragesprache namens Xcerpt vor. Xcerpt unterscheidet sich von anderen Anfragesprachen insofern, als dass es zur Selektion von Daten sog. Pattern (,,Muster'') verwendet und sowohl Regelschliessen als auch Rekursion unterstützt, was sowohl zur Strukturierung größerer Anfragen als auch zur Erstellung komplexer Anfrageprogramme, und zur Modellierung von Inferenzregeln dient. Anfrage-Pattern können spezielle Konstrukte, wie partielle Teilanfragen, optionale Teilanfragen, oder negierte Teilanfragen, enthalten, die der besonders flexiblen Struktur von Daten im Web genügen. In dieser Arbeit wird weiterhin die Syntax von Xcerpt eingeführt, und mit Hilfe mehrerer Anwendungsszenarien sowohl aus dem konventionellen als auch aus dem semantischen Web erläutert. Ausserdem wird eine deklarative Semantik im Stil von Tarski's Modelltheorie beschrieben und ein Algorithmus vorgeschlagen, der eine rückwärtsschliessende Auswertung von Xcerpt durchführt und in einem prototypischen Laufzeitsystem implementiert wurde. Wesentlicher Bestandteil des Rückwärtsschliessens ist die Spezifikation eines nicht-standard Unifikations-Algorithmus, der die oben genannten speziellen Xcerpt-Konstrukte berücksichtigt. Diese Unifikation ist symmetrisch in dem Sinne, dass sie Variablen in beiden angeglichenen (,,unifizierten'') Termen binden kann. Andererseits ist sie im Gegensatz zur Standardunifikation assymmetrisch in dem Sinne, dass der dadurch geleistete Angleich den einen Term als ,,Teilterm'' des anderen erkennt

    Neuere Entwicklungen der deklarativen KI-Programmierung : proceedings

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    The field of declarative AI programming is briefly characterized. Its recent developments in Germany are reflected by a workshop as part of the scientific congress KI-93 at the Berlin Humboldt University. Three tutorials introduce to the state of the art in deductive databases, the programming language Gödel, and the evolution of knowledge bases. Eleven contributed papers treat knowledge revision/program transformation, types, constraints, and type-constraint combinations

    A semantic web rule language for geospatial domains

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    Retrieval of geographically-referenced information on the Internet is now a common activity. The web is increasingly being seen as a medium for the storage and exchange of geographic data sets in the form of maps. The geospatial-semantic web (GeoWeb) is being developed to address the need for access to current and accurate geo-information. The potential applications of the GeoWeb are numerous, ranging from specialised application domains for storing and analysing geo-information to more common applications by casual users for querying and visualising geo-data, e.g. finding locations of services, descriptions of routes, etc. Ontologies are at the heart of W3C's semantic web initiative to provide the necessary machine understanding to the sheer volumes of information contained on the internet. For the GeoWeb to succeed the development of ontologies for the geographic domain are crucial. Semantic web technologies to represent ontologies have been developed and standardised. OWL, the Web Ontology Language, is the most expressive of these enabling a rich form of reasoning, thanks to its formal description logic underpinnings. Building geo-ontologies involves a continuous process of update to the originally modelled data to reflect change over time as well as to allow for ontology expansion by integrating new data sets, possibly from different sources. One of the main challenges in this process is finding means of ensuring the integrity of the geo-ontology and maintaining its consistency upon further evolution. Representing and reasoning with geographic ontologies in OWL is limited. Firstly, OWL is not an integrity checking language due to it's non-unique name and open world assumptions. Secondly, it can not represent spatial datatypes, can not compute information using spatial operators and does not have any form of spatial index. Finally, OWL does not support complex property composition needed to represent qualitative spatial reasoning over spatial concepts. To address OWL's representational inefficiencies, new ontology languages have been proposed based on the intersection or union of OWL (in particular the DL family corresponding to OWL) with logic programs (rule languages). In this work, a new Semantic Web Spatial Rule Language (SWSRL) is proposed, based on the syntactic core of the Description Logic Programs paradigm (DLP), and the semantics of a Logic Program. The language is built to support the expression of geospatial ontological axioms and geospatial integrity and deduction rules. A hybrid framework to integrate both qualitative symbolic information in SWSRL with quantitative, geometric information using spatial datatypes in a spatial database is proposed. Two notable features of SWSRL are 1) the language is based on a prioritised de fault logic that allows the expression of default integrity rules and their exceptions and 2) the implementation of the language uses an interleaved mode of inference for on the fly computation (either qualitative or quantitative) deduction of spatial relations. SWSRL supports an OGC complaint spatial syntax, and a standardised definition of rule meta data. Both features aid the construction, description, identification and categorisation of designed and implemented rules within large rule sets. The language and the developed engine are evaluated using synthetic as well as real data sets in the context of developing geographic ontologies for geographic information retrieval on the Semantic Web. Empirical experiments are also presented to test the scalability and applicability of the developed framework

    Data Integration on the (Semantic) Web with Rules and Rich Unification

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    For the last decade a multitude of new data formats for the World Wide Web have been developed, and a huge amount of heterogeneous semi-structured data is flourishing online. With the ever increasing number of documents on the Web, rules have been identified as the means of choice for reasoning about this data, transforming and integrating it. Query languages such as SPARQL and rule languages such as Xcerpt use compound queries that are matched or unified with semi-structured data. This notion of unification is different from the one that is known from logic programming engines in that it (i) provides constructs that allow queries to be incomplete in several ways (ii) in that variables may have different types, (iii) in that it results in sets of substitutions for the variables in the query instead of a single substitution and (iv) in that subsumption between queries is much harder to decide than in logic programming. This thesis abstracts from Xcerpt query term simulation, SPARQL graph pattern matching and XPath XML document matching, and shows that all of them can be considered as a form of rich unification. Given a set of mappings between substitution sets of different languages, this abstraction opens up the possibility for format-versatile querying, i.e. combination of queries in different formats, or transformation of one format into another format within a single rule. To show the superiority of this approach, this thesis introduces an extension of Xcerpt called Xcrdf, and describes use-cases for the combined querying and integration of RDF and XML data. With XML being the predominant Web format, and RDF the predominant Semantic Web format, Xcrdf extends Xcerpt by a set of RDF query terms and construct terms, including query primitives for RDF containers collections and reifications. Moreover, Xcrdf includes an RDF path query language called RPL that is more expressive than previously proposed polynomial-time RDF path query languages, but can still be evaluated in polynomial time combined complexity. Besides the introduction of this framework for data integration based on rich unification, this thesis extends the theoretical knowledge about Xcerpt in several ways: We show that Xcerpt simulation unification is decidable, and give complexity bounds for subsumption in several fragments of Xcerpt query terms. The proof is based on a set of subsumption monotone query term transformations, and is only feasible because of the injectivity requirement on subterms of Xcerpt queries. The proof gives rise to an algorithm for deciding Xcerpt query term simulation. Moreover, we give a semantics to locally and weakly stratified Xcerpt programs, but this semantics is applicable not only to Xcerpt, but to any rule language with rich unification, including multi-rule SPARQL programs. Finally, we show how Xcerpt grouping stratification can be reduced to Xcerpt negation stratification, thereby also introducing the notion of local grouping stratification and weak grouping stratification