298 research outputs found

    Axiomatic Districting

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    In a framework with two parties, deterministic voter preferences and a type of geographical constraints, we propose a set of simple axioms and show that they jointly characterize the districting rule that maximizes the number of districts one party can win, given the distribution of individual votes (the \optimal gerrymandering rule"). As a corollary, we obtain that no districting rule can satisfy our axioms and treat parties symmetrically

    Axiomatic districting

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    In a framework with two parties, deterministic voter preferences and a type of geographical constraints, we propose a set of simple axioms and show that they jointly characterize the districting rule that maximizes the number of districts one party can win, given the distribution of individual votes (the "optimal gerrymandering rule"). As a corollary, we obtain that no districting rule can satisfy our axioms and treat parties symmetrically

    The political districting problem: A survey

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    Computer scientists and social scientists consider the political districting problem from different viewpoints. This paper gives an overview of both strands of the literature on districting in which the connections and the differences between the two approaches are highlighted

    Toward an Organizational Theory of Membership Structural Design

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    Various events have led to the development of highly complex cooperative operations and to concepts for understanding operations. However. development of membership structures and concepts for understanding these structures has lagged. This paper imports organizational design and contingency theory into the member control literature. Membership structure is understood as organization-like, producing a service (Le., member control). Member control structure is understood as having three aspects (representation, policy making, and oversight) and two environments (the members themselves, and management and operations). Building from cooperative principles and following the development of cooperatives from simple to complex organizations, this paper develops a series of axiomatic propositions for understanding and designing membership structure. Only some of the propositions are testable, and still others are meant only to give continuity and relevance to the propositions as a group (as a theory). Such work should help develop a language for understanding and furthering discussion and research of membership structure and member control in agricultural cooperatives.Agribusiness,

    Socially Optimal Districting

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    This paper provides a welfare economic analysis of the problem of districting. In the context of a simple micro-founded model intended to capture the salient features of U.S. politics, it studies how a social planner should allocate citizens of different ideologies across districts to maximize aggregate utility. In the model, districting determines the equilibrium seat-vote curve which is the relationship between the aggregate vote share of the political parties and their share of seats in the legislature. To understand optimal districting, the paper first characterizes the optimal seat-vote curve which describes the ideal relationship between votes and seats. It then shows that under rather weak conditions the optimal seat-vote curve is implementable in the sense that there exist districtings which make the equilibrium seat-vote curve equal to the optimal seat-vote curve. The nature of these optimal districtings is described. Finally, the paper provides a full characterization of the constrained optimal seat-vote curve and the districtings that underlie it when the optimal seat-vote curve is not achievable.

    States That Have Not Met Their Constitutional Requirements

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    The importance of sound financial risk management has become increasingly emphasised in recent years, especially with the financial crisis of 2007-08. The Basel Committee sets the international standards and regulations for banks and financial institutions, and in particular under market risk, they prescribe the internal application of the measure Value-at-Risk. However, the most established non-parametric Value-at-Risk model, historical simulation, has been criticised for some of its unrealistic assumptions. This thesis investigates alternative approaches for estimating non-parametric Value-at-Risk, by examining and comparing the capability of three counterbalancing weighting methodologies for historical simulation: an exponentially decreasing time weighting approach, a volatility updating method and, lastly, a more general weighting approach that enables the specification of central moments of a return distribution. With real financial data, the models are evaluated from a performance based perspective, in terms of accuracy and capital efficiency, but also in terms of their regulatory suitability, with a particular focus on the Swedish market. The empirical study shows that the capability of historical simulation is improved significantly, from both performance perspectives, by the implementation of a weighting methodology. Furthermore, the results predominantly indicate that the volatility updating model with a 500-day historical observation window is the most adequate weighting methodology, in all incorporated aspects. The findings of this paper offer significant input both to existing research on Value-at-Risk as well as to the quality of the internal market risk management of banks and financial institutions.Betydelsen av sund finansiell riskhantering har blivit alltmer betonad pĂ„ senare Ă„r, i synnerhet i och med finanskrisen 2007-08. BaselkommittĂ©n faststĂ€ller internationella normer och regler för banker och finansiella institutioner, och sĂ€rskilt under marknadsrisk föreskriver de intern tillĂ€mpning av mĂ„ttet Value-at-Risk. DĂ€remot har den mest etablerade icke-parametriska Value-at-Risk-modellen, historisk simulering, kritiserats för nĂ„gra av dess orealistiska antaganden. Denna avhandling undersöker alternativa metoder för att berĂ€kna icke-parametrisk Value-at‑Risk, genom att granska och jĂ€mföra prestationsförmĂ„gan hos tre motverkande viktningsmetoder för historisk simulering: en exponentiellt avtagande tidsviktningsteknik, en volatilitetsuppdateringsmetod, och slutligen ett mer generellt tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt för viktning som möjliggör specifikation av en avkastningsfördelnings centralmoment. Modellerna utvĂ€rderas med verklig finansiell data ur ett prestationsbaserat perspektiv, utifrĂ„n precision och kapitaleffektivitet, men ocksĂ„ med avseende pĂ„ deras lĂ€mplighet i förhĂ„llande till existerande regelverk, med sĂ€rskilt fokus pĂ„ den svenska marknaden. Den empiriska studien visar att prestandan hos historisk simulering förbĂ€ttras avsevĂ€rt, frĂ„n bĂ„da prestationsperspektiven, genom införandet av en viktningsmetod. Dessutom pekar resultaten i huvudsak pĂ„ att volatilitetsuppdateringsmodellen med ett 500 dagars observationsfönster Ă€r den mest anvĂ€ndbara viktningsmetoden i alla berörda aspekter. Slutsatserna i denna uppsats bidrar i vĂ€sentlig grad bĂ„de till befintlig forskning om Value-at-Risk, liksom till kvaliteten pĂ„ bankers och finansiella institutioners interna hantering av marknadsrisk

    Montana Public Affairs Report, February 1969

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    Contents in this issue: Apportionment for the 1970s - Ellis Waldron The 1968 Election in Montana - Thomas Payn

    Measuring the circularity of congressional districts

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    Shape analysis has special importance in the detection of manipulated redistricting, which is called gerrymandering. In most of the US states, this process is made by non-independent actors and often causes debates about partisan manipulation. The somewhat ambiguous concept of compactness is a standard criterion for legislative districts. In the literature, circularity is widely used as a measure of compactness, since it is a natural requirement for a district to be as circular as possible. In this paper, we introduce a novel and parameter-free circularity measure that is based on Hu moment invariants. This new measure provides a powerful tool to detect districts with abnormal shapes. We examined some districts of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, and Utah over several consecutive periods and redistricting plans, and also compared the results with classical circularity indexes. We found that the fall of the average circularity value of the new measure indicates potential gerrymandering
