14 research outputs found

    Brzozowski Algorithm Is Generically Super-Polynomial Deterministic Automata

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    International audienceWe study the number of states of the minimal automaton of the mirror of a rational language recognized by a random deterministic automaton with n states. We prove that, for any d > 0, the probability that this number of states is greater than nd tends to 1 as n tends to infinity. As a consequence, the generic and average complexities of Brzozowski minimization algorithm are super-polynomial for the uniform distribution on deterministic automata

    A New Technique for Reachability of States in Concatenation Automata

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    We present a new technique for demonstrating the reachability of states in deterministic finite automata representing the concatenation of two languages. Such demonstrations are a necessary step in establishing the state complexity of the concatenation of two languages, and thus in establishing the state complexity of concatenation as an operation. Typically, ad-hoc induction arguments are used to show particular states are reachable in concatenation automata. We prove some results that seem to capture the essence of many of these induction arguments. Using these results, reachability proofs in concatenation automata can often be done more simply and without using induction directly.Comment: 23 pages, 1 table. Added missing affiliation/funding informatio

    On the Average Complexity of Moore's State Minimization Algorithm

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    We prove that, for any arbitrary finite alphabet and for the uniform distribution over deterministic and accessible automata with n states, the average complexity of Moore's state minimization algorithm is in O(n log n). Moreover this bound is tight in the case of unary utomata

    Asymptotic enumeration of Minimal Automata

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    We determine the asymptotic proportion of minimal automata, within n-state accessible deterministic complete automata over a k-letter alphabet, with the uniform distribution over the possible transition structures, and a binomial distribution over terminal states, with arbitrary parameter b. It turns out that a fraction ~ 1-C(k,b) n^{-k+2} of automata is minimal, with C(k,b) a function, explicitly determined, involving the solution of a transcendental equation.Comment: 12+5 pages, 2 figures, submitted to STACS 201

    State Complexity of Combined Operations on Finite Languages

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    State complexity is a descriptive complexity measure for regular languages. It is a fundamental topic in automata and formal language theory. The state complexity of a regular language is the number of states in the minimal complete deterministic finite automaton accepting the language. During the last few decades, many publications have focused and studied the state complexity of many individual as well as combined operations on regular languages. Also, the state complexity of some basic operations on finite languages has been studied. But until now there has been no study on the state complexity of combined operations on finite languages. In this thesis, we will first study the state complexity of the combined operation, star of union, on finite languages and give an exact bound. Then we will investigate the state complexity of star of catenation and show its approximation with a good ratio bound and finally, we will prove an upper bound for star of intersection

    Advanced Topics on State Complexity of Combined Operations

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    State complexity is a fundamental topic in formal languages and automata theory. The study of state complexity is also strongly motivated by applications of finite automata in software engineering, programming languages, natural language and speech processing and other practical areas. Since many of these applications use automata of large sizes, it is important to know the number of states of the automata. In this thesis, we firstly discuss the state complexities of individual operations on regular languages, including union, intersection, star, catenation, reversal and so on. The state complexity of an operation on unary languages is usually different from that of the same operation on languages over a larger alphabet. Both kinds of state complexities are reviewed in the thesis. Secondly, we study the exact state complexities of twelve combined operations on regular languages. The state complexities of most of these combined operations are not equal to the compositions of the state complexities of the individual operations which make up these combined operations. We also explore the reason for this difference. Finally, we introduce the concept of estimation and approximation of state complexity. We show close estimates and approximations of the state complexities of six combined operations on regular languages which are good enough to use in practice