77 research outputs found

    Impact of common cause failure on reliability performance of redundant safety related systems subject to process demand

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    Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and feedback.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Unavailability assessment of redundant safety instrumented systems subject to process demand

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    Sriramula’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of re-search.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Reliability modelling of redundant safety systems without automatic diagnostics incorporating common cause failures and process demand

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    Sriramula’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of re-search.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Limites d'utilisation des normes EN 61508 - EN 61511. Retour d'expérience d'un organisme de certification

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    National audienceSafety functional standards and in particular the standards IEC 61508/61511 introduce an assessment of the dangerous failure probability on demand in complement of the traditional deterministic analysis. The application of these standards on various equipments and systems made it possible to highlight difficulties relating to the concepts calculated thus to the associated mathematical tools. Comparison of various mathematical models highlights that the use of Markov graphs can lead to approximate results for partially reparable equipments. The article will try to bring brief replies to these difficulties while being based on the experiment of INERIS in the assessment and the certification of instrumented safety material and systems.Les normes de sécurité fonctionnelle et notamment les normes EN 61508/61511 introduisent une évaluation de la probabilité de défaillances dangereuses en complément de l'analyse déterministe traditionnelle. L'application de ces normes sur différents matériels et systÚmes a permis de mettre en évidence des difficultés relatives à la nature des grandeurs calculées ainsi qu'aux outils mathématiques associés. La comparaison des différents modÚles mathématiques met en évidence que l'utilisation de graphes de Markov peut conduire à des résultats approximatifs pour des matériels partiellement réparables. L'article tentera d'apporter des éléments de réponse à ces difficultés en s'appuyant sur l'expérience de l'INERIS dans l'évaluation et la certification de matériel et de systÚmes instrumentés de sécurité

    Reliability of multi-channel IEC 61850 mission-critical substation communication networks based on Markov process incorporating linear dynamical systems and calculus inferences.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.IEC 61850 based Substation Communication Networks (SCN) enable substation processes to be digitalised to fulfil the most sought substation monitoring, protection and control of electrical systems. The standard enables peer-to-peer communication of mission critical messages, aided by onboard diagnostic capabilities to ease the identification of system faults. The implementation of Safety-Related Systems in industrial facilities comprising sensors, logic solvers and final elements in power distribution centres necessitate compliance to IEC 61508 standard, where circuit breakers act as final elements to isolate electrical machines. In recent times, combinatorial methods such as the Reliability Block Diagram have been used to evaluate the architecture of IEC 61850 based SCN reliability and availability due to the simplicity of the approach. These methods, however, assume that all system faults are identified and fully repaired, which is not the case in practice. In this thesis, the reliability of a repairable multi-channel IEC 61850 based SCN architecture is modelled using a structure function and the Markov process while Systems Thinking integrates imperfect repair factors into the model. Thereafter, a novel eigenvalue analysis method based on Markov partitions and symbolic dynamics in the context of linear dynamical systems is used to investigate the impact of imperfect repairs on the system's reliability based on the number of mean state transitions and dynamical behaviour. The eigenvalue method is then advanced by a complimentary analysis technique based on the absorbing Markov Chain process and matrix calculus methods to determine the system's responsiveness to repair factors. The case studies results demonstrate that imperfect repairs cannot be ignored for mission-critical applications because the simplifying assumptions of combinatorial analysis methods greatly over-state the system's reliability performance. The results also indicate that common causes of failure coupled with imperfect repairs significantly negatively impact the system's performance. Moreover, system performance is highly dependent on the diagnostic coverage of the individual subsystems than their repair efficiencies for high diagnostic coverages at 90% and 99% based on ISO 13849-1. Hence, the results demonstrate that emphasis should be more on the system diagnostic coverage for the fact that it is embedded in the system design itself that cannot easily be changed once the system is commissioned and operational

    Safety System Design and Maintenance Planning for Oil and Gas Facilities Located in Remote Areas

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    Dependability Issues for Intelligent Transmitters and Reliability Pattern Proposal

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    International audienceNew technologies make way for "intelligent" transmitters by integrating new functionalities: error measurement corrections, self-adjustment, self-diagnosis for measurement and transmitter status, on-line reconfiguration, and digital bidirectional communication. Industrialists are taking advantage of more accurate measurements, cost reductions and facilities. For industrial risk prevention, new dependability issues are arising. Functionalities such as self-diagnosis and digital communication seem to be in favour of control systems availability. On the other hand, the high amount of electronics and programmable units implies new failure causes and modes which are usually not well known. In this paper, dependability issues for intelligent transmitters are discussed and a reliability model is proposed. By using a Goal Tree - Success Tree (GTST) technique, both functional and material aspects of an intelligent transmitter pattern are included. Material-material, material-function, and function-function relationships are then demonstrated in Master Logic Diagrams (MLD). These results are proposed as support for further case studies. For example, the impact of any material failure on any function, and the reliability of the main functions, can be assessed using this kind of model. Other dependability tools can take advantage of this reliability pattern, for example when the behavioural aspects of complex systems are undetermined

    Proceedings of VikingPLoP 2013 Conference

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    This is the proceedings of VikingPLoP 2013 – a record of all papers workshopped during the conference. VikingPLoP is a Nordic conference of pattern languages of programs which took place this year in Horse Inn of LuomajĂ€rvi, Ikaalinen, Finland in March 2013. VikingPLoP was organized jointly by Tampere University of Technology and Hillside Europe. VikingPLoP 2013 was also sponsored by Wiley which provided books for the focus group reading session. The conference was organized in Finland for the second time in a row. Previous location in 2012 was in SaariselkĂ€ Lapland. In 2013 vikings were moving towards south and chose the Horse Inn in Ikaalinen as the venue as it offered a luxurious opportunity for participants to experience rustic romance, good food, horseback riding, traditional Finnish sauna, the nature, and wilderness tracks. In March the landscape was still covered in snow making the landscape ruggedly beautiful.The papers in this proceedings book are updated versions of the papers workshopped in the conference. In the beginning, participants submitted their papers for shepherding process. In the shepherding process, the shepherd, an experienced pattern writer, gave ideas and feedback for the author, colloquially known as a sheep. The sheep incorporated this feedback in to her paper. After three iterations of shepherding the paper was discussed at the conference in a writer's workshop. The workshop group gave comments, criticism and praise. After the conference the authors updated their papers according to the workshop feedback.This process of giving feedback was made possible by having a community of trust. Mutual trust was built by playing non-competitive games and by having social activities. VikingPLoP 2013 focused on patterns and their usage in various fields of expertise. These fields included a wide range of topics from educational patterns to safety patterns and embedded system's software architecture patterns. Bringing people together from various fields of expertise stimulates creativity and new ideas might emerge. These innovations are reflected in the papers in these proceedings. VikingPLoP 2013 was especially a conference for newcomers and over half of the participants were first time PLoP participants.These proceedings contain 9 papers. In addition, a book reading workshop was arranged with Bob Hanmer who presented his new title Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture for Dummies and discussed it with the participants using video conferencing tools

    Mathematical modelling of safety instrumented system for pipeline infrastructure planning

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