1,169 research outputs found

    Towards Automated Driving Violation Cause Analysis in Scenario-Based Testing for Autonomous Driving Systems

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    The rapid advancement of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs), exemplified by companies like Waymo and Cruise offering 24/7 paid taxi services, highlights the paramount importance of ensuring AVs' compliance with various policies, such as safety regulations, traffic rules, and mission directives. Despite significant progress in the development of Autonomous Driving System (ADS) testing tools, there has been a notable absence of research on attributing the causes of driving violations. Counterfactual causality analysis has emerged as a promising approach for identifying the root cause of program failures. While it has demonstrated effectiveness in pinpointing error-inducing inputs, its direct application to the AV context to determine which computation result, generated by which component, serves as the root cause poses a considerable challenge. A key obstacle lies in our inability to straightforwardly eliminate the influence of a specific internal message to establish the causal relationship between the output of each component and a system-level driving violation. In this work, we propose a novel driving violation cause analysis (DVCA) tool. We design idealized component substitutes to enable counterfactual analysis of ADS components by leveraging the unique opportunity provided by the simulation. We evaluate our tool on a benchmark with real bugs and injected faults. The results show that our tool can achieve perfect component-level attribution accuracy (100%) and almost (>98%) perfect message-level accuracy. Our tool can reduce the debugging scope from hundreds of complicated interdependent messages to one single computation result generated by one component

    A Data Set for Fault Detection Research on Component-Based Robotic Systems

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    Wienke J, Meyer zu Borgsen S, Wrede S. A Data Set for Fault Detection Research on Component-Based Robotic Systems. In: Alboul L, Damian D, Aitken JM, eds. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. Vol 9716. Springer International Publishing; 2016: 339-350.Fault detection and identification methods (FDI) are an important aspect for ensuring consistent behavior of technical systems. In robotics FDI promises to improve the autonomy and robustness. Existing FDI research in robotics mostly focused on faults in specific areas, like sensor faults. While there is FDI research also on the overarching software system, common data sets to benchmark such solutions do not exist. In this paper we present a data set for FDI research on robot software systems to bridge this gap. We have recorded an HRI scenario with our RoboCup@Home platform and induced diverse empirically grounded faults using a novel, structured method. The recordings include the complete event-based communication of the system as well as detailed performance counters for all system components and exact ground-truth information on the induced faults. The resulting data set is a challenging benchmark for FDI research in robotics which is publicly available

    Autonomic Self-Adaptive Robot Wheel Alignment

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    Reducing the Barrier to Entry of Complex Robotic Software: a MoveIt! Case Study

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    Developing robot agnostic software frameworks involves synthesizing the disparate fields of robotic theory and software engineering while simultaneously accounting for a large variability in hardware designs and control paradigms. As the capabilities of robotic software frameworks increase, the setup difficulty and learning curve for new users also increase. If the entry barriers for configuring and using the software on robots is too high, even the most powerful of frameworks are useless. A growing need exists in robotic software engineering to aid users in getting started with, and customizing, the software framework as necessary for particular robotic applications. In this paper a case study is presented for the best practices found for lowering the barrier of entry in the MoveIt! framework, an open-source tool for mobile manipulation in ROS, that allows users to 1) quickly get basic motion planning functionality with minimal initial setup, 2) automate its configuration and optimization, and 3) easily customize its components. A graphical interface that assists the user in configuring MoveIt! is the cornerstone of our approach, coupled with the use of an existing standardized robot model for input, automatically generated robot-specific configuration files, and a plugin-based architecture for extensibility. These best practices are summarized into a set of barrier to entry design principles applicable to other robotic software. The approaches for lowering the entry barrier are evaluated by usage statistics, a user survey, and compared against our design objectives for their effectiveness to users

    Fault-Tolerant Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicle under Actuator and Sensor

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    Unmanned ground vehicles have a wide range of potential applications including autonomous driving, military surveillance, emergency responses, and agricultural robotics, etc. Since such autonomous vehicles need to operate reliably at all times, despite the possible occurrence of faulty behaviors in some system components, the development of fault-tolerant control schemes is a crucial step in ensuring reliable and safe operations. In this research, a fault-tolerant control scheme is developed for a nonlinear ground vehicle model with possible occurrence of both actuator faults in the form of loss of effectiveness (LOE) and sensor bias faults. Based on the vehicle and fault models under consideration, the unknown fault parameters are estimated online using adaptive estimation methods. The estimated fault parameters are used for accommodating the fault effect to maintain satisfactory control performance even in the presence of faults. Real-time algorithm implementation and demonstration using the Qbot2e ground robot by Quanser are conducted to show the effectiveness of the fault-tolerant control algorithm

    Automation and robotics considerations for a lunar base

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    An envisioned lunar outpost shares with other NASA missions many of the same criteria that have prompted the development of intelligent automation techniques with NASA. Because of increased radiation hazards, crew surface activities will probably be even more restricted than current extravehicular activity in low Earth orbit. Crew availability for routine and repetitive tasks will be at least as limited as that envisioned for the space station, particularly in the early phases of lunar development. Certain tasks are better suited to the untiring watchfulness of computers, such as the monitoring and diagnosis of multiple complex systems, and the perception and analysis of slowly developing faults in such systems. In addition, mounting costs and constrained budgets require that human resource requirements for ground control be minimized. This paper provides a glimpse of certain lunar base tasks as seen through the lens of automation and robotic (A&R) considerations. This can allow a more efficient focusing of research and development not only in A&R, but also in those technologies that will depend on A&R in the lunar environment

    Computational needs survey of NASA automation and robotics missions. Volume 1: Survey and results

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    NASA's operational use of advanced processor technology in space systems lags behind its commercial development by more than eight years. One of the factors contributing to this is that mission computing requirements are frequently unknown, unstated, misrepresented, or simply not available in a timely manner. NASA must provide clear common requirements to make better use of available technology, to cut development lead time on deployable architectures, and to increase the utilization of new technology. A preliminary set of advanced mission computational processing requirements of automation and robotics (A&R) systems are provided for use by NASA, industry, and academic communities. These results were obtained in an assessment of the computational needs of current projects throughout NASA. The high percent of responses indicated a general need for enhanced computational capabilities beyond the currently available 80386 and 68020 processor technology. Because of the need for faster processors and more memory, 90 percent of the polled automation projects have reduced or will reduce the scope of their implementation capabilities. The requirements are presented with respect to their targeted environment, identifying the applications required, system performance levels necessary to support them, and the degree to which they are met with typical programmatic constraints. Volume one includes the survey and results. Volume two contains the appendixes
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