2,709 research outputs found

    Image Processing and its Military Applications

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    One of the important breakthroughs, image processing is the stand alone, non-human image understanding system (IUS). The task of understanding images becomes monumental as one tries to define what understanding really is. Both pattern recognition and artificial intelligence are used in addition to traditional signal processing. Scene analysis procedures using edge and texture segmentation can be considered as the early stages of image understanding process. Symbolic representation and relationship grammers come at subsequent stages. Thus it is not reasonable to put a man into a loop of signal processing at certain sensors such as remotely piloted vehicles, satellites and spacecrafts. Consequently smart sensors and semi-automatic processes are being developed. Land remote sensing has been another important application of the image processing. With the introduction of programmes like Star Wars this particular application has gained a special importance from the Military's point of view. This paper provides an overview of digital image processing and explores the scope of the technology of remote sensing and IUSs from the Military's point of view. An example of the autonomous vehicle project now under progress in the US is described in detail to elucidate the impact of IUSs

    Proceedings of the 2020 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    In 2020 fand der jährliche Workshop des Faunhofer IOSB und the Lehrstuhls für interaktive Echtzeitsysteme statt. Vom 27. bis zum 31. Juli trugen die Doktorranden der beiden Institute über den Stand ihrer Forschung vor in Themen wie KI, maschinellen Lernen, computer vision, usage control, Metrologie vor. Die Ergebnisse dieser Vorträge sind in diesem Band als technische Berichte gesammelt

    Cognitive visual tracking and camera control

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    Cognitive visual tracking is the process of observing and understanding the behaviour of a moving person. This paper presents an efficient solution to extract, in real-time, high-level information from an observed scene, and generate the most appropriate commands for a set of pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras in a surveillance scenario. Such a high-level feedback control loop, which is the main novelty of our work, will serve to reduce uncertainties in the observed scene and to maximize the amount of information extracted from it. It is implemented with a distributed camera system using SQL tables as virtual communication channels, and Situation Graph Trees for knowledge representation, inference and high-level camera control. A set of experiments in a surveillance scenario show the effectiveness of our approach and its potential for real applications of cognitive vision

    A framework based on Gaussian mixture models and Kalman filters for the segmentation and tracking of anomalous events in shipboard video

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    Anomalous indications in monitoring equipment on board U.S. Navy vessels must be handled in a timely manner to prevent catastrophic system failure. The development of sensor data analysis techniques to assist a ship\u27s crew in monitoring machinery and summon required ship-to-shore assistance is of considerable benefit to the Navy. In addition, the Navy has a large interest in the development of distance support technology in its ongoing efforts to reduce manning on ships. In this thesis, algorithms have been developed for the detection of anomalous events that can be identified from the analysis of monochromatic stationary ship surveillance video streams. The specific anomalies that we have focused on are the presence and growth of smoke and fire events inside the frames of the video stream. The algorithm consists of the following steps. First, a foreground segmentation algorithm based on adaptive Gaussian mixture models is employed to detect the presence of motion in a scene. The algorithm is adapted to emphasize gray-level characteristics related to smoke and fire events in the frame. Next, shape discriminant features in the foreground are enhanced using morphological operations. Following this step, the anomalous indication is tracked between frames using Kalman filtering. Finally, gray level shape and motion features corresponding to the anomaly are subjected to principal component analysis and classified using a multilayer perceptron neural network. The algorithm is exercised on 68 video streams that include the presence of anomalous events (such as fire and smoke) and benign/nuisance events (such as humans walking the field of view). Initial results show that the algorithm is successful in detecting anomalies in video streams, and is suitable for application in shipboard environments

    Activity understanding and unusual event detection in surveillance videos

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    PhDComputer scientists have made ceaseless efforts to replicate cognitive video understanding abilities of human brains onto autonomous vision systems. As video surveillance cameras become ubiquitous, there is a surge in studies on automated activity understanding and unusual event detection in surveillance videos. Nevertheless, video content analysis in public scenes remained a formidable challenge due to intrinsic difficulties such as severe inter-object occlusion in crowded scene and poor quality of recorded surveillance footage. Moreover, it is nontrivial to achieve robust detection of unusual events, which are rare, ambiguous, and easily confused with noise. This thesis proposes solutions for resolving ambiguous visual observations and overcoming unreliability of conventional activity analysis methods by exploiting multi-camera visual context and human feedback. The thesis first demonstrates the importance of learning visual context for establishing reliable reasoning on observed activity in a camera network. In the proposed approach, a new Cross Canonical Correlation Analysis (xCCA) is formulated to discover and quantify time delayed pairwise correlations of regional activities observed within and across multiple camera views. This thesis shows that learning time delayed pairwise activity correlations offers valuable contextual information for (1) spatial and temporal topology inference of a camera network, (2) robust person re-identification, and (3) accurate activity-based video temporal segmentation. Crucially, in contrast to conventional methods, the proposed approach does not rely on either intra-camera or inter-camera object tracking; it can thus be applied to low-quality surveillance videos featuring severe inter-object occlusions. Second, to detect global unusual event across multiple disjoint cameras, this thesis extends visual context learning from pairwise relationship to global time delayed dependency between regional activities. Specifically, a Time Delayed Probabilistic Graphical Model (TD-PGM) is proposed to model the multi-camera activities and their dependencies. Subtle global unusual events are detected and localised using the model as context-incoherent patterns across multiple camera views. In the model, different nodes represent activities in different decomposed re3 gions from different camera views, and the directed links between nodes encoding time delayed dependencies between activities observed within and across camera views. In order to learn optimised time delayed dependencies in a TD-PGM, a novel two-stage structure learning approach is formulated by combining both constraint-based and scored-searching based structure learning methods. Third, to cope with visual context changes over time, this two-stage structure learning approach is extended to permit tractable incremental update of both TD-PGM parameters and its structure. As opposed to most existing studies that assume static model once learned, the proposed incremental learning allows a model to adapt itself to reflect the changes in the current visual context, such as subtle behaviour drift over time or removal/addition of cameras. Importantly, the incremental structure learning is achieved without either exhaustive search in a large graph structure space or storing all past observations in memory, making the proposed solution memory and time efficient. Forth, an active learning approach is presented to incorporate human feedback for on-line unusual event detection. Contrary to most existing unsupervised methods that perform passive mining for unusual events, the proposed approach automatically requests supervision for critical points to resolve ambiguities of interest, leading to more robust detection of subtle unusual events. The active learning strategy is formulated as a stream-based solution, i.e. it makes decision on-the-fly on whether to request label for each unlabelled sample observed in sequence. It selects adaptively two active learning criteria, namely likelihood criterion and uncertainty criterion to achieve (1) discovery of unknown event classes and (2) refinement of classification boundary. The effectiveness of the proposed approaches is validated using videos captured from busy public scenes such as underground stations and traffic intersections

    Tracking interacting targets in multi-modal sensors

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    PhDObject tracking is one of the fundamental tasks in various applications such as surveillance, sports, video conferencing and activity recognition. Factors such as occlusions, illumination changes and limited field of observance of the sensor make tracking a challenging task. To overcome these challenges the focus of this thesis is on using multiple modalities such as audio and video for multi-target, multi-modal tracking. Particularly, this thesis presents contributions to four related research topics, namely, pre-processing of input signals to reduce noise, multi-modal tracking, simultaneous detection and tracking, and interaction recognition. To improve the performance of detection algorithms, especially in the presence of noise, this thesis investigate filtering of the input data through spatio-temporal feature analysis as well as through frequency band analysis. The pre-processed data from multiple modalities is then fused within Particle filtering (PF). To further minimise the discrepancy between the real and the estimated positions, we propose a strategy that associates the hypotheses and the measurements with a real target, using a Weighted Probabilistic Data Association (WPDA). Since the filtering involved in the detection process reduces the available information and is inapplicable on low signal-to-noise ratio data, we investigate simultaneous detection and tracking approaches and propose a multi-target track-beforedetect Particle filtering (MT-TBD-PF). The proposed MT-TBD-PF algorithm bypasses the detection step and performs tracking in the raw signal. Finally, we apply the proposed multi-modal tracking to recognise interactions between targets in regions within, as well as outside the cameras’ fields of view. The efficiency of the proposed approaches are demonstrated on large uni-modal, multi-modal and multi-sensor scenarios from real world detections, tracking and event recognition datasets and through participation in evaluation campaigns

    Automated camera ranking and selection using video content and scene context

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    PhDWhen observing a scene with multiple cameras, an important problem to solve is to automatically identify “what camera feed should be shown and when?” The answer to this question is of interest for a number of applications and scenarios ranging from sports to surveillance. In this thesis we present a framework for the ranking of each video frame and camera across time and the camera network, respectively. This ranking is then used for automated video production. In the first stage information from each camera view and from the objects in it is extracted and represented in a way that allows for object- and frame-ranking. First objects are detected and ranked within and across camera views. This ranking takes into account both visible and contextual information related to the object. Then content ranking is performed based on the objects in the view and camera-network level information. We propose two novel techniques for content ranking namely: Routing Based Ranking (RBR) and Multivariate Gaussian based Ranking (MVG). In RBR we use a rule based framework where weighted fusion of object and frame level information takes place while in MVG the rank is estimated as a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Through experimental and subjective validation we demonstrate that the proposed content ranking strategies allows the identification of the best-camera at each time. The second part of the thesis focuses on the automatic generation of N-to-1 videos based on the ranked content. We demonstrate that in such production settings it is undesirable to have frequent inter-camera switching. Thus motivating the need for a compromise, between selecting the best camera most of the time and minimising the frequent inter-camera switching, we demonstrate that state-of-the-art techniques for this task are inadequate and fail in dynamic scenes. We propose three novel methods for automated camera selection. The first method (¡go f ) performs a joint optimization of a cost function that depends on both the view quality and inter-camera switching so that a i Abstract ii pleasing best-view video sequence can be composed. The other two methods (¡dbn and ¡util) include the selection decision into the ranking-strategy. In ¡dbn we model the best-camera selection as a state sequence via Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) designed as a Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN), which encodes the contextual knowledge about the camera network and employs the past information to minimize the inter camera switches. In comparison ¡util utilizes the past as well as the future information in a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) where the camera-selection at a certain time is influenced by the past information and its repercussions in the future. The performance of the proposed approach is demonstrated on multiple real and synthetic multi-camera setups. We compare the proposed architectures with various baseline methods with encouraging results. The performance of the proposed approaches is also validated through extensive subjective testing

    Computer vision in target pursuit using a UAV

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    Research in target pursuit using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has gained attention in recent years, this is primarily due to decrease in cost and increase in demand of small UAVs in many sectors. In computer vision, target pursuit is a complex problem as it involves the solving of many sub-problems which are typically concerned with the detection, tracking and following of the object of interest. At present, the majority of related existing methods are developed using computer simulation with the assumption of ideal environmental factors, while the remaining few practical methods are mainly developed to track and follow simple objects that contain monochromatic colours with very little texture variances. Current research in this topic is lacking of practical vision based approaches. Thus the aim of this research is to fill the gap by developing a real-time algorithm capable of following a person continuously given only a photo input. As this research considers the whole procedure as an autonomous system, therefore the drone is activated automatically upon receiving a photo of a person through Wi-Fi. This means that the whole system can be triggered by simply emailing a single photo from any device anywhere. This is done by first implementing image fetching to automatically connect to WIFI, download the image and decode it. Then, human detection is performed to extract the template from the upper body of the person, the intended target is acquired using both human detection and template matching. Finally, target pursuit is achieved by tracking the template continuously while sending the motion commands to the drone. In the target pursuit system, the detection is mainly accomplished using a proposed human detection method that is capable of detecting, extracting and segmenting the human body figure robustly from the background without prior training. This involves detecting face, head and shoulder separately, mainly using gradient maps. While the tracking is mainly accomplished using a proposed generic and non-learning template matching method, this involves combining intensity template matching with colour histogram model and employing a three-tier system for template management. A flight controller is also developed, it supports three types of controls: keyboard, mouse and text messages. Furthermore, the drone is programmed with three different modes: standby, sentry and search. To improve the detection and tracking of colour objects, this research has also proposed several colour related methods. One of them is a colour model for colour detection which consists of three colour components: hue, purity and brightness. Hue represents the colour angle, purity represents the colourfulness and brightness represents intensity. It can be represented in three different geometric shapes: sphere, hemisphere and cylinder, each of these shapes also contains two variations. Experimental results have shown that the target pursuit algorithm is capable of identifying and following the target person robustly given only a photo input. This can be evidenced by the live tracking and mapping of the intended targets with different clothing in both indoor and outdoor environments. Additionally, the various methods developed in this research could enhance the performance of practical vision based applications especially in detecting and tracking of objects

    Smart environment monitoring through micro unmanned aerial vehicles

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    In recent years, the improvements of small-scale Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in terms of flight time, automatic control, and remote transmission are promoting the development of a wide range of practical applications. In aerial video surveillance, the monitoring of broad areas still has many challenges due to the achievement of different tasks in real-time, including mosaicking, change detection, and object detection. In this thesis work, a small-scale UAV based vision system to maintain regular surveillance over target areas is proposed. The system works in two modes. The first mode allows to monitor an area of interest by performing several flights. During the first flight, it creates an incremental geo-referenced mosaic of an area of interest and classifies all the known elements (e.g., persons) found on the ground by an improved Faster R-CNN architecture previously trained. In subsequent reconnaissance flights, the system searches for any changes (e.g., disappearance of persons) that may occur in the mosaic by a histogram equalization and RGB-Local Binary Pattern (RGB-LBP) based algorithm. If present, the mosaic is updated. The second mode, allows to perform a real-time classification by using, again, our improved Faster R-CNN model, useful for time-critical operations. Thanks to different design features, the system works in real-time and performs mosaicking and change detection tasks at low-altitude, thus allowing the classification even of small objects. The proposed system was tested by using the whole set of challenging video sequences contained in the UAV Mosaicking and Change Detection (UMCD) dataset and other public datasets. The evaluation of the system by well-known performance metrics has shown remarkable results in terms of mosaic creation and updating, as well as in terms of change detection and object detection