23 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Distributed Longitudinal Control Protocols for a Platoon of Autonomous Vehicles

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    We develop a framework for control protocol synthesis for a platoon of autonomous vehicles subject to temporal logic specifications. We describe the desired behavior of the platoon in a set of linear temporal logic formulas, such as collision avoidance, close spacing or comfortability. The problem of decomposing a global specification for the platoon into distributed specification for each pair of adjacent vehicles is hard to solve. We use the invariant specifications to tackle this problem and the decomposition is proved to be scalable.. Based on the specifications in Assumption/Guarantee form, we can construct a two-player game (between the vehicle and its closest leader) locally to automatically synthesize a controller protocol for each vehicle. Simulation example for a distributed vehicles control problem is also shown

    Robust Distributed Control Protocols for Large Vehicular Platoons with Prescribed Transient and Steady State Performance

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    In this paper, we study the longitudinal control problem for a platoon of vehicles with unknown nonlinear dynamics under both the predecessor-following and the bidirectional control architectures. The proposed control protocols are fully distributed in the sense that each vehicle utilizes feedback from its relative position with respect to its preceding and following vehicles as well as its own velocity, which can all be easily obtained by onboard sensors. Moreover, no previous knowledge of model nonlinearities/disturbances is incorporated in the control design, enhancing in that way the robustness of the overall closed loop system against model imperfections. Additionally, certain designer-specified performance functions determine the transient and steady-state response, thus preventing connectivity breaks due to sensor limitations as well as inter-vehicular collisions. Finally, extensive simulation studies and a real-time experiment conducted with mobile robots clarify the proposed control protocols and verify their effectiveness.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, accepte

    Decentralized optimal control of a vehicle platoon with guaranteed string stability

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    International audienceThis paper presents new decentralized optimal strategies for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) of a car platoon under string-stability constraints. Two related scenarios are explored in the article: in the first one, a linear-quadratic regulator in the presence of measurable disturbances is synthesized, and the string-stability of the platoon is enforced over the controller's feedback and feedforward gains. In the second scenario, H2- and Hinf-performance criteria, respectively accounting for the desired group behavior and the string-stability of the platoon, are simultaneously achieved using the recently-proposed compensator blending method. An analytical study of the impact of actuation/communication delays and uncertain model parameters on the stability of the multi-vehicle system, is also conducted. The theory is illustrated via numerical simulations

    Synthesis of Distributed Longitudinal Control Protocols for a Platoon of Autonomous Vehicles

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    We develop a framework for control protocol synthesis for a platoon of autonomous vehicles subject to temporal logic specifications. We describe the desired behavior of the platoon in a set of linear temporal logic formulas, such as collision avoidance, close spacing or comfortability. The problem of decomposing a global specification for the platoon into distributed specification for each pair of adjacent vehicles is hard to solve. We use the invariant specifications to tackle this problem and the decomposition is proved to be scalable.. Based on the specifications in Assumption/Guarantee form, we can construct a two-player game (between the vehicle and its closest leader) locally to automatically synthesize a controller protocol for each vehicle. Simulation example for a distributed vehicles control problem is also shown

    A sensor data fusion-based locating method for large-scale metrology

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    The measurement of geometric and dimensional variations in the context of large-sized products is a complex operation. One of the most efficient ways to identify deviations is by comparing the nominal object with a digitalisation of the real object through a reverse engineering process. The accurate digitalisation of large geometric models usually requires multiple acquisitions from different acquiring locations; the acquired point clouds must then be correctly aligned in the 3D digital environment. The identification of the exact scanning location is crucial to correctly realign point clouds and generate an accurate 3D CAD model. To achieve this, an acquisition method based on the use of a handling device is proposed that enhances reverse engineering scanning systems and is able to self-locate. The present paper tackles the device’s locating problem by using sensor data fusion based on a Kalman filter. The method was firstsimulated in a MatLAB environment; a prototype was then designed and developed using low-cost hardware. Tests on the sensor data fusion have shown a locating accuracy better than that of each individual sensor. Despite the low-cost hardware, the results are encouraging and open to future improvements

    An advanced deep learning model for maneuver prediction in real-time systems using alarming-based hunting optimization

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    The increasing trend of autonomous driving vehicles in smart cities emphasizes the need for safe travel. However, the presence of obstacles, potholes, and complex road environments, such as poor illumination and occlusion, can cause blurred road images that may impact the accuracy of maneuver prediction in visual perception systems. To address these challenges, a novel ensemble model named ABHO-based deep CNN-BiLSTM has been proposed for traffic sign detection. This model combines a hybrid convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) with the alarming-based hunting optimization (ABHO) algorithm to improve maneuver prediction accuracy. Additionally, a modified hough-enabled lane generative adversarial network (ABHO based HoughGAN) has been proposed, which is designed to be robust to blurred images. The ABHO algorithm, inspired by the defending and social characteristics of starling birds and Canis kojot, allows the model to efficiently search for the optimal solution from the available solutions in the search space. The proposed ensemble model has shown significantly improved accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in maneuver prediction compared to previously utilized methods, with minimal error during lane detection. Overall, the proposed ensemble model addresses the challenges faced by autonomous driving vehicles in complex and obstructed road environments, offering a promising solution for enhancing safety and reliability in smart cities

    Decentralized optimal control of a vehicle platoon with guaranteed string stability

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    International audienceThis paper presents new decentralized optimal strategies for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) of a car platoon under string-stability constraints. Two related scenarios are explored in the article: in the first one, a linear-quadratic regulator in the presence of measurable disturbances is synthesized, and the string-stability of the platoon is enforced over the controller's feedback and feedforward gains. In the second scenario, H2- and Hinf-performance criteria, respectively accounting for the desired group behavior and the string-stability of the platoon, are simultaneously achieved using the recently-proposed compensator blending method. An analytical study of the impact of actuation/communication delays and uncertain model parameters on the stability of the multi-vehicle system, is also conducted. The theory is illustrated via numerical simulations

    Cellular-V2X Communications for Platooning: Design and Evaluation

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    Abstract: Platooning is a cooperative driving application where autonomous/semi-autonomous vehicles move on the same lane in a train-like manner, keeping a small constant inter-vehicle distance, in order to reduce fuel consumption and gas emissions and to achieve safe and efficient transport. To this aim, they may exploit multiple on-board sensors (e.g., radars, lidars, positioning systems) and direct vehicle-to-vehicle communications to synchronize their manoeuvres. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the design choices and factors that determine the performance of a platooning application, when exploiting the emerging cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) communication technology and considering the scheduled mode, specified by 3GPP for communications over the sidelink assisted by the eNodeB. Since no resource management algorithm is currently mandated by 3GPP for this new challenging context, we focus on analyzing the feasibility and performance of the dynamic scheduling approach, with platoon members asking for radio resources on a per-packet basis. We consider two ways of implementing dynamic scheduling, currently unspecified by 3GPP: the sequential mode, that is somehow reminiscent of time division multiple access solutions based on IEEE 802.11p – till now the only investigated access technology for platooning – and the simultaneous mode with spatial frequency reuse enabled by the eNodeB. The evaluation conducted through system-level simulations provides helpful insights about the proposed configurations and C-V2X parameter settings that mainly affect the reliability and latency performance of data exchange in platoons, under different load settings. Achieved results show that the proposed simultaneous mode succeeds in reducing the latency in the update cycle in each vehicle’s controller, thus enabling future high-density platooning scenarios

    Energy dissipation based longitudinal and lateral coupling control for intelligent vehicles

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    This paper proposes a combined longitudinal and lateral control approach for an intelligent vehicle system based on energy dissipation. The vehicle system dynamics resembles a series of mass/spring/damper systems that are dissipative, i.e., the energy of the system decays to zero eventually. Thus, the nonlinear-optimal longitudinal and lateral coupling control problem of the intelligent vehicle system is transformed into a dissipative control design based on an energy storage function. To satisfy the γ-performance, with respect to the quadratic supply rate, the storage function is developed by using a back-stepping based Lyapunov method and a step-by-step improvement of performance bounds. A dissipative feedback control law is formulated by successive approximation based on the step-by-step reduction of the value of γ. The results of the adaptive vehicle control simulations and test-bed experiments are provided and verified by the respective comparison of energy consumption on different values of γ and speed adaption under different road geometries.In part by the National Key Research and Development Program (2016YFB0100903), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61503284, 51505475 and 51408417) and Yingcai Project of CUMT (YC170001).https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5117645hj2018Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineerin