452 research outputs found

    Development of Grid e-Infrastructure in South-Eastern Europe

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    Over the period of 6 years and three phases, the SEE-GRID programme has established a strong regional human network in the area of distributed scientific computing and has set up a powerful regional Grid infrastructure. It attracted a number of user communities and applications from diverse fields from countries throughout the South-Eastern Europe. From the infrastructure point view, the first project phase has established a pilot Grid infrastructure with more than 20 resource centers in 11 countries. During the subsequent two phases of the project, the infrastructure has grown to currently 55 resource centers with more than 6600 CPUs and 750 TBs of disk storage, distributed in 16 participating countries. Inclusion of new resource centers to the existing infrastructure, as well as a support to new user communities, has demanded setup of regionally distributed core services, development of new monitoring and operational tools, and close collaboration of all partner institution in managing such a complex infrastructure. In this paper we give an overview of the development and current status of SEE-GRID regional infrastructure and describe its transition to the NGI-based Grid model in EGI, with the strong SEE regional collaboration.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 4 table

    Vertical Federated Learning: A Structured Literature Review

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    Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising distributed learning paradigm with an added advantage of data privacy. With the growing interest in having collaboration among data owners, FL has gained significant attention of organizations. The idea of FL is to enable collaborating participants train machine learning (ML) models on decentralized data without breaching privacy. In simpler words, federated learning is the approach of ``bringing the model to the data, instead of bringing the data to the mode''. Federated learning, when applied to data which is partitioned vertically across participants, is able to build a complete ML model by combining local models trained only using the data with distinct features at the local sites. This architecture of FL is referred to as vertical federated learning (VFL), which differs from the conventional FL on horizontally partitioned data. As VFL is different from conventional FL, it comes with its own issues and challenges. In this paper, we present a structured literature review discussing the state-of-the-art approaches in VFL. Additionally, the literature review highlights the existing solutions to challenges in VFL and provides potential research directions in this domain

    Disaster recovery in cloud computing systems: an overview

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    With the rapid growth of internet technologies, large-scale online services, such as data backup and data recovery are increasingly available. Since these large-scale online services require substantial networking, processing, and storage capacities, it has become a considerable challenge to design equally large-scale computing infrastructures that support these services cost-effectively. In response to this rising demand, cloud computing has been refined during the past decade and turned into a lucrative business for organizations that own large datacenters and offer their computing resources. Undoubtedly cloud computing provides tremendous benefits for data storage backup and data accessibility at a reasonable cost. This paper aims at surveying and analyzing the previous works proposed for disaster recovery in cloud computing. The discussion concentrates on investigating the positive aspects and the limitations of each proposal. Also examined are discussed the current challenges in handling data recovery in the cloud context and the impact of data backup plan on maintaining the data in the event of natural disasters. A summary of the leading research work is provided outlining their weaknesses and limitations in the area of disaster recovery in the cloud computing environment. An in-depth discussion of the current and future trends research in the area of disaster recovery in cloud computing is also offered. Several work research directions that ought to be explored are pointed out as well, which may help researchers to discover and further investigate those problems related to disaster recovery in the cloud environment that have remained unresolved

    Proceedings of the 2004 ONR Decision-Support Workshop Series: Interoperability

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    In August of 1998 the Collaborative Agent Design Research Center (CADRC) of the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly), approached Dr. Phillip Abraham of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) with the proposal for an annual workshop focusing on emerging concepts in decision-support systems for military applications. The proposal was considered timely by the ONR Logistics Program Office for at least two reasons. First, rapid advances in information systems technology over the past decade had produced distributed collaborative computer-assistance capabilities with profound potential for providing meaningful support to military decision makers. Indeed, some systems based on these new capabilities such as the Integrated Marine Multi-Agent Command and Control System (IMMACCS) and the Integrated Computerized Deployment System (ICODES) had already reached the field-testing and final product stages, respectively. Second, over the past two decades the US Navy and Marine Corps had been increasingly challenged by missions demanding the rapid deployment of forces into hostile or devastate dterritories with minimum or non-existent indigenous support capabilities. Under these conditions Marine Corps forces had to rely mostly, if not entirely, on sea-based support and sustainment operations. Particularly today, operational strategies such as Operational Maneuver From The Sea (OMFTS) and Sea To Objective Maneuver (STOM) are very much in need of intelligent, near real-time and adaptive decision-support tools to assist military commanders and their staff under conditions of rapid change and overwhelming data loads. In the light of these developments the Logistics Program Office of ONR considered it timely to provide an annual forum for the interchange of ideas, needs and concepts that would address the decision-support requirements and opportunities in combined Navy and Marine Corps sea-based warfare and humanitarian relief operations. The first ONR Workshop was held April 20-22, 1999 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in San Luis Obispo, California. It focused on advances in technology with particular emphasis on an emerging family of powerful computer-based tools, and concluded that the most able members of this family of tools appear to be computer-based agents that are capable of communicating within a virtual environment of the real world. From 2001 onward the venue of the Workshop moved from the West Coast to Washington, and in 2003 the sponsorship was taken over by ONR’s Littoral Combat/Power Projection (FNC) Program Office (Program Manager: Mr. Barry Blumenthal). Themes and keynote speakers of past Workshops have included: 1999: ‘Collaborative Decision Making Tools’ Vadm Jerry Tuttle (USN Ret.); LtGen Paul Van Riper (USMC Ret.);Radm Leland Kollmorgen (USN Ret.); and, Dr. Gary Klein (KleinAssociates) 2000: ‘The Human-Computer Partnership in Decision-Support’ Dr. Ronald DeMarco (Associate Technical Director, ONR); Radm CharlesMunns; Col Robert Schmidle; and, Col Ray Cole (USMC Ret.) 2001: ‘Continuing the Revolution in Military Affairs’ Mr. Andrew Marshall (Director, Office of Net Assessment, OSD); and,Radm Jay M. Cohen (Chief of Naval Research, ONR) 2002: ‘Transformation ... ’ Vadm Jerry Tuttle (USN Ret.); and, Steve Cooper (CIO, Office ofHomeland Security) 2003: ‘Developing the New Infostructure’ Richard P. Lee (Assistant Deputy Under Secretary, OSD); and, MichaelO’Neil (Boeing) 2004: ‘Interoperability’ MajGen Bradley M. Lott (USMC), Deputy Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command; Donald Diggs, Director, C2 Policy, OASD (NII

    External kanban systems in automotive assembly

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; in conjunction with the Leaders for Manufacturing Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000.Also available online at the MIT Theses Online homepage .Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-105).For the past two decades, rising customer expectations and increased global competition have forced automotive manufacturers around the world to significantly improve the efficiency of their production operations. One critical area of improvement has been in external logistics, logistics involving shipment of materials from external suppliers to final assembly plants. This thesis focuses on potential cost savings and procedural improvements from the implementation of kanban systems for external logistics. These are called external kanban systems. This analysis covers many facets of external kanban systems, including their benefits over traditional external logistics systems, their impact on transportation methods, their effect on inventories, and their and their anticipated effect on organizational learning in the final assembly plant. This project was pursued to reduce the cost and improve the reliability of external logistics at Ford Motor Company's Saarlouis Assembly Plant (Ford-Saarlouis). At Ford-Saarlouis, the implementation of these external kanban systems served as a critical portion of the replenishment process, as a training tool to familiarize plant employees with kanban systems, and as a template for future external logistics improvements.by Roger (Chip) Zaenglein, Jr.S.M

    Service Oriented Mobile Computing

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    La diffusione di concetti quali Pervasive e Mobile Computing introduce nell'ambito dei sistemi distribuiti due aspetti fondamentali: la mobilità dell'utente e l'interazione con l'ambiente circostante, favorite anche dal crescente utilizzo di dispositivi mobili dotati di connettività wireless come prodotti di consumo. Per estendere le funzionalità introdotte nell'ambito dei sistemi distribuiti dalle Architetture Orientate ai Servizi (SOA) e dal paradigma peer-to-peer anche a dispositivi dalle risorse limitate (in termini di capacità computazionale, memoria e batteria), è necessario disporre di un middleware leggero e progettato tenendo in considerazione tali caratteristiche. In questa tesi viene presentato NAM (Networked Autonomic Machine), un formalismo che descrive in modo esaustivo un sistema di questo tipo; si tratta di un modello teorico per la definizione di entità hardware e software in grado di condividere le proprie risorse in modo completamente altruistico. In particolare, il lavoro si concentra sulla definizione e gestione di un determinato tipo di risorse, i servizi, che possono essere offerti ed utilizzati da dispositivi mobili, mediante meccanismi di composizione e migrazione. NSAM (Networked Service-oriented Autonomic Machine) è una specializzazione di NAM per la condivisione di servizi in una rete peer-to-peer, ed è basato su tre concetti fondamentali: schemi di overlay, composizione dinamica di servizi e auto-configurazione dei peer. Nella tesi vengono presentate anche diverse attività applicative, che fanno riferimento all'utilizzo di due middleware sviluppati dal gruppo di Sistemi Distribuiti (DSG) dell'Università di Parma: SP2A (Service Oriented Peer-to-peer Architecture), framework per lo sviluppo di applicazioni distribuite attraverso la condivisione di risorse in una rete peer-to-peer, e Jxta-Soap che consente la condivisione di Web Services in una rete peer-to-peer JXTA. Le applicazioni realizzate spaziano dall'ambito della logistica, alla creazione di comunità per l'e-learning, all'Ambient Intelligence alla gestione delle emergenze, ed hanno come denominatore comune la creazione di reti eterogenee e la condivisione di risorse anche tra dispositivi mobili. Viene inoltre messo in evidenza come tali applicazioni possano essere ottimizzate mediante l'introduzione del framework NAM descritto, per consentire la condivisione di diversi tipi di risorse in modo efficiente e proattivo

    A Mixed Methods Study of How Elementary Teachers Cope Mentally, Physically, and Spiritually While Teaching in a Pandemic

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    The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine coping strategies for teachers in elementary schools who taught during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers experienced mental, physical, and spiritual challenges throughout the pandemic, and this study shared how teachers coped. Through this study, 48 teachers serving in three different elementary schools in North Carolina completed ten 4-point Likert scale response items. The survey tool\u27s validity was established using the Lawshe content validation index. Interviews were conducted, in addition to a focus group session. Resilience theory, a framework for improving a teacher\u27s ability to adapt successfully when under stress or adversity, was one of the theoretical frameworks used to investigate this topic. The second theoretical framework chosen was social-emotional learning theory. This framework provides how teachers can improve their own well-being and the social, emotional, and academic development of their students. From this research, a collection of coping strategies, trainings, support, and future planning for the benefit of teachers was established

    A virtual-community-centric model for coordination in the South African public sector

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    Organizations face challenges constantly owing to limited resources. As such, to take advantage of new opportunities and to mitigate possible risks they look for new ways to collaborate, by sharing knowledge and competencies. Coordination among partners is critical in order to achieve success. The segmented South African public sector is no different. Driven by the desire to ensure proper service delivery in this sector, various government bodies and service providers play different roles towards the attainment of common goals. This is easier said than done, given the complexity of the distributed nature of the environment. Heterogeneity, autonomy, and the increasing need to collaborate provoke the need to develop an integrative and dynamic coordination support service system in the SA public sector. Thus, the research looks to theories/concepts and existing coordination practices to ground the process of development. To inform the design of the proposed artefact the research employs an interdisciplinary approach championed by coordination theory to review coordination-related theories and concepts. The effort accounts for coordination constructs that characterize and transform the problem and solution spaces. Thus, requirements are explicit towards identifying coordination breakdowns and their resolution. Furthermore, how coordination in a distributed environment is supported in practice is considered from a socio-technical perspective in an effort to account holistically for coordination support. Examining existing solutions identified shortcomings that, if addressed, can help to improve the solutions for coordination, which are often rigidly and narrowly defined. The research argues that introducing a mediating technological artefact conceived from a virtual community and service lenses can serve as a solution to the problem. By adopting a design-science research paradigm, the research develops a model as a primary artefact to support coordination from a collaboration standpoint. The suggestions from theory and practice and the unique case requirement identified through a novel case analysis framework form the basis of the model design. The proposed model support operation calls for an architecture which employs a design pattern that divides a complex whole into smaller, simpler parts, with the aim of reducing the system complexity. Four fundamental functions of the supporting architecture are introduced and discussed as they would support the operation and activities of the proposed collaboration lifecycle model geared towards streamlining coordination in a distributed environment. As part of the model development knowledge contributions are made in several ways. Firstly, an analytical instrument is presented that can be used by an enterprise architect or business analyst to study the coordination status quo of a collaborative activity in a distributed environment. Secondly, a lifecycle model is presented as meta-process model with activities that are geared towards streamlining the coordination of dynamic collaborative activities or projects. Thirdly, an architecture that will enable the technical virtual community-centric, context-aware environment that hosts the process-based operations is offered. Finally, the validation tool that represents the applied contribution to the research that promises possible adaptation for similar circumstances is presented. The artefacts contribute towards a design theory in IS research for the development and improvement of coordination support services in a distributed environment such as the South African public sector

    A Quantitative Assessment and Comparison of Conceptual Learning in Online and Classroom-Instructed Anatomy and Physiology

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    Online and virtual technologies have allowed higher education institutions to expand educational opportunities to a broader range of students. The number of students enrolling in online courses is rapidly accelerating, and therefore performance-based evidence of the effectiveness and equivalence of such courses to enhance student learning is necessary, especially in lab-based science courses – where research is currently lacking. This study compared conceptual learning of online and on-campus students in a two-semester anatomy and physiology course sequence. Two terms of students (N=397) completed standardized pre-test and post-test assessments designed to assess content knowledge and conceptual learning based on change scores before and after the intervention. Descriptive statistics were calculated to provide information on the background and equivalency of the groups with respect to certain learner variables, and a multiple regression model was used to assess the influence of learner variables on the knowledge-based assessment outcomes. The analysis showed that GPA significantly predicted performance on the learning assessment for the online treatment group, and GPA and the number of employment hours significantly predicted performance on the learning assessment for the on-campus control group. An Analysis of Covariance was used to examine the effect of course modality on learning. Both online and on-campus participants significantly improved their performance on the post-test, and there were no significant differences in learning gains between the groups. The results of this study suggest, and support previous research regarding online learning, that both online and on-campus instructional modalities can achieve the same conceptual learning goals in anatomy and physiology. The results of this study can be used to inform the ways in which learning in online anatomy and physiology courses parallels that of its physical on-campus counterpart, and prompt further research in this area. One of the most salient consequences of the present findings is the potential implications for higher education institutions regarding research, support, and transfer of online courses in the natural sciences, and further exploration of the potentials of such courses to attract and retain students