4,456 research outputs found

    Intelligent fault management for the Space Station active thermal control system

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    The Thermal Advanced Automation Project (TAAP) approach and architecture is described for automating the Space Station Freedom (SSF) Active Thermal Control System (ATCS). The baseline functionally and advanced automation techniques for Fault Detection, Isolation, and Recovery (FDIR) will be compared and contrasted. Advanced automation techniques such as rule-based systems and model-based reasoning should be utilized to efficiently control, monitor, and diagnose this extremely complex physical system. TAAP is developing advanced FDIR software for use on the SSF thermal control system. The goal of TAAP is to join Knowledge-Based System (KBS) technology, using a combination of rules and model-based reasoning, with conventional monitoring and control software in order to maximize autonomy of the ATCS. TAAP's predecessor was NASA's Thermal Expert System (TEXSYS) project which was the first large real-time expert system to use both extensive rules and model-based reasoning to control and perform FDIR on a large, complex physical system. TEXSYS showed that a method is needed for safely and inexpensively testing all possible faults of the ATCS, particularly those potentially damaging to the hardware, in order to develop a fully capable FDIR system. TAAP therefore includes the development of a high-fidelity simulation of the thermal control system. The simulation provides realistic, dynamic ATCS behavior and fault insertion capability for software testing without hardware related risks or expense. In addition, thermal engineers will gain greater confidence in the KBS FDIR software than was possible prior to this kind of simulation testing. The TAAP KBS will initially be a ground-based extension of the baseline ATCS monitoring and control software and could be migrated on-board as additional computation resources are made available

    COST Action IC 1402 ArVI: Runtime Verification Beyond Monitoring -- Activity Report of Working Group 1

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    This report presents the activities of the first working group of the COST Action ArVI, Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring. The report aims to provide an overview of some of the major core aspects involved in Runtime Verification. Runtime Verification is the field of research dedicated to the analysis of system executions. It is often seen as a discipline that studies how a system run satisfies or violates correctness properties. The report exposes a taxonomy of Runtime Verification (RV) presenting the terminology involved with the main concepts of the field. The report also develops the concept of instrumentation, the various ways to instrument systems, and the fundamental role of instrumentation in designing an RV framework. We also discuss how RV interplays with other verification techniques such as model-checking, deductive verification, model learning, testing, and runtime assertion checking. Finally, we propose challenges in monitoring quantitative and statistical data beyond detecting property violation

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the US economy

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    The progress made by levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Office of Space Station in developing and applying advanced automation and robotics technology is described. Emphasis is placed upon the Space Station Freedom Program responses to specific recommendations made in the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) progress report 10, the flight telerobotic servicer, and the Advanced Development Program. Assessments are presented for these and other areas as they apply to the advancement of automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom

    Implementing a real time reasoning system for robust diagnosis

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    The objective of the Thermal Control System Automation Project (TCSAP) is to develop an advanced fault detection, isolation, and recovery (FDIR) capability for use on the Space Station Freedom (SSF) External Active Thermal Control System (EATCS). Real-time monitoring, control, and diagnosis of the EATCS will be performed with a knowledge based system (KBS). Implementation issues for the current version of the KBS are discussed

    Evaluation of laser range-finder mapping for agricultural spraying vehicles

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    In this paper, we present a new application of laser range-finder sensing to agricultural spraying vehicles. The current generation of spraying vehicles use automatic controllers to maintain the height of the sprayer booms above the crop. However, these control systems are typically based on ultrasonic sensors mounted on the booms, which limits the accuracy of the measurements and the response of the controller to changes in the terrain, resulting in a sub-optimal spraying process. To overcome these limitations, we propose to use a laser scanner, attached to the front of the sprayer's cabin, to scan the ground surface in front of the vehicle and to build a scrolling 3d map of the terrain. We evaluate the proposed solution in a series of field tests, demonstrating that the approach provides a more detailed and accurate representation of the environment than the current sonar-based solution, and which can lead to the development of more efficient boom control systems

    A robotics platform for automated batch fabrication of high density, microfluidics-based DNA microarrays, with applications to single cell, multiplex assays of secreted proteins

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    Microfluidics flow-patterning has been utilized for the construction of chip-scale miniaturized DNA and protein barcode arrays. Such arrays have been used for specific clinical and fundamental investigations in which many proteins are assayed from single cells or other small sample sizes. However, flow-patterned arrays are hand-prepared, and so are impractical for broad applications. We describe an integrated robotics/microfluidics platform for the automated preparation of such arrays, and we apply it to the batch fabrication of up to eighteen chips of flow-patterned DNA barcodes. The resulting substrates are comparable in quality with hand-made arrays and exhibit excellent substrate-to-substrate consistency. We demonstrate the utility and reproducibility of robotics-patterned barcodes by utilizing two flow-patterned chips for highly parallel assays of a panel of secreted proteins from single macrophage cells

    On-stack replacement, distilled

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    On-stack replacement (OSR) is essential technology for adaptive optimization, allowing changes to code actively executing in a managed runtime. The engineering aspects of OSR are well-known among VM architects, with several implementations available to date. However, OSR is yet to be explored as a general means to transfer execution between related program versions, which can pave the road to unprecedented applications that stretch beyond VMs. We aim at filling this gap with a constructive and provably correct OSR framework, allowing a class of general-purpose transformation functions to yield a special-purpose replacement. We describe and evaluate an implementation of our technique in LLVM. As a novel application of OSR, we present a feasibility study on debugging of optimized code, showing how our techniques can be used to fix variables holding incorrect values at breakpoints due to optimizations

    Towards an online mitigation strategy for N2O emissions through principal components analysis and clustering techniques

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    Emission of N2O represents an increasing concern in wastewater treatment, in particular for its large contribution to the plant's carbon footprint (CFP). In view of the potential introduction of more stringent regulations regarding wastewater treatment plants' CFP, there is a growing need for advanced monitoring with online implementation of mitigation strategies for N2O emissions. Mechanistic kinetic modelling in full-scale applications, are often represented by a very detailed representation of the biological mechanisms resulting in an elevated uncertainty on the many parameters used while limited by a poor representation of hydrodynamics. This is particularly true for current N2O kinetic models. In this paper, a possible full-scale implementation of a data mining approach linking plant-specific dynamics to N2O production is proposed. A data mining approach was tested on full-scale data along with different clustering techniques to identify process criticalities. The algorithm was designed to provide an applicable solution for full-scale plants' control logics aimed at online N2O emission mitigation. Results show the ability of the algorithm to isolate specific N2O emission pathways, and highlight possible solutions towards emission control
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