1,301 research outputs found

    Topics in Machining with Industrial Robot Manipulators and Optimal Motion Control

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    Two main topics are considered in this thesis: Machining with industrial robot manipulators and optimal motion control of robots and vehicles. The motivation for research on the first subject is the need for flexible and accurate production processes employing industrial robots as their main component. The challenge to overcome here is to achieve high-accuracy machining solutions, in spite of the strong process forces required for the task. Because of the process forces, the nonlinear dynamics of the manipulator, such as the joint compliance and backlash, may significantly degrade the achieved machining accuracy of the manufactured part. In this thesis, a macro/micro-manipulator configuration is considered to the purpose of increasing the milling accuracy. In particular, a model-based control architecture is developed for control of the macro/micro-manipulator setup. The considered approach is validated by experimental results from extensive milling experiments in aluminium and steel. Related to the problem of high-accuracy milling is the topic of robot modeling. To this purpose, two different approaches are considered; modeling of the quasi-static joint dynamics and dynamic compliance modeling. The first problem is approached by an identification method for determining the joint stiffness and backlash. The second problem is approached by using gray-box identification based on subspace-identification methods. Both identification algorithms are evaluated experimentally. Finally, online state estimation is considered as a means to determine the workspace position and orientation of the robot tool. Kalman Filters and Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filters are employed to the purpose of sensor fusion of internal robot measurements and measurements from an inertial measurement unit for estimation of the desired states. The approaches considered are fully implemented and evaluated on experimental data. The second part of the thesis discusses optimal motion control applied to robot manipulators and road vehicles. A control architecture for online control of a robot manipulator in high-performance path tracking is developed, and the architecture is evaluated in extensive simulations. The main characteristic of the control strategy is that it combines coordinated feedback control along both the tangential and transversal directions of the path; this separation is achieved in the framework of natural coordinates. One motivation for research on optimal control of road vehicles in time-critical maneuvers is the desire to develop improved vehicle-safety systems. In this thesis, a method for solving optimal maneuvering problems using nonlinear optimization is discussed. More specifically, vehicle and tire modeling and the optimization formulations required to get useful solutions to these problems are investigated. The considered method is evaluated on different combinations of chassis and tire models, in maneuvers under different road conditions, and for investigation of optimal maneuvers in systems for electronic stability control. The obtained optimization results in simulations are evaluated and compared

    Actuators for Intelligent Electric Vehicles

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    This book details the advanced actuators for IEVs and the control algorithm design. In the actuator design, the configuration four-wheel independent drive/steering electric vehicles is reviewed. An in-wheel two-speed AMT with selectable one-way clutch is designed for IEV. Considering uncertainties, the optimization design for the planetary gear train of IEV is conducted. An electric power steering system is designed for IEV. In addition, advanced control algorithms are proposed in favour of active safety improvement. A supervision mechanism is applied to the segment drift control of autonomous driving. Double super-resolution network is used to design the intelligent driving algorithm. Torque distribution control technology and four-wheel steering technology are utilized for path tracking and adaptive cruise control. To advance the control accuracy, advanced estimation algorithms are studied in this book. The tyre-road peak friction coefficient under full slip rate range is identified based on the normalized tyre model. The pressure of the electro-hydraulic brake system is estimated based on signal fusion. Besides, a multi-semantic driver behaviour recognition model of autonomous vehicles is designed using confidence fusion mechanism. Moreover, a mono-vision based lateral localization system of low-cost autonomous vehicles is proposed with deep learning curb detection. To sum up, the discussed advanced actuators, control and estimation algorithms are beneficial to the active safety improvement of IEVs

    Design and validation of decision and control systems in automated driving

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    xxvi, 148 p.En la última década ha surgido una tendencia creciente hacia la automatización de los vehículos, generando un cambio significativo en la movilidad, que afectará profundamente el modo de vida de las personas, la logística de mercancías y otros sectores dependientes del transporte. En el desarrollo de la conducción automatizada en entornos estructurados, la seguridad y el confort, como parte de las nuevas funcionalidades de la conducción, aún no se describen de forma estandarizada. Dado que los métodos de prueba utilizan cada vez más las técnicas de simulación, los desarrollos existentes deben adaptarse a este proceso. Por ejemplo, dado que las tecnologías de seguimiento de trayectorias son habilitadores esenciales, se deben aplicar verificaciones exhaustivas en aplicaciones relacionadas como el control de movimiento del vehículo y la estimación de parámetros. Además, las tecnologías en el vehículo deben ser lo suficientemente robustas para cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad, mejorando la redundancia y respaldar una operación a prueba de fallos. Considerando las premisas mencionadas, esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo el diseño y la implementación de un marco para lograr Sistemas de Conducción Automatizados (ADS) considerando aspectos cruciales, como la ejecución en tiempo real, la robustez, el rango operativo y el ajuste sencillo de parámetros. Para desarrollar las aportaciones relacionadas con este trabajo, se lleva a cabo un estudio del estado del arte actual en tecnologías de alta automatización de conducción. Luego, se propone un método de dos pasos que aborda la validación de ambos modelos de vehículos de simulación y ADS. Se introducen nuevas formulaciones predictivas basadas en modelos para mejorar la seguridad y el confort en el proceso de seguimiento de trayectorias. Por último, se evalúan escenarios de mal funcionamiento para mejorar la seguridad en entornos urbanos, proponiendo una estrategia alternativa de estimación de posicionamiento para minimizar las condiciones de riesgo

    Design and validation of decision and control systems in automated driving

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    xxvi, 148 p.En la última década ha surgido una tendencia creciente hacia la automatización de los vehículos, generando un cambio significativo en la movilidad, que afectará profundamente el modo de vida de las personas, la logística de mercancías y otros sectores dependientes del transporte. En el desarrollo de la conducción automatizada en entornos estructurados, la seguridad y el confort, como parte de las nuevas funcionalidades de la conducción, aún no se describen de forma estandarizada. Dado que los métodos de prueba utilizan cada vez más las técnicas de simulación, los desarrollos existentes deben adaptarse a este proceso. Por ejemplo, dado que las tecnologías de seguimiento de trayectorias son habilitadores esenciales, se deben aplicar verificaciones exhaustivas en aplicaciones relacionadas como el control de movimiento del vehículo y la estimación de parámetros. Además, las tecnologías en el vehículo deben ser lo suficientemente robustas para cumplir con los requisitos de seguridad, mejorando la redundancia y respaldar una operación a prueba de fallos. Considerando las premisas mencionadas, esta Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo el diseño y la implementación de un marco para lograr Sistemas de Conducción Automatizados (ADS) considerando aspectos cruciales, como la ejecución en tiempo real, la robustez, el rango operativo y el ajuste sencillo de parámetros. Para desarrollar las aportaciones relacionadas con este trabajo, se lleva a cabo un estudio del estado del arte actual en tecnologías de alta automatización de conducción. Luego, se propone un método de dos pasos que aborda la validación de ambos modelos de vehículos de simulación y ADS. Se introducen nuevas formulaciones predictivas basadas en modelos para mejorar la seguridad y el confort en el proceso de seguimiento de trayectorias. Por último, se evalúan escenarios de mal funcionamiento para mejorar la seguridad en entornos urbanos, proponiendo una estrategia alternativa de estimación de posicionamiento para minimizar las condiciones de riesgo

    Parameter tuning and cooperative control for automated guided vehicles

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    For several practical control engineering applications it is desirable that multiple systems can operate independently as well as in cooperation with each other. Especially when the transition between individual and cooperative behavior and vice versa can be carried out easily, this results in ??exible and scalable systems. A subclass is formed by systems that are physically separated during individual operation, and very tightly coupled during cooperative operation. One particular application of multiple systems that can operate independently as well as in concert with each other is the cooperative transportation of a large object by multiple Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). AGVs are used in industry to transport all kinds of goods, ranging from small trays of compact and video discs to pallets and 40-tonne coils of steel. Current applications typically comprise a ??eet of AGVs, and the vehicles transport products on an individual basis. Recently there has been an increasing demand to transport very large objects such as sewer pipes, rotor blades of wind turbines and pieces of scenery for theaters, which may reach lengths of over thirty meters. A realistic option is to let several AGVs operate together to handle these types of loads. This Ph.D. thesis describes the development, implementation, and testing of distributed control algorithms for transporting a load by two or more Automated Guided Vehicles in industrial environments. We focused on the situations where the load is connected to the AGVs by means of (semi-)rigid interconnections. Attention was restricted to control on the velocity level, which we regard as an intermediate step for achieving fully automatic operation. In our setup the motion setpoint is provided by an external host. The load is assumed to be already present on the vehicles. Docking and grasping procedures are not considered. The project is a collaboration between the company FROG Navigation Systems (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and the Control Systems group of the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. FROG provided testing facilities including two omni-directional AGVs. Industrial AGVs are custom made for the transportation tasks at hand and come in a variety of forms. To reduce development times it is desirable to follow a model-based control design approach as this allows generalization to a broad class of vehicles. We have adopted rigid body modeling techniques from the ??eld of robotic manipulators to derive the equations of motion for the AGVs and load in a systematic way. These models are based on physical considerations such as Newton's second law and the positions and dimensions of the wheels, sensors, and actuators. Special emphasis is put on the modeling of the wheel-??oor interaction, for which we have adopted tire models that stem from the ??eld of vehicle dynamics. The resulting models have a clear physical interpretation and capture a large class of vehicles with arbitrary wheel con??gurations. This ensures us that the controllers, which are based on these models, are applicable to a broad class of vehicles. An important prerequisite for achieving smooth cooperative behavior is that the individual AGVs operate at the required accuracy. The performance of an individual AGV is directly related to the precision of the estimates for the odometric parameters, i.e. the effective wheel diameters and the offsets of the encoders that measure the steering angles of the wheels. Cooperative transportation applications will typically require AGVs that are highly maneuverable, which means that all the wheels of an individual AGV ahould be able to steer. Since there will be more than one steering angle encoder, the identi??cation of the odometric parameters is substantially more dif??cult for these omni-directional AGVs than for the mobile wheeled robots that are commonly seen in literature and laboratory settings. In this thesis we present a novel procedure for simultaneously estimating effective wheel diameters and steering angle encoder offsets by driving several pure circle segments. The validity of the tuning procedure is con??rmed by experiments with the two omni-directional test vehicles with varying loads. An interesting result is that the effective wheel diameters of the rubber wheels of our AGVs increase with increasing load. A crucial aspect in all control designs is the reconstruction of the to-be-controlled variables from measurement data. Our to-be-controlled variables are the planar motion of the load and the motions of the AGVs with respect to the load, which have to be reconstruct from the odometric sensor information. The odometric sensor information consists of the drive encoder and steering encoder readings. We analyzed the observability of an individual AGV and proved that it is theoretically possible to reconstruct its complete motion from the odometric measurements. Due to practical considerations, we pursued a more pragmatic least-squares based observer design. We show that the least-squares based motion estimate is independent of the coordinate system that is being used. The motion estimator was subsequently analyzed in a stochastic setting. The relation between the motion estimator and the estimated velocity of an arbitrary point on the vehicle was explored. We derived how the covariance of the velocity estimate of an arbitrary point on the vehicle is related to the covariance of the motion estimate. We proved that there is one unique point on the vehicle for which the covariance of the estimated velocity is minimal. Next, we investigated how the local motion estimates of the individual AGVs can be combined to yield one global estimate. When the load and AGVs are rigidly interconnected, it suf??ces that each AGVs broadcasts its local motion estimate and receives the estimates of the other AGVs. When the load is semi-rigidly interconnected to the AGVs, e.g. by means of revolute or prismatic joints, then generally each AGV needs to broadcasts the corresponding information matrix as well. We showed that the information matrix remains constant when the load is connected to the AGV with a revolute joint that is mounted at the aforementioned unique point with the smallest velocity estimate covariance. This means that the corresponding AGV does not have to broadcast its information matrix for this special situation. The key issue in the control design for cooperative transportation tasks is that the various AGVs must not counteract each others' actions. The decentralized controller that we derived makes the AGVs track an externally provided planar motion setpoint while minimizing the interconnection forces between the load and the vehicles. Although the control design is applicable to cooperative transportation by multiple AGVs with arbitrary semi-rigid AGV-load interconnections, it is noteworthy that a particularly elegant solution arises when all interconnections are completely rigid. Then the derived local controllers have the same structure as the controllers that are normally used for individual operation. As a result, changing a few parameter settings and providing the AGVs with identical setpoints is all that is required to achieve cooperative behavior on the velocity level for this situation. The observer and controller designs for the case that the AGVs are completely rigidly interconnected to the load were successfully implemented on the two test vehicles. Experi ments were carried out with and without a load that consisted of a pallet with 300 kg pave stones. The results were reproducible and illustrated the practical validity of the observer and controller designs. There were no substantial drawbacks when the local observers used only their local sensor information, which means that our setup can also operate satisfactory when the velocity estimates are not shared with the other vehicles

    Modeling, identification and analysis of tractor and single axle towed implement system

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    Increased and sustained agricultural productivity is a key to meet the globally increasing demands for food and energy. Automation of agricultural machinery is one of the ways to improve the efficiency and productivity of various field operations. Because a field implement performs most of these operations, accurate implement guidance is needed to reduce production cost, increase yield, and improve sustainability. Model-based guidance controller design and virtual prototyping techniques can be used in automatic guidance controller development to improve the accuracy and robustness of the guidance controller while reducing the development time and cost. Hence, development and analysis of accurate tractor and implement system models are needed to support automatic tractor and implement guidance controller development. Real-time vehicle model simulation capability allows engineers and users to intuitively interact with the realistic virtual prototypes and to evaluate the performance of physical hardware. As the model complexity is increased to improve the model accuracy and/or fidelity, the computational need will also increases thus increasing the challenge to meet real-time constraints. In this regard, it is important to minimize the computational load to a Virtual Reality (VR)-based real-time dynamics model simulation system. In this dissertation, various strategies were investigated to reduce the computational burden on the dynamics model simulation so that real-time simulation could be achieved for increasingly complex models. A distributed architecture was developed for a virtual reality-based off-road vehicle real-time simulator to distribute the overall computational load of the system across multiple machines. Multi-rate model simulation was also used to simulate various system dynamics with different integration time steps so that the computational power can be distributed more intelligently. It is also important to study the trade-off between the model accuracy/fidelity and model complexity. Three different tractor-and-single-axle-towed-implement system models with varying degrees of fidelity, namely a kinematic model, a dynamic model, and a dynamic model with tire relaxation length, were developed, and the simulated transient and steady state responses were compared at various forward velocities and input frequencies. Both open and closed loop system characteristics were studied. Field experiments were also carried out to characterize the input-output relationship of the tractor-implement steering system. The responses from all three models were similar at lower forward velocities and with low frequency steering inputs (\u3c 0.2 Hz). However, when the system was operated at higher forward velocities or with higher frequency steering inputs, the responses from the three models varied substantially. In this case, the dynamic model with tire relaxation length best represented the experimental system responses. The system model contained various uncertain or varying parameters. It was important to understand and quantify the effect of parameter variation on system responses. Sensitivity analysis was used to identify the effect of variation in tire cornering stiffness, tire relaxation length, and implement inertial parameters on simulated system responses. Overall, the system was most sensitive to the tire cornering stiffness and least sensitive to the implement inertial parameters. In general, the uncertainty in the input parameters and the output variables were related in a non-linear fashion. At 4.5 m/s forward velocity, a 10% uncertainty in cornering stiffness caused a 2% average output uncertainty whereas a 50% uncertainty in cornering stiffness caused a 20% output uncertainty. Finally, a parameter identification method was used to estimate the uncertain model parameters from measured field data. The accuracy of the model responses improved substantially when the model was simulated with the estimated parameters. It was concluded that a dynamic model with tire relaxation length will represent a tractor and single axle towed implement system with reasonable accuracy. The study also helped improve the understanding of the relative importance of various model parameters, which will help to more judiciously allocate resources for estimating system parameters. Moreover, the analysis indicated that various vehicle parameters can be estimated with reasonable accuracy using a dynamic model, experimental data, and a parameter estimation method. The work will provide a framework for off-road vehicle and implement simulation through which engineers and scientists can determine to which parameters the system is most sensitive and how a model would perform with estimated model parameters