21 research outputs found

    Temporal expression normalisation in natural language texts

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    Automatic annotation of temporal expressions is a research challenge of great interest in the field of information extraction. In this report, I describe a novel rule-based architecture, built on top of a pre-existing system, which is able to normalise temporal expressions detected in English texts. Gold standard temporally-annotated resources are limited in size and this makes research difficult. The proposed system outperforms the state-of-the-art systems with respect to TempEval-2 Shared Task (value attribute) and achieves substantially better results with respect to the pre-existing system on top of which it has been developed. I will also introduce a new free corpus consisting of 2822 unique annotated temporal expressions. Both the corpus and the system are freely available on-line.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, 5 table

    Automatic recognition and normalization of temporal expressions in Serbian unstructured newspaper and medical texts

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    Ljudi u svakodnevnom životu koriste vreme kao univerzalni referentni sistem, u okviru koga se doga¯daji ili stanja nižu jedan za drugim, utvr¯duje dužina njihovog trajanja i navodi kada se neki doga¯daj desio. Znaˇcenje vremena i naˇcin na koji ˇcovek poima vreme ogledaju se i u komunikaciji, pre svega, u jeziˇckim izrazima koji se uˇcestalo koriste u svakodnevnom govoru. Vremenski izrazi, kao fraze prirodnog jezika koje na direktan naˇcin ukazuju na vreme, pružaju informaciju o tome kada se nešto dogodilo, koliko dugo je trajalo ili koliko ˇcesto se dešava. Uporedo s razvojem informatiˇckog društva, pove´cava se i koliˇcina slobodno dostupnih digitalnih informacija, što daje ve´ce mogu´cnosti pronalaženja potrebnih informacija, ali i utiˇce na složenost ovog procesa, iziskuju´ci koriš´cenje naprednih raˇcunarskih alata i mo´cnijih metoda automatske obrade tekstova prirodnih jezika. S obzirom na to da se znaˇcenje ve´cine elektronskih informacija menja u zavisnosti od vremena iskazanog u njima, radi uspešnog razumevanja tekstova pisanih prirodnim jezikom, neophodno je koriš´cenje alata koji su sposobni da automatski oznaˇce i informacije koje referišu na vreme i omogu´ce uspostavljanje hronološkog sleda opisanih doga¯daja. Stoga je potrebno razviti alate namenjene ekstrakciji vremenskih izraza, kod kojih su preciznost i odziv na visokom nivou i koji se brzo i jednostavno mogu prilagoditi novim zahtevima ili tekstovima drugog domena. Postojanje ovakvog sistema može u velikoj meri uticati na poboljšanje uˇcinka primene mnogih drugih aplikacija iz oblasti jeziˇckih tehnologija (ekstrakcija informacija, pronalaženje informacija, odgovaranje na pitanja, rezimiranje teksta itd.), ali i doprineti oˇcuvanju srpskog jezika u savremenom digitalnom okruženju...People in everyday life use time as a universal reference system, within which, events or states are sequenced one after the other, it is established how long they lasted and it is stated when an event occurred. The meaning of time and the way humans perceive time is reflected in communication, most of all, in linguistic expressions frequently used in everyday speech. Temporal expressions, as natural language phrases which directly refer to time, provide information on when something happened, how long it lasted and how often it occurs. Alongside with the information society development, the amount of freely available digital information has increased, which provides a greater possibility of finding the necessary information, but also affects the complexity of this process, by requiring the use of advanced computer tools and more powerful natural language text processing methods. Having in mind that the meaning of most electronic information can change depending on time expressed in them, it is essential to use tools which can both automatically mark the information related to time and enable the establishment of chronological order of described events. Therefore, it is necessary to develop tools for extraction of temporal expressions with high levels of precision and recall, which can be easily and quickly adapted to new demands and texts from different domains. The existence of such a system can, to a great extent, affect the effectiveness improvement in implementation of many other applications from the field of language technology (information extraction, information retrieval, question answering, text summarization, etc.), but also contribute to the preservation of the Serbian language in the contemporary digital environment..

    Temporal disambiguation of relative temporal expressions in clinical texts using temporally fine-tuned contextual word embeddings.

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    Temporal reasoning is the ability to extract and assimilate temporal information to reconstruct a series of events such that they can be reasoned over to answer questions involving time. Temporal reasoning in the clinical domain is challenging due to specialized medical terms and nomenclature, shorthand notation, fragmented text, a variety of writing styles used by different medical units, redundancy of information that has to be reconciled, and an increased number of temporal references as compared to general domain texts. Work in the area of clinical temporal reasoning has progressed, but the current state-of-the-art still has a ways to go before practical application in the clinical setting will be possible. Much of the current work in this field is focused on direct and explicit temporal expressions and identifying temporal relations. However, there is little work focused on relative temporal expressions, which can be difficult to normalize, but are vital to ordering events on a timeline. This work introduces a new temporal expression recognition and normalization tool, Chrono, that normalizes temporal expressions into both SCATE and TimeML schemes. Chrono advances clinical timeline extraction as it is capable of identifying more vague and relative temporal expressions than the current state-of-the-art and utilizes contextualized word embeddings from fine-tuned BERT models to disambiguate temporal types, which achieves state-of-the-art performance on relative temporal expressions. In addition, this work shows that fine-tuning BERT models on temporal tasks modifies the contextualized embeddings so that they achieve improved performance in classical SVM and CNN classifiers. Finally, this works provides a new tool for linking temporal expressions to events or other entities by introducing a novel method to identify which tokens an entire temporal expression is paying the most attention to by summarizing the attention weight matrices output by BERT models

    Improving Syntactic Parsing of Clinical Text Using Domain Knowledge

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    Syntactic parsing is one of the fundamental tasks of Natural Language Processing (NLP). However, few studies have explored syntactic parsing in the medical domain. This dissertation systematically investigated different methods to improve the performance of syntactic parsing of clinical text, including (1) Constructing two clinical treebanks of discharge summaries and progress notes by developing annotation guidelines that handle missing elements in clinical sentences; (2) Retraining four state-of-the-art parsers, including the Stanford parser, Berkeley parser, Charniak parser, and Bikel parser, using clinical treebanks, and comparing their performance to identify better parsing approaches; and (3) Developing new methods to reduce syntactic ambiguity caused by Prepositional Phrase (PP) attachment and coordination using semantic information. Our evaluation showed that clinical treebanks greatly improved the performance of existing parsers. The Berkeley parser achieved the best F-1 score of 86.39% on the MiPACQ treebank. For PP attachment, our proposed methods improved the accuracies of PP attachment by 2.35% on the MiPACQ corpus and 1.77% on the I2b2 corpus. For coordination, our method achieved a precision of 94.9% and a precision of 90.3% for the MiPACQ and i2b2 corpus, respectively. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved parsing approaches, we applied outputs of our parsers to two external NLP tasks: semantic role labeling and temporal relation extraction. The experimental results showed that performance of both tasks’ was improved by using the parse tree information from our optimized parsers, with an improvement of 3.26% in F-measure for semantic role labelling and an improvement of 1.5% in F-measure for temporal relation extraction

    Generating descriptions that summarize geospatial and temporal data

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    Effective data summarization methods that use AI techniques can help humans understand large sets of data. In this paper, we describe a knowledge-based method for automatically generating summaries of geospatial and temporal data, i.e. data with geographical and temporal references. The method is useful for summarizing data streams, such as GPS traces and traffic information, that are becoming more prevalent with the increasing use of sensors in computing devices. The method presented here is an initial architecture for our ongoing research in this domain. In this paper we describe the data representations we have designed for our method, our implementations of components to perform data abstraction and natural language generation. We also discuss evaluation results that show the ability of our method to generate certain types of geospatial and temporal descriptions

    Report on the 2015 NSF Workshop on Unified Annotation Tooling

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    On March 30 & 31, 2015, an international group of twenty-three researchers with expertise in linguistic annotation convened in Sunny Isles Beach, Florida to discuss problems with and potential solutions for the state of linguistic annotation tooling. The participants comprised 14 researchers from the U.S. and 9 from outside the U.S., with 7 countries and 4 continents represented, and hailed from fields and specialties including computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, speech processing, multi-modal data processing, clinical & medical natural language processing, linguistics, documentary linguistics, sign-language linguistics, corpus linguistics, and the digital humanities. The motivating problem of the workshop was the balkanization of annotation tooling, namely, that even though linguistic annotation requires sophisticated tool support to efficiently generate high-quality data, the landscape of tools for the field is fractured, incompatible, inconsistent, and lacks key capabilities. The overall goal of the workshop was to chart the way forward, centering on five key questions: (1) What are the problems with current tool landscape? (2) What are the possible benefits of solving some or all of these problems? (3) What capabilities are most needed? (4) How should we go about implementing these capabilities? And, (5) How should we ensure longevity and sustainability of the solution? I surveyed the participants before their arrival, which provided significant raw material for ideas, and the workshop discussion itself resulted in identification of ten specific classes of problems, five sets of most-needed capabilities. Importantly, we identified annotation project managers in computational linguistics as the key recipients and users of any solution, thereby succinctly addressing questions about the scope and audience of potential solutions. We discussed management and sustainability of potential solutions at length. The participants agreed on sixteen recommendations for future work. This technical report contains a detailed discussion of all these topics, a point-by-point review of the discussion in the workshop as it unfolded, detailed information on the participants and their expertise, and the summarized data from the surveys

    Time, events and temporal relations: an empirical model for temporal processing of Italian texts

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    The aim of this work is the elaboration a computational model for the identification of temporal relations in text/discourse to be used as a component in more complex systems for Open-Domain Question-Answers, Information Extraction and Summarization. More specifically, the thesis will concentrate on the relationships between the various elements which signal temporal relations in Italian texts/discourses, on their roles and how they can be exploited. Time is a pervasive element of human life. It is the primary element thanks to which we are able to observe, describe and reason about what surrounds us and the world. The absence of a correct identification of the temporal ordering of what is narrated and/or described may result in a bad comprehension, which can lead to a misunderstanding. Normally, texts/discourses present situations standing in a particular temporal ordering. Whether these situations precede, or overlap or are included one within the other is inferred during the general process of reading and understanding. Nevertheless, to perform this seemingly easy task, we are taking into account a set of complex information involving different linguistic entities and sources of knowledge. A wide variety of devices is used in natural languages to convey temporal information. Verb tense, temporal prepositions, subordinate conjunctions, adjectival phrases are some of the most obvious. Nevertheless even these obvious devices have different degrees of temporal transparency, which may sometimes be not so obvious as it can appear at a quick and superficial analysis. One of the main shortcomings of previous research on temporal relations is represented by the fact that they concentrated only on a particular discourse segment, namely narrative discourse, disregarding the fact that a text/discourse is composed by different types of discourse segments and relations. A good theory or framework for temporal analysis must take into account all of them. In this work, we have concentrated on the elaboration of a framework which could be applied to all text/discourse segments, without paying too much attention to their type, since we claim that temporal relations can be recovered in every kind of discourse segments and not only in narrative ones. The model we propose is obtained by mixing together theoretical assumptions and empirical data, collected by means of two tests submitted to a total of 35 subjects with different backgrounds. The main results we have obtained from these empirical studies are: (i.) a general evaluation of the difficulty of the task of recovering temporal relations; (ii.) information on the level of granularity of temporal relations; (iii.) a saliency-based order of application of the linguistic devices used to express the temporal relations between two eventualities; (iv.) the proposal of tense temporal polysemy, as a device to identify the set of preferences which can assign unique values to possibly multiple temporal relations. On the basis of the empirical data, we propose to enlarge the set of classical finely grained interval relations (Allen, 1983) by including also coarse-grained temporal relations (Freska, 1992). Moreover, there could be cases in which we are not able to state in a reliable way if there exists a temporal relation or what the particular relation between two entities is. To overcome this issue we have adopted the proposal by Mani (2007) which allows the system to have differentiated levels of temporal representation on the basis of the temporal granularity associated with each discourse segment. The lack of an annotated corpus for eventualities, temporal expressions and temporal relations in Italian represents the biggest shortcomings of this work which has prevented the implementation of the model and its evaluation. Nevertheless, we have been able to conduct a series of experiments for the validation of procedures for the further realization of a working prototype. In addition to this, we have been able to implement and validate a working prototype for the spotting of temporal expressions in texts/discourses

    Domain-sensitive Temporal Tagging for Event-centric Information Retrieval

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    Temporal and geographic information is of major importance in virtually all contexts. Thus, it also occurs frequently in many types of text documents in the form of temporal and geographic expressions. Often, those are used to refer to something that was, is, or will be happening at some specific time and some specific place – in other words, temporal and geographic expressions are often used to refer to events. However, so far, event-related information needs are not well served by standard information retrieval approaches, which motivates the topic of this thesis: event-centric information retrieval. An important characteristic of temporal and geographic expressions – and thus of two components of events – is that they can be normalized so that their meaning is unambiguous and can be placed on a timeline or pinpointed on a map. In many research areas in which natural language processing is involved, e.g., in information retrieval, document summarization, and question answering, applications can highly benefit from having access to normalized information instead of only the words as they occur in documents. In this thesis, we present several frameworks for searching and exploring document collections with respect to occurring temporal, geographic, and event information. While we rely on an existing tool for extracting and normalizing geographic expressions, we study the task of temporal tagging, i.e., the extraction and normalization of temporal expressions. A crucial issue is that so far most research on temporal tagging dealt with English news-style documents. However, temporal expressions have to be handled in different ways depending on the domain of the documents from which they are extracted. Since we do not want to limit our research to one domain and one language, we develop the multilingual, cross-domain temporal tagger HeidelTime. It is the only publicly available temporal tagger for several languages and easy to extend to further languages. In addition, it achieves state-of-the-art evaluation results for all addressed domains and languages, and lays the foundations for all further contributions developed in this thesis. To achieve our goal of exploiting temporal and geographic expressions for event-centric information retrieval from a variety of text documents, we introduce the concept of spatio-temporal events and several concepts to "compute" with temporal, geographic, and event information. These concepts are used to develop a spatio-temporal ranking approach, which does not only consider textual, temporal, and geographic query parts but also two different types of proximity information. Furthermore, we adapt the spatio-temporal search idea by presenting a framework to directly search for events. Additionally, several map-based exploration frameworks are introduced that allow a new way of exploring event information latently contained in huge document collections. Finally, an event-centric document similarity model is developed that calculates document similarity on multilingual corpora solely based on extracted and normalized event information